Dillon Gets a Job


Published on Mar 31, 2006


This story is about Dillon and Larry and some friends. Enjoy the fun I did. If you are offended, by this leave now. I don't write the truth just what ever comes to me. Hope you enjoy this.

My name is Dillon. When I was 18 the group home told me it was time to go. So I went and got an apartment. The state gives you 3 months of rent and 6 months college money. Let me explain what I look like, for those of you who want to know, I am 6 feet tall or taller, have medium brown hair, green to dark green eyes, medium features. My butt is not very big, and my cock is 9 inches hard, fully over hard. (Only that long when I don't jerk off for weeks) I weigh about 180-200, a bit overweight. I met this guy named Ted at school he was working at a local oil change house. He said they were looking for more help. So I applied. The next day I couldn't wait for my interview. I went to school, did what I had to then went home. It was about 5:15 when I heard this noise from the parking lot, someone yelled, my name real loud. I walked out to see the noise. It was Ted and he was driving a new Viper, dark blue with darker blue stripes, one of a kind. Hey Dillon, let me take you over to your interview. I ran up got my jacket and back down to his nice ride. Wow Ted, what a sweet ride. Dude how can you afford this? Ted said let me tell you about Larry, man he is really cool, he had me doing oil changes one day and a star the next. I am off to Hollywood. Dude I got this great job with him. Man this is cool I can make thousands of dollars a day. It's really cool man. So anyways there is an opening or two, at the oil house. I told him you are really a cool dude, and really needed the money. I walked in the oil house office and Larry came out and said well Dillon it looks as if you got the job, the other young man didn't want it. So you're hired. Can you start tomorrow after school? I said that would be great, I will be here at 12 noon, and bring you my schedule.

I have been working here 4 months. It has really been cool. Tonight was my 4 month anniversary. Larry wanted to take me somewhere he said was special, I said sure. I didn't think anything about it. He picked me up at 7pm and off we went. He was driving an old corvette. Larry told me it was a 1963, three window, very rare! It was nice. We drove to the casino, and he parked out front. The people who worked knew him well. Hey Mr. Saunders, we will keep it nice for you. We went in and Larry bought me a few drinks, and then a few games of Black Jack. We then went to Dinner. Larry had reservations at a place called Austin's; it was really expensive and nice. I told Larry he didn't have to go to such extremes. He said he didn't mind. He liked spending money on his boys. So we talked at dinner. He made sure my drink was always full. I tried a Cranberry with orange vodka in it, it was really good. I must have been on my 12th when the dessert came. It was a small cake with candles. (I never had a cake with candles). I was so excited. I blew the candle out and licked off the frosting. Larry Had ordered 4 glasses of after dinner drinks. I can't remember what he called them, it was warm alcohol and it was real strong. I tried to stand and that was a problem, I think I was drunk. Larry helped me up and then I put my arm around him then he walked me to the car. I told him I was sorry I got so smashed. On the way home Larry had his hand on my left leg a lot. The next thing I remember is he had me open the glove compartment in his car, and then I opened a red envelope and saw a pair of red silk boxers. Larry pulled the car over into an office park and parked the car. He moved his hand to my zipper and pulled it down. He fished into my pants and found what he was looking for. My cock was rock hard. It was in its 9 inch state. He fished it out and said do you mind? I looked at him, and smiled a bit, His hand went to work moving my cut shaft up and down it felt so good. I closed my eyes and went out for the rest of the night. I was really out of it.

I awoke in my apartment the next morning. I was dressed in a pair of red silk underwear. That was it. I saw a note on the TV. It read: You were so good. You were out cold so I put your birthday present on you and tucked you in. Hope you had a great time. See you at work on Monday. PS. Here is a hundred bucks enjoy it. Thanks for the memories. I wondered what that meant. Monday rolled around and I went to my classes and then at 2pm I went to work. I started working on the customers cars. It was my first day in the pit. I always wondered what it was like under the cars. Wow you can see everything. It was really nice. I also could see the customers. They tried not to let people come into the garage but sometimes it just happened. I was working around 5pm when Larry came into the pit. Hey Dillon, how are you doing? I looked up and saw Larry, Hi I said. I have work to do, can't talk now.

After I was done I went into his office and asked him, what he may have meant by his note? He said that we had fun and that I was just being friendly. I asked him if I did anything I shouldn't or if he did the same? Dillon, you were perfect. I stroked you in the car, and you fell asleep, your cock didn't but I just couldn't so I pulled up your zipper and drove you home. I helped you in to your apartment, and then put you in your boxers and into bed. I hope this was okay? I told him it was. Larry asked me if I wanted to join him for a vette meeting. I told him I could if he wanted me too. Larry closed the shop, and we got in his vette and off we went. We talked about school and other life things. He asked if I had a girl friend, and if we ever had sex. Told him no not yet, I haven't found what I like. He asked me what I like, told him I really don't know, still unsure about the whole thing. He pulled a magazine from the back seat; here have something to look at while I drive. The title was in French, so I assumed it was a foreign one. Some of the pictures were of naked women standing by or laying on old cars. Next was some younger guys looked to be about 15-18 and some older ones 18-25 doing the same. As I turned the next page it was a silver vette, with 3 boy's nude all over the car, one had cum rolling off his leg onto the hood. The other two were standing at each wheel naked, in great poses. I managed to get a hard on. Larry was watching as he drove. He caught me touching my crouch then asked me to see what I was so interested in. I showed him the picture. Larry said well I should have known that is my car. A vette gets you hard, or the boys did. I said to Larry, it was the car. Anyways we were getting close to the meeting spot. It was at his friends in the lost legos community. We drove up to this large 6 garage home. Does he have a car in each one? You will have to wait and see. We rang the bell, and this young man answered. He said Hi Larry how are you, is this your new toy? I thought he meant the car. Anyways Larry said this is Dillon, be nice to him and make him feel at home, shit Andy try please. We walked into this large home, very well decorated.

I followed Andy to the kitchen he gave me a soda and asked if I would help him fill the candy dishes. I was lost but oh well. I helped him with the dishes, and then helped with the food and drinks. Andy had to go get ready for the party. He went upstairs to change. I walked around the house and looked at the pictures. I came to the pool room, and sat in a leather chair and waited. The guests started arriving, some of the guys were really old, looked about 65 and up, and some were younger, like me, and in there twenties. The party started getting into the swing. There was even a dance room with what was a disco floor. The younger guys all started dancing. A young boy came over to me and asked me if I wanted to dance? I said sure I will. We talked a bit but really couldn't hear anything. Larry came over and danced with me. The net song was a very slow one. He asked if we could dance to it. Um well I guess so. He put his arms around me and we danced. He whispered in my ear but didn't hear much. I looked around and noticed we were dancing with all guys. I started to get nervous, so I left the floor, and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and said what the hell am I doing? Am I gay, what is going on here? I put my self together, then I went back out, Larry was asking me if I was okay? I told him I really need to go home, now. We left the party, on the way home we talked more; he asked me if I would go on the next vette outing this weekend? I said I would let him know. He dropped me at home, and off he drove. I went up to my apartment, took a shower, and tried to compose myself. I looked into the mirror, and asked myself if I was gay. I looked at my cock it was limp. I wondered what was happening to me. I dried off and went out to my bed. I lay on top and looked my medium weight body over. I looked at my nipples, and then my belly, I rolled on my side to see my butt. I wondered why I liked the attention. Was I gay, I am not Gay I yelled? I rolled back on my back and looked down my front, my cock was limp. I lay there looking, and then the phone rang. Scared the hell out of me. It was Ted, Hey Dillon, how you been? How is your new job? How's the pay? I said, Ted all is good, love the job, and Larry is cool too. I asked him if Larry was sort of strange. He asked me what I meant! I said is he Gay? Ted said Back dude, so what if he is or isn't he is rich. Man he is just lonely. And f*in rich. Ted told me he has a new place, and it is big, and he just bought a new car, another car. We chatted a while, then parted. I went back to my cock. It was still limp. I put my hand on it and started to imagine what Larry might have done to me on my anniversary. I wondered if he put his lips on my cock and sucked my rod, I stroked my cock as I imaged that in my mind. I moved to my balls, and massaged them. Then I went to a nipple, and pinched it, I worked my balls more, I stroked my cock, faster, faster, and faster. My head was about to burst. I wondered what the weekend held. I wondered what Larry wanted, I was about to burst, the damn door bell rang, shit. It wouldn't stop. My cock went limp. I threw on my shorts and went to the door. It was the lady form the floor below me, asked me if I had seen her son. Told her I just got home from work and haven't seen him. He is about 13 and has a habit of running away. I really wanted to get back to business at hand, but it wasn't going to happen. I put on my shoes and out to help them find the boy. We found the boy 2 floors away, in his friend's room, well playing. I went back to my apartment and took a quick shower and went to bed. What a day!! The next 2 days were long. Wondered when Larry was coming back to work. That night the door bell rang at 9pm. It was Larry, hey Dillon sorry to be so late I wondered if you would like to go this weekend, and well I need to know, so what do you say. Well I don't know I told him. He gave me one last chance to say yes. He also said it would be the best thin for the new manager of the oil house. I told him I would. He said he would be bye to pick me up at 8am and to wear jeans, no boxers of shorts, one shirt and a jacket. He said bring an overnight bag; keep it small, the car is small. Okay Dillon I will see you in the morning. Bye Larry see you then.


Next: Chapter 2

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