Diplomacy and Lust

By Cooper Max

Published on Jan 17, 2016


Diplomacy and Lust Part 4

David and Nate stood panting; sweat pouring down their bodies. The placid and beautiful Lake Naivasha sat in the distance as they peered down on it from the high reaches of Kenya's Mount Longonot. The two had hiked the dormant volcano to its rim and now enjoyed the incredible scenery as their reward.

"I'm so glad you convinced me to call off work! This has been so much fun Ð tiring Ð but such a good idea!" David McAdams panted still trying to catch his breath after the challenging climb.

"I didn't think I'd convince you but I figured a hike up Mount Longonot would be better than a simple dinner; glad my peer pressure worked on you. What better way is there to spend a Monday than to climb a dormant volcano with a sexy guy like you?" Nate Bymer said grinning a wide impish grin.

"Yeah you're right! I don't know what's better, these views of Lake Naivasha and the Great Rift Valley or your cute, tight ass in front of me as we climbed this damn mountain!" Dave replied with a slap to Nate's ass. Both laughed as the breeze swirled around them.

"Well the fun isn't over yet. Let's start hiking around this rim!" Nate stated.

The two started the 7.2 kilometer hike around the rim. At 9, 108 feet, the elevation worked extra hard on their lungs; their legs already wobbly from the 3.1 kilometer ascent.

"You know, it's hot out here and I'm sweating like crazy. I say we ditch our shirts. Grab my sun tan lotion Ð we'll need it with the intensity of the sun in this part of the world- out of my bag and let's lather each other up." Dave said clearly enjoying the thought of Nate shirtless.

"Hmmmmm you just want to get me as naked as possible. I like that idea!" Nate replied grabbing the bottle of lotion and ditching his shirt with an effortless swoop.

Dave squirted some of the sun tan lotion on his hands and starting lathering Nate's back. David's hands were so strong and firm; Nate loved every second. Dave was half applying the lotion and half giving Nate a massage.

"Turn around, stud, I have to get your chest now." Dave remarked happily.

Dave drank in Nate's incredible body; completely smooth, lean and defined. He was no gym buff but Dave had a special appreciation for the swimmer's build. Nate's darker skin was sexy too. Dave wondered if he had Greek or Latin roots in his gene pool. Dave felt so pasty white compared to Nate. Nate's skin tone had that healthy glow to it and Dave loved every inch.

"Damn man, I feel like a pasty wooly-mammoth compared to you!" Dave said jokingly. "You're so much darker and smoother than I am." Dave was lathering Nate's chest enjoying the smooth skin on his hands.

"Well then I guess pasty wooly-mammoths are what I'm into!" Nate replied with a laugh, "You shouldn't be getting self-conscious with me. Have you looked in a mirror lately? Tall, thick, all-American - it's like you came straight out of a Kansas corn field with your hairy, thick pecs and bright green eyes and don't get me started with those damn tattoos of yours. Can you tell by my creepy description that I stare at you a lot?

David blushed and looked at the ground out of embarrassment.

"Oh shut up. Let me finish lathering you down and let's get moving again." He said his face flush with embarrassment.

The two set off at a steady pace. The sides of the dormant volcano lingered ever so close to the path, which had no guardrails or protection from falling with an accidental misstep.

"So we'll be up here for awhile. What's your story on figuring out your sexuality?" Nate inquired genuinely interested to know how a stud like Dave wasn't snatched up by some long-legged blonde back in his small Virginia hometown.

"Ahhh good question. Well, I've known I'm gay from the start. I really didn't have to wrestle with a lot of confusion about being gay, bisexual or straight. In the 5th grade, out of no where, I started noticing one of my classmates. Chris was gorgeous and I definitely had a crush on him. I had no idea what I was feeling towards him but I figured out it probably wasn't `normal.' I kept it a secret but I liked it non-the-less. Then I started noticing how handsome my teacher was. Mr. Bolick was a fox; I'd always try to catch a glimpse of his dick when he would stand next to me at the bathroom stalls. Then in 6th grade when I got to middle school there was Nick who I quickly started liking; forgot all about Chris. Point being, I put two and two together that guys were more my things than girls."

"So did you ever date any girls? They had to be fighting over you!" Nate asked.

"No, I knew that would never work! Sure there were pretty girls in my classes but I didn't have any interest in them physically. I made up some bull shit excuse about how I wasn't allowed to date; about how my family was super religious and that I needed to focus on religion, school and sports; completely ironic that I used religion as one of my main excuses!" Dave stated.

"Man, those ladies must have been pissed!" Nate stated.

"Yeah, I think it kind of became a game for some of them. Who is going to break David McAdams and get him to be a `bad boy'; enough of them tried. If only they knew the real reason none of their charms worked on me!" Dave said. "What about you? What's your story?"

"Wellllll, I had my suspicions about my sexuality early too. I've always had a `thing' for older guys. My dad's buddies used to come over and I'd be checking them out. I was into teachers, cops, coaches even the damn preacher. At first, I didn't understand the attraction but after some online research the mystery was gone. I struggled with a little bit of guilt, fear, shame and anxiety but luckily I got over all that negativity quickly. I forgot all about those bad feelings the first time I found gay porn on the Internet. After I saw two daddies plowing each other I knew I liked all this too much to feel bad about it! Funny thing is; I didn't know how to delete browsing histories so my brother found the video I had watched!" Nate said laughing out loud.

"Oh no! How old were you guys and what the hell did he say!?" Dave inquired almost shouting.

"I was 13 and he was 16. I almost shit my pants when he asked me about finding gay porn on the computer. I lied through my teeth and said that I had clicked on it accidently and didn't realize it actually downloaded. That's when Kazaa was still around and I had found the video on there." Nate blurted.

"Did he believe you?" asked Dave.

"From the look on his face, hell no he didn't believe me. Luckily, he didn't say anything to our parents and didn't bring it up again to me directly. That asshole did tell his girlfriend though. When she brought it up, I almost died with embarrassment. I'll never forgive him for that!" Nate said.

"Oh man that sounds crazy. At least it wasn't worse. Imagine explaining that to your parents at that age!" Dave remarked.

The two laughed together out loud. The conversation between them flowed so easily. Nate felt like he could tell Dave anything; it was a great feeling. This beautiful scenery, this beautiful man; Nate was feeling pretty damn happy on top of that dormant volcano.

"Ok, here's a loaded question and tell me if I'm out of line Ð you don't have to answer the question: your first gay experience." Dave asked cautiously.

"Ballsy question but I'll allow it." Nate said with a smirk. "Well smart phone was becoming popular when I was in college. You know there are the apps Grindr and Scruff well I didn't have access to those since I didn't have a smart phone until I was a damn senior in college. What I did have access to though was craigslist. I posted an ad on the m4m section my sophomore year at USC; crazy and reckless I know. Well I received a response from this older guy in his 30s that worked at UCLA. He said he'd pick me up and we'd hang out and see where it went from there. He took me back to his house. The guy was handsome; skinny, bearded, really nice and easy going personality. I didn't feel uneasy or nervous after the car ride to his house. I mentioned that I'd only ever watched gay porn and read erotic stories; that I'd never actually messed around with another guy. He said he'd take it slow with me and we'd just do what I was comfortable with. One thing led to another and we ended up sucking each other off; no swallowing. It was incredible! I knew I was definitely gay after that! Little did I know, though, that he had a damn roommate who didn't know about his sexuality. The roommate came home and I had to hide and be rushed out the damn window! It was a wild first time." Nate stated.

Dave was laughing hysterically at this point. He took a minute to regain his composure.

"Sorry man I'm not laughing at you. I'm just imagining your face when the roommate came home. God, that's a funny situation. I'm sure it wasn't funny to you at the time but you have to laugh looking back on it!" Dave said apologetically.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up." Nate replied with a loud laugh. "Your turn, Mr. Smooth operator, what was your first experience like? Nate inquired.

"Nothing that's going to top your story! Mine first time was in college also. I went to George Washington University in DC Ð not sure if I told you that yet Ð for both my undergrad and grad degrees. Well, as you know, DC is filled with government and business types. I met this guy through a mutual friend that was a Navy medic at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center. He was a really nice guy. We used to go for runs around DC together and all sorts of other fun stuff. I kind of got the vibe that maybe he was gay too. I invited him over one night to my dorm. We had both joked how we hadn't gotten any action in forever so I said, "Hey what the hell let's throw on some porn and just help ourselves. We're both guys here Ð no big deal right?" He agreed. Well after watching a few straight videos; it was clear he wasn't aroused and neither was I. I casually suggested, "Maybe we try some other kind of video?" He said sure Ð clearly suspicious. Daringly, I threw up some of my favorite gay porn videos. He was startled; said "hey I'm not into any gay shit blah blah blah" but I could tell he was by how hard his dick was! So I said, "cut the shit and let's help each other out." We jerked each other off and blew huge loads! After that we got together all the time and messed around until he got reassigned to San Diego.

"Wow that sounds hot! I'm hard just thinking about it." Nate replied.

"Me too if you can't already tell from the tent I'm pitching in these short-shorts!" Dave stated.

"Well, we're coming to the end of this damn hike. We've been walking and talking for awhile. Let's get back down the mountain and get back to Nairobi." Nate stated.

"Yeah, maybe when we get back we can make some memories of our own!" Dave said winking at Nate.

"Who says we have to wait until we get back? Haven't you ever heard of road head?" Nate replied winking back.

"Damn! Let's get to the car already!" Dave replied.

--------- TO BE CONTINUED ------

Next: Chapter 5

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