Digital Get Down

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 12, 2000



Digital Get Down Written by J-dot-M

[Disclaimer] Must be 18... must like 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys... must like erotic fiction... must have a stable modem... must have your parents permission... delete last part... must have heard 'N Sync's song 'Digital Get Down'... must like or know of cybersex... must enjoy the story... signal ended.

[This story has nothing to do with either of my series. It's a story I'm doing for fun. I'm a versitile writer and this just adds to my abilities, so it's strictly for fun. Again, it has nothing to do with my series, so don't relate the material or what happens to them. None of this story reflects me as a person and anything that I do. It is strictly fictional. This is also because I don't see much 'get-off' material on Nifty anymore and I figure why not appeal to the other side of the visitors. Everyone loves a good romance, but some times, late at night, you don't have time to read all that. So this is for all my 'freaky-deaky' folks. Enjoy it.]

JC Chasez sat at his desk, in his Orlando home, with a brilliant smile. "Almost there..." J.C. chimed as his computer connected to the Internet. He was thankful to have discarded all of his AOL material and hooked on Bellsouth. If only for the quicker connection, JC was pleased to have a new service. The Internet was JC's way with staying up-to-date with the world and keeping himself entertained when he was unable to go into the studio. With the break 'N Sync was on from praticing from rehearsals for their world tour, JC knew he'd have time to relax without the pressure of music, fans or a love life. It was true, he had ended his relationship with Bobbi for obvious reasons, one being that he couldn't stand being tied down to anyone.

Bobbi was aware of JC's choice in sharing his body with both sexes and she had accepted it, but JC still refused to comitt himself to her as she desired.

JC looked up when the computer chimed. He smiled innocently and moved the mouse on his computer to the icon that called on him. He clicked twice on the message that aws sent to him to read what was awaiting him.

[Bone69Dragon] Hey... I saw your message posted on the board and I'd love to hook up for that 'get down' tonight around 9:00. I'm sure I can give you all that you want.

JC's smiled grew larger when reading the message. His tongue unconsciously slid across his lips in a desireable way. His left hand slipped under the desk and lowered between his legs. He adjusted his crotch coyly. The thoughts that ran through his mind were erotic. His crave for some digital romance had been growing since his first encounter on the Internet with a man. Now he had become a cyber-freak in words. He scratched his head and then glanced to the time that sat in the bottom of his computer screen. It read: 8:32 PM. He sighed uncontrollably. 'Damn, could time be any slower?' he thought. He shrugged off his annoyance with the clock. He knew he could find other things to do within the time he had to wait for his 'cyber date'.

Nick Carter laid on his bed in his house in Tampa, Florida. He had escorted his friend, Mandy Williaford, to her house and forced himself to return home because of boredom. He was often annoyed by the way Mandy constantly came onto him when she knew that Nick preferred a male sexual partner. Nick didn't mind dating women, but it wasn't what he awnted and he had yet to actually feel the pleasure of having sex with a man. He still fantasised about it often, which explained his collection of Playgirl magazines in his personal bathroom.

Nick sat with his latop computer in front of him as he clicked through images of nude men posted to ManPics. He was bored with jerking off to pictures nightly, but it aws the only thing he found time to do since no one ever responded to his 'Chat Request' on the ICQ network. 'Mmm... you're a big one...' Nick cooed to himself while admiring another man on his computer screen. Nick clicked on the image to enhance it, his eyes tantalized by the screen. He began to rock his body on the bed causing friction between his covered penis and then mattress. He licked his lips with excitement while viewing the larger jpeg. His mouth began to water at the sight of the computerized dick. Every vein and curve attracted Ncik. "Damn I need some ass." Nick hissed while grinding his hips into the mattress. He was in need of something he had yet to have.

<Uh oh!>

The sounds of an ICQ message being sent startled Nick. His eyes quickly shot down to the right corner of the screen where the yellow message blinked quickly. He nervously drug his mouse down to the corner and clicked on the message. e glanced around the room quickly. He knew he was in the house alone, but he began to feel the sense that he was not alone. He only feared being caught looking at pictures of nude men and chatting on the ICQ network. His light blue eyes stayed locked on the screen while reading the message.

Nick:JFPhat1 Message: Hey, I read your chat thingy. If you're looking to get off, I can help. Meet me at: fat_house in the Yahoo! Chats. We'll both get a little something out of this sexy.

Nick's heart began to race. He had never received a message from another man outside of the friends he knew that were hooked up to the Internet. Receiving a message that was inviting Nick to plaesure in cybersex was the last thing Nick expected. He reread the message again. He wanted to make sure it wasn't staring at the screen that created the illusion of the message. It was true. He was being given a chance he had waited weeks for.

His cock throbbed in his pants as he stared at the screen. His hands nervously clicked the keys 'Ctrl' and 'O' to open a url location.

Open file:

Within seconds the computer pulled up the location and the pictuers filled the computer. Nick searched around the chat area for the location he was told to report to. His hands became more stable as the excitement drew up inside of him. He clicked on several links before finding what he desired. He was in the 'Adult Chat' section of the chat rooms. His silvery eyes glittered with anticipation. The digitally quick messages flew across the screen with advertisements on each end of the room. Nick searched through the long list of available rooms until he came to the near-bottom of the webpage. He used the mouse to click on the link 'fat_house'. Soon he was thrown into the private room with the screen name 'PhatOneNOrl'. Nick gave the room a funny glance before reading the first message typed.

[PhatOneNOrl] So, what do you like? [ChaosNC] Well I like for a guy to take control... I want you to give me what you've got. [PhatOneNOrl] Like my 8 1/2 cock? Would you like that? [ChaosNC] I love to taste it, yeah.

Nick's mouth became naturally wet at the suggestion he gave. He felt like a natural while in the chat. He aws being daring and risque and it aroused him to even greater lengths. He reached a hand under himself and slid down his athletic shorts. He used his hand and legs to ruffle down the shorts until they reached his ankles. His penis laid against the fabric of his loose Tommy boxer-briefs.

[PhatOneNOrl] Well my pants are down right now and my dick is real, real hard... why don't you lick me up and down until I say stop. [ChaosNC] Okay. [ChaosNC] I get on my knees in front of you and grab your hard cock. [ChaosNC] I open my mouth and stick out my tongue to lick your cock. I start to lick the head and taste your precum. I tongue your slit, trying to get all of your cum out of it. I lick downward until my tongue reaches the bottom of your thick shaft.

Nick's hand grabbed the waistband on his boxer-briefs. He ground his body roughly into his bed, trying to draw up more friction. A moan parted his lips as his hand tried to type out more words.

[PhatOneNOrl] Yeah, that's it... ohhhhh [ChaosNC] Mmm, you taste great. I take the head of your cock in my mouth and start to suck on it. My tongue runs over your shaft and then back to the head. I suck on the head of your cock, pleading to taste your thick cum. [PhatOneNOrl] Yeah, keep sucking me off... yeah! [ChaosNC] I rub my tongue against your head and then the slit. I can taste all the precum. Cum in my mouth.

Nick freed his cock from its binds and start to rub just his waist against the bed. His smooth penis ran against the silk sheets while dripping his precum across them. Nick closed his eyes for a second as his body shuddered. The intensity of his actions scattered across Nick's mind. He gripped the sheets with one free hand and then reopened his eyes. He turned his attention back to the computer screen. "Mmmm... oh fuck!" Nick grunted as his cock swelled tightly under him. He bent his head back to release another howl.

[PhatOneNOrl] Harder... mm, suck me harder... [ChaosNC] I use my hand to grab your balls while my tongue pressing against your cock. I'm deep throating you... yeah, uhhhhh [PhatOneNOrl] Ooh, yeah... I bet your young cock's ready to explode, huh? You just want to cum for me.. don't you? Uhhhh.. you want me to cum in your throat, uh! Yeah! [ChaosNC] Yeah! [ChaosNC] Oh yeah!

Nick's toes began to curl as his cock throbbed on the sheets. He closed his eyes tightly and panted heavily. His back arched as both of his hands grabbed onto the silk sheets. His body quivered when his balls began to tighten and rest against his lower body. A trickle of sweat broke from his temples.

[PhatOneNOrl] Mmm... hell yeah! I'm gonna cum hard down your throat... yeah! [ChaosNC] I want to taste your salty cum... uh! Oh shit!

Nick didn't have a chance to type another word. His body stiffened up and he felt his penis began to vibrate under him. It pulsed as it released ropes of cum under his body. Nick's breathing increased while his cum spilled from his smooth penis. His eyes remained closed while he came. The pleasure of his first sexual experience with a man was intense for him. He felt his body continuing to release spurts of his semen onto the sheets. His lips shivered as he panted. "Uh... uh... uh..." Nick grunted while releasing the last drops of his seed. His sweaty hands loosened their grip on the sheets while his eyes slowly opened. His upper lip curled as he glanced to the screen. A smile crossed his gentle lips.

[PhatOneNOrl] You're a good boy. I'm all sticky because of your sweet, thick lips. My e-mail is: E-mail me when you want to hook up again. I'll be sure you suck you dry next time...

Nick collapsed onto his bed with his enscribed smile. He let his breathing slow. His penis grew limp under him and he shut his eyes. He gave his body a chance to relax after his fierce orgasm.

Justin Timberlake sat on a stool in the kitchen on his house. A hand was on the keyboard typing up a few letters while his other hand aws burried in his jogging sweats. He was in an ICQ for a quick chat that turned into an hour-long cybersex session.

[BoneDad69] Mmmm... yeah! Uh! Oh your ass is so soft. [TennMan19] Uuhhhh... yeah, your cock is so hot in me... heh heh... [BoneDad69] Ride me baby! Oh ride me... yes! [TennMan19] Uh! Oh yes! Hell yeah, I'm riding your cock... uh!

Justin gropped his dick in his pants, making sure not to stroke himself too much. He strived to last as long as possible during the cybersex. It wasn't Justin's first time having cybersex with a man. He had started by having cyber with a female and he hated it. He felt it was nothing like his dreams. When Justin was able to hook up to the ICQ network and try it with a male, he found himself falling in love with pleasure that cybersex gave him. Since Justin was not ready to give away his virginity to anyone, it aws his escape from the sexual tension he was forced to suffer through. He hid his secret from his bandmaters, hoping to avoid being judged by them.

[BoneDad69] Oh yeah! Ride me harder baby... mmmm... like that! [TennMan19] Uh! Uh! Oh, please jack me off... please... [BoneDad69] Oh yeah! Do you like that? Ooh, your cock is so thick... [TennMan19] It's nine inches... do you like that? [BoneDad69] I love that! Hell yes... oh it feels good in my hands... oh, your ass is tight... oh! Yeah! Heh heh... I want to cum in you... [TennMan19] Yes! I want to feel it baby! [BoneDad69] Oh fuck! Yeah, fuck baby... uh! Harder... [TennMan19] Yes baby! I'm riding you harder and harder...

Justin gripped his cock when feeling it throb and grow larger in his boxers. 'Slow down Justin.' Justin demanded of himself. He trusted the safety in cybersex. He feared nothing, not even being caught by anyone that might come by his home. He was a daring man. His piercing blue eyse stared at the screen. The black chat room with the white letters running across it aroused him even greater. His youthful ghand began to stroke his large penis again. His was thankful for being blessed with an exceptional body and a well-developed penis. He was only waiting for the day someone would praise him on the beauty of his manhood. For now, he settled for the glory of satisfying another man digitally.

[BoneDad69] Uh! Say my name... baby, say my name! [TennMan19] Oh! Uh... Daddy! Yes Daddy! Do me! [BoneDad69] Uh! Say my name, baby! Say it for me... yes! Say my name! [TennMan19] Daddy! Oh Bone Daddy! Fuck me... please! Uh, Daddy! [BoneDad69] Yeah baby, heh heh heh... oh fuck. [TennMan19] Oh Daddy! I'm gonna cum... please do me! [BoneDad69] Yeah baby! Oh fuck, I'm doing ya. Yes, oh my little baby! Your dick feels gerat! Uh! [TennMan19] Oh Bone baby! Yes! Fuuuuuuuuuck!

Justin's eyes slammed shut and his lips circled. "Oh fuck... fuck.. fuck yeah... uh, uh, uhhhh, fuck!" Justin grunted as his cock pewed out his cum. His boxers began to cling to his penis as they were soaked with Justin's thick streams of cum. The white semen volleyed over the fabric as Justin's hand held his throbbing cock tightly. His head bent back and his breathing grew quicker. "Yes!" he shouted as his body shook. His free hand gripped onto the counter while he came. His hips rocked back and forth, the drops of semen sliding down his left leg. A smile breached his lips as he felt his ejaculating come to a halt. He felt satisfied after his orgasm.

[BoneDad69] Damn, you're a hot lover TennMan [TennMan19] Thanks Bone Daddy. We'll have to do this again. [BoneDad69] We can do it tomorrow night. I've got to go because I'm late for a meeting with a friend. [TennMan19] Sure, Bone Daddy. Just message me. I'll add you to my contact list.

Justin moved his cursor over and clicked onto his green flower at the bottom of the screen. He clicked it twice and it pulled up his ICQ list. He quickly clicked on 'BoneDad69' and followed the instructions to add him to hos contact list. With a meek grin he added his cybersex partner.

Lance Bass sat in his chair in his office at the building he had set up for his company Free Lance Entertainment. It was another late night for him, but he didn't mind. Shifting through e-mails and listening to messages over his machine tended to be a hassle, but Lance had put all of it aside to get into a chat room. The thought of having a cyber sexual relationship troubled Lance. He saw no point in it, but he did not stray away from watching others seek out and find what they wanted over the Internet. He paid strict attention to the messages that were being sent across the Yahoo! chat, awaiting something that would peek his interest.

[BallRokBlue] Hey SouthernGent80, are you horny?

Lance's eyes grew with astonishment when seeing the Yahoo! IM pop up on his screen. He had been a silent person whenever entering chat rooms and for the first time, someone was attmepting to speak with him and in a sexual way.

[SouthernGent80] Sort of... why? [BallRokBlue] Because I'm tired of chatting with these boring people. How about me and you go to a private room? I'd like to get my rocks off and you seem like a guy that could help. I love Southern guys. [SouthernGent80] Uh... I don't know. I'm not too into cybersex. [BallRokBlue] You probably haven't had the right partner. You need someone who knows how to travel down south and touch your body the right way. Someone who can taste you in every place possible and someone who can make your body scream. It'll be just me and you... come on, get connected.

The temptation was great. Lance was unsure of what to do. At times he thought it was a sinful thing to do. He never thought of what pleasure he might feel if giving into temptation and trying cybersex. He knew he hated masturbating along and was only given a few opportunities to masturbate with Justin, of course on different sides of the room. Still Lance was turned on by the sight of Justin touching his body while gliding his hand slowly up and down his warm, thick penis. Lance was interested in the way Justin spread his legs wide and lifted them sometimes when drawing close to ejaculation. Lance could feel his dick becoming hard in his suit pants. His heart began to throb and race. He sought to fullfill his own desire and Lance couldn't resist what his body craved.

[SouthernGent80] Can you get me off over the Voice Message? [BallRokBlue] Hmm, you like to hear a guy moaning? [SouthernGent80] Yeah. I like to hear that. It makes me cum so hard. [BallRokBlue] Okay, my IM message screen name is...

<Transfer interrupted!>

"Fucking AOL!" Lance barked at the screen. He slammed his hand against his desk with anger. He was close to satisfaction, with a man. Now he had been stripped of the excitement his body throbbed for. "Damn AOL! I'll be damned if I spend another fucking night jacking off in the bathroom because of you!" Lance hissed while slamming his laptop closed. He pushed it aside and scooted out from his desk. He had no choice but to finish his work as his chance at trying cybersex was snatched away from his grasp.

Justin was searching through a few of his files animately. He laid across the couch in his living room with his lap top in front of him. He wore his Abercrombie & Fitch hat backwards and a white wife-beater with black briefs.

He searched through the nude pictures he had of celebrities, including those of Ryan Phillippe, Devon Sawa, Jordan Knight, his onetime girlfriend Britney Spears, and Usher Raymond. He sighed to himself while looking at the ranges of pictures. He knew they were all fakes, but he still enjoyed picturing what they would look like if they were truly nude before him.

The sounds of a ring and then Justin's AOL messenger drew his attention away from the pictures. His eyse searched to the bottom of the screen where the icon flashed. Justin gave it a curious smile. 'Who's that?' Justin pondered while pulling the mouse down to icon. He clicked on it once and watched it pop up on the screen.

[RedManJF] I don't usually do this... but I need to get my nuts off and I saw you in a chat one time talking about getting yours off. Are you hard like me?

Justin stared at the message with mystery. He had just relieved himself an hour prior to the message. However, the mystery and suddeness of the message brought up feelings inside of Justin, erotic feelings. He grabbed the top of his new briefs and pulled them own. He let his soft dick flop out of the top and rest over his semi-hairy balls. Justin spread his legs evenly. His mind told his fingers what to type as he thought of what could happen.

[ShotBaby81] Yeah, I'm hard. How do you want us to do it? [RedManJF] Well there's something I'd like to do to you that'll really get my nuts off. [ShotBaby81] What's that man? [RedManJF] I want to lick your ass up and down while you jack me off. Then I want you to nut on my chest.

Justin was shocked by the graphic detail his messenger offered. He arched his eyebrow at the suggestion. There had been times when he had thought of strange sexual things while jacking off and other times where he touched and barely fingered himself while masturbating. He never thought that he'd feel turned on by someone offering to lick and eat his asshole. The thought never came to pass for him. It was a new idea, one that Justin had heard of, but never considered doing it or letting someone do to him.

[RedManJF] What do you say? [ShotBaby81] Yeah, I'd like that. [RedManJF] Good... Lay down on top of me in 69 position. [ShotBaby81] Okay. [RedManJF] Mmmm... now I spread your cheeks and look at your hole. Mmm, it looks good. It's so small and pink.

Justin found himself getting into the words being typed across the screen.

He spread his legs a little further as his cock came to its full length. His right hand grabbed the base of his cock and held it firmly. He could feel the head pulse as it turned into a deep rose color. He licked his thick red lips while his eyes kept a strict stare with the computer screen.

[ShotBaby81] Your cock's so hot in my hands. Uh! [RedManJF] Yeah, I'm licking your hole, watching it open for my long tongue.

I lick it over and over and start to kiss it. It's so beautiful. Mmmm... and it tastes so good. [ShotBaby81] Ohhhhh [RedManJF] Oh yeah, my tongue starts to move in and out of your hole. I lick the tip of your hole, making you moan even louder. Ooh, moan for me baby. I like that. [ShotBaby81] Oh! Ohhhh... yeah, keep going...

Justin began to string his briefs down his strong legs. He yanked them further down when he reached his knees. He lifted his body up some and let the briefs fall to the floor near the couch. He relaxed into the softness of the couch, keeping his legs spread while he jerked on his penis. He felt the head of his cock become slick when his fingers sperad the precum over it. His lips spread open slowly as he pulled out a moan from deep inside of his body.

[RedManJF] Mmm, my tongue runs over your ass. I use my middle finger and start to finger your hole. Yeah, you're tight man. Mmmm, my tongue still runs over your crack, tasting your sweet, salty skin. [ShotBaby81] Oh fuck... yeah, oh hell yeah! Mmmm taste me... [RedManJF] Shit, yeah... jack my cock a little harder little Shot. I want you to shoot on me baby. [ShotBaby81] Mmm, my 'Shot' isn't small baby... uh! [RedManJF] Ooh, how big is it? [ShotBaby81] It's nine inches. [RedManJF] 9 inches? Sounds nice and long, the way I like it. I bet your ass is nice and tender then... just ready for my tongue to be in it again. [ShotBaby81] Mmm, yes, please!

Justin found his mind spinning as he commensed to have cybersex. His body ached to be touched. He released his pulsing penis and lowered his hand. He massaged his balls with his palm while hissing out a grunt. His hand dipped lower as he lifted his body some. His fingers teased the lower-half of his body. They slide up his crack until reaching his hole. His middle finger tapped his hole, feeling it quiver to the touch. He slowly began to enter himself with his finger, aroused fully by the feeling of the finger sliding against the ring of his ass.

[RedManJF] My tongue is in your ass, tasting you. Oh yeah, keep jacking me off. [ShotBaby81] Oh fuck... I'm close man... [RedManJF] I kiss your hole and then start to kiss around your ass. He nibbled softly on yuor skin before beginning to finger you again. Uh, yeah... come on, give it to me! [ShotBaby81] Oh, I can feel it man... fuck yeah. Keep eating me! [RedManJF] Oh yeah, my tongue brushing against your hole. My fingers kneading your ass. Mmm, you taste so sweet baby. [ShotBaby81] Heh heh heh... yes, please... oh fuck! [RedManJF] I start to nibble at your ass. I want to taste it again. I dip my tongue inside your tender ass. Oh fuuuuucck! You've got me close dude. [ShotBaby81] Heh heh, yeah me too... oh shit! Uh, shit.

Justin's body was being flooded with intense sensations. His legs shook as he fingered himself harder. His middle finger and index finger were burried in the cave of his hole. His eyse clamped shut. His other hand drew up to his chest, toying with his erect nipples through his wife-beater.

His breathing raced as he touched himself. He bite down softly on his lower lip as he felt his body release it's juices. His cum splattered upward without his consent. His dick throbbed and quivered, causing his semen to sputter out over his body and the couch. Justin drew out his fingers to try and control himself, but the pressure was too great for him. "Fuuucck! Uhhhhh! Ah, yeah!" Justin shouted out, falling out to the couch with his body shivering. His thick sperm set on his skin and clothing as he tried to relax and become flaccid. He pulled off his hat which had sweat covering it's inside. He dropped it to the floor as he sunk into the cushions. He looked to the screen of his laptop.

A small smile covered Justin's face. "At least I got off." he remarked, sitting up some. He rolled his head to adjust the stiffness in his neck. He did not imagine an orgasm that intense, but he was able to feel it. His whole body began to ache a little after the strenuous feeling of climaxing. 'Damn Justin, you're only nineteen. Save shit like that for marriage.' Justin advised himself, sitting up on the couch. He glanced down to his messages to see that his e-mail icon was flashing. 'Hmmm, maybe I got a message before I disconnected.' Justin thought, moving the cursor until he reached the icon. He double clicked it and awaited to see what popped up. A message flashed across the screen in the form of a letter. Justin's blue eyes peered at the screen to see what it said.

Uhm, hello. I'm not sure if I should say this, but I've been looking for someone like you. Oh, I read your post on the message borad... you know which one. You said that you were a virgin and ready to uhm, lose your virginity. Same here. You also said you wanted someone tender and compassionate for your first time and I'm like that, if not more but I never get to be that way around my friends. They're all about, well getting some ass, and I try to play along, but I really don't want to be that way for my first time. Anyways, did you want to hook up tonight? At the Starbucks on Brown Street? I know you're thinking that I'm a total stranger and that I could be the total opposite of what I typed in this e-mail. I'm not trying to meet you to 'get some' or anything. I don't even think we should do anything tonight, but talk. If not just to have someone that we can relate to about things. If you'd like to meet with me, meet me there around 11:30.

I know it's late, but not too far from now. If not, I'll wait and understand. I'm just taking a chance for once.


Tom Littrebian

Justin glared at the screen with unsure feelings. He brushed his hand over his arm with conflicting thoughts. 'It'd be nice to meet someone to at least talk to and who knows, maybe I'll get some ass and he can get some too.' Justin thought out. He shivered quickly. 'Are you crazy Justin? This man could be a rapist, a convict or just some nut. Don't even fuck with your life like that.' Justin discouraged himself. He quickly quickly on the 'delete' link in his mail and rid himself of the letter. He sat back on the couch, glancing away from the screen. His heart told him what to do and he followed it with no reservations.

JC reviewed over a few song lyrics he kept stored on his hard drive. He was impressed by many, but few he knew he could work on. He felt his eyse drooping some as he showed signs of sleepiness. He glanced down at his watch. It was only 9:56 PM. He aws disappointed. 'Sure, you'll be there at nine. Not!' JC grumbled to himself. He clicked onto the next song that he only begun with a few lines. It was a song he fooled with as a joke. He still found it humorous, commenting on how people, as himself, found joy in cybersex.

The chime of the computer drew JC's attention. He looked to see that he was receiving a new message. He frowned his lips. His disappointment was showing in his slowness to look at the message. He finally clicked on the icon to look at the message with little interest in his sterling-blue eyes.

[Bone69Dragon] Sorry I'm late. I was having modem problems. If you're still interested in my offer from before, I promise to take care of you any awy possible.

JC looked at the screen with doubt. He scratched his cheek, contemplating the choice he was given. He despised being made to wait, but enticement was a natural persuasion for all men. JC couldn't deny that he was entice and the exoticness of his mystery messenger left him ready to explore his sexual tendecies.

[ShazaamLeo] What do you have to offer? [Bone69Dragon] I have a lot, just ask me to do it and I will. [ShazaamLeo] How about you suck me off and let me cum on you? [Bone69Dragon] That's just what I was thinking. [Bone69Dragon] Let's pretend you're on a whiet bed, fully naked and I'm between your legs. My lips begin to kiss all over your inner thighs. You spread your legs wide so that I can suck all on your inner thighs. [Bone69Dragon] I suck on your balls for a second before lifting my tongue up to your hard cock. To taste the tip of your cock, running my tongue over your leaking slit. I take in your precum before taking the head of your cock in my outh. [ShazaamLeo] I lay back fully and spread my legs. I put a hand on the back of your head and try to get you to take me further in your mouth. [Bone69Dragon] Yeah, uh! I take you deeper and deeper in my throat, feeling your precum drip down my throat. Damn you taste good to me!

JC relaxed his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. His hand unconsciously fell to his lap, searching for his crotch. He grabbed it and adjusted his erect cock through his pants. He made himself more comfortable while reading more of the words typed for him.

[Bone69Dragon] I feel you balls tighten. I ease off your wonderful prick. I have other plans for your cock. My tongue moves behind your balls towards your ass. I push your legs up so I can move my tongue between those round cheeks... [ShazaamLeo] Uhhh, yeah... oh Jesus, yeah! That's it, keep it going... [Bone69Dragon] Spreading your cheeks with my hands I push my tongue deep between them. Feeling the tightness of your hole slowly loosen, I slowly push a finger inside. I feel your ass tighten around my finger then slowly loosen. As my finger works your ass I move my hips towards your mouth. I know you want more than my finger...

JC grabbed his cock through his pants. He slowly unzipped his khaki pants, letting them fall down to his ankles. He wore no underwear under his clothing. He lifted his shirt quickly and tossed it aside. He had no desire to wear it in the heated room. He spread his legs widely and eased his body into a comfortable position. One hand reached down between his hairy thighs and grasped his warm cock. It was at its proudest stance, erect. He carefully handled it while glancing back to the screen to see what else was being offered to him.

[ShazaamLeo] I open my mouth and extend my tongue. I start to lick the tip of your cock, tasting your precum. I let you lower yourself into my mouth, my tongue caressing your hot cock. I moan on your cock, feeling your tongue on my ass. I start to kiss the head of your cock, trying to get you to moan. [Bone69Dragon] Oh yes! Your mouth feels so good around my dick. I moan into your ass in pleasure. My tongue lubing your ass. Oh I want to be inside you! [ShazaamLeo] I suck harder on your cock, licking every inch. I thrust my ass against your face, letting you lube it more. Take me if you want to. [Bone69Dragon] I slowly pull my cock from your mouth. I move my hips back round and place the head of my cock squarely on your well lubed hole. I slowly push inside you. Oh yeah! Fuck yeah! It feels so good. I keep pushing till my dick slides in up to my balls. Then I lean down and kiss you deeply. [ShazaamLeo] I start to thrust my tongue into your mouth to make the kiss more passionate. I wrap my arms around your neck and let you inside of me. I grunt a little and spread my legs. Soon I begin to wrap my legs around your waist. Oh yes Bone... oh yeah, it feels good with your dick inside of me! [Bone69Dragon] Oh yeah! I push deeper with my dick and my tongue. It feels so good to be inside you. I slowly start to fuck your ass. I start sliding in and out roughly, in and out. [Bone69Dragon] I move faster and faster, pushing harder and harder. Oh it feels so fucking good! I grab hard onto your hips as my balls slap against your ass, dick pumping in and in and out. I can feel my balls screaming to release. [ShazaamLeo] Yeah! Fuck me harder... uh, harder, yeah! [Bone69Dragon] I fuck you rougher, grinding my dick in and out of your squeezing hole. I can feel your sweat sliding against my skin as I fuck you. Oh fuck!

JC closed his eyes as he jacked off quicker and quicker. His hand slid movely across his thick cock with the assistance of his precum. His head began to cover with small drops of sweat. He gripped his lips shut, his breathing accelerated. His hips naturally thrusted forward with his hand. His hand grabbed onto the head of his cock as he felt himself draing nearer and nearer to a climax.

[Bone69Dragon] I feel the cum welling up in my balls. I pump harder! Finally I release my juices deep inside of your smooth ass. Oh Yes! I keep my cock burried deep in you and collapse on top of you. [Shazaam] Oh yeah.. oh fuck that's good. Uh, your cum is so hot inside of my ass. Heh heh.

JC panted heavily while looking down at the keyboard. He was unsuer what else to type. His body was weak with pleasure. He gasped for air before glancing down to his cock. Semen was covering the head of his penis while the rest of his seed was splattered across his legs. He giggled softly while looking at the mess he had caused just by having cybersex. 'Woo, that was good.' JC smiled, looking back to the screen with his timid eyes.

[Bone69Dragon] We can do this again you know... you were rather good. [ShazaamLeo] Are you sure? You're not tired or worn out? [Bone69Dragon] Baby, we can do all that we want. [ShazaamLeo] Mmmm, yeah, it sounds kind of nasty to me... the way I like my men.

Justin couldn't believe himself. He walked slowly towards the cafe sitting area of the Starbucks on Brown Street. He was disappointed in himself for leaving his house to travel to Brown Street, but his heart told him to seek out the man that sent him the message. It was the mystery that attracted him, but the sincerity in the message that made Justin's heart call out to the man.

Justin kept his hands burried in his pockets as he walked to the cafe. He glanced around and saw a lone man sitting at one of the tables. 'Just keep your keys handy so you can run, Justin.' Justin reminded himself as he came upon the cafe. He saw the man staring at him. He only caught the blue eyes that met his own. He tried to make out the rest of the man's looks, but was unable to when he saw the man stand. His feet became hesitant in his steps.

He sulked a little to prevent the man from getting the wrong idea about him.

Justin's eyes grew with shock when he stared at the man that greeted him. He could see the surprise in the man's eyes, showing they were both unprepared for what they saw. "Justin?" the man's soft voice spoke. "Brian?" Justin replied, staring directly into the eyes of Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. Both of their faces soon blushed a bright red shade. Brian giggled a little with his embarrassment. "The Internet?" Brian snickered out his question. Justin nibbled his lower lip and then nodded. Brian nodded also. "It's unbelievable." Justin remarked candidly. "It's the place to meet folks." Brian laughed out. Soon Brian's lively laughter became catagious for Justin. The embarrassment was a flicker in the real flame between the two.

"I just can't believe that we both met on the Internet... looking for..." Brian stopped himself. He caught the glimmer in Justin's eyes, signalling words that were left unspoken. Brian shyed away from speaking and looked down to the ground. He scuffed his feet over the concrete. His shoved his hands into his pockets with shame covering his face.

"Uhm, I came in search of a guy that promised me a good talk... and well maybe something a little more if we feel like it." Justin spoke up in a cool voice. Brian's head lifted, his dimples showing in his cheeks. Justin gave him a faint smile. "Uh... well I know a little restaurant just up the street we can go to." Brian made a quick comment for Justin. Justin perked up a little with an innocent smirk. "What about a bed and breakfast?" Justin suggested, slinking closer to Brian. Brian's eyes blinked with disbelief. Justin winked at him to reassure him. "If you promise that it's not just for ass." Brian joked, gently rubbing Justin's side. Justin nodded, sucking on his lower lip. Brian adored the cute trademark Justin was becoming known for in his eyes. Brian snickered and then grabbed Justin's soft hand. "Let's go and see what we can get down to." Brian agreed, pulling Justin in the direction of his car. Justin saw no reason to hesitate in following Brian. Justin trusted that Brian had more to offer to him than a cybersexual relationship or a digital love life.

[End of transmission...]

** For those who don't know the characters in this story were (in order of appearance) JC Chasez [ShazaamLeo], AJ McLean [Bone69Dragon, BoneDad69], Nick Carter [ChaosNC], Joey Fatone [PhatOneNOrl, RedManJF], Justin Timberlake [TennMan19, ShotBaby81], Lance Bass [SoutherGent80] and Brian Littrell [BallRokBlue]

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