Digital Film


Published on Jun 13, 2000


Controls ICQ: 45862060

These warnings are very boring! Still, here goes. If you're not an adult, not legal or not interested, don't read this story. It contains parts were two guys get it on and generally have sex with each other. Nice that. So I suppose it comes down this: if you know any reason why you shouldn't read this. Don't. If not. Do.... I think that sort of made sense.

To Perry: I might catch up with you one day!!

Digital Film

It wasn't something that Ryan ever paid too much attention to. The computer in the corner of the room he shared with Sean, his college buddy. He used it sure enough. To research a paper or just kick back and surf the net. In all it was a machine. No big deal. By contrast Sean was forever at the thing. Dreaming up new ways of putting bits of HTML code together to create an even better looking site.

The two of them new the fun they could have with the machine. They shared a stash of porn they'd downloaded. Just for those times when the ladies weren't having any of it. The secret hidden folder was accessed by one or usually both of them at least once a week just lately!

So that's how it was. Two 20 year old college students, sharing a room, with a computer. Both of them straight, both of them extremely good looking. You're all American types. Both had short hair styles. Ryan was a darker blond than Sean. Both of them worked out to keep themselves in pretty good condition. And both of them were into the latest A&F styles. Clean cut boys. The type that any mother would approve of for their son or daughter.

The weather in New York on a dark night in February isn't exactly the best. It wasn't exactly helping that neither Ryan or Sean were managing to pick up any of the girls at a party they'd been invited to at a local frat house. The pair of them stood at the bar in the basement watching as girl after girl floated past. Either on the arm of another guy or too drunk to notice, it just wasn't working for the guy's that night.

It was early when they both decided to call it a night. Early for them anyway. Half past one in the morning, cold, raining and not a woman between them. Together, they started to make their way back to campus, stopping off for coffee. They sat in a booth by the window and watched the water streaking down the window and talked about everything and nothing all in the space of about half an hour.

Back in their room, they threw off their wet jackets into the corner. Sean walked over to the computer and switched it on.

"Well, maybe we can get a look at some real girls on here tonight." He stated in a rather matter of fact way. Sean didn't know if Ryan had ever found out about the wonders of Netmeeting. It wasn't something that he'd ever shared with his friend. Talking to the ladies with the web cam turned on could sometimes turn into a rather heavy session. Not something that Sean thought he should be sharing with his roommate. But his balls were blue and heavy. It had been so long since he'd picked up a girl. He'd been sure that tonight would be it. The first time in more than two weeks. And when it didn't happen, his body told him that something had to give.

"Aww, man." Ryan whined. "I'm not in the mood for picture tonight buddy. I was really hangin' for the real thing." He said, a broad white smile erupted right the way across his face as he thought about all the girls he'd seen in their low cut dresses and how his balls were aching, longing for a release.

"I'm talking about real live, moving girls!" Sean quickly retorted as he tapped the web cam that sat on top of the monitor. "Don't you have to pay for that shit?" Ryan asked, not really catching on to what Sean meant.

"Not if you're up for a bit of give and take." Sean replied rather cryptically. He looked over a Ryan, who had a slightly amused but none the less confused expression on his face. "You know. I'll show you mine sort of thing." He said.

In a flash, Ryan realised what was going on. The twitching in his pants told him that although he was apprehensive, he was into the idea. "You mean like whip it out for some chick on there?" he asked, just to make sure he was right in what he was thinking.

"Not that I would have put it exactly like that." Sean responded. "But yeah. It's kinda like watchin' a porno only it's a little more interactive." He said.

"Interactive porn?" Ryan asked.

"Well, you've watched porno's, right?" Sean asked. He knew that Ryan had because he'd watched a couple with him late at night. Ryan just nodded. "So you're watching and you get your thing out and your left hand becomes you're best friend." He couldn't help but laugh a little at what he'd just said. "It's exactly the same. The girl gets it on with herself on the screen and you get it on with yourself back here. Simple. And all without strings!!" Sean concluded his statement rather like a politician talking about not raising taxes.

"So what are you waiting for then!?" Ryan said, enthusiastically as he pulled up another seat in front of the computer alongside Sean.

They two of them sat and searched through lists and lists of people. Guys wanting guys, girls and girls, threesomes, bisex stuff. All kinds. Woman after woman turned them down when she heard it was two horny college dudes.

"Why don't you do it yourself and I'll go over into the corner so that I can see the screen. They might be more into just one on one!" Ryan suggested thoughtfully. He needed to see some serious sexual action tonight and if that was the only way, well he was willing.

"Ok then, if you want!" Sean replied. "I'll turn the microphone off and stick to typing. That way you can shout out suggestions for our little friend without us being sprung."

Ryan liked the sound of the idea and went to the corner. He could still clearly see the screen but was out of eyeshot of the camera.

Sean trailed through the lists of advertisements. Picking through them one after the other. Eventually he came across a twenty-three year old student from Utah. He called her up on the screen and asked her if she would be into some fun this late at night. The screen flashed as the camera's kicked in. Sean looked straight ahead and just smiled at the woman looking back at him through the screen.

Ryan groped at his crotch when he saw the figure dressed in a very skimpy looking nightdress. He watched as the words came up on the screen. The two of them just exchanged names and asked how the other was doing. Boring shit. Ryan was getting impatient and shouted over at Sean that he wasn't really interested in what course she was studying.

As he didn't want to scare the girl off by revealing that his best friend was watching the whole thing from the corner of the room, Sean just grunted in acknowledgement. Just as he did so, the girl typed the magic words on the screen and the fun began. She'd asked Sean to take his shirt off so she could see what type of guy she was getting intermit with.

Without needing any encouragement, Sean pulled the tight white T-shirt he was wearing off his lean torso. Briefly he flexed his muscles to show off his tan and how he liked to work out in the gym. Ryan watched the expression of the girl's face on the screen as his buddy threw his shirt on to the floor. She didn't look disappointed. Time passed on and Ryan was getting a little fed up of the two of them talking in vague terms about what they might like to see from each other. Achingly slowly each pealed off layer after layer of clothing. Sean was eventually left sitting on the chair in just his blue and white pin stripped boxers. The outline of his hardening cock was clearly visible through the thin material and from what Ryan could see, it was getting harder all the time. Having said that, Ryan had also taken his shirt off as the heat and tension in the room started to mount in anticipation of what these new found cyber partners would get up to.

When the girl asked Sean to show her what he was hiding inside his shorts, Ryan couldn't help but give a dirty grin and shouted over to Sean to get it out and hard fast so that he could get to see what this girl was hiding also! Very briefly Sean was able to look over his shoulder at Ryan in the corner as he delved inside his shorts. He gave his friend a disapproving glance as he took a firm grip of his member and stroked it a couple of time to get it a little more than semi hard before pulling it through the vent in the front of his boxers.

From his position in the corner of the room, Ryan could see the girl on the screen taking off a few more clothes as she asked Sean to play with his big dick more and more. Eventually, Sean suggested that if he got out of his boxers completely, that the girl might want to return the favour. She agreed.

Sean went first. He stood up and turned around with his back facing the camera. He looked at Ryan, wildly groping the front of his pants at the thought of seeing some action at last. Sean just flashed him a dirty grin as he slipped the worn cotton shorts from his body. Straightening himself off, not in the least inhibited by his best friend watching everything, he brushed his fingers through the mass of tangled black pubes that surrounded the base of his cock. Jerking his shaft a couple more times to get it as hard as possible, he turned around and sat back down.

Now, and with some urgency, Ryan undid the buckle on his belt along with a couple of the buttons on his jeans and slid a hand down the front of them as his dick grew more and more uncomfortable in the tight space. He watched the screen intently. The girl stood up and hooked her thumbs into her underwear. Sean couldn't help but grasp tight hold of his hard prick and start jerking slowly. The two of them watched as she started to push the skimpy garment down. More flesh was slowly revealed. Ryan's jeans dropped to the floor as he rubbed a palm right against his aching member. A couple of hairs started to show. And the window showing the girl went blank.

The room was silent for a moment. Just the sound of these two horny college buddies breathing hard as they took in what had happened.

"Fucking bitch!" Sean exclaimed. The first of them to break the silence.

"Fucking computer, don't you mean." Ryan replied, frustratedly, although with his hand still down the front of his underwear.

"No mate." Replied Sean, somewhat sarcastically. "The bitch disconnected the camera. Fucking prick tease."

Sean just lay back again and stirred into the screen. His fist was still tightly wrapped around his hard shaft and precum continued to ooze from his piss slit all over the top of his bright shiny red knob. As if it was an instinctive reaction, he took hold of the mouse and went to the hidden folder on the hard drive were the two boys kept the stash of porn for such emergencies. Sean was worked up for some hot action and although it wouldn't be nearly as hot as with the bitch, he knew that his balls couldn't hang on to all the spunk welling up inside much longer.

"You going to stand there all night with your shorts getting wet, or are you going to come and take a look at this shit?" Sean asked his mate in a matter of fact sort of way.

Sure enough Ryan was still standing in the corner of the room. A wet patch was clearly visible on the front of his bright red A&F boxer briefs. The outline of his prick, although not fully hard, was still visible along with his balls pushed up against his skin. It was nothing new for Sean to see Ryan like that. He knew that his buddy liked to wear his boxers tight against him to show himself off. And he had plenty to show off!

Ryan stepped out of his jeans that had earlier landed at his feet and took up his seat in front of the computer next to Sean. He watched as picture after picture came and faded from the screen. Of course he'd seen them all before, but his cock didn't appear to know that as it got harder and harder again in his shorts. Just occasionally, Ryan caught a smell of Sean's sex. The sound of his heavy breathing, his hand jerking his cock harder and harder, his balls slapping against his thighs. So sensual, so erotica. Ryan didn't even think that it was another guy, Sean, his best friend, he was listening to. He didn't even register the fact that he wasn't paying any attention to the pictures on the screen anymore and yet he continued to be intensely turned on.

Accidentally, their legs brushed together just for a split second. It was enough though. Like a million sparks going off inside Ryan's head. It was like he was no longer in control of his actions anymore. He'd never been attracted to other boys before. He'd never in all his twenty years looked at another lad and thought anything sexual about them at all. And yet he was being turned on by Sean sitting next to him and playing with himself furiously. Not only was he being turned on, he was being made to act on what he was feeling.

In an instant, Ryan was off his seat and on his knees in front of his best friend. Sean didn't know what to think. Automatically, he stopped the intense jerking of his cock and looked down. He wondered about whether he really wanted to be in this situation as he felt Ryan place his hands on his legs. He saw Ryan's face move further and further towards his crotch. He was so close he could feel his warm breath touching him like a million feathers in parts that before this very moment, he'd only thought about women touching him. Playing with him. Stroking him. Petting him.

Sean felt Ryan's tongue touch his balls as his hands moved from his legs after parting them wide and went up to begin exploring his chest. Ryan's fingers roamed around Sean's firm chest and toyed and pinched at his nipples making them harder than ever before. His hot, heavy balls were being bathed by Ryan's tongue as he licked every inch of those massive orbs.

Then, all at once, everything stopped. Sean looked down, but Ryan was focussed on what he was doing. Immediately, Sean tensed up once again as he felt one of Ryan's hands take hold of his hard shaft near the base and pull it back from where it had been resting against his stomach. Some precum dribbled down his tanned flat stomach and mixed in with his jet black pubes. Ryan used his free hand to cup his friend's balls. He played with them a couple of times, rolling them through his fingers like precious marbles as if to prepare himself for what was to happen next.

Ryan's head was just a whirl of emotions. He knew what he was doing. It was almost as if he had regained consciousness and found himself in this position. On the floor in between the legs of his best friend with his hard shaft in one and his balls in the other. But rather than being repulsed by his situation, Ryan felt incredibly turned on. The tent in his tight undies got bigger and bigger and the precum staining the front of them continued to flow. He moved his mouth closer and closer to Sean's hard prick. He could feel his best friend's member throb in his hand as his breath began to hit the hairy shaft. The mushroom head of Sean's circumcised cock was bright red and shining brightly with precum visible flowing from the tip of the organ spreading out all across the head and dripping down the shaft, gathering in a pool just above Ryan's hand.

With his eyes wide open, Ryan could see his target getting closer and closer. For the first time in his life, he could actually smell precum. He could smell his best friend's precum as it dribbled out of his cock. He felt Sean buck a couple of times as his lips got nearer and nearer before finally making contact. Sean shuddered violently in his hand as Ryan planted a kiss squarely on the end of Sean's prick. Precum smeared all over his cherry red lips as he parted them slightly and began to feed his best friend inside him for the very first time.

To Sean it was like a million and one electrical charges all erupting over his entire body and yet concentrated all around his prick. He'd had blow jobs before, but nothing as sensual and perfect. It was as if Ryan knew all the right buttons to press. And more than that, he was pressing them in the right order. Sean could feel Ryan's hand continued to stroke the base of his cock as he fed more and more of the stiff shaft into his mouth. He could feel his balls rising tight up against his body, but Ryan never once let go. Ryan's mouth felt so hot around his cock. His tongue was like a hot poker trailing up the thick veiny shaft as more and more of it went in.

Sitting down there was not a lot Sean could do but let Ryan decide what was going to happen. Inch by inch, Ryan's lips parted wider as the head of Sean's dick began making it's way into the deep recesses of his best friend's throat. None of the girls Sean had been with had ever managed more than half of this large member, long, fat and hairy. Twenty years of growth was finally being engulfed in it's entirety. Sean threw his head back as he felt Ryan's lips part wider and wider to take every inch of his cock into the warm, damp hole that felt like it had been created especially for him.

Ryan inhaled deeply as he watched himself taking more and more of his best friend's organ into his mouth. The scent was pure sex swelling up from every part of Sean's body. Instinctively, Ryan swirled his tongue around the thick member as he began to swallow more of it down his throat. Long lingering sweeps across the area were the head of Sean's dick and his shaft connected before powering on down as more and more of the thick hairy tube entered into his mouth.

All at once or so it seemed, seven fat inches of throbbing dick were down Ryan's throat. His stubbly chin rested gently on top of Sean's big hairy balls whilst his nose buried deep into the tangled mass of pubes that surrounded the base of the cock that was now firmly inside him. Ryan held himself there for a moment. His hands firmly gripping Sean's waist. The two of them sat in the silence of the night. Only the whirring of the computer fan and the shallow breaths escaping from between Sean's pouted lips as the entire universe revolved around his cock.

Sean raised his hands and ran his finger tips through Ryan's short blond hair and down the side of his face. Every part of Ryan's head, every inch he touched, the short hair, the chiselled features, the unshaven stubble, every part of him made Sean realised that this wasn't just any ordinary blow job he was on the receiving end of. Momentarily, he looked down at the head in his lap. He could just see the end of his dick disappearing up between two pouted cherry red lips. He could see a mixture of oral juices and his own precum dribbling down across the chin that rested so gently on his balls. All at once, his body started pulsing in yet another round of electrical charged. Grabbing hold of Ryan's head, he forced his cock out of the comfortably surroundings of his best friend's throat, all the way, spraying huge amounts of precum down Ryan's throat and into his mouth before pushing the head back down onto his engorged cock once again.

Ryan's mind was in a spin. He was being used by his best friend and he was enjoying every moment of it. Sean's cock was just sliding in and out of his mouth effortlessly. Greased up by a mixture of saliva and precum that seemingly coated every part of his mouth. His taste buds were awash with the sensation of his mate's juices flowing inside him relentlessly. He placed his hands firmly on the base of Sean's cock and began to help with the oral stimulation of the fleshy tube. Guiding it in his mouth, his tongue teased the head of it, lightly grazing it with wet sloppy brushes as it was brought obscenely from this throat and before being ploughed back down again.

The silence was shattered as Sean began to pant and moan loudly. All his energy was going into forcing his dick deeper into Ryan's mouth and on to heights of undiscovered sexual pleasure. Sweat dripped from every pore of his skin. His forehead shone in the bright lights of the room. His firm, flat chest became covered in a light mist of perspiration. And yet the two of them carried on. Ryan's lips and tongue toyed with Sean's cock over and over again. Thrust after thrust. Almost all the way out until only the head of the engorged mushroom was left barely parting Ryan's lips. Then back down to the hilt once again, stubble covered chin audibly slapping against balls, hairy and tight up against Sean's body as they churned copious amounts of cum inside.

With one final effort, Ryan slammed himself back down on Sean's cock. His head struck Sean's stomach with such force that the air was literally knocked out of his lungs. At the same time, the sperm was very definitely knocked out of his balls. The two of them held still for a moment. Connected by Sean's dick inside Ryan's mouth. Neither of them could move if they wanted to. Past the point of no return. The calm before the storm. One jet after another of hot sticky fluid shot forward from Sean's dick and straight into Ryan's mouth. He'd never even tasted his own spunk before and yet Ryan wanted no more than to swallow every single mouthful of Sean's own medicine right down his throat. And he did so. It just kept coming. Where before his mouth had been covered by the taste of precum, light and sweet tasting, now it was being coated thickly by layer after layer of cream.

Sean's ejaculation slowed. But the cum didn't stop. Slightly twitches of the softening piece of meat allowed more of the juice to ooze gently forward, almost spilling down into Ryan's mouth. And still the boy swallowed it down. His tongue pressed right up against Sean's piss slit, beckoning more and more of the stuff out. Sean had never experienced this before. Most of the girls didn't even let him cum in their mouths. He looked down again to make sure it wasn't just the most erotic dream of his life. No. There was his best friend sending him to new heights.

Neither boy moved. Held together for at least the next five minutes. Ryan continuously lapping up the juice that Sean had just shot. Again their was silence.

Closing his eyes, Sean thought briefly about what to do now. In a split second he stopped thinking and started doing.

He reached down and grabbed Ryan under each arm and dragged him to his feet. Ryan looked a little startled at the abrupt way in which events had just turned. Sean looked deep into his eyes and at once Ryan realised the full enormity of what had just gone on between the two. He couldn't make out whether Sean was angry at him for what had just happened or lustfully in love. He soon got his reply.

Sean lay his lips firmly on top of Ryan's. He pushed his tongue forward and literally prized Ryan's lips apart. Where his cock had once been just a few short moments ago, his tongue now was. He swept around every part of his best friend's mouth. He tasted his own sexual juices mixed in with Ryan's saliva. A more potent brew than any beer or other alcoholic drink that he had ever tasted before. They kissed roughly. Their stubble covered faces brushed and scratched against one another and their tongues darted between their two mouths and their juices flowed freely between each other.

Taking hold of Ryan's waist, Sean broke the kiss and hauled his mate up onto the desk in front of them. He looked once more into his friends eyes. Sparkling, watery blue, filled with desire. He looked down to Ryan's crotch. The red boxer briefs were so wet that Sean wondered for a moment whether Ryan hadn't already cum in them. But then he saw the pulsing erection inside and knew that even if he had, his best mate would certainly be up for another go round.

He took hold of the thin material and literally ripped it in half. Precum flew around and hit both of their bodies as at last Ryan's hard six inch member was released from it's cotton prison. Just as roughly as their kiss, Sean took hold of Ryan's dick. It was slightly thinner than his and a bit shorter, but nevertheless it was perfectly formed. He moved his lips to the tip and rubbed it across. He reached his tongue out and drank a little of the juice straight from the source. Ryan just moaned and thrashed his head about while he experience the first contact of another guy on his dick.

Sean fondled his mate's balls as he rubbed the head of the cock all around his face. Covering him liberally in a coating of the sticky fluid. Once again he rubbed it across his lips before parting his mouth wide and clamping his lips down on the hard rod. He sucked a little and swirled his tongue around the sensitive head. He gave Ryan more intense attention in the space of a couple of seconds. He furiously flicked his tongue across Ryan's piss slit sending the college guy into orbit.

Ryan could feel tears now running down his face. His body had never felt this good before. Every nerve ending seemed to lead straight from the tip of his knob. It was as if he was pissing precum into Sean's mouth. Another tweak of his balls, another flick of the tongue and Ryan was gone. For the first time in his life, he felt his balls physically lurch up into his body as he took hold of Sean's head and held it in place while he pumped load after load of cum down his best friend's throat. Just as with Sean's ejaculation before, Ryan didn't think he would ever stop. His head thrashed and his moans became louder and louder interspersed with the sound of Sean gulping to take all of the juice down.

Eventually, the two were worn out and completely spent. Ryan came down from the desk and collapsed into Sean's arms. The two of them stayed like that for a while. Just holding each other tightly. Their bodies, covered in sweat and precum stuck together as did their softening dicks. Nipples brushed lightly against each other. Dicks collided softly. Pubes mashed together in an untidy tangle. Both of them smiled as they felt themselves press up against each other. A successful night after all. And not a female in sight.

Sean squeezed Ryan's ass checks and trailed a couple of fingers up and down his ass crack. That would be for later on he thought to himself as he felt Ryan return the favour. He looked up over Ryan's shoulder at the computer screen as it flickered in the dark room. The window where the girl had been all that time ago was still blank. But their was a line of text underneath it:

"Thanks for the material guys. And have a good night."

The web cam had been rolling all the time. Sean just didn't care. ICQ: 45862060

There's another one for you then! Hope you enjoyed this one. It's a breath of fresh air to be doing some original stuff once again rather than just more instalments of the same story. I hope that you agree. If you liked it, write to me... Please! Feedback is always appreciated. I'm just in the middle of updated my web site to make it a little more manageable at the moment, but if you want the URL so you can look at it when it's finished, drop me a line.

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