Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Aug 8, 2023


The usual disclaimer goes, like always. If you're younger than 18, then you shouldn't be reading this. If you are reading this, don't get caught, but honestly, who's gonna stop you?? So enjoy.

So here's Chapter 7:


After Jaime and I had some really amazing sex, hell, who am I kidding, the best sex ever, we finally remembered that the chicken was still in the oven and I needed to turn it off, if I didn't want the apartment to burn down. We got up against our will, since Jaime was looking very comfortable in my bed. I got up and as soon as I did, Jaime grabbed my hips and gave me some puppy dog eyes. I was tempted to stay in bed with him but the thought of my mom seeing the apartment in a pile of smoldering embers, ashes, and smoke just scared me enough to run to the kitchen, turn off the oven and sit at the table. I closed my eyes for a few seconds but felt something watching me so I opened my eyes only to see Jaime standing at the doorway covered in my blanket.

"Why do I feel like you want to sit on my lap and wrap my arms around you?" I smiled at him. He began blushing and went back to my room. I looked at the microwave and saw it was 12:33 AM and knew it was late but I wanted to spend some time with Jaime. I got up, went to the front door and made sure the locks were on. I tidied up the boots at the door because knowing my mom, if she saw a mess, she would obviously come after me.

"Adrian? Where are you?" I heard Jaime call to me from my room. I ran to my room and see what was going on. Ok, so I'm whipped, sue me. I can't help it. Jaime has this little cute factor, it's just adorable, cute, and I just don't know what other word to use.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked looking worried. I sat down next to him to see his face. He looked happy. I was happy that I put him in this kind of mood. He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me. I laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach and moved his head to my chest. I just wanted to hold him.

"Nothing, just missing you. That's all." He laughed out loud and I smiled back at him. I held him tighter and the faint smell of cherry candy and AXE Touch was faintly noticeable.

"Hey Jaime, I have a question. What's with the smell of AXE and cherry candy?" I looked up at the ceiling. He looked at my face and gave me a kiss on my cheek. He started laughing and I was in the dark about why he was laughing.

"Well, Axe Touch is my favorite scent in AXE and then I LOVE cherry candy especially cherry Laffy Taffy. I didn't think that that was my scent. I mean, if you don't like it, I can try changing it. Sorry." He looked down at my body and I lifted his head. I smiled at him and kissed his nose.

"The smell doesn't matter. That was the first thing I noticed about when I first saw you on the bus. The smell of cherry Laffy Taffy and AXE Touch just came into my nose. Remember when I tried breathing hard?" He nodded. "That's because I was trying to smell that more. I love that smell, and the fact that it was you, it made me happy and for some reason, it always had a calming effect on me. It always makes me happy when I smell that. So no, don't try to change that scent. I love it. If anything, I can go t the bodega and get some Laffy Taffy tomorrow and then we can go to Rite Aid on White Plains Road and get some AXE Touch. Also, since technically, you're living with me, you do need all the things I just mentioned and then some. You need soap, deodorant, things like that. Also, we gotta go to Manhattan so we can get you some more clothes. You need your own set of clothes that distinguishes yourself and you can say that you are Jaime, uhh, wait, do you have a middle name??" I began laughing at this because I didn't know if there was a last part to Jaime, like his middle name. He looked at me and started smiling at me. I knew it was stupid but still, at least, I asked instead of not knowing.

"Uhh, it's Jerome, Jaime Jerome Santana." He smiled at me and cuddled with me closer.

"Alright, well, since we're saying our middle names, it's nice to meet you, Jaime Jerome Santana. My name is Adrian Jermaine Rodriguez. But anyways, you need a style that says that you ARE Jaime Jerome Santana. I don't think that you can keep using my clothes cuz one, I'm bigger in a body sense, more muscular, and you're kinda a lanky boy, and dayum, I like it that your body is like that. So are you up for that??" I started stroking his hair trying to make him happy as possible. I didn't want him to be very nervous. I wanted him to be happy, not scared or disappointed.

"Yeah, I wanna go, let's do it. But we'll take it easy. I knew you're tired from this morning, how about we get some sleep and plan tomorrow." He gave me a kiss on my chest and cuddled again. I held him close for a few minutes and I began hearing him snore lightly. I began showing signs of exhaustion and soon after, was asleep myself.



It was around 7 in the morning when I woke up. I had to use the bathroom really badly. I tried to escape Adrian's death grip on me. I finally got free after about 10 minutes and ran to the bathroom. After I was done and flushed the toilet, I went into the kitchen. I saw that Mrs. Rodriguez was sitting at the kitchen table sipping what I thought was coffee and reading the specials in the Sunday Daily News. "Uhh, good morning, Mrs. Rodriguez. Sorry that I'm in my boxers. I just had to use the bathroom really badly. I'll put on some clothes on." All I had one was one of Adrian's wife beaters and a pair of his boxers that I liked.

"No worries papito. Come here. Sit, cmon, let's talk and get to know each other more. Oh and it's not Mrs. Rodriguez, it's Ms. Martinez or Ma." She looked at me and smiled. I now know where Adrian got his smile. She had the same warm smile that Adrian gave me when he first saw me. She get up from the table and handed me a cup. "Would you like some juice? There's soda, too, coffee, tea, milk?" She was already going through the cabinets pulling things out for me. It ended up all over but she had managed to me cereal, some scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, and some French fries all in a matter of 15 minutes. His mother was such a miracle worker that when I finally saw all the food she had down, I was in awe of the such delicious looking food. I took a bit of everything just to sample it all. In the middle of my eggs, I noticed Adrian walk into the kitchen with a really REALLY bad case of morning wood. He stopped right next to me and turned his body so his cock was right aligned next to my face. I looked at him and the bits of scrambled egg that I had in my mouth shot out right onto his boxers and his hard cock. His eyes opened up and he fell over. I saw this and my face became crimson. His mom had a face of utter shock on her face. I was scared of this.

"ADRIAN, GET UP AND GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE. Jaime, help him out." Ms. Martinez smiled at me and I nodded subtly at her. I helped him off the floor. I sneakily looked at his crotch and saw a big wet spot on the crotch of his boxers and white fluid was leaking through the material of his boxers. I smiled at this and carried him to his room. I laid him on the bed and closed the door behind me. I saw him laying there breathing heavily and decided to take advantage. I yanked down his boxers and began sucking on his cock. He sat up and started gasping. The taste of his sweet cum was just amazing. I kept sucking and he grabbed my head and face fucked me.

"Whoa, Jaime, no, don't, not now. Cmon, give me a couple more seconds." I heard him gasp out. Two seconds after he said that, I felt another shot onto my tongue. A second shot hit the back of my throat, and I pulled off. The third shot flew up and hit his stomach. He laid there on the bed, trying to catch his breath. I got up off the floor and laid down next to him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my forehead. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"No, never again, don't do that in the morning, that was just amazing. Now, you have a straggler. Want to share??" I looked down at his stomach and licked up the last string there and laid my head back down. He was really warm, and soft. He held me really tight. About 20 minutes later, he tapped my head.

"Babe, we gotta get up and take a shower." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I smiled and got up. We walked out of the room and walked back to the kitchen. We saw that Adrian's mom wasn't there. We went back to the bedroom and got our clothes. Suddenly I felt a bit alone so I went up behind Adrian and hugged him. I just wanted to feel close to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?? You ok??" he asked me. I nodded that I was fine but I don't think it was good enough.

"Hey, talk to me, don't keep things from me, I don't want that." He looked sad and he attempted my puppy dog eyes and I'll admit that it was working.

"Nothing's wrong. I just felt like hugging you. Now, we do gotta get up, we gotta go shopping today. Remember??" I tried to remind him.

"Ohh yeah, well, let's go. We'll take a shower and then go.



About 40 minutes later, Jaime had his clothes on and I was just finishing up putting my hair in one of my du rags. I actually considered on either cutting my hair or having someone braid it for me. It would have to be done soon though.

"Ok, let's go." I grabbed my keys, wallet, phone and went to my mom's room.

"Hey mom, we're going to do some clothes shopping for Jaime. He doesn't have any clothes. Do you need anything?" I asked her putting my things into my pants pockets.

"Wait, what do you mean he doesn't have any clothes??" my mom always wondered on things.

"Well, exactly what it means. He doesn't have any clothes. Never did. We went to his house yesterday and he only had 3 pairs of underwear and 2 pairs of socks. I got him that, and t-shirts, and all his clothes, 2 pairs of pants and 3 shirts, that's why I wanna get him some more." I said, I was trying to be at least as honest as possible.

"Ok, well, here, rainy day money. He needs clothes. You have plenty of clothes so now, I'll give you 300 of the rainy day money to get him clothes. I can't have him without clothes." My mom got up and walked to the dresser and took out her jewelry box. She took out 3 one hundred dollar bills and handed to me. I looked at Jaime and I handed them to him. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I can't accept this, no, I just can't." Jaime said with a tremble in his voice.

"Sweetie, trust me, you have Adrian now, he's gonna take care of you. He always did take care of his brother, now, he's gonna take care of you so be happy. This is just the beginning. You both will be happy. So go, get clothes, I'll give the 300 for you to get clothes, Adrian, any other money you want to give, then you give to help him. Now, go, I gotta get ready to go food shopping." My mom shoo'ed us out of the room and we smiled. We put on our boots and went down the stairs. I checked the mailbox and there was my Shonen Jump magazine in the mailbox. I smiled and grabbed it and ran out the door.

"What was in the mailbox?" Jaime asked.

"Huh? Oh, it was my porn magazine, Big Tits." I smiled at him but he turned his head and faced forward. I saw his face looking sad and I handed him the magazine.

"Ohh, uhhh, how do you say it?" Jaime tried examining the magazine without breaking the packaging.

"It's pronounced Shonen, like Show-Nen, and then Jump, like Jummmm p. I like anime. It's fun. Bleach, and Naruto are my favorites." I said smiling.

"You can open the packaging, Jaime, I was going to on the train anyways. I didn't expect this issue until Monday but here it is, so I'm excited." I started laughing and we started going up the stairs at the the 2, 5 Nereid Avenue train station. Since it was Saturday, the 5 wasn't rush hour so it didn't pass up by here and the 2 train was running local in the Bronx. We swiped our Student Metrocards and went up to the Manhattan-bound platform and waited for the train. We sat down and I began opening up the package of the magazine. It was really nice and I put the magazine in my jacket pocket. Jaime tapped me on the shoulder and I looked over to him. He was pointing to the back and I saw the 5 train coming from the north.

"Uhh, Jaime, does that say the number 5 in the circle??" I asked surprisingly.

"Uhh, I think so. Hey, let's take it." Jaime got up and I followed him. The train came to a stop and we boarded.

"Yeah, maybe it's going express after 180 Street." We found seats and sat down. Since this was the first stop of the train, it was completely empty. We sat around, watching the buildings as they went by. I took out my phone and started looking online and Jaime continued looking forward.

"This is a Manhattan Bound, express 5 train. Next and final stop is East 180 Street, Bronx Zoo." Well, our question was answered. We got up and waited for the train doors to open. We got off the train and noticed that there was already a 2 train Manhattan Bound across the SouthBound platform.

"Hey, cmon, it's that one. We gotta take the 2, we're gonna get off at Times Square. That'll make it better for us." I told Jaime, he smiled and we got on the 2 waiting for it to leave. About 5 minutes had passed when we noticed something wrong. As if on cue, the conductor came on the intercom.

"Passengers, please be advised. This is a Manhattan Bound Express 2 Train. It's last stop is Fulton Street in Manhattan. Please note, there is a signal problem at the next stop, that's there is a signal problem at the next stop, West Farms Square, Cross Bronx Expressway. Thank you for riding the Metropolitan Transit Authority and have a nice day." The doors began to shut and the train started to move. It was pulling out slowly and then began picking up speed. We saw the highway pass by and we continued until we arrived at the station. The lady voice on the train that announced the stops came on. "This is West Farms Square, Tremont Avenue, and Boston Road. Transfer points to the Bronx bound Wakefield 2 train and Eastchester, Dyre Avenue 5 trains. This is a Manhattan Bound Express 2 train. Next stop is East 174th Street and Southern Boulevard." Next came on the guy.

"Stand clear of the closing doors please." Then the noise that make New York City transit famous.

"BEEP BOOP!" and the doors closed. We started moving and we were soon on our way to Manhattan. We passed by all the train stops quickly, East 149th Street and Third Avenue in the Bronx, East 125th Street and Lenox Avenue in Manhattan. "This is a Manhattan Bound Express 2 train, with service terminating at Fulton Street. The next stop is 42nd Street, Times Square, 7th Avenue, and Broadway." The train stopped and we got off the train.

"This is the Times Square platform for the South Ferry Manhattan 1, Flatbush Brooklyn 2, and New Lots Avenue Brooklyn 3 trains. Please note that Brooklyn bound 2 and 3 trains are terminating at Fulton Street. To continue into Brooklyn, transfer at Fulton Street. Transfer points to the Lefferts Blvd or Far Rockaway Queens Bound or Inwood Manhattan Bound A trains, Euclid Avenue Brooklyn Bound or Washington Heights Manhattan Bound C trains, and World Trade Center Manhattan Bound or Jamaica Queens Bound E trains at 42nd Street-8th Avenue Port Authority platform. Transfer points to the Flushing Queens Bound 7 trains at 42nd Street crosstown platforms. Transfer points to the Coney Island Brooklyn Bound and Astoria Queens Bound N trains, Forest Hills Queens Bound or Bay Ridge Brooklyn Bound R trains, 57th Street Manhattan Bound and Coney Island Brooklyn Bound Q trains, and Astoria Queens Bound and Whitehall Street Manhattan Bound W trains are on the Broadway platforms." We walked over to the exits and we ended up near Times Square, near the Big Screen. Jaime looked up and had his mouth open looking at everything.

"Hey you ok??" I was smiling, it was like he was looking through opened eyes for the first time.

"Huh?? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I jus never been here. I've seen it with Dick Clark but it's like not the same until you see it in real life. It's cool." He kept looking at everything.

"Ok, well first, let's get something to eat. Then we'll go from there." We saw a hot dog vendor at the corner of 43rd street and went to get ourselves hotdogs.

"Hey, let me get me get two hotdogs, one wit ketchup, and Jaime, wat do u want on yours?" I looked at him and he thought of it.

"Uhh lemme get ketchup and some sauerkraut." He told the vendor. The guy smiled and told us the total. I paid and we went off to shop.

"Mmmm, this is good, what does yours taste like Adrian?" Jaime smiled and I gave him a bite of my dog. He had a smile on his face and I started laughing.

"What? Do I have ketchup on my face?? What's so funny??" Jaime kept wiping his face and it made me laugh even more.

"Nothing, there's nothing on your face. It's just that you just reminded me of a little kid when you asked me how my dog was and when you took a bite, you had a big-ass smile, it was cute and it made me laugh." I smiled at him and he continued smiling. We made our way south & ended up at 34th Street & Broadway, which was my plan to do in the first place.

"Ok, now, Macy's is on 34th Street here then it's on 7th Avenue, so it's down there." I pointed to the right and began walking. Jaime followed me and in about 3 minutes, we had arrived at Macy's and went inside. I will never get used to coming in here. It was such an amazing store. Everything on every floor. It was a shopaholic's heaven, paradise, nirvana, whatever you wanna call it. We started just randomly looking around till we ended up in the in the clothing department. We looked and found the "ghetto clothes" (lol). I saw a nice Ecko Jacket that was really nice, navy blue, baby blue, and white. It was really nice. I looked at the price and it was 50 dollars and I found the matching shirt that was 20 dollars. I decided to buy them. I looked over at Jaime and he was looking at some jeans on the wall.

"Do you like those??" I snuck up behind him and looked at them too.

"Yeah, they're nice I guess." He turned around and walked away. Odd.

"Hey, what's wrong?? You ok??" I caught up to him and looked him in the eye. Something wasn't right now.

"Ok, look, Adrian, I appreciate what you're doing for me and all but you're spoiling me. I feel it's a bit too much now. I mean, actually, I don't know what I mean anymore." He let a sigh out and began walking away. This was going to be harder than I thought. I wondered how to fix this, but I don't know. I chased after him and took his hand in mine. I turned him around and looked him in the eye.

"Look, Jaime, I know you don't want me spoiling you and everything. I just want you to at least have the necessary things to keep going on with a step and an edge."

He looked at me and smiled. I knew he understood. I just want him to at least be okay in life and if he were to fall or something, then he has a back-up that he can use to break the fall, at least something to break it, and I intended to be the one to break that fall.

"Hey Adrian, I think I'm good with this." Jaime came up to me with 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts. I smiled at him and shook my head no. "Wait, you want me to get more??" The look on his face made me laugh. It was just too funny.

"Yeah, I want you to get more clothes. I want you to buy enough that you don't wear the same pants or shirt twice in two weeks. I want you to have enough clothes. Plus, there's enough space in my closet for you to put stuff in it too so don't worry about closet space." I looked around at the clothing selection and saw that there was plenty of clothes that I liked. I took his hand and brought it to the Ecko clothes again.

"Ok, look here, you have Ecko, this is a nice shirt, real nice, it's green and blue, plaid, looks like a winner for a job interview. Ok, pants, you already have 3 pairs right, well, now, let's look for 7 more. Four to complete the seven days of the week and then 3 more for job interviews so you can mix and match your clothes and not be stuck with the same thing for a job interview." I picked up some more clothes and put them into the pile. I saw this nice light blue and blue jacket and I grabbed that along with the matching shirt and pants. Then I saw a green, blue, and white jacket and I grabbed the matching shirt and pants. Then I grabbed the same thing, except in my size and put them over my arm and smiled at Jaime. He rolled his eyes and smiled back at me. We spent another 20 minutes looking at clothes before we went to the registers and paid. In total, we bought 9 pants, and 12 shirts. I used my mom's Macy's card and put everything on it. It came out to about 600 dollars. Thank goodness for my mom's amazing credit. She has a 4000 dollar limit on it. We grabbed the bags and we walked through the cologne section. We saw a bunch of different colognes. Jaime looked at some Kenneth Cole scents while I went old school wit Giorgio Armani's Acqua Di Gio. That was truly old school for me. I walked to Jaime and he was talking to a salesperson about the cologne. He really liked the Kenneth Cole "Code" scent. He looked at me and looked at the cologne again. It was funny. I knew already he wanted it but it was funny just to watch him squirm at it.

"Ok, how much is the set??" I asked the lady. Her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"The set includes the shower gel, the deodorant and the cologne, which comes out to 64.99. Also, I saw you looking at the Acqua Di Gio. That set is a classic for us. Very formal and popular among business men. It comes out to 74.99 without tax. I'll give you a couple of minutes to decide." She walked away to help another customer while Jaime kept looking at the cologne. I started laughing at loud and he looked at me. I looked back at him and he gave me a smile. The lady came back and asked if we wanted to buy the cologne. Jaime looked at me and I nodded my head yes.

"Sure, we'll take both of the cologne scents. I wanna put them on my mother's Macy's Card." I handed the lady the card while she rang us up and put the cologne in the bag and we left.

"Now, what else do we need. You have clothes, all you need is sneakers. That, we'll need to go to Bronx for that. I wanna go to Toys R Us in Bay Plaza for some XboX games but still, I really don't want to have to go to Pelham Bay Park and the go all over with these bags. Let's just finish our shopping here in Manhattan and then go back home. Ok with you Jaime??" I looked over to him and he had this blank look facing forward and wasn't paying attention.

"Jaime??" I snapped my fingers in front of him and he came back.

"Uhh you say something?? Sorry, I was just thinking." He smiled and we kept walking.

"What were you thinking about?? Did you want something else??" I looked at him and he contemplated his answer.

"Well, I do, technically did. I wanted a Nintendo DS a while back but not sure if I want it now. I'll save up money for it. It just seems cool to have. But where do they sell it on sale?? I was gonna ask you but not sure if you know. If you don't, it's not a big deal." He smiled at me and started laughing.

"Hmm well, not sure but maybe Game Stop would have it for sale. We'll check it out soon, promise. Anyways, we have clothes now. What do you want to do?? Go home or bring these bags to Bay Plaza with us?? I really don't want to bring them with us and plus we can take the train from home to Pelham Parkway and then take the Bx. 12 to Co-Op City. What do you feel like doing??"

"It's up to you. Anything you want to do, I'll follow." He smiled and we arrived at the B, D, F, V, N, Q, R, and W "34th Street- Herald Square" train station. We stopped and looked around. I started going down the stairs and he came running after me.

"Hey, Adrian, where are we going?" I heard him ask behind me. I looked behind me and smiled.

"We're going home. We'll drop off the clothes and then go out again. We need to go all the way back to 205th Street and then we can take the Bx. 16 home. That way, we can just keep going on the 16 to Boston Road and then take the Bx. 30 to Co-Op City." I put my bags down at the turnstiles and took my Metrocard and swiped it through. I went through and looked at him and he stared at me. He spazzed out and came running to me and swiped out his Metrocard and came up to me and hugged me and started laughing. We went walking down to the B, D, F, and V northbound platform and waited for the train to come. The first train that came was the B train going to 145 Street. Jaime started walking towards it and I grabbed his arm.

"You really don't know trains do you?" He nodded no and I smiled back. "Ok, look, I'm taking the D, besides the fact that you know that the B does go to the Bronx, it only goes on weekday rush hours, and even so, it's local after 47-50 Streets and I really REALLY do not want to ride from 59th Street all the way to 125th Street stopping at like 81st Street and all those other stops. So, we take the D, express in Manhattan, from 59th Street to 125th Street, no stops." I smiled at him and he looked like he understood what I was saying. We continued waiting for the trains and many other trains came and left. The F came after the B on the local side and we saw it leave. We saw the D and F trains come in at the same time on the southbound side and right when they were about to leave, another B train came in on the Express Side. It sat there for about 10 minutes and we were just bored. Another F train came and sat there for a bit too. Both trains left at the same time and we heard the beeping noise signalling that a train was coming. When the beeping stopped, I looked down the tunnel and saw a D train running slowly down the track. I grabbed my bags and Jaime and I started walking down to the front of the station and we boarded the first car in the front. We were able to see the tracks in front of train. I got excited and was having more fun than I already was. Jaime saw that and he got in front of me and laid back on me. I grabbed his waist and gave it a tight squeeze. He looked up at me and I knew he wanted to kiss me but we were in public. I nodded at him and told him I know what he wanted to do. We looked around and no one was paying attention. A lot of people were paying attention to there own thing. We looked at each other and smiled. I lowered my lips to his and kissed him softly. I felt him get weak and I wrapped my arms around his stomach and held him. We broke the kiss and he smiled. We kept looking outside the tracks and we were just having fun and that's how it would be.


Hey everyone, I know I havent posted in a long time but I'm still here. Here and workin my 4 jobs and going to school too. So I'm still here lol. If you like the chapter, then send me an email at

izzy4rains@tmail.com, my new email address.

This chapter is a 2 parter. I thought this would be a nice place to end and do a time skip of a few hours. Remember, if people are still confused on times, I know, I was too, lol. It's only the first Sunday in September, the week of school is going to start now and Adrian has another surprise for Jaime. Also, new characters will be introduced into Chapter 8 and old characters will get more recognition, like Adrian and his father, as well as Max. You see how Mack acts and how he takes the news of Adrian being with Jaime. Isaiah comes back in Chapter 8 but for a moment, but you wont know when lol.

Also, what about Adrian spoiling Jaime?? Hmmm, contemplate that for a second and tell me your ideas.

As always, I do have my yahoo group for Different Styles of Adrian. Check it out cuz I have a poll out for the next story, so check it out and see the choices. I'll tell you my favorite of the choices after you vote, SO BARACK YOUR VOTE LMFAO, lol jk, but really, check it out and vote.




Thank you Nifty for posting my story. You guys rock!!!!

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