Different Point of View

By Eriker

Published on Feb 21, 2000


This story should be read following "At Least That's Normal-Chris's saga". They are a duet. (same time frame from different points of view). This is another two-in-one story from me that will not be continued.

Standard disclaimers apply. This is not meant to imply anything about the members of Nsync.

All my thanks go to Gene...you are the bestest friend in the world. Love you! To Ashley...thanks...you keep me young. To Kevin....you keep me laughing. You rock....I mean it man.....also...this is the closest I will ever come to a happy ending...enjoy it. ;-) And to Michael...thanks too...been too long since we talked.

This one is entirely Justin's POV. // indicates song lyrics.

Thanks, Eriker **************************************************** A Different Point Of View

If you'll let me... Justin's turn

You know, for being nineteen years old, there are very few things in life I have been absolutely sure of. I happened to stumble across a big one recently and it's not like it's something I can deal with lightly. I'm head over freakin' heels in love with my best friend. This could be the coolest way for a relationship to get going but right now I'm more than a little confused. He should be coming down to breakfast any minute and there we arrive at half the problem. He lives with my mom and me and is very, very male. So male and butch in his own way... there I go again. To my knowledge he's straight but then again he probably thinks I am too. Every vibe I get from him tells me that he wants me and maybe even loves me. Everything he does for me tells me that I'm not wrong and that this is something that will last forever. I know can make it forever if he'll let me. I want it to so badly and I wish I had someone to talk to about it. I can't ask the rest of the guys...not until I'm sure that Chris is mine...or well on his way to being my man. The only one I have ever been able to really trust for serious stuff is Chris and I can't very well ask him how he would seduce himself. Or can I? This may be the best idea so I can see how ready he is to move up to the next level of our relationship. If I'm careful this could work. Okay, here he comes... show time Justin.

"Hey Chris, can I ask you something serious?" Good start. I `m so good at keeping things light aren't I?

"Sure Curly, what's up?" He seems cautious. That's pretty normal.

//My love is a rock, an immovable force Anywhere that you are, my love is right here With any tick of the clock Life can change it's course But my love will not My love is a rock//

"All right you know you are like one of my oldest and wisest friend..." Oh boy, good one, bring up the age difference right away. Nice work, Timberlake.

"Oldest ....ouch" He is so sensitive about that sometimes. Great. He must know that I don't care how old he is.

//Headed out into uncharted waters What you feel is your only guide And each step that you take brings you closer Just trust what you feel inside//

"No man you're my best friend, really. I need some advice and considering that you are the person I trust the most, I figured you could answer my questions." Compliments are always good. I love this man.

"Yeah, yeah, get on with it." He looks on edge and almost scared but he smiles a little.

//'Cause something's telling you to keep on going Telling you that your aim is true Could be the voice of reason, or just blind devotion Whatever it is, it's calling out to you, singing....//

"Okay, so how do you know when...no, that's not the quite the right question. I already know how I feel. I guess my question is how do you start a relationship?" Okay I'm the one who is scared now. He's going to know what I'm asking. No, I know I'm right about his signals. He wouldn't leave me here and I can't leave him. It would be too much. I don't want to be alone again.

"Justin?!" He looks like he just lost his best friend.

//My love is a rock, an immovable force Anywhere that you are, my love is right here With any tick of the clock Life can change it's course But my love will not My love is a rock//

"Yeah, I know. It seems silly coming from me, but I've got this friend and I kinda want things to grow. I get the feeling that this friend wants the same, but I'm having trouble figuring out what the first step should be." He looks lost again. I hope that he understands what I am really asking. He must.

"Justin, I don't think I can help you with this one." Oh no you don't. You do know what I'm asking and are backing away. I won't let you. I need you here, with me.

//Mixed messages shoot through a wire Tender turmoil in your voice Change is spreading through you like a fire Bridges are burning, you made your choice//

"But you were with someone for a long time and so at some point you thought Danielle was the "One": I never even thought `bout forever before I met this person. I think this might be the "One" for me. I want this to go all the way and never look back. It logically follows that I need to start the relationship in the right way....you know?" I'm giving you my heart, Chris. Please take my offering.

"My psuedo-marriage' had nothing correct' in it. Danielle and I didn't start as good friends. It took a break-up to make us friends. Our friendship is a bond that formed during the trauma of splitting up. I'm not so good at starting relationships." We have started...don't you see that....but we need to keep moving and I can't do it alone.

//And as you're searching for peace in your world You may find yourself spinning around, and around, and around While the pain you've endured Only serves to make you surer Of the strength you have found, and then....//

"Okay, so your old relationship wasn't a good example, but still you're good at reading people. I know you've learned a lot in life and I thought you could tell me what you would do in this situation." I need this proof. I need you to tell me how you would start a relationship, if you ever chanced it again . I'm not always as strong as I seem and I need to know I'm right and you love me too.

"Well, if I was in that situation, I guess I would just keep being a good friend and step up the intensity. Let the friendship become love on it's own. Start doing little things for the person that may not seem important but add up. Let her see for herself what life could be like if you were `together'. Go slow and build a strong base. Oh and keep lines of communication open. That was my mistake. I still think I'm the wrong person to ask. You know Josh was always big into the romance thing. You could call him or Joey...he is the smoothest with the ladies." Yes, you do love me. This is what has been happening between us for so long now. I wonder, would doing a little happy dance would freak him out? Wait..."herself"... is he getting what I am asking at all?

//You may not be looking for love, but love may find you You may choose to close your eyes and run You may leave love far behind you//

"Oh man, you...that was beautiful Chris. Thanks. That was the most `on' advice I've ever gotten. Underneath it all, I think we do think alike. You just confirmed everything I was thinking. I will start that course of action ASAP and I'm sure he'll fall for it and me. Uh...Chris are you still with me man?" What was that? It almost looked like some sort of zone-out. I know I was being bit blatant but I didn't think It would cause that big of a shock. No, it wasn't a shock...it was a dawning. I saw it! He knows what I'm asking. If I can read his answer by that smile I am going to have a very good rest of my life.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm here. Where else would I be?" He looks so determined. Well so am I.

//In your eyes I can see the future In your heart I can always trust In your mind I will live on forever In your arms I will turn to dust//

"How late did you say we had to stay at the studio tonight?" There is no time like the present.

"Just long enough to finish up arranging the vocals for the last ballad then we are off for the weekend." He looks so determined. Good, I am not letting him go ever. I hope he understands what he just got himself into.

//These are feelings like I have never known The song of my very soul I can no longer silently sing it I'm gonna take it to the mountain and let it roll singing.....//

"Cool. Let's pick up some dinner on the way home and some videos. I'll treat. " This will be a very good weekend. I will not let him out of my sight.

"You're buying? Oh boy, remind me to give you advice more often." His smile is almost blinding but he looks sad at the same time. Why?

//My love is a rock, an immovable force Anywhere that you are, my love is right here With any tick of the clock Life can change it's course But my love will not My love is a rock//

"Let's go. I'll get your coat." I hand him his leather as he stares at the floor. He isn't going to fight this is he? Chris, man, I can make you happy if you'll let me.

The song used is "My Love Is A Rock" by Reo Speedwagon. Lyrics are used without permission. Any comments can be sent to eriker@earthlink.net Thanks

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