Different Styles of Adrian

By Corey Diaz-Cruz

Published on Sep 23, 2008


This story is fiction, yadda yadda yadda, u kno the deal. If not 18, don't read, but who's gonn stop you? So don't get caught.

Also, if anyone has a comment about this, let me know. I would love feedback from people. Do you like the story? Don't like it? Think it's too slow? Fast? Anything. Let me know. You can find my contact information on the previous chapters. Contact info: reggaetonart1789@aol.com reggaetonart1789@tmail.com (preferred) hydrostrike485@yahoo.com (preferred also but use tmail)

Also, like I said before. I have my own yahoo group. This is the link. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/different_styles_of_Adrian/ So check it out.

And now, since the number 4 is my lucky number, here's lucky Chapter 4. Full of drama toasted and dipped in butter for your liking. Enjoy (your heart attack in iterature form lol)

"Jaime, whatever it is, I'm sure you can tell me and nothing bad will happen. I'm always gonn be here. Nothing you tell me is going to make me leave. I promise." I looked at his face and he was still scared to tell me. I already felt bad that he was still scared of me. I suddenly thought of an idea for him to tell me. I smiled at him and he looked puzzled. I moved closer to his face and gave him a kiss on his lips. I broke the kiss and smiled at him. He still had his eyes closed and looked like he was in heaven.

"Ok. Adrian, I love you."

"I love you too Jaime."

"I know. Well, here's the thing. Manny, the kid who was on my case today, he lives in my building in Manhattan. He was the first person I told that I was gay. He took it well. I always had a few fantasies about him. So many things. But then that's where it just had to start going downhill. It was that same day, same time, that I told him I liked him a lot. He told me he wasn't gay and I already knew that. But then he told me that if I wanted to, he can let me near his cock. So I happily agreed. He let me suck his cock for a while, at least a month. That's how I became really good at that. Everything was alright, we messed around, and we were both happy. I guess he must have told his friends about what was happening and that was the worst."

"Jaime, what did he do?" I knew he didn't want to tell me. It was too painful a memory and I understood why.

"He called me and told me to go to his apartment later that night, after his mom came home and fell asleep and his dad left for work. It was around 11:30 when I was watching tv in my living room. My dad was already drunk and it really didn't matter that I was gone. I closed the door to my apartment and went down the stairs to the second floor to Manny's apartment."

"The door was already opened a crack so I thought Manny must have left it open. I went in and noticed the apartment was dark. The only light I saw was a small glimmer coming from the room at the end of the hall. Manny's room. I walked down the hall and opened the door to Manny's room. I saw the television was on and there was a small lamp that was a touch lamp. He had it on low because it was hardly on. I saw Manny sitting on the windowsill looking up at the night New York Sky. There really wasn't anything to see in the sky except the smog. I found this really weird. I walked over to him and put my arms around him."

"'Hey, what's wrong Manny? You seem a bit out of it.'"

"He looked at me smiled. I felt like he was in some sort of pain. It was just really bad because I'm always the one to try to empathize with people. He was really going through something."

"'Jaime, come here.' He opened his arms and when I was close enough, he closed his arms around me. It felt really warm and he held me close."

"'Jaime. I'm sorry for treating you badly. Please forgive me. I'll try to be kinder and a better guy for you. Even though it may not seem so, I really do care about you.'" He put his hand on my face and turned me so my face was facing his."

"'Manny, it's ok. You're forgiven. I care about you too. But what was this all about?'"

"'I don't know. Just going through some stuff.'" He put his hand on my cheek and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. I was taken aback by this cuz he had never kissed me before. Later that night, it all changed. We were asleep and he was holding me. I felt him turning over and he let me go. I felt him turn over again and he was breathing hard. His hot breath on my neck. It was scaring me a lot. He was rubbing my body all over the place and he lowered my boxers. I was becoming very scared and I knew what was coming next."

"'Manny, no, please don't. I'm begging.'"

"'I'm gonn make you beg for this shit. Not beggin for me to leave you alone. I'ma take this ass for myself. It's a nice tight ass.'"

"He kept touching me and I kept struggling. Finally, he punched me in the face and that was it. I was done. I lay there, unable to move or get away. I was afraid for the worst, knowing what it was but hoping it wasn't that. He had entered so roughly that I began shouting in pain. He took a pillow and put it on my face so I didn't sound loud. Adrian. He raped me so badly. He really hurt me and I wish he was dead for what he did!"

I didn't know what to think. My mind was in shock. Jaime had been raped by Manny. A friend and comrade turned enemy. That didn't sound like Manny, but who knows if it is. I looked at Jaime and started crying. He was crying already so many tears, his face, his light skin, stained with the dark streaks left by his tears. I grabbed him and held him so tight. I never wanted to let him go. I wanted to protect him with my life. He needs happiness and I'm going to try to give it to him in anyway I can.

"Jaime. Don't worry. I'm going to take care of that asshole Manny. He will be dead once I'm done with him." I put my hands into fists and punched the bed. Jaime looked at me with horror. I realized what I just did. He's scared now and I scare him by clenching my fists. Stupid move Adrian. Really stupid move. I moved to him and put my hands on his face and smiled. I kissed him on the lips.

"Jaime Santana. I love you. Don't think different."

"I love you too Adrian Rodriguez."

I looked out the window and he put his hand on my cheek. He looked worried.

"What's wrong? You ok?"

"Promise me something. Promise me you won't do anything to Manny. Please?"

"Why? After what he did, he deserves to die." I yelled at him. I was truly angry at his request.

"Please, don't do anything. Adrian, baby, please don't." He pleaded with me.

"Fine baby. I won't do anything. I promise."

I smiled back and laid down on my bed. I waved him over and he got my hint. He smiled and laid his head on my chest. And the sound of our breathing was the only sound we heard.

I was laying on the bed with Jaime in my arms. He was sound asleep snoring softly and he was holding my hand around his waist. I was naked now and he was without a shirt. The smell of cherry candy and AXE Touch was fading away but I can still smell it faintly. I kissed his neck and little goosebumps rose from his neck. He gave a shiver and held me closer to his body. I felt happy when he did that. It made me feel like he wanted me around him. I felt like I was getting closer to him, we were becoming closer.

I heard the door open and close and I guessed Max was home. It was only 5:45. I had assumed that he would be getting home around 8 or 9 at night, hell, the thought of him coming home tomorrow night had crossed my mind a few times as well. I separated myself from Jaime and got off the bed. I put on my boxers and shirt and walked out of my room to catch him before he disappeared. When I had gotten out of my room, I saw a shadow in the kitchen. I gave a quick chuckle. This is funny because he's always hungry and I hadn't cooked anything because of Jaime's mouth. I walked into the kitchen and saw him rummaging through the refridgerator.

"You hungry?" I said leaning up against the wall.

"Oh shit, Adrian, you scared the shit out of me. Don't do that!"

Adrian? Why did he call me that? Hmmm, something's up. He only calls me Adrian when there's a problem.

"Adrian? What happened to Addy? You ok Max?" I knew something was up. I didn't want him to know that I knew. He can tell me when he's ready.

"Oh, I didn't realize I did that. Sorry." He continued looking for food. I got mad and grabbed him by the neck of his jacket.

"Listen, you lil troublemaking brat. You either did something or you're up to something. Now tell me, or I WILL make you tell me." I gave him a cold stare and he was scared all right. I feel kinda bad that I did that, but he's my little brother. I gotta protect him.

"Ok, I'll tell you. Look, today has just been bad. It all started with that text I sent you when we got out of school. I was going to meet a friend at his house. We were gonn chill and things just got a little crazy and he wouldn't let me leave."

Wait, what was I hearing. Please, tell me something didn't happen to him.

"Max, what happened? I want you to tell me now."

"Adrian, I don't wanna say it. Please don't make me."

"Max, it's that bad? Like, a secret forever bad?" He nodded his head and that just put it over the top for me. I couldn't take it. It was just going to blow. I was gonn hurt someone tonight. I knew it.

"Where does he live? And you had better tell me."

"He lives in Manhattan. Off of Broadway." He said in a scared voice. The fact of some guy hurting my little brother like that, that just made me even more angry.

"Fine. Give me the fuckin address. And I'll go take care of it." I walked back to my room and forgot Jaime was in the bed. I stared at him and a tear started falling. Am I going to jeopardize Jaime for Max? Max for Jaime? They're the two guys I care about the most. I gotta protect them. I got dressed and left a note for Jaime. I walked out and saw Max sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands.

"Look, Jaime's here. When he wakes up, make sure he eats something. He hasn't eaten anything since lunch." I was already at the door putting on my Timberland boots when I heard Max running from the kitchen.

"Jaime? The kid that you were protecting today? That Jaime?" he had a scared look on his face.

"The one and the same. Got a problem?" I said kinda annoyed. For some reason, Max was really starting to annoy me but I was trying to let it go. Not really working and if he kept it up, I was gonn explode and it wasn't gonn be pretty.

"No. About today, what you said when you were yelling at Manny, were you serious?"

"That Jaime's my boyfriend? Yeah, I was. He's in the room now asleep. I was holding him and woke up when you were trying to sneak in. Like I said before, do you, Maximillian Rodriguez, have a problem with the fact that your brother is a fag, and has a boyfriend sleeping on his bed?"

"No, I really don't have at problem with that." He came to my face with a smile and hugged me tightly. "If my brother has a boyfriend, and they both love each other, then I am fine with that. I will always be your lil brother Addy, and you're gonn be my big bro." He smiled at me and patted my shoulder. I was really happy now. I didn't think Max would take it so well. I was expecting some sort of swearing or telling me off to the extreme. Oh well. This is better anyways so I shouldn't complain.

I left the apartment and went outside to the train station. The easiest way for me to get to this ass's house was taking the 2 train and then taking the Bx. 12. I just wished I could fly so I can get there faster. I wanted to just hurt this guy that hurt Max. And the fact that Jaime was hurt to by Manny, that made me even more pissed. But since I found an outlet for my anger, and that was this dude that hurt my brother.

I was finally brought out of my trance by the train speakers sayin something. It was already around 6:15. It was already starting to get dark and I had arrived at the Pelham Parkway station. I was feeling anxious and angry at the same time, not sure what was going to happen but I knew something big was going down now.

I got off the Bx. 12 in Inwood and crossed Broadway. Now that I was in Manhattan, something overpowered me. I saw the M100 with so much energy that I couldn't wait to get to this guy's house to get him back for hurting Max. With the M100 starting its ascension up Broadway, I knew the time was coming. Nagle Avenue. The Post Office. Getting close. I touched the tape before I reached the Key Food, I got off the bus with so much rage that I had no idea where this was coming from. I took out the piece of paper from my pocket. "4420 Broadway, 4th Floor." I went into the building but it had a lock on it. I waited for about 15 minutes before someone was leaving. She was young, short hair, and she had a strong Brooklyn accent. I said my thanks, smiled and continued my quest.

I got to the 4th floor on the stairs, big mistake that was on my part. I found his apartment and I knocked on the door. I was ready for this. I had my fists ready. It was going through someone's face. The door opened, and a little boy opened the door. He smiled at me and I was shocked and I didn't know what to do.

"Hey buddy. Is your dad or mom or brother here?"

"My brother's sleeping cuz he took that white stuff. And my mommy and daddy are working."

"Ok. Hey, here." I took out my wallet and gave him 40 dollars. His eyes were so open. I knew I had done something good.

"Be careful with that money. Save it. Use it if something is wrong. Promise?"

"I promise."

I smiled at him and walked off. Was I really thinking of doing this with a little kid in the apartment? I can't. I'm not that dark-hearted. I'll keep an eye on this guy. Make sure Max doesn't get hurt. But what about Jaime? He made me promise not to say anything to Manny and I can't betray that promise. I'm just going to have to make sure Jaime is safe as well.

I went down the stairs and started crying. I couldn't believe this. I felt so useless to Jaime and Max. I just had to do something to protect them. I took out my cell phone and dialed Max's number.

"Hey Addy. You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you guys cook anything? Or do you want to eat out?"

"Ummm, well, I want pizza. From 204th Street. I don't know about Jaime. He's awake."

"Oh ok. Let me talk to him." I wanted to hear his voice. I haven't heard it over the phone yet.

"Hello?" I heard his phone and it made me smile. His voice sounds so soft over the phone. Like perfect, it was such a wonderful thing to hear.

"Hey babe. Are you hungry for anything? Might as well tell me now."

"Ummmm, what's Max gonn get?"

"He's getting pizza. From this restaurant we both like. Do you want that?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks Adrian. I love you."

"It's ok. You're my boyfriend. I'll get you whatever you want. I love you too. So I'm going back to the Bronx now. I'll go home first and I'll get the pizza after. So tell Max I'll be home soon."

"Ok. Bye."

I hung up the phone, opened the door to the building and went outside. I looked up at the sky then up the block to see if a bus was coming. To my luck, there was. A Bx. 7. Which was just my luck because now I can get the pizza first and be on my way home. Home. Where the most important men in my life are. Maximillian Rodriguez and my boyfriend, Jaime Santana.

To be Continued in Chapter 4

Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay. Stupid flies. For those of you who didn't know, I jammed my thumb trying to kill a fly. I did it, but at the price of literally fucking up my thumb and I have a Sidekick LX so thumbs are necessary. Anywho, the doctor said that my thumb is fine. Jus a nerve is gonn hurt a bit but nuthin that Advil and ice can't help out. So I'm back in writing business, granted I don't have any homework or papers due, lmao. Anywho, already started chapter 5 and I hope that it'll be out by next week. So send me some feedback over the chapters. Really appreciate it. Thanks.


Next: Chapter 6

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