Dirty Little Boys

By Marky Rickitt

Published on Jan 23, 2007


OK, so it has been ages since I have written anything, not through lack of inspiration, but through lack of time. Over worked, underpaid, lol. Sorry to everyone who keeps asking me to finish some of my other stories; they will have further parts added as soon as I can! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this story. As the title suggests, it is about little boys being dirty. If you don't like reading about young boys being sexual in a very hardcore nature, why are you on this website? If, however, you do like this subject- feel free to email me at markyrickitt@hotmail.com. Remember to include the title of this story as your subject line. If you would like a list with links to my other 40 or so stories to date, please just ask.

Themes in this story include: Incest, Preteen, Piss, Scat, Mud, Public.


It all started when Willem was allowed to take a friend on holiday with him. His parents owned a small summer cottage on the coast of England and they were going to spend a couple of weeks there during the summer. There was no choice in the matter as to who he would ask, it had to be his best friend in the whole world, Zayden. Zayden was a few months older than Willem, putting them at eight and seven. They would have to share their room at the cottage with Willem's four-year-old brother, Cohen. Willem was used to having Cohen around; after all, they shared a room at home and got along just fine.

Their holiday couldn't come quickly enough, and the last few weeks of school dragged by for the two older boys. By the last day of school and the day before they would leave, they were so hyped about it, that Zayden ended up staying over with Willem so they could leave extra early in the morning.

The drive to the coast was only 90 minutes, and the instant they arrived, the boys leaped from the car and ran for the soft sand of the beach. Being several miles along the coast from the main public beaches, this stretch of sand was deserted and, as he had done since a baby, Willem stripped naked, dropping his clothes as he ran down the sand into the cool salty water. While Zayden's family were a little more inhibited when it came to nudity, he wasn't exactly shy about exposing his body. Seeing Willem's freedom, Zayden followed suit by stripping his clothes and dumping them in a pile at the high tide mark. He chased after Willem, who was stood in the shallows, and as he reached him, Willem turned suddenly and pushed Zayden over into an oncoming wave. Zayden sat up in the water and stared at Willem, his long, dirty blond hair plastered down over his shocked face, making Willem laugh. He grabbed a hand full of wet sand and threw it at Willem, catching him square on the chest. It dribbled down his smooth skin, around and then into his belly button and then down over his cock. The cold water made his balls tighten and cock twitch. He lent over and scooped up his own hand full of sand and walked over to Zayden and slowly let the sand pour through his hands over his head. The sand was almost the same colour as Zayden's hair, which Willem had always envied. His was dark brown, and spiked. Zayden jumped up and wrestled Willem to the floor. The boys were well matched and often play wrestled, never really getting the better of each other. They rolled over in the water, splashing up sand and water, neither boy managing to get a good grip on the other as their smooth wet skin slipped under the others hands. When the boys separated for a few seconds, Willem glanced down at Zayden's crotch and started to laugh. Between his legs, Zayden was sporting an erection, his stiff cock standing perfectly upright against his pubic region. His hard cock was about 4 inches long and ended with about half and inch of excess foreskin.

"What you laughing at ass wipe? Bet you can't get a stiffy!" challenged Zayden.

To which Willem replied "Can too! I'm always getting them"

"Come on then, show me, if you can..."

Willem reached down and pulled back his foreskin, exposing his small purple glans. He rubbed his hand over his crotch, making himself hard for his friend to see. Within seconds his cock was arching upwards, pointing out from his body.

To Willem, Zayden's cock looked bigger then his; to Zayden, Willem's cock looked the larger of the two. Neither wanted to state that, but both wanted to know the difference between their cocks.

"Who's is bigger?" enquired Zayden.

Willem stepped forward and tentatively took hold of Zayden's stiff prick, pulling down to a 90 degree angle from his body. He pushed his down to the same angle and pressed them together side by side. Both boys had the same size cock, but it was clear that Zayden had a thicker one. Also his cock had a slight curve to the right, while Willem's stiff little dick couldn't be straighter. Willem let go of Zayden's cock and it flicked back up against his body.

Suddenly Zayden grabbed Willem and wrestled him back down into the sea. Willem could feel Zayden's hard cock poking into his side as he brought him down. Willem kinda let him, enjoying the feel of his friends prick against his skin. He reached down and grabbed it as they tumbled over in the sand and water and Zayden followed his example. Continuing to roll in the water, the boys rubbed each others stiff cocks and suddenly Zayden started to moan and shudder and a dry orgasm spread through his body. As it subsided, Zayden laid back in the sea, letting the water wash over his body. Still his cock was stiff as a board, laying flat against his body.

The boys ran up the beach until they reached the dry sand. They flopped down to dry out. Both boys still had hardons. Zayden grabbed a hand full of dry sand and began to let it fall through his hand over Willem's cock and balls. The sand stuck to his wet skin. Willem knelt and, sliding his hands under Zayden, rolled him over, liking the way his skin looked covered in sand. when Zayden stood, the excess sand fell from him, leaving a coating of sand all over him.

Zayden then did something Willem wasn't expecting. Taking hold of his stiff cock, he prised it downward, aiming it at Willem's sand-covered legs and started to pee. As the sand washed from his legs the boys started to laugh. Willem shoved Zayden over, making his piss spray all over the place. Standing over Zayden's sandy body, Willem pushed his hard cock downwards and started to piss over his friend. As his piss splattered down on Zayden, Willem watched as he exposed the smooth white skin. He started on Zayden's belly, letting large clear area form. As it splashed, the piss also cleared little circles on Zayden's chest and thighs. A pool formed in his belly button and then a stream down round his crotch and balls. Willem re-aimed his cock at Zayden's crotch and began washing sand from his cock and balls, exposing his stiff cock to the sun again. Willem redirected his stream yet again, moving up to Zayden's chest. As he sprayed the last of his piss, Willem's hard cock slipped free of his hand and flicked up into the air, sending and uncontrolled gush of piss up over Zayden's face, his hair and then onto the sand above his head. As the stream subsided, Zayden got a second dose of piss on his face, but this time his mouth was open from laughing and he got a mouth full of hot piss from his friend.

Willem fell to the floor, laughing at their piss game. The boys laid in the sun, letting the piss-soaked sand dry before having to go back to the cottage. As the boys changed in the bedroom, Willem was sure he could smell piss on them, but didn't care. He just wished they didn't have to go to his Dad's friends house tonight for a meal tonight; there would be no chance for fun with Zayden until they got back tonight. Even then there would be Cohen about and they couldn't do stuff in front of him...

markyrickitt@hotmail.com (remember to include the title of this story!)

Next: Chapter 2

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