Diplomacy and Lust

By Cooper Max

Published on Feb 7, 2016


*If you enjoy this series, be sure to read Cooper's other series The Officers in the Military section of Nifty Archives. Cooper enjoys all feedback both positive and negative at lmd4208@gmail. He responds to all emails. *

Diplomacy and Lust Part Seven

Nate felt horrible as the taxi sped off. He definitely had too many drinks at the bar with Greg. Nairobi's roads didn't help his nausea, as the taxi driver seemed to hit every single pothole and speed bump as he weaved in and out of matatus on the highway.

Nate thought about his fight with Dave and fury began to build up in his body yet again. Sure, he had just made a pass at Greg but he never would have considered it if Dave had shown him any appreciation or kindness lately. Yeah, Dave was going through a seriously difficult time after surviving the terrorist attack; Nate couldn't diminish that but didn't he see that Nate was trying to be there for him? Didn't he see that Nate wanted to be by his side as a partner in helping him get through it? If Dave saw any of that, he sure as hell wasn't letting Nate realize that he did. Nate wondered at whether given the situation he was crazy for loving Dave.

"DRIVER!" Nate roared from the back seat startling the driver half to death at the sudden out burst from the utter prolonged silence that had seized the taxi. "WE'RE TAKING A DETOUR. TAKE ME TO THIS ADDRESS!"

The driver made a hard right and headed towards Dave's house. Nate didn't know what he was going to say to Dave but he knew he had to say something! In 15 minutes, the taxi pulled up at Dave's apartment.

"Wait here. This shouldn't take long!" Nate told the driver as he slipped him a few extra shillings to ensure the driver complied.

Nate stomped up the stairs feeling every drink he had consumed that night pounding against his head and insides.

`Oh man this probably isn't a good idea but I don't care!" Nate raged inside his own head.

Nate reached Dave's front door and pounded as hard as he could. This late at night, Dave would probably think someone was trying to break in with the way that Nate beat that door.

Within a minute the door swung open but it wasn't Dave standing in front of Nate.

"Who are you?" said a heavily accented voice. Nate's jaw almost hit the floor as his eyes drunk in a beautifully built shirtless Spanish man.

"Who am I!? Who the fuck are you!?" Nate raged anger taking over his body as he pushed past Alejandro, Fernando or whatever the fuck this asshole's name was.

"DAVE I FOUND YOUR BOY TOY! GUESS I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE WITH OTHER MEN ON MY MIND!" Nate screamed as he strode down the hallway towards Dave's bedroom. Nate kicked open the door as the Spanish man trailed behind him uttering all kinds of Spanish curses at Nate.

Dave looked absolutely shocked as he lay naked in bed, hard as a rock. If Nate hadn't been vehemently angry he would have laughed out loud at the expression on Dave's face when he had booted in the door.

"Nate, oh my god what are you doing here? At this hour?" Dave stammered half embarrassed, half angry.

"Well the better question is what are YOU doing here or maybe I should say WHO are you doing here?" Nate's word flamed out of him like a dragon torching a mid evil village.

"Umm, uhhhh, errr." Dave muttered trying to think of what he wanted to say all the while the Spanish guy kept rambling on.

"Save it Dave. Clearly I don't mean what I thought I did to you. Enjoy your nice piece of Spanish ass over here Ð Diego or Felipe Ð whatever the fuck his name is - you fucking hypocrite." Nate spat.

Nate didn't even look back as he stormed out of the apartment. Within minutes he was down the staircase and back into the taxi cab feeling worse than he could ever remember.

"Take me home now, please." He said in a reserved tone slumping against the window feeling ready to puke; this time he knew it wasn't the alcohol making him sick.

The pounding at the door the next morning made Nate's head ache. He slowly pulled the blankets off; not remembering every detail from last night entirely he half expected it to be Dave at the door. He DID remember meeting Dave's little fuck toy last night and the memory brought back all the anger he felt last night. Nate slumped back into bed with an exasperated groan. The pounding continued until Nate finally dislodged himself from the bed he never wanted to leave again and headed to the door.

He swung it open to find Greg standing there. The memories of last night with Greg flooded back into Nate's mind. He remembered Greg said he would be checking in on him but he didn't expect him to actually follow through.

"I see you don't look any better than you did when I left you last night." Greg stated laughing out loud. "Move over and let me in, I'll make you some coffee."

Nate, bewildered at Greg, let him into the house and followed him into the kitchen.

Nate sat across from Greg as he made the coffee. In the morning light, Nate took in Greg's features for the first time since Nate found out Greg was gay too.

Greg was the quintessential guy-next-door'. He would have looked right at home in any suburb in America with a mini van in the drive way and kids running around the yard. He was nailing the whole dad bod' trend that had become so popular in the states but it suited him well his 5'8 frame well. He had an overwhelming sincerity to his personality; a kindness that radiated off of him. Greg was one of the first people to introduce himself at the embassy when Nate started.

Looking more closely, Nate would definitely describe Greg as handsome. He wouldn't be modeling in any swimsuit calendars but he had a smile that could capture a room. Nate remembered that Greg's smile was one of the first things he noticed about him when Nate had first met him. Greg had walked right over to him, reached out his hand, smiled that blindly white and wide smile and introduced himself.

In the months since Nate first met him, the two had talked frequently in the hallways. Nate always got the impression that Greg was kind of innocent, maybe na•ve was the better way to express it; like Greg genuinely believed that everyone in the world was a nice person with the right intentions. His bright green eyes had a way of drawing you in too. He had a way of making you feel like you were his complete focus when speaking.

Nate wondered to himself how this guy ever worked on Wall St. Greg was a Wharton grad, a real numbers and finance guru, and had worked on Wall St. for quite a few years. Apparently, the work didn't suit him Ð this didn't surprise Nate at all given that Greg was actually a genuine person Ð and he had quit his six-figure salary abruptly. Greg decided he wanted a more meaningful, adventurous job, took the Foreign Service exam and wooed everyone that had interviewed him. He ended up going into management cone and not surprisingly he started working in the Financial Management section of the embassy.

Those bright green eyes were staring intently at Nate across the kitchen island as Greg slide Nate's coffee across towards him. Greg broke the silence, "So last night was wild, how much of it do you remember?"

"Ohhhhhh enough to feel embarrassed and apologize to you." Nate stated looking right back at Greg.

"No need, my friend, we all have made mistakes when alcohol was involved. Water under the bridge." Greg said with the kindness and sincerity that Nate had always known him to display.

"So I take it you remember what I told you last night?" Greg inquired looking a bit more worried and intent on reading Nate's facial expressions.

"Yeah, you're one of us Ð in the gay club!" Nate said chuckling out loud.

Greg grinned and blushed. "Sure looks that way!" he stated.

Nate smiled widely. He felt very comfortable with Greg.

"Sooooo, don't be mad at me, Greg." Nate started feeling like he could tell Greg what had happened. "But I made a detour last night."

"Let me guess, to Dave's? Did it end in fabulous make up sex?" He said half looking disappointed and half amused.

"Not quite Ð not with a shirtless Spanish guy answering the door." Nate replied.

Greg's expression was almost as funny as Dave's had been last night. Nate launched into the whole recap of the story.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry, Nate!" Greg stated. "It looks like it's really over between you two, then?"

"I'm going to go with a yes but I haven't talked to him since then. I'm considering it over. At this point, with everything we've been through, I don't know if it's worth all the stress to try to make this work. Hell, I don't know if he even wants it to work. He didn't cheat technically because we were never `together' but that doesn't make it feel any better. Maybe he's too busy working on Spanish studs to think about him and me." Nate said with a depressed tone.

"Uh, I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. I really am sorry. You know it'll get better. Whatever happens, you'll get through it." Greg said reassuringly.

"Who am I to complain? Your boyfriend was killed altogether and I'm over here whining about my petty relationship problems. I'm sorry, Greg. I truly am. You're the one who must be going through utter turmoil and hell right now. Your first boyfriend in your first gay relationship and then out of no where he's gone." Nate said apologetically.

"I'm still processing it all. I won't lie and say it hasn't been rough. I've felt very alone not having anyone to talk through it all with. No one in my family knows. None of my friends know. Do you know what it's like to lose someone and not even be able to talk about that person with anyone else that you love? Greg stated with pain in his voice.

"Well you have me now. I'm always here to talk and help you work through it. I promise I won't make another move on you. I know this is a really sensitive and confusing time for you. Again, I'm sorry for last night." Nate said.

An awkward silence gripped the room. Greg blushed again and broke eye contact with Nate.

After a long pause. "Well, what if I wanted you to make another move on me?" Greg inquired shyly and nervously; his face bright red.

"Ha, real funny Greg." Nate replied.

"No, I'm serious, Nate. Now that I know you remember it. You know, it was a nice kiss despite you being drunk. It felt really good. You're a really nice guy. I can tell you're sincere and you're handsome too." Greg replied.

Now it was Nate's turn to blush. "Greg, like you said to me last night, maybe you're not thinking clearly. Maybe you're just missing Mark. I don't want to take advantage of you or put our friendship in an awkward position." Nate stated.

Out of no where, Greg leaned and kissed Nate.

Nate broke away quickly. "Didn't you hear any of what I just said, Greg?" Nate stammered.

Greg leaned in and kissed him again. This time Nate let the kiss linger. Greg really was a good kisser; Sensitive, soft, passionate and he smelled great.

"Nate, I'm an adult. I know what I'm doing. I appreciate your concern but I can take care of myself." He kissed Nate more aggressively.

The two locked tongues. Greg reached a hand up and held it on Nate's face as he kissed him; man he was passionate. Greg broke away from Nate and smiled, looking right into Nate's eyes and then leaned back in for another kiss.

"Should we get more comfortable? Maybe in the bedroom?" Greg asked sweetly.

"Let's stick to the living room. I don't want this to get too wild." Nate replied.

The two continued their passionate make out session in the living room. Nate caressed Greg's chest. He slipped his hand under Greg's shirt and felt Greg's smooth chest. Nate pinched Greg's nipples.

Greg slid his hand into Nate's pants. He felt Nate's rock hard pulsating cock.

"Damn man this is huge! I never would have guessed!" Greg said with surprise on his face and in his voice.

"I hear that a lot," Nate replied with a laugh.

Greg vigorously stroked Nate's cock and grabbed his hairy balls. Greg's grip was firm but it felt great. The stroking motions he was using felt absolutely incredible; there was a sensual aspect to everything Greg did. Looking at Greg's handsome face smiling at him as he stroked his cock so sensually, Nate's balls churned.

"I'm going to blow if you aren't careful," He panted at Gregg.

"Well that's what I want! Shoot!" Greg replied. Greg picked up his pace all the while leaning in for more kisses. When Greg slipped his tongue into Nate's mouth, he lost all control and shot his load all over Greg's hands.

"Damn man, I've never had a hand job like that!" Nate said. "Now let me help you out!"

Nate knew he had a little more experience than Greg did and he felt like he needed to really return the favor since Greg had done unique work. Nate didn't waste any time; he slid his mouth over Greg's cock and plummeted down onto the hilt taking Greg's 6 inch cock all the way.

Greg shuttered and let out a moan. Looking up at him, Greg had such an innocent quality. Nate felt like he was sucking Ward Clever from Leave It to Beaver. It was sexy how innocent Greg seemed.

Nate pumped and pumped himself onto Greg's cock. He combined his mouth motions with his hand and stroked Greg vigorously. Nate knew Greg wouldn't last long.

Within a minute, Greg's hips were pumping harder and harder. Nate could feel Greg's load start to build.

"I'm going to cum man, you may want to move your head!" Greg said sweetly looking concerned for Nate.

Nate looked up and winked at Greg pumping his mouth harder and grabbing his balls to signal Greg to shoot his load.

Greg's face was one of utter surprise. It was clear he'd never shot in anyone's mouth before. He lost all control as his eyes rolled back in his head in pleasure. He pumped his hips shooting an enormous load into Nate's mouth. After finishing he looked embarrassed.

Nate swallowed Greg's whole load and smiled.

"Wow, man, you're something else!" Nate said. "I was not expecting any of that from you."

"You're one to talk. Damn that was great." Greg smiled back yet again blushing.

"More coffee?" Greg asked.

"Sure." Nate replied.

----- TO BE CONTINUED ----

Next: Chapter 8

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