Directors Cutt

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Jul 12, 2011


Directors Cutt chap 5

------ Disclaimer

All places and events are fictional, meaning made up from my own mind. If you don't like or appreciate m/m sex why are you here? Idiots. Also is you are underage please go back now but I can't stop you and it means more readers for me :)

All comments, feedback and suggestions welcomed at this address: Enjoy :) ------

Directors Cutt chap 5

Today the seasons had collided. The unpredictable child had started off sunny, and then clouds had frowned across her forehead. She'd sulked all day and finally burst into a fitful rain. The brightest thing about my day had been Jared and his confession of feelings he felt toward me, can you believe it? ME!

I walked home in the calm after the storm. Beneath hanging figs, the aerial roots create a cool shade as I walked home, nearly right in the centre of the city. The sun was showing its happy face, behind clouds of sadness, creating an intense apricot, highlighting the buildings and passers bye as I walked home with a huge grin plastered on my small, tan face. I was in the best mood of my life, considering my life at the moment, he was just perfect even the way he confessed his love for me was, perfect. Well maybe it wasn't quite love but he said it could easily develop into that right? I turned the corner into my neighborly street, the huge grin suddenly dropping, I remembered I had to go home, back home where I would be spending hours, alone with him, can I even call him my father anymore he sure wouldn't call me his son. To him I'm just a stain on the family's untarnished image, an unwashable stain, one that can be thrown out, out of their lives into one of loneliness. No, Jared wouldn't let that happen to me, would he I mean it's not like we're dating or anything, I mean yet, I hope he does decide he wants to date me. Reaching the front door of my house I inserted the key and proceeded to turn the lock. Click. Please don't let him be home, please. I walked into my house taking off my shoes and walking into the kitchen to see if dad was home. The kitchen was empty, the lounge room, empty, thank god for that. I can't even stand to be in the house and just wait for him to come home. I decided to go for a run, clear my thoughts, get some fresh air. I quickly ran up to my room to change, running shorts and a tank top. I walked back down the stairs and slipped into my running shoes. The fresh air running through my brown locks, inhaling the freshness really helped me to clear my thoughts of everything, of my father, of my future in that house, even of Jared. In, out, in, out, I focused on the rhythm of my heavy breaths, my feet padding along to the same beat, the downfall had made the dry green plains of the park turn into small green lakes, forcing everybody to walk along the relatively dry cement paths, couples, mothers, children even runners all squirming to get their own space. A lady with a double pram, walking with her twins came along the path; I stepped out onto the wet, mud stricken plains giving her safe passage, still treading along to the beats of my short breaths. Suddenly one of my steps hit a patch of mud, my foot sliding and then collapsing underneath me sending me down to the hard, wet ground the sudden impact causing me to hitch my breath, my left calf slid along the rough surface of the path, scraping all up the side of my calf, instantly crimson red liquid started to flow from the gash, my clothes soaked through from the pools of mud and water, completely soaked through with cold dampness, my bottom lip started quivering I was so cold. I stood up red in the face from embarrassment to assess the damage, well I didn't look to bad, actually scratch that there was blood flowing down my leg down into my socks and shoes, I think I need a doctor now, Jared could be a doctor, a damn hot doctor, I could see him standing next to my bed making all my pains go away, fixing them with his soft lips, caressing the cut up my left calf, moving to my soft, young thigh, then up to my, owww, okay my leg was really stinging now. I started jogging home with a slight limp, every step I felt the stinging of fresh blood coming from the gash. Finally my street, I was jogging down the quiet neighborhood, when I came to Jared's house. I was looking at his front door, well now's as good a time as any to see if he will be my doctor. I walked up to the front door and knocked, what if his aunts there, damn never thought of that. After about two seconds the door flew open, Jared looked into my soul with his deep blue eyes. He scanned the length my body when his eyes opened wide as saucers "God what happened to you?"

"Is there a doctor in the house" I said with a small giggle and a wink. Jared's house was an old terrace, clean and sparse with Japanese art hanging everywhere inside. I wasn't exactly as presentable as I could have been, but if we're going to go beyond square one, he'd see me like this sooner or later. Besides, after the fall I just had, I didn't feel like going home and licking my wounds alone, not when he could lick it for me. I wanted to see Jared, wanted to lie in warm water and be soothed. He put his arm around me and despite the mess I was in, the contact was electric. It flowed from the shoulders to the tips of everything. Out and beyond and back again.

"Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, cutie" he smiled his stupid grin at me as I walked out of his grip into the bathroom. The bathroom had a deep, sunken bath, with lots of tropical greenery growing organically around it, and glass doors that opened onto a darkened courtyard. On hot summer nights this would be paradise.

"You want a bath or a shower?"

"Both. Bath first with disinfectant. Then a shower so I don't smell like a hospital"

"Hospitals can be pretty sexy, if you're in them" he said with a wink as he turned on the taps, filling the huge, deep bath "I'll be in the lounge room. If you want anything just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you?"

"Kind of, maybe, you should just stay in here" I said with a wicked smile on my lips. He smiled and shut the bath door, when he left I did whistle, a low whistle to myself. The bathroom was filling up with steam and I wondered how much of it I was contributing. I took of my tight running shorts, easing them over the purple and red lump that was oozing out of my leg. On the way I discovered a few more bumps and bruises. I tipped up the bottle of disinfectant and watched it swirl milkily into the warm water. Then I stepped in gingerly, waiting for the sting that would cleanse the wound. There was a soft knock on the door, before I could answer it opened. "Thought this would help" Jared said with a smile holding up a bottle of water

"Thanks" taking the bottle from him he closed the door and stepped closer to me

"How did you get that" he said looking at the swollen gash on my leg.

"A possessed dog. There is a long story but it can wait till later I said reaching my hand out onto his strong forearm

"Let's have a look at it" he said putting his bottle down on the tiled floor and I showed him my leg. "Hmmm... I think you will live" he said while rubbing the inside of my leg as he put it back in the water. He took another sip of his water and I took a big gulp "Would you like me to wash your back?" this time I sipped instead of gulping. It wasn't my back that needed washing, although that was as good a place as any to start.

"You might get wet"

"I'll take my clothes off"

"What if your aunt comes home, that's just what she wants to see, two naked boys cuddling in her bath"

"She works late, she won't be home till about 9" he'd already started getting undressed, pulling his tight shirt up over his neck like men do, revealing a completely chiseled chest, to firm Pecs with a deep valley between, leading down to a six pack, the tight muscles contracting as he threw his shirt to the side, a small dusting of fine blonde hairs travelling from his navel down to the waist of his jeans. He breathed in to undo his jeans. This was always a moment of truth for me, the first time I saw a naked body. Sometimes the shape looked alright in clothes but the skin wasn't right, or there were rolls of fat, or too-well developed Pecs that made them look like they had tits. But if angels had bodies, they'd look like this. He was long and graceful, with skin that shone like copper. I took another sip of water and almost chocked, his flacid member looked to be 6 inches soft! Nice trimmed back blond pubes with a vein up the left side. My face flushed at the sound I made and I looked away at the greenery. He stepped down into the bath and I moved my legs aside. The water lulled over the sides but I didn't care "turn around, cutie"

I turned; he cupped water and dribbled it down my back. Then soap in small circles and hands massaging my shoulders, then down the vertebrae, all the way down to the top of my ass. "Lean back" he whispered guiding me back with his strong hands I felt his muscles warming my back, safely locking me in place. His soft member beginning to harden at the touch of my soft skin. He poured water down my hairless midsection. Then slowly moved his hands in small circles around my four pack, tracing the soft curves of my skin. I closed my eyes and sighed, I was floating on bubbles of champagne unable to wipe the grin off my face, I felt no pain in his warm embrace. He leaned and kissed my forehead, he leaned back still tracing elegant circles in my skin, slowly getting lower to my hips, my inner thighs then back up again, his hard member poking into my lower back the whole time, I sighed in contentment and then let my whole body fall back into my pillow.

Next thing I knew I felt the water level slowly going down and the door softly closing. I slowly woke my body back up stepped out of the bath and dried quickly but tenderly, lightly dabbing the sore spots. His bathroom cupboard was full of medical stuff, creams, bandages, adhesives. There was also the other side of things: the bath oils, herbal preps, vitamins. I put some vitamin E on my minor bruises and cuts and a thick wad of bandage on the gash.


"In the kitchen, buddy, come give us a hand to take some of this stuff out" He looked me up and down, mostly the areas my towel was covering "would you like to slip into something a little more comfortable or would you rather eat naked? I know which one I would rather" looking back down at my crotch with a smile. I'd tried that before. It was nowhere near as erotic as you would think: your ass and back would keep sticking to the chair and dragging as you pulled it away.

"I'll slip into something a little more comfortable... Like your bed" I said with a mischievous grin. He chuckled at this

"Here, take this" he said, handing me two plates with perfect bacon and cheese omelet's. YUM.

"I'll get you some pants" he brought back a midnight blue pair of CK's with a silver waistband. I slid into the size to large briefs, and felt the soft caress of the material; they felt like Jared's body, beautiful. He gave me another bottle of water and I started to walk off down the hall. "Hey, where are you going?"

"I told you, I'm slipping into your bed" I said continuing down the hall to find which one could be his room

"Second on the left" I followed his directions into a plain white room, posters on the wall a huge queen sized be in the middle, a desk to the left across from the door, nice, cute, I love it. I went and sat on his bed, feeling the safe, softness, I laid back nuzzling my face into the pillows. Being enveloped by the scent of Jared, green apples and sex. breathing big I felt the bed dip with added weight. I felt two strong arms envelope me into a warm embrace. I turned to face Jared, his stupid grin never leaving his gorgeous face.

"Remember you said we could practice something" he said with his crooked smile as he leaned down into me. I lifted my head up to meet his, our lips connecting; fireworks went off on my lips travelling all through my mouth, making their way all over my slender frame. His lips were softer now then when I put my hand on them earlier. His mouth moving in sync with mine, then I felt the wetness of his tongue on my small lips. I immediately opened my mouth to allow him entry. His tongue and mine exploring each other's mouths, feeling our way through the unknown territory. His breath even smelt like green apples. His hand came up to my left cheek, caressing the soft skin of my face, while his other moved down to my hip playing with the waistband of my briefs. My hands moved to his back, while the other explored his muscled chest, the briefs the only thing separating us from being as close as we can, containing our straining hard-ons, I moved my hand lower feeling the recesses of his six-pack the muscles like velvet underneath his bronze skin. Going lower I felt his light treasure trail, I stopped to play with the soft, light hairs, and then continued down lower. I felt the tip of his hard member through the thin material of his briefs, it felt massive it had to be at least 8 inches, bigger than mine. As I grasped his hardness through the material. We heard the closing of the front door

"Jared, Jared you home honey" his aunt was home. Shit. Jared sprang of the bed and grabbed a shirt and pants that were just lying on his floor, he struggled to fit into it, it was mine, the material stretched to accommodate his biceps and formed tight around his middle

"Get dressed quick!" he panicked, ran out of the room closing the door "I'm here Aunt Emma" I heard him yell to her I quickly climbed of the warm bed and found my pants, but he had my shirt so I had to wear one of his. I put on his red shirt he had on earlier, the fabric hung loose, and his smell was intoxicating. I began to open the door when it was pushed forward and hit me in the forehead "OWWW!" I winced. Jared quickly grabbed my mouth and laid me back on the bed

"You need to go, through the window, she can't see you, please" he said taking quick breaths

"Okay, can I get one for the road?" I said grinning at him. His hand came up and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me forward into his face, his lips brushing mine, his tongue snaking into my mouth wrestling with mine again

"Jared I have some clean clothes for you"

"Okay go now" he said hurrying me along

"Okay I'm going" I walked over to his window. As he opened it I grabbed his head and pulled him in for one more kiss

"Okay now I'm good" I climbed out his window just as his bedroom door opened. So close, I walked back around the front and grabbed my muddy runners, then walked down the street to my house. As I approached the driveway I noticed my dad's car was sitting there, I began breathing heavier, quicker, he was home and mom wasn't. I opened the front door and walked into the silent house, I walked past the kitchen doorway when a bellowing voice commanded "Sit, now, we need to talk" I began shaking as I walked into the kitchen and sat down across from my father, his face as hard as stone but his eyes burning with hate, I swallowed hard not wanting to be here.....

Authors note: so this chapter got a bit steamy ;) hope you enjoyed it and what will Ryan's dad have to say :S comments, suggestions, want to talk, criticism I'm always happy to hear, if you emailed me before. You have to do it again I love hearing from my readers :D

Email at this address:

Peace out :P

Next: Chapter 6

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