Dirty Boys

By moc.loa@ogriveibmorcrebA

Published on Aug 4, 2006


I changed Cody's name to Brooklyn. Sorry about that readers. Oh yeah, I had originally created yet another fictional townity (town and city mixed together) and I decided to change the setting to Las Vegas. Viva Las Vegas baby!

"Brook, you have to be the most stupidest smart guy I have ever met," Cameron said to me. I looked at him.

"Stupidest smart guy?" I asked him amused. He sighed.

"We all know that you are a smart guy," He said to me. "Too smart for you own good. After all, you did convince men in there thirties to fuck you."

"Okay, and how am I stupid?" I asked him as we sat in the booth of Mcdonald's.

"You have a fucking hot Italian stallion that wants to go out with you," He said to me. "Meanwhile, I am still a virgin. It pisses me off that all the good stuff to happens to great people but then we they have a blessing they don't wanna take it."

"Cam," I said to him. "Aren't you being a little over dramatic? I mean this is Nick Macari we are talking about here not the boy-next-door. He is all about sex."

"You were all about sex," He said to me. I nodded.

"I was all about sex," I said to him. "However, things change. I have changed, Cameron. I am not the same guy I was sophomore year. I am looking for a boyfriend."

"So is Nick," He said in exasperation.

"No, Nick is looking for a boyfriend to fuck on a regular basis," I said to him. "Are you telling me that if we weren't friends and you knew my past you wouldn't try to get with me just so you could fuck me and cum."

"Did you forget who you were talking to?" He asked me and I threw a fry at him. "Of course, I'd try to get with you. Dude, you are legendary."

"For all the wrong reasons," I said to him. "I blew the football team and half the soccer team last year. I am not interested in Nick Macari."

"You're not or you don't wanna be?" He asked me. I sighed and stood up. This conversation was really making me mad and I was starting to question my real feelings.

"Both," I said to him. "Let's go."

Trey Overton life is a lie. And I am not talking about the fact that he was "Down-low" and was messing with guys while he still had a girlfriend that he claimed to love. I am talking about his look. He was one of the richest people in Vegas but at the same time he was the poorest. You see his dad was a cop and he busted a lot of drug raids. This was where Trey came in at. Trey would eventually sell the drugs that his dad stole from the drug raids. In the past nineteen years Jimmy Overton spent on the force, the past three years Trey spent selling weed, coke, speed, E, and whatever else there was. Which is where Trey was right now. On the corner. Selling drugs. His dad had came into a big shipment of coke so he was selling all he could. But it is rather dumb to have about 12,ooo bucks on you especially when you are in a bad part of town.

"Another day of hard work finished," Trey said as he headed to the end of the alley.

"Hey," A voice yelled at him. Trey sighed and turned around.

"I'm closed," Trey said with a sigh. He gasped as he saw a gun.

"You might wanna open shop," He said to Trey. Trey sighed and folded his arms.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked the guy.

"Um...got any coke?" The guy asked him. Trey nodded. "Damn, I forgot how he said to do it."

"Wait a sec," Trey said. "Is this your first..."

"Um...yea," The guy said rubbing his head. Trey busted out laughing.

"Is that gun even real?" Trey asked him. The guy examined.

"Um...." He accidentally pulled the trigger and shot himself in the shoulder.

"Oh my god," Trey said as the guy dropped to the ground.

"I guess...it...is real," He said as Trey looked around.

"Um...I never was here," He said taking a step back. "Do you think you are gonna die?"

"No, I think I will be..."

"Good," Trey said running off. He came back. "Here is a gram of coke." He took back off.

"For my first hold up...I did pretty good," The guy said to himself as he stood up.

Chad Wallace led a wild life. He was always the life a party, which is probably why he was streaking right now. We all did things when we were drunk but the sad thing was that he wasn't drunk. He was very much so sober.

"Whoa," Gray said as he saw a naked Chad run past him.

"Hey Man," Chad yelled out to him. Chad ran back towards him.

"Um...hi," Gray said to him. He had to will himself not to look down at the naked guy although everything told him to do so.

"Yeah, I don't care if you wanna look," Chad said to him. "I am pretty much an exhibitionist as you can see."

"Yeah, I can tell," Gray said to him. "Nothing wrong with letting it all hang out."

"I like how you think my man," Chad said stretching. Even though Chad said it was okay, Gray still fought the urge to look down. Chad noticed boxes. "Now, I live like six houses down from you and I have never seen you here before. So I am assuming you just moved in."

"Yeah, today in fact," Gray said to him. "I'm Gray smith."

"Chad Wallace," He said to him. Gray rubbed his arm where a mosquito had bit him.

"Well, Chad, I would invite you into my house but you're...naked," Gray said to him. Chad laughed.

"What grade are you in dude?" He asked him. Gray sighed.

"Well, since I am here I got knocked back a grade because credits don't add up so I am repeating junior year," He said to him. Chad lit up.

"Cool, so am I," He said to him. "Hey, they are doing some assembly thing at the school so we can learn all about the testing they are doing this year. I can swing by and we can go together. I'll introduce you to all of our friends."

"Sounds cool man," Gray said to him. He took a pen out of his pocket and grabbed Chad's hand. "Call me an hour before it's time to go."

"Can do," Chad said to him. "See you tomorrow."

"You too," Gray said and watched him run off into the night. He blushed when Chad looked back. But he quickly waved and rushed into his house. Once the door was locked, he ran up to his bedroom while the memory of Chad Wallace was still fresh in his head.

"Did you guys hear about that thug that shot himself yesterday in an alley?" I asked Trey and Cameron as we stood in the gym getting pamphlets for the different testing.

"Um...no," Trey said trying to act casual. "What did you hear?"

"I heard he was getting some drugs off some drug addict pusher," Cameron said and Trey cleared his throat. "Do you know how sad it is when someone has to sell drugs to make a living? I think it is pathetic."

"It's not pathetic," Trey said suddenly and we both looked at him.

"Wow, who would've thought you were into pushers and their customers," I said to him as Chad walked up to us with someone behind him.

"Hey fags," He said to us. I smiled at him.

"Back at ya dude," I said to him. I looked past him. "Who the hell are you?"

"Gr...Gray," he said slightly nervous. He was cute but he looked like he just walked out of an Abercrombie or Hollister magazine.

"Well, I am Brook and don't make any jokes about how it is a girl name cuz it's not," I said to him as I shook his hand.

"It is," Trey said to him. "I'm Trey but they call me Trey Dog."

"No one has called you Trey dog since seventh grade," Chad said to him.

"Well...now would be a good time to start back," Trey replied.

"Okay, I am Cameron," He said shaking his hand. "Cam or Cameron."

"The virgin of the group," Chad said and Cameron punched him in the arm. "Sorry! He is just waiting for the right guy or girl."

"Guy?" Gray echoed. I sighed.

"Chad's brain is slightly slower than his mouth so things tend to come out before he actually thinks," I said to him. "But we are all gay."

"Straight," Trey said while Cameron and Chad said, "Bi."

"What straight guy do you know that hangs around a gay guy and his two bi best friends?" I asked him.

"You can't even tell you are gay," Trey said and then started pouting. Gray looked shocked.

"That's not a problem is it, man?" Cameron asked him. We all looked at him.

"A problem?" Gray asked laughing. "No because I am gay too."

"Wow, we found another," Chad said and Gray gave him a confused look.

"Ignore him," I said shaking my head. I felt someone behind me and I turned to see Nick.

"Hey Brook," He said to me. I sighed and I heard Cameron whisper something.

"Hey Nick," I said flashing him a small smile. I really needed to avoid talking to him.

"Hey guys," He said to the others. "Um...Brook can I give you a ride home so we can talk?"

"Oh, Cameron and I carpooled," I said to him. "I left my car at his house and I..."

"Can pick it up later," Cameron said pushing me into Nick. We were a little close. I smiled and backed away.

"I guess I can pick it up later," I said flashing a dark look at Cameron.

"Great," Nick said his face lighting up. I allowed him to walk ahead so he'd be out of earshot.

"I am gonna kill you in your sleep," I muttered as I followed Nick.

"Are they going out?" Gray asked him. Cameron smiled.

"Eventually," He said to him. "Eventually."

Nick cleared his throat. I guess he was waiting for me to say something.

"Brook...Um...How are you?" He asked me. I sighed. I guess he was going for small talk.

"Fine," I said keeping it simple. "You?"

"Yeah, same here," He said and then things got quiet. Then..."So you Um...Ready for school to get back in?"

"You sound like one of my parent's clients," I said to him. "Nick, why did you want me to ride home with you? You said you wanted to talk. I hope this isn't your idea of talking."

"No," He said to me. "Of course not."

"Then what is it?" I asked him getting impatient. I knew what he wanted to talk about and I just wanted to get it out there.

"I told your friend that I like you," He said to me with a sigh. "Did they tell you anything?"

"I might've heard something here or there," I said to him.

"Well...I like you," He said to me. I shrugged.

"Okay," I said to him.

"Okay..." He said to me. He looked at me and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked him trying to play dumb.

"Do you like me back?" He asked me. I sighed and looked at him with a blank look.

"I really don't think about you a lot," I said to him.

"You are fucking lying," He said to me. "I have seen you check me out."

"Nick, come on, we both know you are hot," I said to him. "Of course, I would check you out. So what else makes you think I like you?"

"You wouldn't have accepted this ride from me," He said to me.

"Fine," I said to him. "Maybe I like you but that doesn't mean anything is gonna happen between us."

"Why not?" He asked me. I sighed.

"Nick, I am sure you have heard about what kind of person I was last year and the year before that," I said to him. "The only reason you like me is because of what you heard I could do. I am not the same person I was last year."

"And I am not like that," he said to me. "Brook, every time I see you my heart skips a beat. When I see you smile, I smile. I watch you walk and I wish I could follow in every step you take. You are all I think about, You are all I dream about. I just really like you a lot. I don't give a fuck about who you were just who you are."

"I don't know if..." I began but he leaned over and kissed me. He pulled away from me and looked at me with a sideways glance.

"Now do you know if?" He asked me and I looked into his eyes. I could see that he seemed to care about me. But I....

"Nick...Can you just take me home? Please?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Whatever," He said putting the car back into drive.

Gray sat with Cameron on his patio in the back.

"So where are you from, Man?" Cameron asked Gray.

"North Carolina," Gray said to him. "A state full of rednecks and country hicks."

"Well, pardner, you are a long way from farms and lighthouses," Cameron said in a country accent. Gray laughed.

"There weren't too many farms by where I lived at and we were like 3 hours from the light houses." Gray said and leapt into the pool. He swam to the end and back and then rested his head on the edge.

"So what made you to Nevada of all places?" Cameron asked him.

"Well...My dad found out I was dating this guy and made us break up," Gray said to him. "I was fifteen and he was 17. Anyway, we kept seeing each other but eventually he found out again and decided we were gonna move to California. Well, he decided to move Nevada because my uncle owns a Casino Here."

"Damn," Cameron said to him. "Can you say jack pot?"

Gray laughed again. "I didn't think I'd make friends this quickly."

"Well, we are a pretty cool bunch," Cameron said to him. "We are the most popular guys in school."

"So what is your stories?" Gray asked him. "You all seem so different yet you all are best friends?"

"Yep," Cameron said with a shrug. "As the big mouth Chad yelled out, I am a virgin. Not because no one wants to have sex with me or anything like that. Just haven't found the right person yet. Chad...he lives by the moment. He does whatever he wants and worries about consequences...never. He is the life of the party pretty much so nothing is really dull around him. Trey is a mystery. We all think he might be gay or bi cuz he hangs around us most of the time. But he seems like he is hiding something. I don't know."

"And Brook?" Gray asked him. "You said him and that guy aren't an item."

"Nick?" Cameron asked him. "Well, no, they aren't an item. But have you seen to people that like each other but one is playing hard to get. Nick is pursuing Brook but Brook is playing hard to get. But I am sure they will hook up soon."

"Oh," Gray said to him. Cameron looked at him.

"You like Brook?" Cameron asked with a sly smile.

"Wha...No," Gray said to him. "I just met the kid. I can't like someone I don't know."

"That's why a crush is a crush," Cameron said to him. "If I didn't think Brook and Nick belonged together I'd help you get closer to him."

"Well, what is his story?" Gray asked him. Cameron sighed.

"Well...Brook....Is definitely not a virgin and he is probably in the ranks of a porn star when it comes to sex partners," Cameron said and Gray's eyes bulged out.

"Whoa," He said covering his mouth.

"Okay, that was an exaggeration," Cameron said. "Anyway, he just went through a rebellion period when his parents divorced. A real bad rebellion period that he is ashamed of. But he has came to grips with it and he is ashamed of the person he was. I think that is why he is so afraid of getting close to Nick. He is afraid Nick only likes him for sex."

"That's deep," Gray said swimming around in the pool.

"Gray, I am gonna give you insight to the people that live around here," Cameron said to him. Gray climbed out of the pool. "Everyone hears has something to hide. Some more so than others. Be careful what you know because sometimes it good to be in the dark about certain stuff." Gray looked at Cameron who had this ominous look on his face.

"Okay," Gray said with a confused look.

Trey walked into the hospital room of the guy who shot him. He was handcuffed to the bed. Evidently, they had found the drugs.

"Hey," Trey said as the guy opened his eyes. He looked at Trey weird but it dawned him.

"Hey, I know you," He said to him. "You're the guy that gave me the drugs."

"Yeah, and we need to keep that between us," Trey said to him. The guy leaned over.

"It'll be our little secrets," He said to him.

"They must have you doped up on some serious meds," Trey said to him. The guy laughed.

"So why did you come to see me?" The guy asked him. Trey thought about it for a second.

"Just to see if you were okay," he said standing up. He leaned forward. "And if I even hear that the police found out I was connected you are gonna wish that bullet killed you. Are clear?"

The guy nodded dumbly at him. Trey flashed him a smile.

"Great," He said to him. "And I would tell you to ease up on the drugs but if I gave that kind of advice I'd lose customers." He walked out of the room leaving a stunned doped up guy.

"You are seriously no fun," Chad said to me as he drove us home. We went to see Ricky bobby with Will ferrell. "I mean you barely laughed at the movie."

"Maybe because it was funny," I said with a small smile. He scoffed.

"You thought mean girls were good," Chad said and I laughed.

"You are telling me watching a group of girls turn on each other like Iraqis turning on Sadaam isn't funny?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"You are thinking about Nick aren't you?" He asked me after we got quiet again.

"Why does everyone think I always have him on my mind?" I asked him.

"If not him, what are you thinking about?" Chad asked me. I sighed and growled in frustration.

"Fine," I said throwing my hands in the air. "I am thinking about Nick Macari. Are you happy now?"

"Why are you making this harder than it is?" Chad asked me. "He likes you. You like him. Get with him and end the drama."

"You know his rep, Chad," I said in frustration. "He is a player."

"And I know your rep," He said to me. "How do you know that he wants you for that?"

"How do I not know?" I asked him. "I made mistakes in my life. I made bad choices. I don't want someone who wants to be my fuck buddy. I had plenty of those."

"Yes, I was one," Chad said and I smiled.

"In your dreams," I said and I laughed. "Chad...Nick would be the first person...." I trailed off.

"Oh," Chad said after he thought about it. "Your first boyfriend."

"I have pretty much had affairs," I said to him. "That's it."

"Then let Nick be your first," Chad said and I looked at the window. We were so busy arguing I hadn't noticed where we were.

"CHAD!" I yelled out. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Stop punishing yourself and go get the guy that you want," Chad said reaching over and opening my door.

"Chad," I whined but he shook his head.

"Get out before I push you out," He warned with a smile. I sighed and climbed out of the car. He drove off as I walked up the sidewalk and knocked on his door.

"You better not be a Jehovah's Witness because I will shoot," He said opening the door to see a nervous me. "Oh...Brook?"

"I'm scared," I said to him. "I don't want to get into something and get hurt. I don't want a relationship like my parents where I am unhappy. I just want to know that you are not just trying to get with me so you can fuck me."

"I am not trying to get with you to fuck you," He said with a smile. He leaned forward and kissed me. "Did that do anything to make you understand?"

"I don't like feeling this way," I said to him. "I don't like feeling scared and nervous because I have always been self-confidant. But our reputations..."

"Yes, we both have bad reputations but we can fix them through and for each other because I really want to get to know you," He said to me. "I want you to go out with me."

"Okay," I said and beamed. He wrapped me into a hug. "Down boy. I can't breathe."

"Sorry," He said pulling away from me. "You wanna come in and watch some television. Just chill?"

"I should be getting home," I said walking down the steps. "I'll call you."

"I'll give you a ride home," He said to me. I smiled at him.

"I'd like that," I said to him as he walked me to his car and opened the door for me.

I was happy. I had a boyfriend. But who knew that this would be another one of my decision that I'd soon regret.

Living is a path that some don't take. Some don't take it because they are afraid of what lies ahead. Sometimes we are so blinded by what is happening in the present that we don't see what lies ahead in the future. We are to focused on the now that we don't worry about the later. And that is the deadliest thing of all.

What do you think of Dirty Boys? Like it? Hate it? Want more? Lemme know what you think.

In episode 3, Brook discovers Nick isn't out to his friends and grows upset when Nick develops a fan club of girls. Cameron develops a crush on a boy at his school but Gray also seems to like this guy. Chad's parents go away and he decides to host a party where things get out of hand when a former customer of Trey's attends the party.

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