
By andy t

Published on Dec 30, 2000


Yet again, usual rules apply. Don't read if you're under eighteen You know where you are, so don't read if it is illegal there Don't read if funky butt-sex between two teen boys isn't your thing

************************************************************************ I started this, what's yours is mine, and mine is mine, that's plain to see so give it up. I've got to have what someone else would spit it out, would leave behind, let go to waste, I claim as mine. You're my flavor of the week. Tall and reckless, ugly seed, right down my throat you filthy bird that's all I need. This empty pit, I've got feed, to prove I'm fit a healthy man, I've got to be. Ejaculation, tribulation. I SWALLOW, I SWALLOW, I SWALLOW!!!

"Be Aggressive" by Faith No More ***********************************************************************

Morning came early. Both boys had the post-party depression that usually accompanies over doing it on the alcohol. The smell of coffee filled the air, meaning that Nate's father had indeed come home. Nate nudged Eric, trying to wake him. He had to find out what had happened last night. Bits and pieces were all he could remember. The vodka they drank served well as a memory eraser. He pushed Jarret again, getting a slow muffled response. Still alive, that's a bonus, Nate thought.

The phone started ringing somewhere from inside the room. Nate looked up to try and locate it, but it was buried somewhere among the wreckage. Wreckage? What the fuck did I do last night, Nate asked himself. The phone stopped after four rings. Dad must have got it. There was a light knock at the door, and it slowly opened.

"Telephone, Nate," his Dad said, walking inside, and surveying the damage. "What the hell happened in here? I leave for the night and you wreck the place" He was obviously agitated, but he had seen the room look much worse.

Nate crawled out of bed, stirring Jarret into some form of existence. Trying to stand, a misplaced foot brought him to the floor with a resounding thud. Hey, he thought, there's the phone.

"We'll talk about this later, meanwhile, I'm gonna make breakfast if you two are hungry," his father said, sounding pissed, and he turned and walked out.

"Yeah, we'll be down soon," he replied as he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"CHEWY!!, what took so fucking long?," came the voice over the other end, speaking at an obscenely loud volume.

"Hey Cody, sorry about last night," he apologized, wondering how anyone could sound so chipper, after being drunk so long.

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling. It's all good."

"What do you mean it's all good?," Nate asked. He had been sifting through the wreckage of his room when he came across the shirt he was wearing the night before. It was totally ruined. Well, there goes sixty bucks, he thought. Better not let Dad see it.

"I mean that Eric has absolutely no idea what happened. He thinks it was some of the mooks in Sterling. He doesn't remember even being at my house at all, let alone getting his ass kicked by you. So it's all good."

"That's good, I think. How is he?"

"Well, Javon and Carlito said that you broke his nose, fractured his orbital bone, and knocked out some teeth, not to mention about twenty stitches."

"Shit, is he gonna be able to play ball?"

"Let me put it to you this way, you had better learn every defensive scheme real quick, cause for the first time in school history, there will be two freshmen starting on varsity."

Nate was speechless, not just from the sudden promotion, but because of what he had did. He had thrown tantrums and lost his temper before, but never to this degree.

"Yo, Chewy, you still there?", came Cody's voice from the phone.

"Yeah, I'm here, and just a little stunned to say the least. And why the fuck are you calling me Chewy?"

Cody started laughing loudly on the other end, "Because as we all ran out of the house, as you were activating Eric's dental plan, you bellowed like Chewbacca getting raped by a donkey, that's why."

Nate groaned. He knew that not only would he constantly be reminded of last night, he also knew that he would forever be known as Chewy.

"Well dude, I'm gonna let you go, just wanna let you know that you were in the clear. I'm gonna finish picking up the house and washing blood off of the sidewalk. I'm having people over tonight. If you and your buddy wanna stop over feel free, I'm sure you'll both get laid. That Heather chick digs you and she will be here."

Nate slyly grinned to himself.

"Anyway", Cody continued,"stop by after nine, unless you two would rather fuck each other. Gotta go man. See ya"

Nate hung up the phone and looked at Jarret, who had finally managed to make himself vertical, albeit after a lengthy struggle. "Unless you'd rather fuck each other." Those words were echoing inside his head. That's the second time Cody had said that. Were they that obvious? Could people see? They couldn't possibly know, could they? Nate was snapped into reality when he heard Jarret in the bathroom taking a piss that he guessed had lasted a good three minutes.

"Was that Cody?", Jarret asked. His voice very hushed, so has not to aggravate his already pounding head.


"What did he want?", he asked, laying down on the bed and ever so carefully resting his head on the waiting pillow.

Nate filled him in on the conversation. His father called from downstairs, saying that breakfast was ready. They searched through the destroyed lair that was Nate's bedroom for clothes. Jarret eventually found his clothes, but they were caked with third generation blood stains, so he decided on a pair of Nates sweatpants.

As they entered the kitchen, Nate's father eyed them suspiciously, knowing exactly why they looked like they did. Well, not exactly, but he knew that they had gone out drinking.

"I see that you two celebrated your promotion last night," said Nates father, stating the obvious. The boys shot each other a quick glance, knowing they were busted. Nate walked over to the counter next to his father and poured two large glasses of orange juice. Neither of them were all that hungry, given their current state, but Nates father had insisted that they eat the food he had prepared. Nate handed Jarret his glass of OJ and sat next to him. Both were nursing their citrus goodness when Nate's dad set a heaping plate of food in front of each of them.

Both boys picked at their food, awaiting the verbal rampage that was sure to come their way. They were surprised at what came instead.

"I understand why you two partied last night, I would be a hypocrite if I said I never did anything like that," his dad started, "but understand, that you are responsible for your own actions. If you get into any trouble, don't bother to call me. If you go to jail, I hope you like the food, cause you are staying there." He was staring right at his son, making sure that he heard every word. Nate heard, but kept looking at his food, not making eye contact.

`That said," he continued, "Congratulations, are in order. When is the first game?"

"Friday." They said in unison.

"Hmmm. Well, I'm probably going to be working late, hopefully I'll be able to catch the second half. Do you think you'll get any playing time?"

Jarret started to laugh, and choked some of his eggs. Nate smacked him in the back, clearing his airway. He had started laughing too.

"Am I missing something?" Nate's father asked.

"Um, yeah", Nate told him, "that was Cody who called. He's our qb. I guess last night somebody beat up Eric Taylor last night. He's the starting linebacker." He looked at Jarret, feeling guilty for lying to his father. "Anyway, he said that Eric would be out for awhile, so I guess that I'm starting now."

"Wow, I'm definitely leaving early then," his father said, obviously proud. "My boss can go tell hell. My boy is starting!" He was grinning from ear to ear, brimming with pride.

They all sat around the table talking, until after noon. The boys hangovers had ebbed, and they were both feeling much better. After dad had left, all evidence of the previous nights exploits were discarded into the trash. Feeling better, they decided that a shower was long over due. Within seconds, they were stark naked, and headed to the bathroom.

Nate adjusted the temperature, and both boys stepped in under the warm cascading flow. The stream of water splashed over their embracing bodies. Hands roamed, groped, and caressed as their lips were locked in an airtight kiss. The kissed broke, and they took turns lathering and washing each others bodies. Each spending extra precious time on the others erected loins. They rinsed off and dried. For what Nate wanted, the shower would not provide enough room.

"Let's go to my room."

"Why not here?"

"You'll see!" Nate said, with a gleam in his eye.

Jarret left for the bedroom as Nate searched the medicine chest. There it is. He grabbed the Vaseline and followed Jarret to the other room.

Jarret laid down on the bed. Nate walked in and tossed him the tub of lube.

"What's this for?"

"I wanna feel you from the inside."

He opened the tub, and scooped out a large portion, covering Jarret's swollen shaft. They traded spots, Nate laying on his back and lifted his legs, exposing his virgin hole to his lover.

"Are you sure about this'" Jarret asked, as he smeared Nate's love hole with the slippery substance. Nate tensed slightly, as the foreign fingers tickled him gently.

"Do it or I'll explode," he replied, feeling like he truly would. "Just go slow."

Jarret nodded in understanding. He grabbed a free pillow and placed it under Nate's hips, giving himself a better angle for entry. He positioned himself closer, and placed the tip of his penis at the opening of Nate's waiting entrance. He applied a small amount of pressure, slowly pushing himself in. Nate's hips bucked involuntarily as the foreign object penetrated his usually exit-only orifice. Jarret stopped his entry and asked if Nate was OK.

"Yeah I'm fine, keep going," he ordered.

Jarret resumed his efforts, and after a few minutes, he was finally in all the way. Nate's face was fixed in a grimace somewhere between ecstasy and sheer pain.

"Do it", was all he said.

Jarret slowly began pumping in and out of his lovers tightness. Never before had he felt something this exquisite. He was moaning with pleasure, Nate responded with his own grunts and groans as his body finally accepted the intruder. Jarret's cock massaging his prostate had brought Nate's penis to full attention, which he was stroking with the rhythm of their motion. Jarret picked up his pace, circling his hips, grinding against Nate's body. The energy was flowing back and forth, from one to the other. Jarret sensed Nate's excitement reach its peak, and began thrusting harder and harder, the stirring in his loins rising to release itself. Nate eagerly pressed himself tight against him. That act of wanton desire made Jarret explode.

He screamed in holy bliss as he emptied himself inside his lover, who held him in as he reached his own powerful climax. Jarret collapsed on top of Nate's body, his slowly deflating penis remaining inside. Nate's spilled seed formed a seal between them.

"That was fucking awesome," Jarret said, gasping breathlessly. His legs were still trembling.

"You're telling me? That felt great once I got used to it. I thought I really was going to explode."

They kissed again, bringing an end to their romp, and showered separately, as Nate's father would be returning sometime soon. Jarret left for home to get clean clothes. Nate stayed home, hurrying to get his chores done before his father got home. He put the last of the dishes away seconds before his father walked in the door, carrying a load of groceries.

"There's a few more bags in the car, you wanna get them for me?" he asked/ordered.

Nate retrieved the last of the groceries and he and his father set about putting them away. After they had finished, the elder Mathers walked to the fridge and grabbed two beers. "Two?" Nate thought to himself. His father approached him, beer in hand, and handed him one. Nate took it, unable to believe that he was about to have a beer with his old man. They each cracked their beer, waiting for the other to say something. Old Man Mathers finally broke the silence.

"Nathan, I'm sorry I don't spend more time with you. I've been trying like hell to get to get my practice up and going."

"Yeah I know." Nate said.

"I meant it when I said I'd be at your game. I'm so proud that you. And Jarret for that matter. I know you are both gonna do well," he continued, taking a long pull off of his beer. "I only got to play if we had a good lead, it really blows my mind that you are starting."

"I'm only starting cause Eric got his ass kicked." Nate interrupted. He really didn't want his dad getting sentimental right now.

"Yeah, but you would have got some playing time, regardless. And you would be the starter next year." Pa Mathers pointed out.

"True." Nate conceded. Jarret walked in right then, and stopped when he say the Mathers men drinking.

"Hi Jarret," Pa Mathers chirped, "want a beer?" He offered.

Jarret, not really sure if he was serious, declined.

"So what's on the agenda tonight, fellas?"

"I think we're going over to Cody's to hang out for a while, after that we'll probably just come back here."

"Well, be careful. Don't get beat up like that other kid." Mr. Mather's unknowingly warned.

Both boys laughed, causing Nate to spray beer out of his nose. Which in turn made his eyes water from the burning sensation of the alcohol.

"I'm serious you two, it's not funny. Just be careful. And remember what I said this morning."

They nodded and headed out, stealing a couple of beers for the walk. They walked slowly to Cody's house, waving to a couple of cars that had the same destination. They entered the house to a round of greetings from faces that were familiar, but names that were not.

"Evening fellas," Cody bellowed, as he bounded down the stairs.

"Hey Cody," they said in unison. They had been doing that more and more lately.

"Beer is in the fridge, hope you like Heineken. It was on sale, so I got a bunch of it."

"Yeah, Heiny's fine," Jarret replied, as turned and walked to the kitchen to fetch the beers.

"Have a seat Chewy, mi casa.. yada yada," Cody offered, pointing to the couch, and its single occupant. A girl whose name he couldn't remember, but looked familiar. He groaned audibly at his new moniker, and instead sat on the vacant love seat. Jarret returned from the kitchen and sat next to him, handing over a beer. Cody eyed them a little suspiciously, trying to hide his smile.

More people eventually arrived. They sat around joking and laughing, many of them good naturedly ribbing Nate about what happened the night before. He took it all in stride, although he still felt an inkling of guilt.

"Let's play a game." Said the girl from the couch, whose name, Nate found out, was Heather. Heather. She must be the Heather that Cody had mentioned to him, he thought. God I hope she doesn't try anything funky.

The group agreed, and made their way to the kitchen. Heather sat at the head of the table. She instantly grabbed a chair and offered it to Nate. He reluctantly agrees, and took his seat. Heather immediately started talking, and to Nate's dismay, never seemed to stop.

They decided on playing "Asshole", a card game that assign it's players ranks. The highest is the president, the loser of each hand becomes the asshole. Each player is allowed to order their respective subordinates to drink at any time. Nate and Jarret, neither of whom had played before, were the low men. Jarret the asshole.

The game progressed and everyone proceeded to get bombed. Nate let loose enough that he finally answered Heather's mindless babble with actual statement, rather than just nods and grunts. He found that they had allot in common with her. Both of their mothers had died, both loved Stephen King and they both liked the same music among other things. They had become so involved with the conversation, that both had failed to notice that they had been abandoned at the table.

"Looks like they all went outside," Heather said when she finally noticed for the both of them. Nate looked at the empty table and realized that, indeed, they had been abandoned. He silently cursed.

."Should we join them?" he asked, praying to God, Allah, and Buddha that she would say yes.

"We could, or we could go upstairs to be alone." she winked at him with a twinkling eye.

Nate again cursed. He knew what he wanted to do, but he also knew what he should do. Fuck, he thought to himself, what kind of lesbian conspiracy is this. He gulped and reluctantly took her by the hand. They stood and she lead him through the house, upstairs, to a guest bedroom. Heather turned on the light and moved to the edge of the bed, where she turned and faced Nate.

"You know, as soon as I saw you last night, I knew I wanted you."

"I thought the same thing," Nate lied. She was very pretty, he thought, but this situation could become very embarrassing. He only hoped that he would be able to get it up, and get it over with.

He leaned in to kiss her, so as not to seem obvious. Heather willingly obliged his actions and slid her hands up his shirt, playing with his nipples. Following her lead, Nate aped her actions and did the same, only to discover that she wasn't wearing a bra. He thought about Jarret's constant lack of underwear and thought that Jarret had more in common with her than he did. He started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" she asked in a voice that tried to sound irked.

"Nothing at all, it has just been a crazy couple of days." he countered.

"Is this your first time," she asked. Again, he let a little laugh escape.

"Yeah, it is," he lied again. Well, he wasn't actually lying. He had never been with a girl.

"Well, I'll try to make it special for you." she said in her sexiest voice. She pulled away from him and crawled onto the bed. Turning around, she stood on her knees and pulled off her shirt, revealing two very firm and perky breasts. Nate gulped.

"Well, don't just stand there, take off your clothes," she ordered. He gulped again and did what she said. By the time he was nude, she was too. He climbed on the bed and moved over to her. They were kissing for over a minute when she pushed him onto his back. She started sucking his ear, moving downward. Gently licking his neck, advancing her way down to his chest, taking a nipple in her mouth, suckling it ever so slowly. She licked her way down to his rippled stomach, inserting her tongue in his belly button, making him giggle. She finally reached his flaccid member and took in all four limp inches into her mouth, slowly and deliberately sucking it as best as she could.

Something was wrong. There was no reaction. No tingle. No sensation of pleasure. No immediate rushed of blood to a penis being sucked. Nate felt humiliated. Usually he was turned on by a stiff wind, but he felt nothing. Try as she might, he knew that her efforts were futile. After a few minutes of unrewarded effort, she realized it too.

"I think you had a little too much Heineken tonight," she said as she turned and lay by his side.

Nate only blushed. He was mortified by what had happened, or didn't happen for that matter.

"Don't worry about it. It happens, it's not your fault. If anyone asks I'll tell `em that you fucked me silly and I came four times."

Nate laughed a laugh of relief. At least she wasn't laughing at him.

"Thanks, I guess. I'm sorry, I really want to," he lied. "Maybe we could try some other time?" He immediately regretted the last part.

"Sure we could, how about next Friday?" she said, glad that he had asked.

"Gotta game Friday. It's away, so I don't know when we'll get back. How's about Saturday?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Saturday it is then."

"OK, pick me up around 7:30. Unless you wanna ride on my handle bars."

They both laughed. They laid on the bed naked for another half hour before finally heading down to the party. Nate had actually started to like her. Just how much he was not too sure, but she was nice and very pretty. She was also someone else for him to talk to. They had talked briefly about their mothers and it made him feel good to have someone who could relate to his pain.

Maybe something could come of this. At least he would be able to be openly affectionate with her. Whereas with Jarret, they were confined to closed walls they wouldn't be discovered. Damn, Jarret. How would he take this. Hopefully he would understand. Shit, hopefully he would follow his lead and find a girl himself. But what if he didn't. I was the one who started all this. It wasn't right to fuck with him like this. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer. He had some serious thinking to do.

*********************************************************************** End Part 3

Again, thanks for all of the positive responses that I have received. I never thought that so many people would take such a liking to this story. It really makes me want to keep writing. I like reading your emails so please let me know what you think of my tale. Email me at Caspast@yahoo.com

Thanks for reading. Drew

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