Directors Cutt

By Ryan Westmen

Published on Jul 1, 2011



All places and names are purely fictional, meaning they were made up by me. If you don't like m/m sex or romance really? Why are you here then? Also if you are underage go back now but sigh I can't stop you, so be careful and enjoy

Any comments, feedback, suggestions, improvements or just want to chat email me at:

Here we go :)

Directors Cutt Ch 3

"Oh my god, Ryan.... where the hell have you been? I have been worried sick, what in your right mind would make you want to run away? And what did you do to your father? He has been locked up in our room just staring like an idiot at his gun" My mother asked the worry clear in her high voice

I just looked at her with the confusion clear on my tan face, I squinted my green eyes to try and think why, why didn't my father tell my mother about my situation, about me being gay, about me being abnormal, not natural. getting impatient at my confusion, my mom was tapping her foot rhythmically on the hardwood floor, with her slim arm crossed over her still perky boobs, considering she had pushed out a baby, she was still in remarkable shape.

"Well?" her curiosity and impatience thick in her voice as she glared straight at my eyes. I must have looked like I had a disorder still trying to figure out exactly what had happened, and why my father didn't tell my mother. It couldn't be sympathy because he felt nothing toward me anymore, except that I should be gone whether dead or just vanish from my parents lives.

"Ugh... we had an argument about, ahh... Me not going to... church with him" man I have had to think on my feet a lot tonight and damn I was pretty good at it if I do say so myself.

"Why would you argue about that, we both know how much you hate church" her eyebrows raised. Shit she knew I was lying to her, man mothers can suck. I quickly averted my eyes looking around the hall way trying to find an escape route, or a way out of this conversation. I could just tell her but if she has anywhere near the reaction dad did then I will definitely be screwed and be thrown out, or they will both try and shoot me, like a riffle disk.

"Well he ah, just really wants me to go for once and, I um, just keep saying no and he got frustrated, is that all?" I answered really fast trying to change the subject and escape to my room at least for a little while, until my father told her, not looking forward to that.

"No, young man you get back here and tell me what happened to make your father react like he did" fuck! Couldn't she just leave it alone with my answer, damn she is nosey, and she doesn't need to know everything about me. As if she could read my mind she said in her botchiest tone "I know everything about you, remember Ryan, I am your mother and mothers know all when it comes to their family."

"Well obviously not" I said under my breath just below a whisper, hoping she didn't hear that, mother has like supersonic hearing or microphones everywhere, because I swear she can always hear what I say. She grabbed my forearm and led me into the kitchen, which I reluctantly agreed as she let go I went to walk away but she commanded

"Sit" I could feel her eyes drilling holes into my back and if I didn't do it she would most likely dive straight over the table and tackle me to the ground. I sighed and turned, scraped the legs of the chair on the hardwood covered floor and roughly slammed down into the chair, which hurt my ass a bit but I didn't care, not with this freaking interrogation I was getting from my mother.

"Now are you going to tell me, or am I sending you up to speak with your father"

My whole body tensed up and I felt the cold of the chair jolt through my young body. No way in hell was I going to speak to that Psycho upstairs, but I didn't really want to tell mom the real reason why dad had gone all, psych ward on us. I took three deep breaths, filling my lungs with as much air as they could possibly take. On the third I held it until I couldn't anymore and released it with a heavy sigh. "Ok, me and dad didn't fight about church"

"I got that before you said it the first time" she bluntly said with her eyes showing her annoyance with me

"we fought because, um, dad found out a secret of mine and he didn't like that so, he ahhh, just sort of went different this time." I said my breath shaking as I tried to not let too much show in my statement. She gave me a disbelieving look; I could handle that as long as she doesn't ask me anymore questions.

"can I go now I'm really tired and I have school tomorrow" I asked trying to get out of this room, before she could even answer I jumped out of the chair kissed the top of her hair and briskly walked out of the kitchen up to my room. As fast as I could I shut my door and stripped down to my grey boxer-briefs and pulled back the covers on my bed. Just as I was getting ready to jump into the safety of my warm, queen sized bed I noticed that my laptop was missing, I quickly scoured the room to try and find it, no luck it was nowhere to be seen. Dad must have taken it after what happened earlier. I finally crawled under the covers on my bed and thrashed around until I was comfortable, well as comfortable I could be considering what is happening in my world. How could my life end up like this I could live with my parents controlling my life but now my father hates me, it's only a matter of time before my mom feels the same, after she finds out she has a faggot for a son she will probably, just throw me out and hope that I suffer for being who I am. After thinking of how bad my life is going to become I fell into a fitful sleep, full of nightmares of how my future will turn out. I also started thinking of my angel, Jared and what reaction he will have when he finds out I'm gay. Hopefully he won't be heartless and spread it around school like wildfire, making me the laughing stock of the entire school. Why couldn't I have just been born normal my life would be so much easier and I would shame or embarrass my family. Maybe someone will come and sweep me away to somewhere where there is no pain and everyone accepts people for who they are and who they love.

Authors note: end chapter three, hope you guys are still enjoying the story. Next chapter is when Jared starts school and we finally meet my friends or as many as I have.

Any comments, feedback, improvements, suggestions or just want to talk email me at:

Peace out :P

Next: Chapter 4

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