Dinner and Drinks with Old College Buddy

By Mike

Published on Dec 13, 2010


More of the story of Lee, I and my wife Jennie. Mike

Dinner And Drinks With An Old College Buddy; Chapter 2 Copyright 2010

My own erection throbbed within my slacks as Jen's free hand dropped into my lap. She didn't tease me instead she closed her hand over the prominent knob my dick was making and gently squeezed. With my hand resting on her leg I began to lightly trace the inside of her thigh urging her leg up and over mine. She obliged willingly and now sat there spread apart with the table barely hiding what we were doing,. Thank goodness we were in a darkened booth against the back wall.

Slightly distracted by the thought of being caught and looking to see if we were being watched I nearly missed Jen lifting her other leg over Lee's knee. It was the movement that brought me back. On a wicked whim Jen had opened her legs as wide as she could. It was deliciously dirty. Lee's hand was now under what remained of her skirt and I could tell from the angle he was at least cupping her pubic mound or at best separating her folds to gain access to her moist inner depths. Jen's hips began a subtle movement and I knew Lee was sliding his fingers into her. My head spun from the excitement of what was going on right next to me and I nearly lost it when I felt Jen try to work the zipper to my pants. I didn't know whether or not I wanted her to expose me here in the bar so when she just couldn't get the zipper down I relaxed.

Looking towards her I found that she was leaning into Lee in what I thought was a kissing only to be doubly shocked to see his hand reappear from under her skirt. With a smirk he reached across Jen and grabbed hold of my and belt. His fingers brushed against my shirt covered stomach as I almost gasped! This was beyond erotic because as Lee held my belt line stationary Jen unclasped the belt, buckle and then lowered my zipper. Surprisingly when his hand withdrew I swore I felt his fingers extend to trace over the bit of bare skin that Jen's mischief had created. A little startled by that thought and my reaction to it I watched as his hand found it way back under Jen's skirt.

Many images and thoughts ran through my head as I factored a number of things all at once. First off I could smell Jen's arousal knowing it had come off Lee's noticeably wet fingers. Further the kiss I saw wasn't a kiss but a whisper for help to get my zipper down and lastly with a bit of a start I realized that in this situation I did not have any problems with Lee's hands in my pants. Sitting here mulling over his sudden excursion I wondered what it would feel like to hold another man's rod and the image of guiding Lee's prick into Jen made me shiver.

With my zipper down Jen worked my penis free from my pants and in the craziest moment of my life my cock was now sitting proud, erect and on display in a public place as Jen closed her fist around it and began to pump. It was insane but I fucking loved every second of this depraved play. My hand stroked her soft inner thigh eventually sliding up to her pussy only to encounter Lee's hand already working her soft folds and I slipped my hand over his, working my finger into her along with his. I can't even begin to describe the intensity of this theater as it was amazingly, deliriously reckless. More than anything I wanted to head back to our room but the other two seemed to be enjoying themselves to much to leave.

Jen's was incredibly wet and her hips moved as our melded fingers synchronize their movements. It was about then that the waitress returned and while she had to know what was going on she never let slip that she saw or suspected anything. However, at her approach Jen had pulled her hand away leaving my dick exposed and she had sat up a bit rolling our fingers from inside her. Lee ordered us another round as we gave each other sheepish grins. This break in our play gave us all a moment to cool and with an evil smile she tried to push me out of the booth so she could go to the ladies room. Needless to say with my dick hanging out I wasn't about to move an inch so laughing at my predicament she then spun to Lee and made him move.

As she left I strained to see if we had left a noticeable wet spot on her dress. In the darkened light of the bar nothing was visible. Suddenly with Jen gone I felt terribly exposed and even more so when I noticed Lee looking into my lap. With a snicker he managed an, "it's a terrible way to leave you isn't it?" Somehow his words didn't match his smirk and sitting there I thought of adjusting myself back into my pants. With a quick scan I checked out the bar and decided that since I was reasonably hidden and no one was looking I had no reason to panic. Instead I tuned into the blistering hot lewdness of this situation.

That's when I noticed Lee still taking glances at my erection and as I fluxed between self consciousness and exhibitionism Lee said something that really startled me. He said, Randy you know that you have a gorgeous cock.' Lee had been my friend for more than a decade and I had a terrible time deciding how to take that statement. All I managed was a confused, thank you.' Sensing my discomfort Lee let out a deep belly laugh as he added don't get concerned I'm not about to reach out and grab you.' Taking a sip of his drink and adding with a broad grin... that is unless you want me too?'

We both laughed but crazy things were happening inside of me because of his words I had an image of his fist closed around my rigid shaft and in this moment I didn't think I would object. The other thing that startled me was the way he kept looking at my prick but before I could resolve my thoughts Lee said. Randy we've known each other since our first week in college but there is something I never told you. It's something you must have guessed but it is also something I don't want to ruin our friendship so relax because nothing would happen without your permission." The bar seemed to grow unusually silent as I blocked out the noise about me. Deep down I knew what he was about to say because I'd had hints as far back as I could remember. He then said, Randy, I'm bisexual! I enjoy men as much as I enjoy women.'

Millions of questions popped into my head but I found myself combining two questions into one and one that by far seemed the weirdest... `if you're bi and we've known each other for decades why didn't I know and why haven't you ever hit on me?'

Lee shrugged his shoulders then said as for your not knowing that can only be blamed on blindness as for not hitting on you. Well you always seemed too homophobic and I didn't to ruin our friendship.' It took microseconds to process his statement and I knew everything he said was true... well had been true. Some how the concerns of the past had vanished and finding the courage I reached out took Lee's hand and guided it to my cock. It was the first male on male contact I had since my adolescence. The last thing he slipped in was while you were too stupid to catch on Jen has known what I am almost from the first time you brought her around.'

My eyes closed at the warm strength of his grip and I loved the feel of his strokes. I don't know how long it lasted but I was brought out of this dream by Jen's voice saying `holly cow that is so fucking hot' as she slipped back into the booth trapping Lee between us. Jen seemed perfectly ok with our behavior and her cryptic statement from earlier this evening finally made sense. She slithered over to Lee and with busy hands she worked his zipper while locking her vision on my dick and Lee's moving hand... Seconds later she had his erection pulled free.

This whole situation had changed so rapidly that I was having trouble keeping up with it when Jen said Randy grab Lee's cock for me I want to see you touch it.' This was destined to be an evening of full of pleasure because without hesitation I wrapped my fist around Lee's dick. I couldn't believe how silky smooth and hot it felt and as Lee jacked me I jacked him doing my best to hide all our activity from every other patron in that bar. Lee's free hand had reached back and disappeared back under Jennie's skirt and I could tell from her gentle rocking motion he was finger fucking her while jacking me at the same time. I couldn't take much more of this so shaking my head I said we just can't do this here let's go back to our room.'

Somehow over the next minutes Lee and I managed to get our pricks back into our pants, paid our bill and make it out into the cool of the night. Grinning like a fool I grabbed Lee's keys and told them for the short trip back I was their chauffeur and with smiles greater than my own they willingly jumped into the back seat. I closed them in and ran around to the driver's door, hopped in, started the car and adjusted the mirror, no, not in the normal way. I adjusted it so I could see the back seat.

They had started Jen and Lee were pressed together in a kiss that made me hungry and as I pulled out of the parking lot I caught a glance of Lee's hand kneading Jen's boobs. Trying to drive and watch was a hell of a challenge and my every gaze I was rewarded, Lee's hands under Jen's dress, Jen's subtle movements at Lee's ministrations, the sound of a zipper and Jen disappearing from view. It was torture and I savored every dirty little second of it. When I finally came to a stop light I turned at the obvious slurping sounds of a blow job only to see Jen licking Lee's dick like ice cream. His entire shaft slick and shinny in the reflected light. One of her hands was holding his shaft angling it for her mouth while her other teased at his balls. Dang it was so hot to see her so lost in sexual delight. How I kept my hands off my dick and how Lee didn't come just from the lascivious nature of what we were doing is still a mystery. The light changed just as Lee slipped the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders. I drove off but every few seconds my eyes shot back to the rear view mirror catching Lee as he nudged the top of her dress down. Silvered moon light shown off Jen's areolas and as I shifted focus to drive Lee's hands pulled the lower hem up. I'd concentrate on driving for seconds then check the mirror or turn my head. Jen might as well have been naked since what little of that dress that existed had been bunched about her waist like an emerald green fabric belt.

I twitched in my seat seeing Lee's hand find Jennie's ass. He was about to learn what I already knew... Jen's passion was rocketed into the stratosphere when her ass was played with and her deep, deep moans had already begun. I was beyond desperate when we were stopped by a red light and now I was free to turn around. Reaching out my hand played over one of Jen's alabaster butt cheeks while Lee slid his talented hand down her crack and for a brief moment she popped Lee's dick out of her mouth, making searing eye contact with me. She shifted as best she could to bring her backside as close to me as she could. My hand moved towards her crack confirming what Jen's glazed look had told me. Lee was swirling his finger around her struggling anus. I worked my fingers trying to penetrate her pussy and was rewarded by finding her soaking wet. As quick as I got to touch her the light changed and I had to move on.

Each second brought us closer to discovery and at the next light a car pulled up on our right. A sideways glance told me they had seen what was happening in the back seat and I turned to see what had them so transfixed. It was Jen in her near naked state bobbing on Lee's cock that had commanded their vision. Looking over at the other couples I grinned as they shifted their gaze between Lee, Jen and I... All I could do was smile back at them and shrug my shoulders. Then Lee did an incredibly nasty thing he pushed Jen upright making her lift and he pulled the dress over her head. She was now naked and both I and our audience feasted on Jen's body in the middle of this lewd interval. She caught sight of the people in the other car and rather than cover up she pulled Lee's mouth to her nipple a stared brazenly and the couples next to us. I couldn't believe it and then the couple in the back seat of the other car repaid the show. The gal that was sitting closest to us pressed her hands to the roof as her husband or friend reached around cupped her tits and popped them from her dress. The light changed as his fingers closed on her nipples tweaking them mercilessly for us. I know if we had spend just seconds more at the light we would have invited them to join us but as it was it became just a scintillating memory.

After a few more stops we pulled into the hotel's parking garage and found a parking spot. I hopped out like a good chauffer came around to Jen's side and opened the door. Oh man, what a sight Jen was sitting in Lee's lap with her legs spread over his. Sometime in the last few blocks Lee's had slid under Jen and he had buried his tool deep into Jen's cunt. He was completely hidden within her pussy. I was desperate and wanted to slide my throbbing cock into her right here in the parking lot when another vision shook me. Seeing Lee inside of her I wondered what it would feel like if both Lee and I could fuck her at the same time. No, not one in her ass and one in her pussy but both of us in her pussy our dicks sliding against each others as Jen's stretched pussy caressed our touching dicks.

Next: Chapter 3

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