Dillon Gets a Job


Published on Apr 4, 2006


It was Saturday morning and I was up early. I got dressed per Larry and packed a small bag. I saw Larry drive up so I locked the door and walked out to the car. Hey sport you ready for an adventure. I sure am. He handed me an envelope told me to open it. It's the instructions for our drive. We drove to the local coffee place and there were about 50 vette's. Larry said lets get a coffee, see some of the guys then we are off. We got our coffee sat at a table of about 8 dudes. Larry was asked if he would donate anything to the winners. He said sure a years oil changes, and other services. Okay here are the instructions to the strip poker run. I looked at Larry, did he say? He sure did, okay get in your cars, and were off. Remember the first one to the cabin wins.

We all headed off to our cars. I asked Larry when he was going to tell me about the run, he told me if he had told me would I have come. I wasn't sure. He said get in lets get going. I opened the instructions and told him where we needed to drive. We drove off to the hills. We had to stop at a gas station in a small town and ask for a small dildo. Larry told me I was the runner, he was the driver. I saw a bunch of guy who were runners, many young and some old. I noticed some of the corvette owners were young with older runners. He said runners have to be quick. We drove about an hour up the hill, stopped at this hole in the wall station. I jumped out ran in and asked for a dildo. The guy behind the counter, pulls out this case and opens it, shit it was full of them. I looked them over and chose a clear one. What did I know ran back out and off we drove. The next item on the list was a clothing item. I'd never heard of this before I said. We drove 25 minutes to a place called rosy butts. I ran inside and asked for the item. The guy behind the counter held up a pair. I looked at the pants, wow leather with the crouch netted and the butt cheeks cut out. I have never seen anything like these before. I didn't have to give him a size it was if he already knew. I took the pants and I ran out to the car and we drove off. The next stop was the local Barber. It was 10 minutes away. We pulled up at the back door. There were about ten corvettes there, wow it was busy. I walked in told the guy my name. He looked at the chart, told a guy named Albert his client was here. He gets the whole thing. I walked into number 7. The guy inside said to take off my clothes and stand over here. I did what he said. He took a warm shaving cream and rubbed it on my cock and balls. Then he took out a can of something that said Nair. I thought it was called neat air. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if I am blond. The Nair, was sprayed on all of me, then he took out a long straight blade and said son, sit up here and spread your legs. He proceeded to shave my cock and balls. Dude he said don't move or I'll cut it off. He was real good. I'd heard about this but never thought it would happen to me. As he finished up my back legs and torso began to itch real badly, he said when you take off hair, it does that. I looked him in the eye, and said what, hair, off what. That's right son, all your hair is gone. With those words he wiped me off. Oh god it was true I was bare to the skin, shit I was skin bareassed, and hairless. He wiped off all the foam then he said stand up son, now spread your legs and bend over. He took a cream and put it on my butt area around my hole. He took out his straight blade said don't breath wouldn't want to loose your jewels. He shaved my crack too. When he was done he looked me over to be sure I was done. Well boy looks as if you're smooth as a baby's butt. He ran his hand over my body a few times and in my crack and around my balls. Yep another great job. It took about an hour for my cut and trim. I was told to put on this towel as this is all you need for your next stop. I said you have to be kidding me walk out of here in this. The guy looked at me said it's this or nothing. I put on the towel and ran to the car. I jumped in. Larry said I looked nice. He drove the car around the block to a place called misty's Massage. Okay here you go. I will wait. I ran in, and stopped at the desk. YOU'RE NAME BOY? D Dillon, sir. Okay Dillon you are in room 7. Fallow me. I walked to the room and went in. Okay, drop the towel; boy. I lost my towel. The guy told me to sit the pimpball master will be in shortly. I said the what? He left. The next one in was the man himself. I am the pimpball master I am here to give you the full round, are you ready boy? Okay now bend over this bar, and spread your legs. The dude put a hose and squirted in my ass. Okay I will fill you and you keep it in your ass. I said sure. Dude I was in for trouble. I never had this before. He started to fill me, I said I can't hold it, I was right, the hose flew out and so did my shit. It was all over. He said now boy, you have to do better. He put it in again. Okay now hold it in tight. I held what I could. He said okay sit here let it out. The next he filled me up then he said boy, I need to plug this up. Okay go ahead lay on the table. I got up and oh man I was hard, I was embarrassed. Boy you aren't scared are you? I said no. He had me lay on my front side, hard to do with a 9 inch boner. He gave me a massage, it felt really nice. He had me roll over so he could do the front side. He measured my cock and balls, and then he went to work on my nipples. After he pinched them and prodded them he said okay boy stand up and sit on the can. He bent down and put his hand through my crouch and pulled out the plug. It made a thump sound. He then said push it all out, push hard. I almost filled the can. He then took his finger and stuck it up my hole. Looks and feels clean. Okay, he put the plug back in and said okay you can dress and go. I looked at him, said dress, in what? The black special pants had been delivered. I tried to get in them myself. That was a challenge. The leather pants are very hard to put on. I managed to slide them on. I was given a small shirt for the top. I really had never ever seen this before. The nipples were cut out, and little chains hung from them with roach clips on the ends. I knew what a roach clip was we did a lot of smoking at the group home. I put on this hot pink shirt. I looked like a fag. The plug was still in me too. I looked at the guy in the room, he said you look marvelous. You're ready for a hot evening. I went to the front door, looked out to see Larry. I opened the door and two other guys walked out with me. I got in the car with Larry. Larry said wow you're a real hunk. Love the look. And look at those nipples. It makes me hard just to look at you. I asked Larry if this is all, because I am scared to death and really wondering why I let this happen to me. I started to really wonder why. I asked myself why all the way to the cabin. Before we got to the cabin Larry stopped at a local jack n box and went through the drive through. The guy at the window looked at me then smiled. I smiled back. Larry had his hand on my left leg and moving slowly up. We got a drink and drove off. It took us about 30 more minutes to get to the cabin. Larry and I pulled up to the cabin. It was a moderate sized one. We were back first it looked like. We grabbed our stuff and walked to the door. Rang the bell and in we walked. It was real nice inside. Not many windows on the lower level. We walked up the stairs to the main floor. Wow was this nice. It was open and many bean chairs and pillows on the floor. Stairs went to the bedrooms. We went up and looked for our name on the doors. Larry asked me what our name on the envelope was. I told him it said little eagle and bigger eagle. Okay look for that on the doors. I found it were in here with other Indian dudes. We went in and picked a bed, and then we headed back down to the main area and helped ourselves to the food and drinks. So why I am waiting for the others let me tell you about Larry. Larry is about 38yrs brown hair, slightly chubby, from what I can see. His muscles are well defined, and his hands are nice and strong. His legs are heavy duty he likes to hike. I haven't seen him naked but his arms and legs are smooth. So I bet his cock is too. He tells me he is small so I hope this weekend I will get to see him. Larry has no children, and no bitch wife. He is a local land and business mogul. He owns the local oil house. He likes guys can you tell. I found this out a few months ago working while he was at the shop. He asked me to stay after he wanted to take my picture in the pit. He said it was for the boy in the pit monthly. Anyways Larry is a kind dude, but lonely. He really needs to settle down. He has asked me to be his house boy but haven't decided. I am scared but also want to enjoy life. I haven't lived much yet. I am only 18. So anyways Larry asked me to join him for this weekend thing, I had no idea it was a strip poker run. I have done a poker run before but this takes the cake. So far I am having fun. It's all new to me. The door opened and the cabin was getting full. It was to hold about 50 of us. When we all arrived, the meeting began. Then it was the awards for driving and getting here first. Larry always wins. Then we were told the beauty contest was next. The guys in the black leather pants all came up and did a short show and tell. I was wonderful if I do say myself. The judges were all the guys. Well 4th was a kid from lower hills, Trevor was his name he was nice but not that nice. 3rd was Cory, nice real nice. 2nd was who else Me Dillon. And 1st was Andy, I guess he wins a lot. Anyways the party began. Food was great, and drinks too. After 4 hours Larry and I went to our room. We showered then we sat on the bed and talked. Larry asked me if I had thought about his question and if I would join him at his home. I told him I really hadn't thought about it. We touched each other and talked. He rubbed my back I rubbed his. As we were getting into the mood the others sharing the room came in. Well look at these two love birds. Hope we didn't interrupt anything. They left there stuff and went back to the party. I went back to Larry he was rubbing me on my backside up and down. I was feeling good. Rubbed his back then I asked him to lie on his back. I ran my hand down to his cock. Then back to his nipples. Yep he was smooth down there too. I asked him to kiss me then he did, he then asked me to stand up and face him. He had me stand up so he could check me out. Boy you're so hot, I can say you're really getting me excited. Larry's cock was rising to attention. I turned around and Larry had me bend over. Ah what have we here? He spread my cheeks and then pushed and pulled on the plug. Oh god I forgot it was in there. I walked to the toilet, and pulled it out. I pooped for minutes. Larry put his finger in me and moved it about; yep you're clean and ready for me.

We walked back to the bed where he laid me on the bed, then slid me up, and then he took my legs and lifted them over me and onto his shoulders. He said boy your going to feel this and I am sorry, but I can't keep it up very long. He spit on his cock and then moved it in me. He said boy it's going to hurt, but I love you. He pushed the head into me. I screamed. He said Dillon push out like you have to take a big shit. I took a great big breath then I pushed out. My hole opened and in he pushed. I felt every inch of his manhood slide into me. It hurt so badly. I tried not to yell. I closed my eyes, and cried. It hurt so badly. But he couldn't wait. He pushed it in all the way. Then he stopped. Oh shit, Larry, please stop. Larry waited a few moments. He kissed my hand, and rubbed my legs. Dillon my boy I am so sorry for your pain, I love you and you will love me too. He started to move in and out of me quickly. I closed my eyes in pain. I then looked up at his eyes, he looked at me too. We looked into each others eyes, and smiled. Larry continued to push in and out of me. He went faster and faster, I could see he was getting tired. His sweat was rolling off his brow, and his legs and arms were wet to. He yelled oh my boy here I cum. His body tensed up, he then stayed in and it cut loose, he filled my hole with his seed. It was so much it leaked from the sides. He looked at my face then fell to my chest. We laid together for a long moment. Then we went back to loving each other. It was my turn as Larry isn't young like he thought. He rolled off me, and pulled out of my ass. It was so sweet. I moved so I could suck on his now wet cock, wet with his seed and my insides.

I never done it like this before but I just wanted to try. I loved the fact his seed was a lubricant for me. I was getting into this love and sex stuff. Besides what else do I have to do? So back to love making. I moved so I was at his cock he was at mine. I felt him take a finger or two and fondle my hole. He was at my prostate, it felt so good. I was really getting into this. The door opened and it was our roommates, well look at this lovers. They both sat on there bed and watched us. Well we couldn't do it so we stopped and just managed to lie there and kiss each other. Larry told the others to please leave us alone, they wouldn't so Larry and I got up showered, and headed down stairs. Larry brought an envelope with him. He wanted to show me something special. We got down stairs and then we headed to the bar to get some food and some drinks. By now all the people in the cabin were nude and having fun. No one was aloud to spill any fluids on the main floor. It was for touching and talking only. Larry and I poured a glass of punch. We looked around and found a spot near the fire place. We walked over and sat down on 2 cushy pillows. Larry pulled out some pictures and showed them to me. They were of the photo shoot in the pit. Larry told me I looked really nice. Asked if I ever did any modeling? I told him never. He told me that Ted was hired to work at one of my companies in Hollywood. He really is lucky, he makes good money. I was thinking about sending you down to be with him, but I really would like you to come move in with me. I told him I was flattered, but wasn't sure what to do. We sat and talked and fondled each other for a couple hours. Then it got oddly fun, t was as if we switched partners. I was talking to a couple boys, then a couple older guys. They were all Horney as hell. I looked over to Larry he winked and motioned for me to go downstairs with him. I followed him down to the lower level. It was hard cold cement. Okay boy get on your knees he ordered. I looked at him and said what, I am not a dog. Ask me nicely. Larry Said to me, Dillon would you please get on your knees in front of me, I would like you too suck my 4 inch boner. Now isn't that better Larry, I said. I kneeled down in front of him. I took Larry's balls in my hand, rolled the balls around, and then I put his little cock in my mouth. I couldn't believe this was the cock that made me cry. Larry then said, Dillon, it is a wonder how this little cock made you cry. I nodded, then he said if I don't get sucked or masturbate for months it can grow to 11 inches and 1.5-2.0 round. I have a male disorder. But Dillon, I really love you a lot. I sucked his cock for 20 minutes or so, and nothing so I slowly moved to his butt hole, and stuck my tongue in him, he moaned loudly. I then moved to his chest and nipples. I bit each one, and pinched them. I moved to his lips and gave him a big kiss. He reached down to my now rock hard cock, and played with it. I whispered in his ear; let's get back to our room. With that we walked back to the first floor, had a few more drinks and then we went back to our room. Larry went in to get freshened up. I waited on the bed, and with our first item bought which was the glass dildo.

Larry walked out of the bathroom with a diamond chain around his cock and diamond studded chains from his nipples. He told me if I made him feel wonderful they were mine. I walked up to him and embraced him; I let my hands roam his torso. I led him to the bed were we lay down and explored more. I went as slow as I could, with out making it too boring. I wasn't sure what to do, but I watched a few movies, and read a few magazines. And it helps to visit jackoff.com. I gave Larry the best I knew how to. We snuggled and licked each other for a long time.

Larry was lying on his stomach, I was massaging his back. I leaned down to his ear and said now, are you ready? He nodded and gave a smile. I moved slowly to his butt. I spread open his cheeks and spit on his hole. It wasn't going to be enough. Without warning a bottle of lube fell on the bed. The other guys in the room snuck in and were watching. I took the lube and poured it on the dry hole. I poured some on my cock too and rubbed it slowly. I moved toward my objective and parked at the entrance. I said to Larry are you ready, a small nod came, I moved in slowly, and then it felt so warm and wonderful. I moved in and the 9 inches was in him, I moved slowly, then I moved faster. I rode his ass for as long as I could, then my seed was Cumming. I arched my back and stiffened up. I heard Larry as he was moaning loudly. I heard another moan too. The boy and man in the room stood by the bed and were jerking each other off. I continued with my objective. Larry was about to get my gift. He was going to get a few more too. The Guys on the side spurted all over his back. I came in globs, I was so spent. I fell to him squishing all the white stuff that was squirted on his back. I rested a few moments. I had a few more squirts in me so up I rose and had Larry roll on his back while I was still in him. I put his legs on my shoulder and was looking at his smile. He motioned me to get closer. I bent down and he pinched the diamond chains on my nipples. He said you earned them. Now earn the chain. My cock began to swell again. My nipples were in pain. I have never felt such pain on my nipples. It made me harder. My cock was now tighter than before. My seed made it slide in and out better too. I moved in and out with passion. I wanted this to be to best. Larry made it better he called me boy and other young names. He never used cuss words and never dehumanized me. I loved the fact I was in him twice in the same room, and with in a few hours. I moved in his hole faster and faster. I smiled as I impaled him. My cock was so hard I felt as if it was hitting him in his chin. I moved faster faster. I yelled real loud Larry here it cums I am coming. I came over and over. It was like I was a new boy. I came in globs I was now spent. I looked at Larry and smiled at him then fell to his side. The guys in the other bed, began to make there noises. I just laid there next to Larry and snuggled to him.

The next morning Larry told me I was the best son he'd ever had. I was really excited. I hug him and kissed him. He then asked me again will I you come live with me. I still told him I wasn't sure. Larry told me I earned the Diamond bracelet and if I wanted it I had to go get it. It was still on his cock and balls. I moved under the sheets to get my second prize. His cock was at full mast. While I was down there I made him smile again. I was hoping this would be the start of a lot of stories. Thanks for reading hope you all got off as I did. Thank you again.

Dillon Rides Again!

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