Dinner and Drinks with Old College Buddy

By Mike

Published on Dec 16, 2010


"Dinner and Drinks with an Old College Buddy" Copyright 2010

By Savant

Chapter 4

That image faded as my hand reached around the back of Lee's head and I shifted my stance ever so slightly towards Jen. Boldly I forced my shaft deeper into Lee preventing his retreat with my hand. He took all I could give him and then my other hand reached out to Jen bringing her lips to my balls. I had never felt this level of stimulation as willing warm mouths kissed, licked, sucked and teased more of my flesh than I ever considered possible. Describing it just doesn't communicate the pure pornographic thrill of it all.

It was nearly impossible to hold back especially when I began to visualize cumming all over their faces. It was with that thought that my hand left Jen's head and shot to my shaft. Pulling myself free of their mouths my fist closed around my rod forcefully choking the living shit out of it to prevent my pending climax. I wasn't going to let myself cum so quickly! Jen and Lee broke apart and the three of us moved to the bedroom where Jen told us to pull the covers off the bed. She threw her dress back on grabbed the ice bucket and said, I'm dying of thirst so I'm gonna get some ice' smiling wickedly she added don't get too crazy without me because this I really want to see.' In a flash she was out the door leaving Lee and I naked, rigid and right next to each other.

And, yet another first as Lee rolled me onto my back and pressed his body into side. His leg swung up and over mine resting it's weight against my sex while his pressed against me. He had his head propped up and supported by his bent arm our faces close together. Then he leaned down and kissed me. I was shocked by how much more intimate a kiss was that even feeling my dick in his mouth and since Jen was gone I felt less inhibited in returning his kiss. Our mouths opened and despite the intensity of that kiss I began to catalogue the differences between kissing a man as opposed to kissing a woman. Lee's kiss was somehow firmer and more controlled maybe less passive and while different I found it equally arousing. Our bodies ground against each other as we both angled our motions to focus the contact of our dicks on the most sensitive area near their tips.

The suite door opened and closed and a second later Jen appeared at the bedroom door with a tray of drinks having lost her dress somewhere in the other room. Instead of bring the drinks over she stood there watching Lee and I grinding and kissing. Jen's whole body flushed as she said, `Oh Randy this is something I've seen in my mind a thousand times ever since the three of us spent time back in college. What a turn on and please don't stop. I want to see everything.'

With that Lee climbed on top of me and I opened my legs to allow him to center himself. Our dicks trapped between our bodies and his weight coupled with his shaft pressing into me added a wonderful new ithyphallic sensation to my life. Jen continued to watch us kissing when Lee reached between us to take hold my shaft and as he held it in his hand he arched and relaxed, arched and relaxed rubbing himself over me. Wet droplets of precum dotted me here and there. They cooled as the air hit them burning red hot in my mind knowing them for what they were. The shear intensity of doing something lewdly taboo had me taut in my own skin. Between giving my attention to Lee and catching snippets of Jen leaning against the door frame playing with her clit made the whole evening seem richly surreal.

Jen was getting her chance to live her fantasy of seeing Lee and I naked in the midst of sex and she would have been happy to view it all from that spot but I wanted her close to me for the next part of our adventure. I beckoned her over by crooking my finger and as she came towards us I rolled Lee onto his back and patted the open space next to me for Jen. I wanted her to watch what I was going to do. One of Lee's hands reached out to Jen's cone shaped breast and pinched its nipple mercilessly. She threw back her head and moaned refusing to take her eyes off of us. I was slithering down Lee's body, his cock already in my grasp. As my face neared his sex I opened my mouth to accept his dick but stopped and stared into Jen's face. The stop made her shift her gaze and I broiled at her overt lust drinking up her every tasty twitch and blink of her body as my lips slid over Lee's shaft. Fuck!!! Her eyes rolled back into her head and I almost thought she had blacked out but an instant later she was back her vision darting from the junction of Lee's prick to my mouth. And, as I blew him she searched my face to gage my level of arousal.

If my face reflected what I was feeling then Jen was mightily rewarded because in my new found desire for a man I abandoned my last concern and gobble Lee heartily. Until you actually try one it's hard to explain the soft fleshy rigidity that an erect penis is. Over the next minutes I found I loved not only the look of an erection but it texture and taste. Oh yes and the musky smell too. Slowly I let my lips slide down his shaft trying to lock in to my memory the feeling of his thickness penetrating my mouth. The level of my erotic actions made my whole body quake in a manic sexual high. It was made more intense because I was doing something that seemed so nasty.

While I thought this was overpowering for me I was stunned to suddenly hear Jennie mewling. It was a high plaintive high that signaled her climb to a higher level of lust. She was locked into watching me with Lee's cock in my mouth and had three fingers buried deep into her own cunt spreading it impossibly wide. What really amazed me was the force with which she was slamming them into her twat. Between loud rolling moans she managed to say `don't stop I love seeing you pleasuring Lee. It's beyond hot! Are you going to let him cum in your mouth.' My cock twitched at that question since that thought had been popping in and out of my mind too.

That was the next part of this adventure and truthfully I wasn't sure when Jen asked if I was ready for that or not. Now with Jen watching I popped his dick from my mouth, cupped Lee's balls in my palm and encircled the base of his prick with my thumb and forefinger. I waved her over. She scooted down next to me and as her eyes traced over my lips we met in a wet kiss. Her pussy pressed itself into my knee shouting it wetness and as we kissed I knew she was trying to taste Lee's cock on my lips. Her forceful exploration was all it took and the image of his dick spurting between our kissing faces struck a match to my frayed needs.

Jen followed my leaning head and as I turned towards Lee's sex our kiss broke. I angled his rosy crown towards her lips, and then as it pushed her lips apart she reached down closing her hand around my shaft. Over the next minutes Jen and I alternated from kissing to taking turns sucking Lee's cock. It was beyond reason and when Lee began to issue a deep guttural groan Jen reached up took hold of his rod and pushed it to me. I accepted it willingly and when his hips rose from the bed he tensed and let go. The force of his release astounded me and as I sampled the taste he continued to ejaculate. The feeling of someone cumming from your manipulations is wildly rewarding and I pulled his dick from my mouth so Jen could share in his spray.

Lee shot his last bits over the two of us as we kissed his cum splashing over the sides of our faces. It was a dripping sticky mess but insanely exciting and he took hold of the sheet and brought a edge to us wiping most of the cum off us. Then Lee leaned in kissing the both of us and in this way all three of us shared in the taste of Lee's milky cum. Stretching to Jennie's ear I told her to suck his cock clean and as she pushed Lee into a better position I came around and mounted her doggie style. We rocked together three linked lovers with Jen licking the remaining strands of Lee's ejaculation from his dick as I held her hips slamming my cock deep into her. Each stroke drove her hard upon Lee's softening dick as the sound of my nuts slapping her ass echoed around the room. I don't know how many times Jen had cum over the last hours but I know when I released I let go with all of the bottled up force of the last hours worth of play. The weirdest part was as I came it was to the mental visions of Lee's cock. I knew my explorations of a man's body had only begun.

This was just Act One in an evening for the record books and there were more Acts yet to come....

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