Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Oct 10, 2008


This story is fiction. If you're younger than 18, then go away or don't

get caught, but honestly, who's gonn stop you?? Also, I don't have my tmail address anymore. All I have is my yahoo and

my aol. So both are good to use. If anyone has sent me any emails on

my tmail, I'm very sorry but I didn't get them. If you can resend them

to either my yahoo or my aol, I would greatly appreciate it. reggaetonart1789@aol.com hydrostrike485@yahoo.com Also, check out my yahoo group for the story or announcements. And now, chapter 5.

I was on the Bx 10 bus going to Norwood. I hate coming into this

area. I don't know why, but I just did. It always made me feel

uncomfortable, but since Jaime and Max were both in the mood for pizza, they

kinda got me into wanting it as well. It was already dark and all I saw

were the lights that were on Bailey Avenue. I started thinking about what

was I going to do with this asshole that hurt Max. I was thinking of

coming at him during the daytime. I didn't want to see the kid. That

kid. I don't know why but he looks so familiar to me. I wish I knew where.

Anyways, I shook the thoughts from my mind and focused on the streets.

As a matter of fact, it had always been a dream of mine to actually

drive on the Metropolitan Transit Authority. There's so much action and

always something to do.

"East 206 Street. Last Stop. Transfer to the Bx 16, the 30, and

the first stop of the D train. Have a good night." I wasn't paying

attention to what the bus driver was saying and I was wondering why he was

saying that if we were only near Bedford Park Boulevard. I came back into

my mind and saw that we were already at 206th Street and everyone was

getting off the bus. Wow, I was really out of it. I went down

Bainbridge Avenue and saw the pizza shop on the corner. I decided to get some

snacks for us in the bodega next door after I ordered the pizzas.

"Hi, what would you like." The guy working there asked. He had

olive skin and black hair. His accent was definitely Puerto Rican.

Probably northern Puerto Rico. He was about five foot seven and it was visible

he was tired. Who could blame him. It was already 9 at night.

"Uhhh, let me get a large extra cheese, pepperoni, and extra

hamburg pizza. On the side, let me also get a meatball calzone."

"Ok. That's gonn be about 25 minutes."

"No problem. I'ma go to the store and get some things. I'll be

right back." I smiled at him and walked out of the store. He was real

cool. I hadn't seen him before working there so I don't know if his cooking

was good or bad. Guess we'll find out when I bring the food home. I

went to the bodega and looked around. Honestly, one of the more bad

bogedas in the Bronx. Nothing of real value and the food they did have were

really bad. Man, I'm gonn have to go to the bodega next door. At least

they had my favorite chips there. I grabbed a ginger ale from the back

fridge and paid it. The guy seemed like a real asshole but I paid no

mind. I was feeling better and I just wanted to go home and eat with Max

and Jaime.

I walked back into the pizza shop and I saw a bag on the counter.

The guy looked back and saw that it was me. He smiled and went back to

doing the pizza. I sat down looking at the cars pass by. A Honda Civic.

A Toyota Highlander. I was brought out of my trance with the loud

sound of brakes stopping. It was a bus coming out of nowhere stopping at

the bus stop on the corner of Bainbridge and East 204 Street. I looked at

the sign. Bx 28. Co-op City. Earhart La. Via Gun Hill Rd. It's been a

long long time since I've been to Co-Op City.

"Hey, your pizza's ready." The guy said. I looked back at him and

saw everything ready. Finally. I got up from the booth and paid the

guy and left. I didn't feel like sticking around much. I just wanted to

get home to Jaime and Max. I walked up the block to the bus stop again

and saw there was already a Bx 16 there. I was lucky. I ran to the bus

and got on it. As soon as he closed the door, the driver began pulling

out. Really lucky. I swiped my MetroCard and sat in the back of the bus.

I sat down and my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and saw it

was my mom's cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered as sweetly as possible.

"Hey Adrian. How's everything going?" I heard music in the back so

I guess she was at the clubs.

"Goin pretty good mom. Just getting some pizza. I left Jaime and

Max home. I'm on the 16 now so I should be home in about 15-20 minutes."

"Ok. Keep an eye for Max and don't let him go out. I'm trusting

you Addy."

"I know mom. But yeah, the bus is already moving so I'ma let you

go. Have fun. Bye."

"Ok, bye."

I really had to watch with what I say with my mom. She doesn't

know that I'm with Jaime, and she definitely would flip on me if she found

out Max didn't come home with me. Well, at least she's having fun. She

deserved it. After all the bullshit our dad put her through and then

him trying to do the same to me and Max. I was smart enough to say no

and cut off all contact. Max, on the other hand, not very smart. I looked

outside and saw we were already turning onto Nereid Avenue. I pushed

the tape and the bus driver stopped right in front of my building.

"Thanks man."

"Yeah, have a good night."

I went to the building door and opened it. For some odd reason, I

checked the mail again. I had already checked when I came home with

Jaime but there was nothing in there last time and this time. I went up

the stairs to the apartment door and opened it. It was dark and I heard

the tv on.

"Hey guys. Jaime. Max. I'm home!!!! What? No welcoming committee?

You guys are cheap." I yelled while laughing. I was always arrogant

when I got home.

"We're in Max's room, Adrian!" I heard Jaime yell to me.

I went to the kitchen and put the pizza on the table. I noticed

while I was walking in that I had completely forgotten about the chicken

that I had taken out earlier. Oh well, I could just put it back in the

freezer. It'll be fine. I grabbed some plates from the cabinet and

brought them to Max's room. I saw Jaime lying on the bed and Max sitting on

the floor.

"Here guys. Dinner. Iight, let us dig in with the fortitude to eat

this in 10 minutes." I said staring at Max. He looked at me and


"With the fortitude and discipline of one hundred combined into

the physical form of the human being, let's do thiisssssss." Max looked

at me and smiled.

"Uhhh Adrian. What's going on?" Jaime looked so lost. I felt bad

for him. He didn't know what was going on.

"Ok, this is the deal. Jaime, first, how many slices do you want.

You have to take an even number so we can split the rest between me and

Max. It's like our evil competition that we do. We go all out and eat

the pizza, or any food we want, and then we issue a challenge and make

it sound really cool. Now Max has to take my challenge. If not, then he

forfeits and has to do chores for a week. All of the chores. If he

accepts, then he's fine. Ok?" I explained to him.

"Ok, I guess. This is gonn be fun to see." He smiled. Jaime took

four slices of pizza, put them on his plate and stood back. It was very

funny to see him eating and watching us divide the pizza. We each

decided on eight slices each. I looked at Jaime and nodded and he nodded

back. He got my message.

"Ok, now let's have a fair feeding. No hitting below the belt, and

no strikes towards your opponent. Now, ready?" We both nodded to him.

"Get set." Max looked at me and likewise to him.

"GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" Jaime yelled at the top of his lungs. Max

and I didn't even eat. We just stared at him wondering what was that

all about. He looked at us and started blushing.

" You guys do know I already said go, right?" We were brought back

to his and we started devouring our pizzas. I was in the lead with

have eaten 5 pizzas and Max only 4. I sped up and finished eating my

pizzas first and Max only having his crust left hanging in his mouth.

"I won, you lost." We were all laughing over this. This was really

fun. I gathered the plates and put everything in the kitchen while Max

brought the box downstairs to the garbage cans in the basement. I felt

good that I was full and that I had good company tonight since it was

the weekend.

"Adrian." I heard a deep voice that sounded so familiar to me.

Like I heard it as a little kid. I looked behind me and saw him. Someone

that I wish was gone. For good..

"Hello Alex. Now, bye Alex."

"Is that anyway to treat your father?"

I turned around and pushed him on the wall. I grabbed his shirt

collar and held him by it.

"Listen, you asshole. I have no father. The father I had died a

long time ago because of him forcing me to do something I didn't want to

do. Also, that he made my little brother do the same and corrupted him.

So if you're talking about that father, that person, I killed him off

a long time ago."

"Hmph, like you have the will and strength to kill me. I still

have power that you don't. If anything were to happen to myself, everyone

would consider you responsible because everyone knows that I am here to

see your brother and yourself."

I stood there speechless. I couldn't think. A range of emotions

was going through my head. What was all this? I needed out. I needed to

be free of him.

"Here's the money. Five for you and three for your brother. Tell

him he got a promotion for his outstanding selling capabilities." I

looked at his face and saw a smirk on his lips. My father. One half of my

being. Here. In front of me. I was his spitting image. Tall, dark

handsome. But he's capable of some crazy shit that scared me when I was a

little kid. His so-called "tough love" was strict. I remember, when I was

just entering puberty, at 12 years old, he was the first one I told.

After what I saw, I didn't want to tell anyone. My father hugged me and

told me we had to celebrate. That night, we went to a supposed friend's

house and that supposed friend was this girl, not even 20 yet while he

was already 30. He made me watch him fuck her. It was just too much

for me. When he was about to cum, he told me to jerk him off and make him

cum on the girl's face. That huge meat. Uncut. Almost 11 inches. It

was amazing. After I started jerking him, I don't remember anything. It's

all black after that. It's like my mind suppresses it.

"I'm not into that business anymore Alex. You know that. After the

last time, I promised I was out." I looked down at the ground. He put

his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

"You don't have to be alone. You requested it. Out of your own

accord. I will be with you on those runs."

"What about Jaime?"

"Who's Jaime?"

"Uhhh nothing. Never mind." I had to think of something quick. I

didn't want to get busted. I didn't want him knowing that I'm gay. That

wouldn't go over so well.

"Who is this Jaime? Is she your girlfriend?" He looked at me with

a serious look and put his arm around me. I shook my head no.

"I see. It's a boy, isn't it. You're gay aren't you." I shook my

head yes. This is the worst moment. Receiving judgement from my father

over something about myself. I just hope this wouldn't change things

between me and him.

"Adrian, it's fine. Actually, I've kinda had the feeling but I

wasn't sure. So has your mother. So you have nothing to worry about.

You're my son."

"Thanks dad."

"Now, go upstairs. I'll keep in contact with you and your brother.

Maybe do some jobs for me. I'll be with you guys if there's a job. I'm

not letting you guys go by yourselves."

I nodded my head and walked away from him. Maybe my dad wasn't all

bad. Just the way people in the family talk about him, it seems

different. And only if Jaime finds out about this, who knows what he'll do. I

put the thought in the back of my mind and went back to the apartment.

I went to Max's room and didn't see Jaime and began to wonder.

"Max, where did Jaime go?"

"He's in your room. He went there as soon as you went to the

basement. Oh yeah, how come you took so long?" He looked puzzled and I

looked out the window.

"Here. Monthly allowance. Three thousand." I tossed him the money

and walked off. I didn't want to hear his response. I went to my room

and saw Jaime sitting on the bed in only his boxers. He had a wicked

smile on his face and I knew he was planning something.

"Hmmm, Jaime, what are you planning on doing?" Jaime got off the

bed and walked to where I was standing. He grabbed my hands and put them

on his ass. He smiled. I gave a small squeeze and he let out a small

moan. I knew right away that this was going to be a fun night. I gave

him a passionate kiss and he was the first one to pull away. I lifted my

shirt, exposing my hard stomach and took off my shit.

"I'm guessing you're in the mood for fun tonight, huh, Jaime. You

should watch what you ask for. You might just get hurt."

"I think I can handle it." He started kissing on my neck. It felt

so amazing. His tongue lightly passing on my neck. The cold air riding

on my tan skin, making my skin cold and prickly. Jaime's warm hands

rubbing on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and moved my fingers

lightly over his back. He licked my neck one last time and looked up at

me. I smiled at him and he put his head on my chest.

"Now, I'm not sure if you're ready. I mean, we just met and had

lunch today. And now you're in the mood for me to fuck you? Isn't that

going a little too fast, babe?" He looked up and his smile had

disappeared, like the sunset, when everything is void of the bright light.

Darkness, bland, nothing but darkness. I knew I had hit something bad.

"You're right. I'm probably acting like a sleazy ho now, aren't I.

I'm sorry." He looked down and sat on the bed.

"Jaime, it's fine. But I don't think either me or you are ready

for the next level. I mean, yeah, blowjobs, those are okay, but for me

fucking you, that's going to have to wait a little while longer. Trust

me, I'll make it fun for you. Ok? I promise." I put my arm around him and

kissed the top of his head. He smiled at me and laid down. We got

comfortable, with him laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms

around my stomach and me wrapping my arms around him. I just laid there

thinking. Today was a crazy day. What was going to be in store tomorrow??

I woke up early but noticed that Jaime wasn't in the bed. I got up out

of my bed and put on my shorts. I was beginning to wonder where Jaime

had gone. It was Saturday morning. I opened the door and heard Pokemon

Diamond and Pearl on the television. It was probably Max watching his

cartoons or something. I walked into the living room and saw Jaime

sitting on the floor watching the show. Max wasn't around though.

"Morning, Mr. Pokemon." I said smiling. Jaime looked at me and

began laughing.

"Hey. I was just watching some tv. Sorry I turned it on withough

you or Max." He was so sincere. I loved that. He always thought of me


"It's fine. You didn't need to ask. It's perfectly fine. Just next

time, don't leave my arms like that when I'm sleeping, ok?" I started

laughing when I said this and so did he. I sat in the recliner and

watched tv. I patted my leg for him to sit on my lap and he got up and sat

down with his legs over the armrest. He was so warm and it was so cold

in the apartment. I wrapped my arms around his waist so he can warm me

up. The smell of cherry candy and Axe Touch was still on him. It was

such an amazing smell. I loved it.

"Jaime, what are we going to do today? You're here for the

weekend. We do need to go to your house to get you some new clothes unless you

want new clothes for when you stay here. It's up to you."

"No, we can go to my place. I don't want you getting clothes for

me." He started giggling when he said this. "Although, new clothes isn't

a bad idea and all. But I can show you where I live. Let's go to

Manhattan. Ok with you?"

"Anything you want baby boy. There's nuthin you don't deserve.

Speaking of deserve, when is your birthday?? I keep on forgetting to ask."

I said smiling.

"Mine is November 17, 1989. What about yours?"

"January 26, 1989. Now we both know other's birthday. This is good." I started thinking. Since his birthday was soon, maybe I should get him his present now. I have money now, so I just gotta put it in my bank account and there, a present for Jaime.

I kept holding onto him and before we knew it, Pokemon had

finished and Ben 10 was coming on. I started getting bored and I guess Jaime

was noticing it too so he changed the channel. There really wasn't

anything on except for The Replacements on ABC Kids and that was already

pushing it too much.

"Adrian, wanna start getting ready to go out?" He sounded sad

about it.

"Yeah, we can. I gotta take a shower, eat, jerk off, and get my

clothes ready. So yeah, let's start getting ready." Jaime looked at my

face shocked.

"Did you say jerk off??"

"Yeah, to see if you were really paying attention. I wanted to see

if I said jerking off, you would react. And you did. Funny too, I

might add." I started laughing and he started giggling too.

"But yeah, I gotta start getting ready, and so do you as well. So

let's start." Jaime got off my lap and I went into my room with him

following me. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom, but doubled

back to find Jaime taking out his new clothes. He didn't notice me come in

and I took advantage of that by kissing his neck and face.

"What's up? You ok?" I asked worried. I didn't want him feeling


"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm still in shock that you bought me new

clothes. I like them. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Thank you sooo much."

"Hey, it's fine. No worries. I wanted to do it. I saw you eyeing

the clothes."

"Yeah, now go take a shower. You stink." He covered his nose and

started fanning the air. I started cracking up on this.

"Yeah, fine, but remember," I grabbed his hand and put it on my

chest and lowered down my boxers till his fingers were wrapped around my

cock, "if I smell, then you have a smelly boyfriend. You're gonn have

to deal."

He gasped when I made my cock twitch and I knew he liked it. I

took his hand off and walked away to the bathroom. I turned off the shower

radio and started listening to Hot 97 to see what was goin on. They

had some good music while I was in there. I finished my shower, dried off

and went into my room and saw Jaime doing pushups on the floor.

"Go Jaime, go Jaime, it's ya birthday, it's ya birthday."

He was so embarrassed when I said that that he lost his gripping

and fell to the floor with a thud. I started laughing and he got up and

laughed as well. He grabbed my towel and a pair of my boxers, stuck out

his tongue and made his way to the bathroom. I put on my clothes and

took my iron. I noticed that Jaime's clothes were a bit wrinkled so I

gave them a quick steam and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I choose some Frosted Flakes and milk. In the middle of eating, Jaime

came out with only a towel on. He smiled at me as he walked by. About

two seconds after I had finished my bowl of cereal, Jaime came out

wearing his new clothes. He was so amazing and the clothes looked soooo nice

on his body. He took two slices of bread and a slice of cheese and

made a sandwich. Before he even sat down, I grabbed from behind and

started humping his ass. I was getting so hard from just looking at him. I

kept kissing his neck and biting it. I lifted his shirt and started

feeling his chest.

"Adrian, no, not in the kitchen. Tonight." He was gasping so much

from my attack on him.

"No. Now." I grabbed his hand and put it down my pants. I was

leaking precum and my cock was all slippery. He grabbed hold and started

stroking really fast. I was on the verge of cumming but it wouldn't come

out. I kept biting his neck and kissing his ears. He was gasping so

much. I thought he was out of air.

"Yo, Adrian, mom's not here and all but daayuuummm. Hormones need

to be kept in check with that shit." Fuckin Max, had to ruin it. I took

Jaime's hand off my cock and stuffed it back into my boxers. Jaime's

neck was red as a tomato. It was such a contrast to his naturally tan

skin. I looked at Max and he walked off. I looked at Jaime and he was

smiling like crazy.

"What? Not my fault I look nice." He smiled to me.

"Watch it. I'll make you eat it next time. And be prepared for

tonight. You're going to need luck and a lot of energy. Now, come on. We

gotta leave." I went to my room to fix my bed and pick up the dirty

clothes off the floor. A few minutes later, Jaime came into the room and

hugged me. He looked out the window and sat down at the desk. I grabbed

my wallet and keys and grabbed his hand so we could leave.

"Hey Adrian. Push the tape. We're getting off at the next stop."

I looked at him and pushed the tape of the Bx. 3 bus on West 181st

Street in Manhattan. The George Washington Bus Station and the

beginning of the links between the suburbs of New Jersey and the metropolis of

New York City. We got off at the stop at Broadway and West 181st

Street. This was the same area that I came to the night before. What a

coincidence. Ehh, it was probably nothing. Many people live in this area. We

crossed the street and headed down Broadway. We went to a pizzeria

that was near the corner of West 189th Street and Broadway. It was good

pizza, I'll admit that. I should keep this place in my mind. We crossed

the street and entered his building, the same building that I had come

to the night before. Ok, now I was getting suspicious over this but I

kept my mouth shut. We went up to the fourth floor and we had actually

stopped in front of the same apartment door that I had been enraged over

my little brother. Jaime took out a set of keys and opened the door. I

looked inside and saw the same kid, little and innocent as ever. He

came running and gave a hug to Jaime and went back to watching the tv.

Jaime continued walking and I followed, wary of my surroundings.

"ISAIAH!!!!" I looked at him at how hard he can call out someone's

name. This tall dude came out in black boxer briefs, with his cock

sticking out of the fly. I was shocked. It was almost 9 inches and it was

sticking out. I got mad and ran towards him. I only took two steps and

Jaime grabbed my arm.

"ADRIAN, what the hell is up with you? Why are you trying to go

all out on my brother???" Jaime started yelling at me like he was mad. I

wanted to hurt that guy so badly. He was the one that hurt Max.




I tried overpowering Jaime but I couldn't. He had me pretty much

locked into his arms. I couldn't move. I kept wiggling and trying to get

free but nothing.

"Jaime, who is this guy?? How does he know Max??" Jaime's brother

Isaiah just stared at me wondering what was going on.

"You, you fucking asshole. Maximillian Rodriguez is my little

brother. And I also know that you get your drugs of choice from Alexander

Rafael Rodriguez, my father." I was growling at this point because I

remembered that the little boy was in the other room. I had to get a grip.

I just couldn't. It wouldn't work. I was gonn hurt someone that I

loved and that asshole both at the same time.

"I felt Jaime's grip on my arm loosen so I took my chance. I

busted free from his grip and balled my hand into the tightest fist. I felt

funny. Like I was walking a straight line. Nothing else was visible.

Just my target. And I knew I had to reach it. I was about to punch him

when something caught my eye. Tan skin. Short hair. A baby face that I

have grown to love was now in my vision. And it was too late to stop.


Why does he have to be in that spot? Why at that time? Ohhh man,

please let me not hit him. My hand felt horrible. A scorching pain ran

through it. It was so horrible. I felt a liquid on my hand. I looked and

saw my hand had swollen up. I looked at Jaime. He was on the ground.

Not moving.

What had I done?

Hope everyone liked chapter 5. It took a lot longer than I thought, but

nonetheless, it was completed. With all interruptions, and the dead

ends I went through, I felt it was time to end this chapter. Oh well,

right?? Ok, as a friendly reminder, my tmail hasn't worked since a few

weeks now. I sent out a notification to my yahoo group if anyone was

wondering. Join the group and you can see the chapters ahead of time, if I

finish them, that is. Also, check out the polls on my group too. I

haven't started chapter 6 yet, but I have had some ideas, and most of my

writing, I do during my Human Anatomy and Physiology laboratory. So if

anyone has any questions, email me at hydrostrike485@yahoo.com or at

reggaetonart1789@aol.com. These are my working emails. And remember,

sprint speed is nothing to joke about. About 98 percent of the time, if

you send me an email, I'll get it in the following 2 seconds. So don't

be shy and don't be scurred, lmao, always wanted to say that. So

remember, join my yahoo group.


Next: Chapter 7

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