Dinner and Drinks with Old College Buddy

By Mike

Published on Dec 12, 2010


Lee and I roomed together through out our college years. He was a trusted partner in crime and friend to both myself and my wife to be Jennie. How this never happened earlier I'll never know. I hope you enjoy our story.

Mike aka Savant

"Dinner and Drinks with an Old College Buddy" ©

By Savant

Chapter 1

What a treat it is to be able to leave work early on a Friday and if everything was on schedule Jen was in the process of leaving her job early too. I'm Randy by the way and this all started with a call from an old college buddy of mine, Lee. He was the catalyst to our small adventure. His job had brought him out to San Diego and on a whim Jen and I talked him into extending his trip so we could make the drive from L.A. to spend a couple days together.

Back in the day the three of us we inseparable. Lee and I roomed together and when Jen and I started dating we fell into a natural rhythm of pulling Lee along when ever he was free. Hell, Jen and I were so comfortable in Lee's company that we'd wind up in the throws of passion on my side of the room while he'd struggled to study. Oh how easy life was back then. Our college days ended, Jen and I married and Lee's job took him to the other coast but we never lost our close bond. We kept in touch, got together when we could and at every reunion we stripped away the years. We'd laugh, tease and go through the `do you remember when's', as we shared drinks at some secluded bar. This trip promised to be more of the same.

I got home found Jen's car in the drive and headed up the stairs. Jen had our suitcase and garment bag spread out all over the bed packing. I changed my clothes added a few things to the suitcase and in no time we were on our way. We had managed to make in onto the road heading south early enough to miss most of the traffic and a couple hours later we were pulling into the hotel. Lee had left instructions at the front desk and we were escorted to the room being pleasantly surprised to find it a two bedroom suite. We were directed to the bedroom we would occupy and started to unpack. I looked up to see Jen with a mischievous smile and something half hidden. Curious, I tried to look around her only to see one of those colored plastic bags over a hanger. Jen's teasing eyes sparkled as she said... `Don't get too anxious big boy you'll get to see this tonight. I think you'll like it.' With a raising of my eye brows I knew whatever it was would be something very sexy and I couldn't wait to see in on her.

Jen had the body of a gymnast. A bit taller but athletic, still toned, small cone shaped breasts and gently rounded hips with a tight firm butt. Oh how I loved it when she wore things that showed off her frame and now hoped she had something like that on that hanger. I must have telegraphed what I was thinking because with a giggle she said ... Save that for later you horny boy' and danced away heading for the bathroom. She closed the door and started the shower when I heard the suite door open. Lee had returned and with handshakes and hugs we greeted one another. His smile was as I always remembered it and we began to cover the changes in our life as Lee wandered to the bar and poured a couple drinks. With a clink of glasses and a wave of his hands he said How do you like all this? The company is paying for it, well most of it sadly, I have have to stock the bar so enjoy.' Nodding I told him it was cool and we headed to the couch when our bedroom door opened and out rushed Jen.

Her hair was still damp and she was wearing a thin silky robe tied at the waist well almost tied that is and she rushed over to Lee throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his lips. Her every step flashed some of her body and not for the first time I thrilled as her body pressed into Lee's.

Over the years Lee had become some of our fantasy fodder. His close familiarity with Jen and I had crept into our love making. One evening as I stood behind her with my rigid cock flattened against her and my hands tweaking her nipples I whispered. Do you remember doing this back in the dorm room with poor Lee trying to study?' Her body shuddered and taking the cue I added I'll bet you wanted Lee to stand up, strip naked and press his hardened manhood into you like I'm pressing mine or maybe you hoped he'd come around and stick his dick into your face so you could get it from both of us.' Her moan had said it all and as we fucked I filled her ears with images of Lee and I taking her together. Shit, that night and those thoughts had her wickedly wet and wild. Needless to say we visited that over and over.

Now Lee had his hands around my almost naked wife and more than anything I wanted to see him slip the robe from her shoulders but sadly he broke the kiss took a drink and headed to his room saying he had to get ready.' Jen turned and with a devilish grin passed by casually asking, so what do you think of turning our fantasy into reality?' At first I only half heard the words and as she passed I bumbled an almost incoherent `what' and then turned and followed her into our room.

Jen knew the answer to that question but just stood there with an innocent smile and watched me squirm as she repeated... how would you like to turn our bedroom fantasy into reality?' Then she added You know Lee has wanted this for a long time and just now when he saw how near naked I was he hardened as we kissed. I felt him pressing against me and I pressed back. So what do you think? Do you want to invite him into our bed?'

Right now' I stammered as the thought jolted me. No you silly ass' she answered adding, not right this very second but sometime this week end. This is also about seduction and teasing not just screwing.' What else could I say but oh hell yes' as we had lit up our sex with this thought for a while and lamely added but it's really up to you and anything you do you is ok with me!' I realized I was already hard as a rock when Jen answered with a cryptic and anything you do is okay with me... anything.'

I reached for Jen but again she batted me away telling me get out of here I still have to finish getting ready.' Heading into the other room I picked up my drink and downed the remainder of the glass in a single swallow then poured myself some more. A few minutes later Lee came out of his room and said you better pour me some more too because that pretty wife of yours drives me crazy.' Laughing I said, `Ya I know she told me how crazy you felt during that kiss.'

Lee began to stammer and apology but I stopped him midstream and said `oh relax we've been together for years and we are as close as any friends can be so nothing you and Jen do together would ever require and apology... as long as I'm there too' I added evilly. Lee's laugh echoed my own and as we waited for Jen we nursed the drinks we had. Our conversation drifted easy and light until Jen stepped from the room.

Both our jaws dropped! There she stood in a short little emerald green dress with little thin straps over her mostly bare shoulders. Her skin warm and stunning against that color but the most inflaming part was how close-fitting it was. It flowed over her tight frame leaving little hint at what lay beneath it. Her cone shaped tits were clearly defined as were the rise of her nipples. She spun around for us and the dress danced over her beautiful behind dropping seductively over her cheeks following the roundness and leaving little doubt as to their shape. That dress also hinted that not a stitch of anything else existed under that dress, top or bottom.

In our stunned silence Jen said `What, don't you like it? Guess I'll just have to change' and teasing headed back towards the room.

Lee and I sputtered a no' simultaneously and in a tongue tied duet we managed to put voice to how marvelous she looked. How she made it out of our presence I'll never know but when she stepped back into our room to pick up her purse Lee in a still stunned whisper said, Do you think she's wearing anything under that dress?'

`It doesn't look like it does it' was all I got out as Jen reappeared.

The three of us linked arms in the hallway and happily wandered to the elevators. Where we spent the seconds waiting telling Jen how hot she looked. Jen beamed at the compliments and gave us both quick kisses of thank you'. The elevator arrived as Lee was saying With all the video surveillance in these places now days I wonder what they thought of you taking turns and kissing both of us?' Adding hell `I bet even then these elevators are monitored.'

Laughing we looked around but saw no visible cameras when Jen said `that kiss was much to get excited over'. Then as the doors closed she pressed herself into me in a languid, seductive kiss and then broke away from me and reaching up she took hold of Lee's neck giving him a even more passionate kiss. I didn't know how I was going to walk as my cock was ballooning my pants outwards when in a surreal moment Jen's hands left Lee's neck and disappeared between the two of them. I knew she had just touched Lee's tool and when they broke apart I saw a bulge similar to mine in Lee's pants.

Absently, I heard Jen saying `now that will give them something to wonder about!' I smirked at the thought of someone monitoring a video feed of that elevator when out of the corner of my eye I caught Lee adjusting himself. I found myself thinking what a marvelous thing a hard cock was as it shouted desire and attraction by its very existence. Catching Jen's eyes I noticed she was busy looking from my crotch to Lee's admiring how quickly we had both responded to her. This evening was going to be wicked!

Dinner was rather uneventful. Lee had chosen this place on a recommendation of one of his clients. It was one of those trendy little places where the food was artfully presented but the portions woefully small. Considering where we were heading the meal was perfectly light and one not to weight us down later. Leaving the restaurant we headed out for a night cap and a little dancing.

Lee took us to a great little place where we found a darken booth all to ourselves. Our butts had barely touched the seats when Jen leaned over gave me a peck, winked and pushed Lee out of the booth telling him, `Come on Lee I want to dance.' Lee threw a smile my way turned and took Jen to the dance floor. It was impossible for me not to watch and luckily the booth while not close to the dancing was elevated on a second tier which provided a great view.

The band played a number of classic rock songs and I watched Jen as her lithe body danced. Damn, she sure could move and I looked at how comfortable Lee and Jen were as they swayed to the music. They looked so good together that I didn't even realize that I was day dreaming until the two of them slid back into the booth. Truth be told my dirty little mind had been visualizing what it would look like to see the two of them dancing together naked. Jen and Lee were warmly flushed and greedily took sips of their drinks. My eyes traveled over Jen's perky tits as they rose and fell with her breathing noting how aroused they were.

Looking at my sexy wife I kissed her and pulled her back to the dance floor with an, `It's my turn.' The music played and Jen and I spun bodies entwined into a pressed dirty dance. Dancing is something we have always done well and with my leg between hers I pressed my hand into the small of her back and thrilled to the feeling of her pubic mound grinding against me. The evening traveled on and the bar filled so now we were just three in a room of many sharing dances and drinks. Between Lee and I we hardly gave Jen a rest and by the early hours the three of us were all dancing together.

Finally, with our arms linked around Jen the band moved into a slower song as Jen pressed herself into Lee leaning in and kissing him passionately and then switching to me for an equally intense kiss... I glanced around and knowing smiles lit a few faces near us. Something about others catching us being naughty was tantalizingly wanton. Lee and I intimately pressed our bodies to Jen's sandwiching her between us in sultry movement. The three of us burned in lust and after this dance we had to relax so we headed back to our booth sliding in with Jen between us yet again.

Reaching out I rested my hand on her leg and stole a glance downward only then realizing that Jen's free hand was already resting very high on Lee's thigh. She had turned my way at the contact and then followed the focus of my eyes to her hand so near Lee's cock. I made quick eye contact with my loving bride as with a passioned smile and a gentle nod her gaze pulled me back to her hand. It was almost hidden by the table but there was just enough space and just enough light for me to see her little finger and ring finger tracing the line of Lee's hard on. She did all this as she watched my face for its reaction. My eyes popped. I moistened my suddenly dry lips and as I did this Lee's body gave a noticeable jump at the contact. Jennie's grin was easy to see and when Lee's hand settled onto Jen's other thigh I caught her face shift to a mischievous smile. She parted her knees. Oh, this was becoming fucking unbelievable!

Next: Chapter 2

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