Dickey, my little story

By moc.liame@yugraluger

Published on Aug 30, 2000



Dickey A short story guaranteed to give you a large hard-on.

Let me introduce you to Dickey. Dickey is my little dick. I say little because I must tell the truth, he is not that large, but what he lacks in size he has makes up in giving me pleasure over my life. Dickey is an uncut dick about five inches long and about 1-1/2 to 2 inches wide, when he is hard. When he is small, well, that's another story. He has a big head that is purple when he excited. The staff has two large blue vents on it, one on the top and the other on the bottom. He just loves to be played with and stroked. I play with him all the time. He is a very happy penis and he has given me a lifetime of pleasure. This story is about my little friend, Dickey.

As I'm always playing with myself, I tried to find variation of 'How to do it, How to make myself cum, How can I enjoy doing it even more'. There are times that I just 'beat off' while standing over the commode. I also make myself cum into the palm of my left hand. I have done this several times a day. One year, when I was young man, about 14 or 15 I think, I made myself cum almost every day. I really didn't miss that many days. I don't know why I did it, but I did. These times were not very good and only took about 10 to 20 seconds to make my little friend happy. Other times I play with myself for hours on end seeing how many times I can make the 'Pre-cum' come to the top of my little dick. Dickey just shoots the 'pre-cum' out. Once the liquid comes out, I wipe my little friend with my index finger and suck the white liquid into my mouth. This liquid makes me just as hot as ever. Some times I go outside while its cold, take my cloths off and run around, or I just stick dickey out through the zipper and play with it just to make the 'Pre- cum' come to the top. I also drive with my little friend sticking out through the zipper or I lower my pants to my ankles or even take them off. When I do this, I'm sure no one is watching me for this could get me in lots of trouble. I just drive along stroking him. I never make it cum all the way when I do this because I could lose control of the auto. I always tried to make Dickey stay as hard as it can for as long as it can. I just like to suck on the 'Pre-cum'. If you have never tried it, I suggest you do. The taste is just great and you find yourself wanting to do it again, and again. I wish I could get it directly from little friend to my mouth, but he is not long enough. I have tried but I lack four or so inches to use my mouth. Like I said, I have tried.

In some rest rooms, I've seen other guy's dicks and I wish I had their size, but like I said, you do with what you got. Some times in the restrooms, I sit there with my pants down around my ankle or even off and my shirt pulled up to my shoulders. I have the door part of the way open and my friend in my hands waiting for someone to come in and catch me. Some times people do come in. Dickey is sticking straight out; I'm waiting for them to say or do something. They don't know what to do but back out of that little room. I want them to see Dickey.

There are also times I wish I could get others to play with Dickey, but I never ask anyone to do it. On the other hand, I was never asked either and I probably would do it if asked. A few times while I was outside, I was almost caught with Dickey out through the zipper. If someone did see me, they never did say anything. One cold day I was sitting on a park bench down by the lake playing with my little friend and I didn't see this guy walking by. I guess I was so involve with my own pleasure that I didn't know he was there. It felt so good when he was watching me. He did slow down walking. I didn't stop playing and he didn't stop looking or walking either. I kept my dick hard by moving my hands up and down the staff. He just kept on walking. I stood up and turned to give him a good view. He did turn back to me and stood there watching me. He knew what I was doing, but he just didn't say or do anything. I was so hot that Dickey came all over my hands and pants. Using my hands, I got as much liquid off as I could. My pants were wet. This guy just watches me as I came. He must have been hot also because he was stroking himself through his pants. I could see that he was hard, but he didn't do anything. You might not believe this but that the only time I ever did anything like that. That time I wish he did say or do something, but he didn't and I didn't and now I'm sorry because I always wondered what would have happen. I should have said something. He should have said something. That could have been a great opportunity for me to know someone like me. I was so hot that day. I played with Dickey more then I usually do. I did walked behind this guy for a while as we walked away from the lake. He never did anything else. He didn't even turned around. I know that he knew that I was back there. I finally turn to another direction with Dickey in hand through my coat pocket. I played with him for a long time after that. He still wanted to play.

I want to suck on Dickey so bad that I would have tried anything to do it. I tried to reach my tongue to it while pulling at my dick while lying on my back. I have stood upside down against the wall and let my legs go over my head and putting pressure on my neck. I have tried every possible position. Dickey is just not long enough for me to do it myself. I can't get my neck to bend that way and my tongue is not long enough. I would do anything to give Dickey a good sucking or licking. If I could, I know that I would be sucking it all day long. When I was in High school, I think around 16; I was in my bathroom one day. What I would do was to stand upside down in the corner of the room with no clothes on. As I would beat it off I would cum and let my juices run or shoot into, or as close to my mouth, as I would beat off. I would try to get as much of the white liquid in my mouth as possible. You see, back then I wanted the liquid. The taste drove me wild. I would beat off as much as I could just to get the liquid. I was very good at making myself cum because I have done this a lot over the years. Sometimes I would take my handkerchief and tie it tightly behind my balls next to my body. When I do this, my balls and dick would stick straight out. I would tie it when my dick is small and when it gets hard; I'm really hot. Then when I play with it, the head and staff becomes dark purple. When I come like this, I shoot real hard, sometimes across the room. Sometime I do this when I just want to jack off or other times when I want Dickey even harder. After I'm done standing upside down and jacking off, I would lie on the floor and lick this hot white liquid off my chest and face. Some did get into my mouth. Then I would take long hot shower, sometimes making beating off again in the shower.

One day, while I was doing this 'upside down against the wall bit in the bathroom', my dick was it usually hardness as I was beating it off as hard as I could. This day I didn't use the handkerchief; I didn't need to. My mouth was open and I was waiting for that very special hot juice to start cumin out its little pee hole, when the door opened and my high school friend walked in and found me. We both were embarrassed. I stopped beating my dick. I tried to get right side up but couldn't right then. He didn't laugh; he just stood there looked at me. His eyes were very large. I slowly remove my hand from my dick. My dick flop down toward my face. Using both hands, I was trying to get up. That will teach me to lock the door the next time I tried this. I'm glad it wasn't mother that caught me. I said something about always wanted to do this, as if this was my first time, and I was sorry that I was caught and please don't laugh at me. He didn't do anything but look at me. He didn't say anything; he just looked at me. He was looking at my dick. My friend had stayed over last night. I was embarrassed and I didn't want him to laugh at my little dick or me. My dick was getting small again. My friend closed the door and locked it. He then held me up against the wall with his left hand. I couldn't do anything but just stay there, with by 'butt' in the corner and my hands holding the floor to support my weight. My dick was hanging down. He grabbed my dick with his right hand and started to run his right hands all over my dick, balls, and lower body. He was rubbing my balls. My dick was getting hard again as he grabbed it. He is the first person, besides me, to play with my dick. He moved the skin up and down on my little staff. My dick started to get hard again, really hard. This was a new feeling to me. Someone else had his hands on my dick and I was enjoying it. His hands felt better then my right fist. He was moving the skin up and down; from the top of my dick down to the bush of my brown hair, he moves my uncut skin back and forth, up and down. Every time his hand was down, he would circle my balls with his fingers. Up and down and circle the balls; up and down and circle the balls. This in itself would make me hot and cum, even today I get hot just thinking about it. Every time now when I think about that time, I get hard real fast. No one ever played with Dickey like that before or since. My dick got larger and larger. I think it grew every time he had the skin at the top and every time, on the down stroke the skin would pull against the top. The purple dome stuck straight up into the air as the Capital building does in Washington. What happen next cause my heart to jump as if someone had stuck a hot wire or a finger up my ass. He was going to do what I had always wanted someone to do. He was going to kiss my dick with his lips and mouth. He placed his mouth on Dickey just to hold it at first, then to suck it. He sucked it first without any movement. Then he moves up and down; up and down; up and down; and circles the balls with his hands every time he was at the top on my telephone pole. My uncut skin was pulled as far back and forth as it ever could go. Dickey disappeared deep in his mouth just to come out again to disappear again. At one point, after he placed my little friend in his mouth, he had part of the balls also. He sucked and sucked and sucked even harder. I couldn't believe that this was happing to me. It felt so good. It was also hard for me to continue holding myself up against the wall like that. I had to if I wanted to continue his assault on my dick. It felt so go that I wanted it to come. Oh how I wish I could feel that feeling now, as I'm telling this story. I wanted his dick in my mouth also. I knew that this would bond us together. I finally had a sucking partner, or so I thought at the time. He was doing to me what I thought I wanted to do to him. I should at least do something to him now, something. I tried to grab his dick, but he would not let me. He was hard; I could tell it because he left a big ridge in his pants. I would have sucked him dry, but he would not let me do it, he just kept sucking on me and rubbing my balls and sucking on me and rubbing my balls. His mouth was moving up and down on me very fast at this time. Dickey must have grown three inches that day. I came at least three or four times, each one stronger that the previous. We must have been a site because I'm trying to grab his dick with my only free hand and he not letting me gets up. I was moving back and forth, while he was sucking me off again and again. He did take almost every drop of that beautiful white liquid, and the drops that didn't make it in his mouth, he lick it up off my balls and legs like a dog after a bowl of milk. I could have came more then I did. When he stopped, I was allowed to get off the wall. Dickey was big, no not big but gigantic and red, as I had ever seen it. Dickey was also sore with the skin being pulled in both directions like it was never stretch before. The skin was pushed back over a big purple ridge. Dickey kept pulsating up and down, up and down, like it had a mind of its own. He went to the sink to wash his face and hands. His shirt had drops of my liquid on it and his mouth was red, like someone that had sucked on a giant red pop sickle. I found it hard to standup and fell trying to get up. My dick was so hard that I couldn't get the skin to slide over the big purple ridge. My legs were wobbly. I crawled over to him at the sink. We both were panting. He was standing against the wall and I was on my knees trying to get the strength to just talk. I couldn't believe what just happen. It had to last at least an hour. My mother was downstairs fixing breakfast. I tried to grab him but he would not let me. I placed my mouth on him through his pants. I wanted him so bad I would have sucked him right there, right now. At the bottom of the ridge in his pants was wet with his 'Pre- cum. I placed my mouth on that wet spot, but he pulled back. He said 'No, not now' and pulled his body from my mouth and left the bathroom. His pants were wet from his cum which had leaked through from the inside. I knew he had cum him self. He just left the bathroom. I wanted him so bad. I wanted to do the same thing to him that he had done to me only I wanted to do it better, if that was possible. I wanted to suck on him for the rest of the day, for the rest of the week, for the rest of the millennium. I wanted to make him cum so bad that he would be hard for a year. Now here the picture, I'm sitting on the floor with no clothes on with my uncut dick as big and sore as it had ever been. My lower body legs, dick, and balls were wet with his saliva and my cock juice. I looked at my dick, it was big and red and sore to my touch. I'm sure there were teeth marks also. I would have sucked on him for as long as I could just to thank him for what he had done to me. This was what I always wanted. My legs were so weak that I couldn't get up and my dick was so hard and sore and red that to this day, it never did look like that again. I have tried to get Dickey that way again, with my own hands, but I was never to feel that feeling again. I would do anything to have the feeling today or any day. My little dick didn't come for a whole week afterward that and that was the only time in my life that Dickey and I was completely satisfied.

Several times afterwards, I tried to get my friend to do that again or to just to play with me. I also wanted to suck on him, but he didn't want to. I offered many times. I owed him a lifetime of cumin. One time several weeks later, I slid my pants down my legs and pulled my dick out while in his car with him and played with myself. He watched me as I slowly jacked off. I turned in the seat to give him the complete view of my dick and hand as I stroke my dick up and down. I told him I owe him a blowjob, at least a jack off, for that day in the bathroom. I know he was getting hot because his dick was getting hard. I then tried to play with him through his pants, but he hesitated. I told him to pull off the road, but he didn't. I tried to unzip his pants, but he didn't want to. He warned me to not touch him. He said that he and only he plays with his dick. I did see him once in the school showers and I know his dick was the large cut version of my small-uncut one. He was hard now and I wanted to enjoy his man hood. I'm sure his dick would have stretched my mouth to the fullest. I could not do anything. He just kept driving through the country. I still had my dick out and I show him what I wanted him by taking my milky white liquid to my mouth after I had jacked off. I placed a handkerchief on the seat to catch my drippings. He didn't want me to touch him at that time. I told him I owe him. I continued to play with myself and I came a second time. Since it was my second time, not a lot of liquid came out. He knew that I enjoyed it. I still owe him a lot and I hope he would let me repay him.

One night later when I was staying at his house, together we beat each other off. I really enjoyed that because his dick was so much larger than mine. I was tempted to suck him off, but he would not let me. His dick shot so hard, that his cum hit his face. He hurried and wiped it off using his handkerchief. I wish mine dick had that much power. I turned around on his bed. Our heads were at each other's feet. I tried to kiss his dick but he pulled away. I told him he didn't need to play with me if he didn't want to, I just wanted to suck on his dick. I wanted to repay him. When he went into the bathroom, I sucked the fluid from his handkerchief and I told him I did when he returned. I told him that he would wake up with his dick in my mouth. He told me not to do it and I didn't. I don't know what he wanted. I wish I had a dick like his, but I wanted my desires. Maybe he though he was queer or something. Maybe he thought I was queer or something. I know I'm not; I just enjoyed life and guys with sucking dicks. I enjoyed that part of my life but I wish I could have sucked on his dick. After High School, we went our different ways and I never did get to see him again or have encounter like this again. To this day, I still don't understand why he enjoyed my dick so much, but wouldn't let me enjoy his.

As I grew up during my high school year, I realize what sex meant. That first time, when I came, I knew that the male had one of the most powerful organs ever given to him. My actual first time happen when I was somewhere in the 8th grade. I don't remember too much about it except I must have had a hard on or why else would I lose my load. I must have been holding or playing with myself or why else would I have came. As much as I remember it, the feeling I felt sent me to the top of the mountain. That first time I came, I left my body shaking. My little dick moved by itself up and down. White sticky stuff came out of the same hole that my pee water came out of. I must have clean the fluid up, for if that happen now, I would sucked it down, enjoying the flavor. Now when I play with myself or think hot thoughts, my dick would leak out the same white sticky liquid. That beautiful white fluid that evens drives me today. In high school, I had a rubber. I don't remember where it came from, I just had a rubber and I would carry it around in my wallet waiting for that one big score. The big score never came. That morning in high school, I was sitting on the commode and looking at the rubber. This time I had a small rope tied around my balls and dick and I was playing with my dick. My pants again were down around my ankles. I wonder what the rubber would feel if I put it on. I continued to slowly jack my dick off until it became hard. I didn't want to come. I quickly took the rope off and slipped it into my pocket. All I wanted to do then was to slip the rubber on. I pulled the skin back showing my large dark red head. Some one came in to use the bathroom. I stopped and waited until he left. Since the little room didn't have any doors on, I'm sure he saw me sitting there with my pants down to my ankles. I didn't want someone to catch me jacking off. Being caught once in a bathroom was bad enough. After I got it hard, I slowly rolled the rubber on and down my shaft. I always put the rubber on with the head touching the rubber and the skin pulled back on my staff. Then I would slide the skin back up and over the rubber. If I didn't, the rubber would not move on my dick. You see, back in those days, I thought every guy had the foreskin on the top of his dick like mine. I didn't think I was the one that was different. The rubber made the head felt different. When the skin would move up the staff, the big red top would be under the skin but touching and inside the rubber. I decided to wear it around the school all day. When I put my dick away, I let it hang out through my under ware so it would rub my pants. That's what the rope does; make the dick stick straight out. My pants would then stick out showing a bulge. Here I am, walking around school with a rubber on. I'm getting hot just thinking about it. All the people around me and I'm catching my own cock juice in a rubber. When a male get hot, the same milky white liquid comes out of the little pee hole only a little at a time. In this case, the rubber caught and saved my juices and made my little dick even hotter. My dick moved inside its rubber tube up and down as I walk. I was able to move it around and it-felt good sliding back and forth and up and down. It felt as if I was sliding my hand on my dick. My dick moved back and forth as I walked through the halls. Before I went home that night, I was in the same restroom. I was again sitting on the same seat and looking at myself. My little friend had the large rubber on with this same strange fluid in it. The end of the rubber extended pass my soft little dick at least two inches and the liquid was just lying in its rubber holder sticking on both sides of the rubber. I could roll it around between my thump and index finger. It felt strange. I also had to pee. I had this rubber on all day. The rubber had this liquid in it. I knew where it came from but what I was going to do with it. I wasted a perfect good rubber. What would happen it I needed the rubber. I decided to take the rubber off and let it go down the commode. Boy, what a waste. That first time when I took it off and as a young kid, I placed it near my nose to see what it smelt like. I also wondered what it tasted like. I didn't think about it. I touch my tongue to the rubber and it tasted great. I can't believe what I did next. I sucked the contents of the rubber tube into my mouth and quickly down my throat. I really enjoyed that brief encounter with oral sex. At least that what I thought oral sex was. How stupid, I thought I was having sex with myself. The first time in my life, I was sucking myself off. My little dick became hard all by itself right after that. I was so hot that I slipped the wet tube back onto my dick. I couldn't wait until I got it on. It took a little work but I finally got it tight against my few strands of hair that grew at the base of my dick. Remember that I was a young teenager and the only encounter I had with sex occurred with my right hand. This was all new to me. Once on, I started to beat myself off really hard filling up the rubber tube again with that same white fluid. I came really hard. It felt great. I didn't care if I enjoyed it or not, I just wanted the fluid. That was my first sexual exciting times I had, besides the first time I came in the 8th grade. I had to do it again so I slip the rubber off and again sucked the fluid out. There was a lot of fluid this time and I sucked every drop of it out of its rubber tube. I knew what I wanted. This time the fluid tasted a little different but it still was good. I rolled it around and then down my throat it still made me excited. Here I sit with a filled rubber in my mouth and a semi-hard dick in my hand. I slowly jack my semi hard dick off again. All I did was to side that beautiful skin back and forth a few times and I came again, but this time down the commode. I just suck a rubber filled with cock juice, not once, but twice. My dick felt good laying in my right hand and I slowly move the loose skin back and forth. I sucked the rubber completely inside out. I got as much fluid of that rubber by sucking and licking it over and over. I then, rolled it back up and put it back into my wallet. Rubbers cost money and high schools kids didn't have a lot of money. When I left that little room, I had a new secret most kids my age didn't have. This is what started me on this hot sexy life that I now live. I must have used that same rubber a lot of times after that but I don't how many times I did. One time, I was going tell my high school buddy about it, but I decided not to. That was the same kid that sucked me off in my bathroom. I'm sure he would have just laugh at me. I thought I could suck him off and used the rubber and he could do me also. That way no one could get sick or touch the others cock juice. I use rubbers even today but not every time. I found a way to put them on and take them off without causing any problems.

Some time after that first time in my high school restroom, I was in a movie theater. I was sitting there in the restroom with a rubber on jacking my little dick back and forth. I just started and I had my eyes closed. You know how those first movements feel. I don't know what I would have done with the rubber or its juice contents. I was just enjoying myself. The door opened and an older guy came in. He had to see my rubber-covered dick. He said 'Sorry' and started to back up out of the little room. He then said,'what are you doing playing with your cock? I'm clad that no one, besides us, was in the bathroom. He opened the door wider and was looking at me. I tried to cover up but I couldn't. I was just sitting there holding my cock. I though I could get up and run away. He was just standing there looking at me, blocking me and I was sitting there holding my cock with both of my hands. He said 'Do you want to see a really large cock?' I didn't say anything. He opened his pants and dropped his underpants to his ankles and pulled his dick out and started to slowly it jack off. He had skin like I did and he was slowly pulling the skin back and forth. His dick started to get hard and large. When he had his hands back against his public hair he would push his body toward me. I started to get scared but I stayed sitting watching this dick being slowly jacked off about 18inches from my face. His dick was that close to me. I thought I could just touch my hands or lips to it, just to see if I would like this new plaything or not. There were times in the past when I would do anything just to taste someone else dick. This could be the time. I didn't do anything. I just sat there watching him; watching his dick. If that should happen now, I'm sure I would have done something. I would have grabbed his dick, but at this time in my life, I just sat there and did nothing. He said 'I wish I had a rubber because I like to jack off in a rubber also'. I said that I didn't have another rubber. He didn't say what he does with his cock juice, but I believe he does the same as I do. I stood up facing him and continued to move my hands up and down on my dick as he was doing to his dick. I thought I would reach over and touch this dick and jack him off, but I didn't. I'm glad that I did stand up because sitting down would put me to close to his dick. His dick looked longer than mine but if it was, it wasn't much. I wish he would grab me or ask me to touch him, but he didn't and I didn't know how or what to do. Now, I would have done something. I would have asked him to touch me. I would have touched him. I was so young then. He continued to jack his dick off as I did. I said to myself, please touch me, but he didn't. I move a little to the side so he could see my dick, as I slowly jacked off. I said 'do you like my dick? He said 'sure why not, a dicks a dick. Just enjoy it. I was also slowly pushing my hips out and in like he was doing. He still didn't do anything. I said 'Do you play with yourself often and he said as much as he could'. I said 'Have you ever played with someone else'. He didn't answer. I knew I was safe because this guy was the same as me. He's play with his own dick a lot, like me. We were just different from every one else. He and I came together and as I was slowly sliding my skin back and forth in the rubber, bring out that few last drops; he quickly zipped up his pants and left the bathroom. That fast, he just walked out of the bathroom. He told me that he enjoyed our little circle jerk and walked out. I'm still slowly jacking my dick off. I didn't know what to think about what had just happened. His fluid lay on the floor. Not a lot but enough to know that someone had jacked off. I placed several tissues on the pile and sat down to continued what I started. I came very softly, the second time; not those grand long feeling that I have had in the past. Doing it like a machine was not the most pleasure one. You would think that having someone with you while you pumped your dick of its contents, would make every think hot, but it didn't. I wished that I did touch his dick. I still had the rubber on and it was filled with my own love juice. I slowly rolled it down my semi hard dick. The last inch, or so. I pulled it off with a snap. I'm glad that no one was in there with me because they would have heard that noise and knew what I was doing. I lifted up the tube to my mouth, as I have done so many times. I took my tongue and slipped it in the rubbery opening. I do enjoy that taste as my tongue touches my body fluid. I push my tongue all the way down the rubber tube until it rested at the tip of the rubber. I then started to suck the contents of the rubbery tube slowly, up and into my mouth. As I had almost half of the contents, I stopped and rolled it around my mouth back and forth like I was using my favorite mouthwash. After swallowing, I then completed the task by sucking the remaining drops into my mouth in one long suck with the breath that I saved just for this task. This time I held the fluid for several seconds. Did I say that I enjoy that fresh taste? It's nothing like I have found anywhere else. I then let that portion slid down my throat. I then sat back down on my seat as someone had come in to use the bathroom. That person was standing next to the wall where I was sitting. I could just see this guy holding his dick as he was peeing. He didn't know that I was even there. When he left, I continue to clean my rubbery friend, with my tongue. After drying it off, I rolled it up and placed it back into my wallet. I know that I would be using it again and again. I believe that I found something that could replace my right hand. Oh how I loved this world and being male.

One time in college, my roommate came in and caught me with a rubber in my mouth sucking out the contents and playing with my dick. He completely ignored me. He was a straight guy and we never did talk about sex. He just walked out of the bathroom while I continued to jack off. You see, over the years a lot of people have caught me jacking off, some I wanted to see me and several I didn't. I saw him playing with himself one time, but when I walked up to him, he said that I was wrong. I didn't see him. I would lay there at night with the light on over my bed, playing with myself letting him see me. I wanted him to get as hot as I was. I wanted him to touch me. I needed a jack off partner, or better yet, a sucking partner. He was a strange person. We didn't date any of the local girls. I planed encounters all around our room. Like one time I was in the bathtub letting him see me, but he wouldn't look in my direction. I also walked around with a hard on and no clothes on letting him see me but again, he would not look in my direction. The next year I had someone else, he had changed roommates. I decided to not do that any more. I played with my dick a lot less during those days.

Now my life is a little different. I'm a single and I love it. Every day I need to go out for lunch, not so much as eating, but just to get outside in the air. Lately, I have been taking a walk toward the lake and sometimes sitting on some park benches looking at the lake. Other days I just walk. But before I leave work, I always would go to the restroom and besides peeing, I would stick Dickey out through my under pants. Sometimes I would tie a thick rope around my balls and dick making it stick straight out. I always stroke it a few times making it hard then I would make the under pants lay all round my balls and sack, keeping them warm. After zipping up the zipper, I would get my coat and leave the building. Dickey would bulge out under the zipper. I wish people would look at my zipper and see the bulge. I don't know if they notice me or not. It's not a big lump anyway. I'm sure other dicks would make larger budges. If I had a choice of a big dick and not playing with Dickey as I do, I'm sure I would still take my same dick size and continue to play with it. This makes me hot now just thinking about what happens when I'm hot. I'm sure other do thing like me, but I don't know for sure. Somewhere, when it was safe and outside the building, I would lower the zipper and let Dickey out to get some air. My coat would still be there to cover him if he needs to hide. This day the temperature was around 40 degrees and a brisk wind made Dickey cold to the touch. I would make Dickey jump just by placing my hand around the staff. I have a hole in my coat pocket just for days like this. I was stroking Dickey and liquid was seeping out of his 'pee hole'. I wish I could watch as it seeped out, but wiping the head with my finger then placing my finger in my mouth, made it all worth it. Many times in my life, I wish I could leave my body just to kneel in front of myself and suck on my own dick. I would do that again and again. Since I know what part feels the best, I'm sure I would enjoy that. I'm also sure I would do it several times in a day.

This day I headed toward the lake and finding an empty park bench, I sat down. Dickey was looking out through my coat flap like he always does. He was red and sticking straight up in the cold air. I had the thick rope on the base of my dick and balls. The blood blue vanes were also standing out. I didn't need to stroke him because he was wide-awake waiting for my next touch. The under pants covered my little balls keeping them warm. I did wipe his head again and again; making sure no liquid would go to waste. I then place my finger in my mouth tasting that flavor that I have come to love. Over the years, I must have suck gallons of that liquid and I find it still the best tasting fluid I have ever found. I don't know for sure what age I started to play with Dickey, but almost that first day, when Dickey spit up on my hands, I have tasted and loved every drop of my own sperm. Of the few other sperm I have tasted, mine is still the best. I would like to try others again; someday I will.

Sitting there with Dickey standing straight up in the breeze, I was unaware of someone standing behind me. Here we are Dickey and I, sitting on the park bench looking at the lake on a beautiful sunny, but cold day. A quick cold breeze was blowing directly in at our faces and we didn't notice that someone was standing directly behind me. I don't know how long he was there. He was just there. I don't know where he came from. I got to be in trouble. This guy must be a cop or someone that would get me in trouble. I quickly untied the rope and cover up Dickey, but that was all right, Dickey had gotten super soft and was sliding into his under pants hiding place. He completely slid out of sight. In one quick motion, I zipped up my pants and stood up facing this stranger. He was about my age, maybe a little younger. His coat was open. Leave it to me to notice that his pants were zipped up. If he had a Dick, it wasn't out getting some air like mine was. I stood there trying to think of something smart to say, but I couldn't, I didn't, I just stood there like a dummy. Dickey was so small; it would take hours of playing just to get it back to its regular size again. I started to walk around the bench, but the stranger move to block me, and then he sat down on the other end of the bench. His coat was still open and then he did something that made me fell better. He unzipped his pants and after reaching in with his right hand for what seamed to be an hour, he brought out his large dick. His dick was bent in the middle. I notice he didn't have any under pants on, or at least I didn't see any. He quickly unsnaps his pants and opened up his front showing his legs and belly also. His belt was still fastened but he had removed several belt loops from the belt. On my best day, my dick would not be a big as his. I still have seen bigger. I have even handled a few, but this dick was bigger than mine was and that is all that I could think about now. I had a quick wish that I could handle this new plaything, but I quickly put that thought out of my mind. I just wanted to get out of there and out of trouble. What would this guy want for me to just leave? Could I leave? I could always play with Dickey some other time. I started to walk around him, and he said I could sit down. He introduced himself. His name was Harvey, that all, just Harvey, no last name. I said my name was Bill. I don't know why I said Bill; it was the first name I thought of.

Harvey left this giant dick out while we talked. Ever so once in a while he would stroke his dick with his right hand and watch me as I was watching him. I thought about getting Dickey out, but I didn't. Remember, his dick wasn't that giant, but it was larger than mine was, which made it a giant in mine eyes. I just watch this dick and his hands and wonder if I could play with it like I do with Dickey. Would Dickey get made at me? He slowly stroked this large big hunk of meat back and forth. It was cut with large purple ring around the head like mine. I could also see some purple/blue vanes, like mine. Its large head shined like a large light in the night. I believe his head was almost half the size of my complete dick. The big purple head made up almost 1/4 of his complete dick and his balls look much larger than mine do, more than twice my size. I'm sure he didn't tie ropes around the base of his dick to make it stick straight out. I wondered if he ever sucked his own cock juice, like I do. That what I get for playing with Dickey so much. They always said that a person could go bind playing with his dick. Maybe he was a straight guy just looking for someone to play with his dick and nothing else. As he moved the shaft slowly ups and down with his right hand, his dick flopped back and forth in the breeze. He watch me as I watch him playing with that large hunk of meat. I could tell he wanted someone to watch him as I always wanted someone to watch when Dickey and I got together. I turned toward him as we sat on this bench. I believe that this was the same bench that I was sitting on when that guy found me playing with myself. I wanted to play with my dick now. Watching him cause me to get hot again. His skin was slightly darker than mine was, and with my skin so white, we must look different to each other. I sat down in the same position as I was sitting earlier. He said he wanted to see my dick. Oh happy days, he wanted to see Dickey, he wanted to see my dick. I wasn't in trouble. I didn't get caught playing with myself. I found someone to watch me play with Dickey. I quickly unzip my pants. I didn't want anyone else seeing me with my dick out so I slowly looked around. I reached in to find Dickey, but he was so small that I, at first, couldn't find it. He was lost somewhere in my underpants. I reach in and pulled my underpants down over by butt and forced them down below the opening. I then unhooked my pants leaving the opening the same as his was. We both were sitting their play with our dicks and just our belts on leaving everything open to the cold air. As I said earlier, his dick was larger than mine was, even I could tell that. He said 'Your dick is small'. I said 'Yea, I guess it is compare to yours, I like it, it gives me pleasure' He asked if I wanted to grab his dick to go ahead and hold it. I looked around and found no one even near us, let along looking at us. I do want to hold his dick.

I reached over slowly and touched it. It felt cold to my touch, but I could tell, he got some enjoyment because he pulled back at first. His dick was larger than mine was. It even felt larger in my hand. I first trace my index finger up and down his shaft. As I slowly circled his dick with my cold right hand, I started to stroke his staff very slowly up and down. He slid sideways on the bench placing his left leg closer to me. I had all of this room now to play with his dick. After he moved to give me more room, I slowly went to his balls while holding his staff. I quickly though about placing this giant dick in my mouth, but I would not let that happen now, not that fast. Besides, he didn't even try to touch me yet. I knew when I found someone like me, I would be the first to think of tasting someone else dick. Dickey was still in my pants; still small and still hiding under my legs. I told him 'touch me' and I slowly brought Dickey out of his hiding place. I said 'stroke him, he will grow'. With two, or three fingers, he started to stroke Dickey. He said that I was like a young kid as he first touched my dick. I told him 'my dick will grow. I moved my leg to give him more room to play with me. He was then using his complete hand to stroke this smaller version of his own dick. Dickey slowly grew to his adult size. I, in turn, was still stroking his man hood with my right hand. I slowly move my right hand up and down. I wish I had this dick in my mouth. I thought about the time in my bathroom when I was sucked off and how I wanted to suck my friend off. Here I had this beautiful dick in my hands and I was just jacking it off. I know I could do a better job sucking. I had to let my hand slide over his skinless version. I couldn't grip his dick as tight as I do mine. My skin slides smoothly from the top on its trip to the bottom leaving me pleasure all the way up and down my pole. I could tell he wasn't use to holding a smaller dick because he was using his whole hand, while I was using just three fingers. But I got more movement than he was getting. I told him how to stroke me from top to bottom, pulling the skintight on the down stroke. My balls started to tighten up like I wanted to explode. I told him to slow down so we could enjoy each other. He said his dick was ready also. I quickly looked around, still no one even close to us. He seamed to not care if some one found us. I wanted his new plaything. I slowly stroke his man hood and I turned so I could see his pleasure. I wanted to place it in my mouth, but all I did was to play with it up and down, up and down, I continued to stroke this piece of meat. It was like a large skinless hot dog. I licked my lips and I was going to dive into his lap but he stopped me. I didn't care if someone was watching me; I wanted to suck his insides out through the little pee hole. I bet I could have too. His hands were moving very fast on Dickey and I wanted to lie back giving him as much room, as he needed to make me shoot my load. When I did that, he stopped jacking of my dick.

He said he had noticed me days earlier but he didn't know what I was doing until this morning. I introduce him to Dickey and I told him 'how many times Dickey comes on a normal day'. I said 'Dickey and I need to meet other people'. He said he was tired of just play a solo hand also. He wanted to meet someone that wanted the same thing out of life, the same thing together. He was just playing with him self when he notice me sitting there playing with myself. He quickly and quietly walked over trying to catch me, waiting to see if I would get scared or something. He said there were other people doing the same thing around this lake and that on a good day, you may see several others playing with themselves, or with others. He asked if I had ever sucked on someone. I told him no, but I told him my story of the incident that happen around my 16 birthday. He said that my high school friend got scared and he was probity wishing he could relive that part of his life now. While we were talking, I was slowly stroking Dickey. He was just talking not doing anything but talking. His dick looked very hard, standing straight up in the air and pulsating up and down. Dickey had already came several times today but this giant of a light pole standing before me, had not came yet. I knew that it wanted to. Thinking about my high school friend, I wanted to taste this giant hunk of meat. I asked him if I could lick it. He said he would just love it, but didn't want to finish it out in the cold air. He said that deserves a private time to be alone in bed together. It deserves the best of places and the best of times. He said he didn't want to share that time with anyone, just the four of us, including Dickey and his friend. I asked if he had a pet name for his dick, he said 'we need to find one'.

Again, looking around and not seeing any one, I got on my knees in front of this hunk of meet and placed it directly in my mouth. My lips went directly to his public hair as I slowly let this giant pulsating dick slowly slide out of my mouth. Because of the cold air, steam came out of my mouth and nose as I let his dick slide out. My mouth was full of the sweetest tasting tube I could have ever wanted. When you were kids, you would take a banana and suck on it before biting it. Well, this was my banana and I got the same feeling I had back then. No one knows what it felt like. I cannot describe the feeling I had at this time in my life. My insides were as hot as if I was in the hottest day of summer. My legs were tight, but they would not move. I was pitching back and forth. I couldn't hardy stand up. When his dick left its perfect opening, it trickled down my chine, drawing a line of liquid, not of cum, but my mouth liquid. I then slowly pulled back my head. I had my eyes closed and I didn't know what to say. This was one of the greatest feelings I had ever had in my life. I wish I hadn't agreed to stop after only one time, one suck. I could have made him come a thousand times in that minute. I wanted to continue and reached down with my mouth to try to insert this hot piece of meat again. I did not want this feeling to ever stop, but he stopped me. He pulled me up to standing in front of him. Our dicks meet together, touching, as we stood. . I grab his dick and place it directly in front of mine. We were touching dick to dick; pee hole to pee hole. I slowly pulled my skin up and over my head to cover his as much of his head as I could. My foreskin joined us. The skin didn't cover his head all the way, but enough to give both of us pleasure. My eyes were still closed but I stopped just as I had agreed to. I now know why my 16-year-old buddy didn't understand what had happen to him in my bathroom so many years earlier. I know I could not wait until our next encounter together but I had agreed to stop. Off in one direction, Harvey had noticed someone was watching us and started to walk in our directions. We made an agreement to meet the next evening after exchanging business cards and telephone numbers. Because of wanting him so bad, my legs were weak. We started to walk together. He was holding me up. He asks me to not play with Dickey until we meet the next day. I agreed to that but I knew it would be difficult. He already had his pant zipped up but mine was still open with Dickey still sticking his head out. I was still weak. So weak that I didn't care the Dickey was out for all to see. Harvey got down to zip my pants up but before doing so, he places Dickey in his mouth as I had done earlier to him. He then quickly closed the zipper and walked away leaving me standing there with legs that would not move; a dick that would not go down and a desire that could not be satisfied. I yelled 'Don't leave me like this'. I knew Dickey and I would have a very hard time waiting for tomorrow night. I know what my new goals were. I knew I had to have Harvey again and again and again. I don't know what I would do without his dick. I know now that Dickey was going to take a second place in my life. I hope Dickey would understand. I wanted to suck on something and feel that feeling again and again.

Since I couldn't walk very fast, the guy that was watching us caught up to me. He wanted to know me. He had seen me go down on Harvey and he wanted me to do that to him. He also wanted to suck Dickey. Why I believed he would have sucked me off right there in front of the world. He pulled his dick out and started to make it hard, right in front of me. He wanted me very bad. He wanted to suck my dick off very bad. I continued to walk away, walking faster with every step. Dickey was small; he didn't like this guy trying to get him. He continued to play with himself and had his dick leaking its fluid the last time I looked backed. His dick was again, bigger than mine and could have been bigger than Harvey, but I didn't care, I had Harvey. His dick had shot a ton of fluid. That fluid could have been mine, but I didn't care, I had Harvey.

I had a difficult time sleeping that night for Dickey wanted to play. I did what was asked of me, I didn't do it; I didn't play with Dickey; I didn't jack off; I didn't tie a rope around it; I didn't stick it in a rubber; I didn't give it a hand lotion bath. I didn't do anything. He was hard all night and in the morning while taking my shower, Dickey was as hard as ever, even harder and standing at attention. I even thought about shaving my hair at the base of Dickey. Since it was Saturday, I had a slow morning and after fixing some coffee, I decided to call Harvey. It was a little after 9:00am and Harvey was still in bed, I assume, sleeping; at least I hoped he was sleeping. I assume he was doing the same thing I was doing and not playing with him self. I told him to save himself. I also thought he better be by himself and not with someone. My mind was racing. I decided to quit thinking and just talk about the subject at hand, tonight's date. I asked for the normal information; what Time? Where were we going? What were you going to wear? He was slow to response. I thought I was pushing him. I didn't want to push. I said 'I'm sorry, I will call back later'. He said that he had second thoughts and my heart went to the floor. I was light headed; my hands were shaking and to top it all, Dickey started to go soft. I didn't say anything for a while. He said 'I'm sorry'. I said 'what do you mean? Don't you want to get together tonight? Am I'm pushing you? Is this too fast? Then for what I thought an hour, I said 'Lets talk about this. If you don't want to see me after tonight, that would be all right, I wouldn't like it, but I would live, I would find some one else, but please give me tonight. I was thinking, I have never been with someone; I wanted to be with someone; I needed him. I need tonight. Besides the few times, I was never completely with a man before. I asked 'Have you been with other men? He said 'yes. I asked 'Have you been with women? He said 'yes, now. I asked 'Are you married? And he said 'yes. I then said, 'can you talk? And he said 'yes. I was upset but I was talking slow and was not getting mad. He told me that he knows that he is gay and that he thought that getting married would change his feeling about men, but it hadn't. He said I was the lucky one, because I wasn't tied to either sex. I didn't owe anything to anyone. He knew that I was with a woman before. But isn't this strange, I was never with a man besides that time during my high school. I let him do the talking and he told me were he would meet me tonight. We would talk later. I knew that tonight would be the only time with Harvey.

What was one of the happiest times of my life had just turned into one of the saddest. Yes, I would go and meet Harvey tonight but I would just let tonight happen. What ever happens happens. If we get together, than that would be good, but if we don't, then Dickey and I would do what we all ways did. Nothing had changed except I may be even hotter. I walked around the condo. I had nothing to do. I was still naked. I decided to go shopping; I needed some things for tonight. At the mall, I went to the men's department and after looking around, I asked a tall dark young clerk for some under garments. I wanted some men's silk panties. I picked out a pair of black ones. I asked the clerk, 'where the dressing rooms. He said that under garments can't be returned once use. I said 'OK, I will buy these, but I may want more. He led me to rows of dressing rooms a little larger than telephone booths. They were behind the main desk. You couldn't find them if you didn't know they were there. I went in the first one and pulled to drape over. I didn't know that it didn't go the all the way over. About a three inch gap was left open. I took my pants off and my shirt and hung them up on a hook. I slipped off my regular under pants and put on the new silk ones. There I stood shoes and socks on and nothing else but a hard on and a pair of black men's panties. The new pants didn't fit as high as my regular ones but the pouch in front held Dickey just right. I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I turned around several times looking at Dickey in his newly holding pouch. I slip Dickey out and stroke him a few times, just to get him even larger. I slipped the new pants down to my balls leaving Dickey sticking straight out. Dickey looked great sticking out liked that and the silk pants were holding the balls just right. It felt as if someone was holding my ball in the palm of his hand. I was getting hot just looking at myself in the large wall covered mirror on one side of the dressing room.

I looked into the mirror and saw the young clerk standing outside the curtain and watching me. That the same clerk that led me back to these dressing rooms. I don't know how long he was there. You could tell, he had a hard on. This made Dickey even harder. I didn't hide myself; I just stood there facing him but acting like I didn't know he was there. I posed for him; first sowing him my front and slowly sliding my right hand on Dickey, then the side view, doing the same thing. I pushed my hips out, then in, then back out. I moved a little to the left then to the right showing all views of Dickey. He didn't leave; He just stood there looking at me. He dropped his hand to the budge in his pants and squeezes it. I thought about making Dickey come, but didn't. My little Dick was already hard. He must have known that I knew he was there because he then pushes the curtain over. Acting like the perfect salesman, he said 'How do they fit, do you want to see some others? He talked like we were together always, as if I didn't have any clothes on. I got even more excited. I said 'How do they fit? Do you think they look Ok? He had his eyes on Dickey the whole time. After he shook his head yes, he started to reach out, but he stopped. I said 'yes, I would like to see others. Do you have any bright red ones or other bright ones? Just before he left, I took the black ones off and stood there with no clothes on, watching him watching me. I knew he liked what he saw. He then left and I waited for his return. He came back in about two minutes. Dickey stayed hard that whole time. The clerk came back and pulled the curtain over even wider while he handed me several other silk panties. He left the curtain wide open while he step back and watch. I didn't care. I enjoyed it. I first I thought I should hide myself, but I didn't. I let Dickey just stand straight out like he always does and continue to talk to the clerk. I was surprise that I could do this in front of someone. The clerk said 'I think you will like the bright red one. I said 'I sure do. I took the red ones and put them on leaving Dickey's balls sitting in the silk pouch like before. Dickey was out over the top. This time I took my hand and slowly rubbed Dickey all the way down. I pulled the skin back showing the complete length. I took my index finger and circle the ridge with it and placed it into my mouth. The clerk came in and placed his hand on Dickey and his balls through the silk panties. I pulled his hand off saying 'I'm saying myself for tonight, but I will get with him later, maybe tomorrow night. I knew the clerk wanted me. My heart was jumping and Dickey was pulsating up and down. I reached down and laid my hand on his hard dick through his black dress pants. That gave me a trill. He jumped and made a high pitch sound. I believe he was the same size as Dickey and I was glad to find someone, besides me, with that size. I slowly pulled his zipper down and took his dick out with my thumb and index finger. Once his dick was out, I look straight at his dick while I was holding it. I undid his belt and slid his pants and underpants down to his knees. I opened his shirt showing a hairy chess. He had bigger balls than mine and his dick was also uncut like mine. I held his balls in the palm of my right hand. It felt great holding that much power. I could just squeeze and bring pain; while holding his balls with my left hand, and using my right hand, I push the skin back showing his a large clean reddish staff. I slid the skin all the way back as far as it would go. His staff was long and red. He leaned back against the wall hitting it with his head. While still holding his large balls, I slowly push and pulled his skin back and forth showing the complete length of his large cock. I was using both hands now. When my fingers were at the top I palm his large head. I did this several times but I was careful not to make him come, not just yet. I wanted him to know me and how much I wanted him. I wanted him to want me. It felt strange to be in control, it felt strange holding someone else's cock and balls. I could make him cum right there. I could make him suck me off, right then and there. He went to grab my dick, but again I said 'I cant. I'm saving myself for tonight. I'm meeting some one that I want very much. A little liquid drop came out of his little pee hole. I took the drop and with my right hand, I rub it over his large dome with my fingers. I then reach down and took his dick in my mouth, not to make it come, but just to give him something to think about until we could get together. I also wanted to taste him. I took him in my mouth. I got that same feeling again as I had at the lake yesterday. I didn't want to stop. I said to myself 'I will make him cum, but I will not with my mouth until we can meet again. I am surprise that I could think that. I am surprise I could stop. I wanted him. I was hot. I hope Dickey and Harvey both appreciate this. He just shook his whole body and let me jack his large dick off. His hands hung at his side. I took his staff with my thumb and fingers and moved his large cover skin up and down very slowly. His dick got very hard and the tip had a few more drops of his white sticky liquid. I again quickly took his great head in my mouth and tongued the liquid. All it would have taken was a few more seconds and I would have had a lot of fluid in my mouth. I quickly release his dick and continued to slowly pump his dick up and down slowly pulling and pushing his staff toward me. Because he was young, it didn't take very long to bring this new plaything off. The fluid rolled out the giant staff and made a large pile on the floor. I wonder how that liquid would feel in my mouth rolling around, back and forth. I quickly put that thought out of my mind. I continued to push and pull his large dick back and forth showing his large red staff. He wanted me to stop but I continued to push and pull his dick back and forth. Again his dick got hard and again fluid rolled out of the little hole at the top of his tower. I said to myself, two times and this young stud still has that much juice. I'm going to enjoy this young plaything. He put his hands on mine to stop me, but I slowly continue to push his skin back and forth. He removed his hands and let me continue. I slowly and gently roll his skin back and forth. This time I could not stop myself. I got down on my knees and placed this large dick in my mouth. I continued with my mouth, the same motion my hands had done earlier. I sucked every ounce of his remaining fluid out of that great lumber staff of his. I sucked back and forth. His dick got very large and my mouth became full of his liquid. It almost choked me but I was able to hold it all. It only took a few movements of my lips and tongue on his dick to make it cum a third time. A big pile of sticky fluid lay by my teeth and I began to roll it back and forth to the back of my mouth. It had a different taste than my own fluid. I continue to roll it around. It tasted so good, almost as good as my own. I then swallowed it down my throat. I continued to roll my month up and down his staff until I was sure he had no fluid left. His dick shot a few more times but just a little bit of fluid stayed in my mouth. I stayed on his dick for a long time. I slowly rolled my mouth up and down his great staff and I stopped when I knew he had no more to give. I wished I did this first, before I had jacked him off. I drank all of the remaining fluid. My right knee was lying in the pile of his love juice on the floor. I didn't care; I wanted this young guy to know that I wanted him again and again. We both got up and just stood there waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. No one was around us. I was sure someone heard us. He said he wanted me, but I again told him I would see him later, maybe tomorrow night. Dickey also lost a few drops and I started to take it in my mouth with my fingers, but he stopped me. He reach down with his mouth and gave one big suck that almost took my insides with him. He said that was the first he had every done anything like that. He also said that was the first time he was sucked off. All he had ever done was to jack off. He had sucked others off. He had played with his roommates, but he had never done anything like that in his whole life. His large dick was sticking straight out. The skin at the top was red, and fluid lay all around the head. The fluid was part of my saliva and that made me excited. We closed the curtain and both of us got dressed. Now we closed the curtains. Not before but now. He said he would clean the floor after I left. He said to me again 'Can I suck on you now? I told him that I can wait until tomorrow night and he reached over to me again and pulled my skin back one more time. He really wanted me. We exchange phone numbers. His name was George and he lived on college with two other students. They were gay and 'in love with each other. I just said 'Oh. After I purchase my new clothes, I went to the parking lot to get my car. I left Dickey in his hiding place while going home. I tasted and re-tasted the clerk's fluid over and over again. That was the first time I had ever sucked someone off and now I understood how everyone liked it. I rolled the remaining sticky -white liquid back and forth in my mouth. It reminded me the time when I used to jack off in a rubber and then sucked it out while I jacked off again and again. I jest can't wait until I got with Harvey tonight. Dickey was hard but he stayed in my pants. As soon as I got home, I called the clerk to tell him 'I would see him later tonight if my date couldn't make it. He said that after I left, he went back in the same dressing room and to jack off again. He said that it wasn't as good as it was when I did it. I couldn't believe that. I just pumped a gallon of liquid out of his beautiful dick by jacking him off three times and I sucked the remaining liquid out of his beautiful dick and he goes back to jack off again. I'm sure he didn't get any liquid. I'm going to love having sex with this guy. That was nice, he was thinking of me. I told him 'slow down, if I can't see him tonight, I will see him tomorrow. Harvey better be with me tonight because I was going to explode if Dickey doesn't come soon. I got into the tub and had a very hot bath. All I did was to lay there with Dickey thinking about every second of the past two days. I wanted to do some of the things I was reliving. Every thing seamed so real. The time spent down at the lake with Harvey, the encounter with George. The look and feel of the first dick I had ever sucked off. How George wanted me. Just wait George, I can be had and the next time we're together I will let you suck me off. I ran my tongue around my mouth still tasting his juice. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the taste in my mouth and the hot water that I was laying in.

I fell asleep in the tub. When I awoke, I got up and took a shower washing every inch of my body. I wanted my pubic hair soft so I placed some creme rinse over my dick and butt. I ran it down my crack and up through and around my balls. I made sure every hair was covered. I wanted everything perfected; I hurried, shaved, and got dress. I put on the bright red silk panties that I used this afternoon. I left the house sooner then I intended. I was about 10 minutes early. I couldn't wait. I parked outside the restaurant and waited for Harvey. He said that he could be about 15 minutes late. I wonder if he would show up at all. I did promise Harvey a good time. I was thinking about Harvey and him being married and all. I hoped that he would not let that stop us. Waiting on Harvey, I got my cell phone out and called George. George was getting dress. He was going out to the movies alone. His roommates were going to a party. The party was a gay party. He said when they go to those parties; they don't get home until the next day. From the way that George talked, everything goes at the party. George wanted to go sometime, but you must bring a date and plan on a fun time. I told George that maybe we could go sometime. George said great and that he would look forward to being with me at those parties. George said he was so hot all day since he was with me in the store. Nothing like that had ever happen to him before. He said that a young high school boy came in and was jacking off in the same dressing room, our dressing room. George was watching him like he had watched me. George said that always got him hot. The boy just took his dick out and was jacking it off. George said his dick was very large. George wanted to go in to him and may be hold his dick for him but as soon as the boy saw him, he ran out of the store trying to zip his pants up. George said he really wanted to play with that dick. George said he called to him telling him that nothing was going to happen. George said he wanted to see him. George doesn't have a lot of experience. One time his roommates did leave him jack them off together. George did enjoy that but no one did any thing to him. He said they came in together and lay down on the couch taking their pants off. Both have very large dicks and both were playing with the others dicks. George came in and set down to watched them. The older one said to George, do you want to do this for us. George said that he didn't know if he wanted to or not. The larger guy said 'come on, you got to do it sometime. With that he pulled George over and gave him his dick to jack it off. George started to move his right hand up and down. George was using the fist movement. His fist was around his large dick. The other one said, 'How about me. With that George grabbed his dick with his left hand and jacked him off. George was telling me that neither one was holding George. In fact George's dick was still in his pants. I'm sure George did come in his pants, but with out anyone toughing it. George said that both guys came at the same times and the liquid ran down his hands Once they came, George said he drop both dicks. George gets up and heads for the bathroom were he jacks himself off into the commode. When he comes back out of the bathroom, both of George's buddies were sucking each other off. George said that he should have been involved, but they just ignored him. At that time George sat down on the chair and watched them. He got very hot but did nothing but watch them. He said that they sucked each other off for about 20 minutes, and then they went to their bedroom and closed the door. George did nothing the rest of the night but play with himself.

Harvey finally arrived, about 20 minutes late. I follow him into the restaurant. We sat down in the corner near the fish tank. I was against the back wall. I asked how were things. I wanted to give him all the time he wanted. Dickey was just lying in his silky pouch. Thinking about those red silk pants made me think about George. His flavor was still in my mouth and I enjoyed it. I let my right hand rest on my dick. I was slowly rubbing it up and down. I would not tell Harvey about this afternoon. Harvey made some small talk, not saying anything. I asked about his home situation. He said 'Lets not talk about that now. He said that he was sorry for everything and that when I met him yesterday, he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I said that we could have gotten together yesterday, instead of waiting one day. He said that his wife was busy tonight. I was excited; it sounded like he was free tonight. I touch his leg and he jumped. I said 'I'm sorry; I didn't do it on purpose. We ordered a drink then our dinner. Again, all there was said was small talk. After dinner, another drink and finally we were ready to leave. I waited until we were outside before I said anything. I all ready missed George; he would be in the movies by now. I was thinking about his long dick and mine started to get hard. I tried to put George out of my mind. I said 'Harvey, what are we doing? Do you want to come to my home, or what? If anything, I would like to talk. I did find him exciting and I would like to get with him tonight, if possible. We walked to his car and he finally said that he would like to come to my house. My heart jumped out of my shirt. He said that we had to set some ground rules first, and I agreed with him. I said what, and he said later. He told me to lead and he would follow. He drove way back behind me. So far I thought I would loose him. I finally got to my condo. He parked on the other side of the street from me while I went into the parking lot. I waited for him inside and we took the elevator to the sixth floor. Once inside, I asked if he wanted a drink. He was shaking and I wondered why. He had done this more times than I had. I tried to get him calm down by just talking while we had our drink. I asked 'what wrong? He said that this was the first time for him; he had been with a man before, but not since college. I asked 'How, Why did you lead me on yesterday. You let me to think that you were the experience one, not me. You know my story; you are the reason why we are here tonight. I said, 'Let stop this and sit down to have a talk. I said 'Do you like me? And he said 'Yes. I said 'Do you want me? And he said yes. I said 'How do we start. He said 'I don't know.

I thought about my red silk panties I had on and I got up and went to my bedroom. I got undress, except for the red panties. I got my long white robe and put it on while I walked out to the living room. Harvey was still sitting there in his suit. I walked over to him, about 10 feet away and showed him my red panties. Dickey was very soft just lying in his pouch. I told him that I got these this afternoon just for you. I said I had a black pair lying on the bed if you wanted to ware them. He didn't say anything but he got up and walked into my bedroom. He returned in a few minutes just wearing the new black panties. He said that this wasn't fare because I still had the white bathrobe on. I took it off and threw it on the couch. His dick was again large because I could see the outline against the black silk panties. That beautiful dick of his was hard and I hope waiting for me. I hoped that he wanted me. I said something about Dickey being very small when he soft. He said he knows about that. He said that some men have small dicks when they're soft but normal size when they're hard. He said that his dick just stays the same size. It just gets hard. His friend in college was like that, small when soft, but normal size when hard. His friend in collage was like me. His dick was so small that all he ever did to it was to play with it all the time, just like me. I said 'that's sounds like me.' I didn't date that much because I had a small dick. He came over to me and bent down in front of me. He said, 'what do you have on? I said some creme rinse to make my hair soft. He took me to the bathroom and after removing my red pants he wash my front taking my dick and cleaned the head by pushing the skin all the way back. He also washed the crack between my legs. Dickey jumped straight up in the air. After he dried me off, he removed his black panties and washes his dick and ass also. I just watch him. I didn't touch him. I was shacking. I could tell that his dick was very hard. We were about the same size, but he was still a little larger. He was right, when my dick is hard, it's large, when it's soft, and it's very small. I walk to the bedroom pulling him by his dick. When we reached the bed, I got in the left side and pulled the covers over on the right side giving him room to get in. Dickey was as hard as ever. He told me about the meeting yesterday by the lake. He said he wanted me there but knew I would be afraid and I would have come right at him. I said I would have done anything yesterday just to have him.

While we were talking, he was slowly rubbed my stomach and legs with his soft hands. He was slowly drifted his hands to my middle. He pushed my legs over. I'm lying there hot, as hell and thinking that I haven't touch him yet. I don't want to make him mad because I was ignoring him. While he was rubbing me, I got up on my elbows reaching for his dick and body. He said not now, we have all night. Did I hear him correctly, all night? This was going to be one of my finest nights in my life. I remember the time in my bathroom and how great that time was. I said 'is this going to be different than my high school days? He said 'after I finish with you, you could do what ever you want to me.' I was so happy. I just lay back down and he continued to rub my legs and belly with his soft hands. My dick was getting super hard. He lowers his hands around my balls. Dickey had little droplets and I reached down to pick them up with my index finger. The liquid tasted great and again got me even hotter. Since my balls were small, he circled my sack with his right hand as he continued to rub me with his other hand. I raised my hips up toward him. He said that he was getting to me. I had to tell the truth, I was getting hot. Harvey reached down with his tongue and lips and brushed Dickey and balls. He licked one ball then the other then he put my little sack directly in his mouth inside of his teeth. That was a great warm feeling with my balls in his mouth and my hard dick sticking straight out from his chin. He gently rolled my balls back and forth in his mouth. My body and legs was now over his shoulder as he continued to suck on my sack. My dick was going to explode. I grabbed Dickey, but he removed my hands. He said that he would take care of that. Tonight, my dick belonged to him and no one else, not even me. He let me lie back on the bed as I was painting because I was so hot. My belly was moving up and down and my dick stood straight up in the air. My hands were under my head holding it up so I could see. I wanted to watch him as he made love to me. I watch him as he moved to the right of me, then directly over me. I slid my legs open to let him lie between my legs. He quickly slid dickey into his mouth and quickly to the bottom of my shaft. His nose was resting in my little crop of brown hair at the base of my dick. Dickey was completed out of sight. I looked down and all I could see was Harvey's face. His eyes were watching me; we met eye to eye. I could tell that my foreskin was down as far as it could go as Harvey was sucking my dick. His breath was being drawn and blowing out through his nose. I could feel his breath on my belly. He slowly started to move his mouth up my great staff. He sucked from the bottom of the staff to its tip. Dickey was now bouncing up and down in his mouth as if I couldn't control his movements. He placed his hands again on my balls and gently rolled one then the other. I spread my legs even farther apart as I took my right hand and placed it on his head. He took his left hand and rub my legs while his mouth continued to suck on my great staff. I'm now saying great because no one in the history of the world had ever fell this feeling I was feeling now. My dick was the greatest thing in my life. The house could burn down and I couldn't get up at that moment. My juices were rolling in from my toes. He continued to suck my dick as he slowly moved his mouth up and down. His hands went from one ball to the other. He had both balls and the sack between soaking wet from his liquid as it slid out of his mouth and on my balls. He slowly let Dickey out of his dark wet hole. My dick was wet and very large. I believe that it was the largest that I had ever seen. Then he attacked Dickey again by taking the head and then the staff all the way to my pubic hair. I thought I should have shaved, but I don't think that would have stopped him. He slowly moved his mouth up and down, from one end of my dick to the other. When he reached the top he held the head in his mouth sucking on it like a kid had put the ice cream top completely in his mouth. Up and down, up and down, and I felt as if the fluid was started moving up my legs from my toes. I couldn't stop him even if I wanted. That hot liquid was rolling up my legs, up my belly, and up my dick, trying to shoot out my volcano top into its waiting mouth. If his mouth weren't sucking on my dick, I would have shot to the roof. As much liquid as I placed into that man mouth is every drop that was swallowed down. Not one drop escaped. When Dickey stopped shooting out its pleasure liquid. He attacked it again, but this time gentle just to make Dickey come softly like the times you just rub your own dick between your fingers and using the palm of your hand. My dick came a second time, but this time was the greatest ever. The feeling was now in my whole body. I was shaking like a leaf blowing in the gentle breeze. The feeling was the greatest I have ever felt. He slowly sucked my dick up and down, up and down and held that soft gentle feeling of coming. But I didn't come, it just stayed there not reaching a climax and not stopping the feeling. He held my climax for what felt five minutes. He then slowed down letting the climax slid backward into the base of my balls. I screamed make me come, let me come, but he continues to let it slid away. After he stopped with my dick, he said 'you need some juice for the next time. I lay there panting and shaking. My dick was still standing. He reached over my chest with his arms and held me until I calmed down which must have been 10 minutes. I finally said, 'that was the greatest times I have ever had. This even beat the time in my bathroom when I was a kid. All those time jacking off together would not equal this one time. Harvey had given me the first and greatest blowjob I have ever had. He is the best ever. We lay quietly beside each other for a long time. I thought about all that time I had jacked off into the commode; all those wasted times when I could be doing this. If I would have known Harvey earlier in my life.

After a few minutes, I slowly, weakly, reach over to his body. It was my time to give pleasure. He laid straight back and would let me do whatever I wanted to do. I rubbed his chess lightly, like he did to me; he had more hair then I did. I slowly rubbed down over his belly; down pass his dick and balls without touching them, down to his legs as far as I could reach. I didn't touch either his dick or balls as I rubbed his body. I got up on my knees so I could get as much of his body that I could reach as he laid flat on his back. I slowly rub the insides of his legs and reached up and gently touch his balls. I rubbed the point between his sack and his legs. That part was always tender to me when I touched it. I took his balls in my hands and rolled them around like I was holding several pool balls before a great match. His balls were at least twice my size and his bag let the balls lay loosely on the bed. My bag was always tight and my balls just filled up the tight bag. My balls never did touch the bed. I handled his balls slowly touching his great large dick. I gently held it with my right hand while I brought my mouth down to the large head. I slowly took him in my mouth but I was careful not to get him too hot too fast. I didn't suck; not yet, but I let my mouth closed over his great head as far as I could reach without gagging. Quick up and down motion made his dick even larger. I could really tell the difference. I made an up and down motion taking as much of his large dick as I could. The dick was wet with my saliva and I brought my mouth down to his great balls while keeping my hands on his shaft. I made his balls as wet as I could. I tried to put his sack containing his balls into my mouth, but I couldn't. He was so large. I then slid my mouth back and forth, from one ball to the other and then to his giant dick. When my mouth was on his dick, my hands were on his bag and balls and visa versa. I thought about how I felt that day in my bathroom when I was in high school. My dick exploded several times then. I thought about the greatest blowjob Harvey just gave me. I wanted to do the same to Harvey. I felt that he was ready. I quickly sucked in his giant dick going as far down as I could without gagging. I made several up and down motions taking a little more of his dick in my mouth each time I went down. My nose was in his pubic hair and I got his full aroma. My hand continued to roam his balls and legs. That spot where the legs meat his balls became my playground. I continued to suck his dick knowing that he was almost ready to explode. I position myself directly over his knees. My hard dick was hitting his legs swinging back and forth. When he came, I wanted all of his juice, as he did to me. My knees were on the outside of his knees and my arms were holding me up with my hands beside his waist. I was over his body. I was sucking harder now and he was moving back and forth, up and down. Every time I brought my mouth up, he would raise up from the bed. On my down motion his butt would sink back down into the bed. I now moved my hands to his great staff and was moving them with my mouth, up and down. I felt his balls tighten and his dick got even larger. I felt something in my mouth. I knew it was the first of many deposits from this man. I quickly let it go down my throat without enjoying his taste. The second transport came into my mouth within seconds. This was even larger than the first and the taste was even better. I rolled the fluid back and forth and let that escape again down my throat. As I continued to suck a third mouth full told me that this man had shot again. I was proud that I was able to suck this man off three times and take all of his fluid. I remove my mouth from his dick but continued to move my hands up and down. His dick shot a forth time and I rubbed his liquid over his dick, balls, and body around his dick. I was still pumping his dick with my right hand while I placed his dick again in my mouth until I was sure he had no more to give me. I looked at this man lying on my bed and he couldn't talk; he couldn't move, but he sill had a large hard dick that was waiting for whatever I wanted to do. I slowly rubbed his legs and belly with my hands spreading his juices. I then again placed his dick in my mouth, not to make his cum again, but to just to suck on him gently. He had no more fluid to give me but he enjoying the movements of my mouth. Up and down, up and down, I was just sucking very slowly; very gently I was careful not to rub his dick with my teeth. Gently, up and down I continued until I felt his dick go softer. I still continued to suck, as his dick finally got soft. I then got up on my knees. My mouth was a little sore but I loved the feeling that I had. His liquid was everywhere, on my face and hands, and on his dick and body. I slowly rubbed his body smoothing his juice back and forth. I grabbed his dick once more moving my hands up and down his great shaft. He brought his hand up and stopped my movement. He said, 'I can't I'm done; you are the greatest lover I ever had. I have never shot that much in my life. I will need to suck you off for weeks just to be even with you. I lay down beside him and pulled to covers up over bath our bodies. I didn't care if his liquid was getting on my covers .I don't know about Harvey, but I quickly fell asleep. Before I fell to sleep, I reached over and laid my hand on his stomach under the covers. I grabbed his dick one last time and held it as I drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke, it was dark. I didn't know what time it was. I slowly go up and went to the bathroom. I didn't want to disturb Harvey. I turned the shower on and got in. The hot water felt good as it bounce off my body. My dick and its skin was red and a little sore. I pulled the skin all the way down letting the water hit my staff. I rubbed the skinless staff cleaning it with my hands. The curtains slid back as Harvey came in. Since I was clean, Harvey moved to get the water on his body. I watch him clean his body of the cream job I had given him. He said, 'you are the greatest. Where did I learn to do all of that? I said, 'no one ever showed me anything. I played with my self ever since high school. I wish I knew how many times I had jacked off in my lifetime. No one had ever sucked me off until that time in high school and I only had it done once. I continued, 'that was great also. We got out of the shower together and were standing there. Both of our dicks looked as if they had completed hard work. My dick was larger than normal and his looked large also. Both were semi hard and red, as if both were played with. I grabbed a towel and started to dry him off, not just his dick and the area around, but his whole body. When I was finished, he grabbed a second towel and dried me off. He playful pulled the skin back and dried my dick and balls. My dick was sore. I pulled the skin all the way back showing him my complete length. It was sore.

I walked back into the bedroom and turn on the lights besides the bed. I also turned on the TV, which was mounted on the wall by the bottom and to the left of the bed. I judge the time to be around 11:00pm, since the local news was on. I sat on the left side while he got on the right side. We both just sat there leaning up against the headboard. I didn't say anything as I brought my legs up on the bed and pulled the covers up to my knees. He just sat there with his back and side to me. He turned to the right and faced me. His back was to the TV set. I turned the loud box off leaving the room very quite. He said that he could not promise me anything and that he was married. His marriage was in trouble and it would not be to long before a divorce. I said that I was sorry. He reached up and laid his hand on my dick, just to touch it at first. I didn't do anything. He slowly grabbed my sore dick and moves the skin very slowly, back and forth. I started to get semi hard. He leaned over and took my soft dick in his mouth. He said that 'he liked it when my dick was soft and as he move my skin back and forth with his mouth; my dick became hard. He said that he did the same thing with his college buddy. His dick was also small but it felt create sucking on it in it small state. He slowly moved me, with his mouth, back and forth and every stroke, I got even harder. I was hot but not as hot as I was earlier. I roller toward him placing my mouth close to his stomach. I rolled over him placing his dick directly under my mouth. My dick was still in his mouth as I brought my hips up and down very slowly moving my dick in and out of his mouth. It was like I was slowly being sucked off, but I was controlling it by my own up and down movements. I, in turn, was moving my mouth up and down on his dick. When my body was down and my dick deep in his mouth, my mouth was down on his dick taking his great length as deep as I could go. I was slowly sucked off and I again felt my hot juices moving up my legs toward the bag at the bottom of my dick. I felt the juices go up my dick and I knew that I had just came in this man beautiful mouth. I could suck him off the rest of my life. I wanted him. I inurn felt a mouth full of his hot fluid. I let some of it to escape down the shaft as I let the rest slid down to his stomach. The liquid that I let slid out was used to let my mouth slid up and down the long staff. Some had pilled at the base of his dick, in his hair. I continued to slowly suck him off as he slowly sucked on me. I rolled his cock liquid through his public hair at the base of his great dick. I only came once but he remained on me for almost half hour as I did the same to him. We slowly move our mouths up and down each other's dick. He did come a second time, but I could tell, his fluid was mostly clear liquid, not the normal white that comes to the top when jacking off. Together, we both stopped the same time. I lay back as I needed the strength to jest talk. I slowly grab my dick and move the skin back. He saw me and thought I wanted more. He again placed my dick into his mouth and sucked on me very slowly, very gently, very slowly. I felt the fluid again, softly; go up my little dick and out my little pee hole. I knew that I again had came in this man's mouth. I had come again. I don't know how many times I have came today and how many dicks I have either jacked or sucked off. I must have a gallon of seaman in my stomach. I hoped that seaman was good for you. I assume it was the clear liquid because I didn't see it. Harvey let it go to his stomach. I reached for him but he said 'I can't. I had it. We laid there for over an hour. I gently handled his large red dick, not to bring him off again but just to let him know that I was glad that he was here. I quickly thought of George and what we were going to do on our little date. I thought about both Harvey and George sucking and playing with me. Dickey started to get hard again. Boy, I am glad that I was a male and that I had this beautiful dick and the friends that like to suck on it. This was the good time of my life. Harvey had gone to sleep. I just lay there holding his dick and balls. I thought of sucking him again while he sleep. I didn't, I just lay with him holding the greatest thing in life, my friend prick. I didn't go to sleep. I thought of George and what I was going to do to his prick. I was forming my attack on his dick. After all, he owed me a blowjob. My dick was finally soft; it was its normal self. I got up and stood by the bed watching Harvey sleeping. He was holding his dick with his right hand. I again went to the bathroom to first pee and then to take another shower. I wanted my self clean of all the cock juices. I wonder how George and Harvey's fluid were mixing in my stomach. I hope both of their juices were compatible. My dick again was semi-hard. I went back to bed to sleep until morning. I wonder what tomorrow would bring. I wonder if my dick would love this time of my life. Dickey was sure getting a lot of excretes. I quickly fell to sleep.

When I awoke, I found the room was very bright. The sunlight was coming in through the shades. The room was very warm. I had no covers on. I reached over and found Harvey was missing from my bed. I sat up and saw him standing over me. He was completely dress in his suit that he wore last night. He looked good. I'm lying there with no clothes on and he is dress in a suit. He said that he had to be going and he would call me later. I wonder when later would be. I asked if his wife would be mad because he didn't come home last night. He said that his wife was seeing someone else but he didn't care. He reached down and patted Dickey. Dickey just lay there. He quickly left.

My dick felt sore and was very red. My mouth felt sore also. I had an empty feeling in my stomach. I hope everything was mixing down there. I wonder why. I'm still was thinking about Harvey and his large dick. No wonder my mouth was sore. I went into the bathroom and sat down to pee. I reached over and got the tube of Vaseline to rub on my dick. I was trying to take the soreness out. I was slowly rubbing it in all over the head and on the staff. The foreskin was really sore. I forced some of the salve under the foreskin. I didn't want to jack off and lose its load again. I don't think I would be jacking off again, as long as Harvey and George were around. That would be a waste. My dick was again sticking straight out. I still had no clothes on and I looked at myself as I left the bathroom. The phone rang and I sat on the bed while I answered it. It was George; he was still in bed. I told him that I was also. He said the he thought of me all night. I said something about having a hard on, and he said that he did also. I told him to not play with his dick, to save it for me. He said that he would. He asked about my little date lastnight, and I said that it was OK. I didn't want to tell him that I just had the greatest time of my life. My dick was still sore and I was still rubbing Vaseline all over it trying to make it feel better. He wanted to come over. I told him to wait until this evening. We should get to know one another first. I also wanted to get my dick down before I could have sex again. I hoped that a one-day rest would be enough time to make it feel better. I again asked him to not jack off today. He said that he would save it. He had to go to work and I told him that I would meet him at six that evening at the mall. I decided to take a real hot bath and to let the Vaseline melt under the hot water. My dick did feel better in the hot soapy water. I must have laid there over an hour. The water was getting cold and I did feel better. I got up to take a shower. As I was getting out of the tub, my phone rang again. It was Harvey. He told me his dick was sore also. I told him about the Vaseline and the hot tub soak. He said that he would try it. I ask him about his wife and he told me she wasn't home yet. He said that he was sure she was getting a hot dick by some young guy. I said that I was sorry and he said that he didn't care. He wanted to get together tonight and I told him I can't, I was busy. He didn't know about George. I told him that I had to go somewhere. He said that he understood and he told me how he felt last night. He said that I was the greatest ever and that he never came that much in his whole life. One day in school, he tried to jack off at least once every hour, but sometime in the afternoon he had to stop because his dick got sore. He told me that his dick was even sorer now than that day. When he was younger, a friend of his beat his dick off over 10 times in a row. I asked if that was all they did and he said yes. We didn't know about sucking dicks back then, all he did then was to jack each other off over and over again. He said that he was about 12 or 13 years old at the time. The other guy was licking his hands every time he jacked Harvey off. Harvey just jacked the other guy off but never ate his seaman. A few times he did jack his own self off but the other guy did it more than Harvey did. Harvey said that if he lived that day over he would have sucked the other guy off all day long. He was sure that he would have cum all day long. Last night with me, reminded him about the other guy. He said that he wanted me again. This made me feel great and I got a warm feeling in my stomach and Dickey was getting hard again all by himself. I told Harvey that I would call tomorrow.

I went into the living room and put my white robe on. The only thing I had on was the robe. I went outside to my little patio that hung from my 6th floor condo. After I sat down, I opened my robe and let the sun shine on me while I lay back in the chair. Since I was on the top floor, no one could see me; at least I thought no one could see me. The sun felt great as it baked my skin. My dick was feeling better also as the sunshine on it. The Vaseline made my dick slippery to the touch as the sun beat down on me. The redness was going away. The young women next door said hi and I quickly covered my body with the robe that hung off my shoulders. She was doing the same thing as I was and she didn't have any clothes on either. Her dark tan skin and body looked great. Her little patch of dark hair matched her skin. My dick started to get hard again as I continued to keep myself covered. She sat there talking to me and made no motion to cover herself up. She said that she wondered what was going on at my place last night. She heard sounds all night long. I told her that I had a friend over. She said that it sounded like something real sexy was going on. I wondered if she knew it was a man and not a woman. I kept watching her body as I left my robe slide open again, showing my body. I'm sure she could see my dick, as it was getting hard. She said something about getting together sometime. I said sure, that would be great. I said that I had to go and that I had a date. She said, 'was it the same one from last night'. I said no, a different one. I'm sure she thinks that I was talking about women. She looks very good. The one reason why I was having sex with men is because I have a small dick. The one woman I dated laugh at my dick and ever since that time, I only thought about men. I wondered how she tasted and if my dick would slide into her hole. I also wondered is she liked oral sex. I left my robe open as I said goodbye and walked into my living room. I'm sure she could see my semi-hard dick.

I got another shower and shaved. After dressing, I left the condo and drove toward the mall where George worked. I didn't ware any underwear and before I left, I slipped a rubber on to catch any juices I would be loosing when George and I got together. It was earlier than my date and I thought I would tease George before we went out. I would play with myself in front of him while he worked. After parking the car, I went into the men store where George worked. George was busy with a customer, and I waited until he saw me before I went around the counter to the dressing rooms I visited yesterday. Once inside the small dressing room, I took my pants and shirt off and waited for my new hot friend to slide the curtain over, like he did yesterday. After a while, the curtain did slowly moved over but this stranger came in to catch me sitting there with the only thing on was my shoes, socks, and a rubber. My dick was hard and sticking straight up in the air. He said something about being sorry. I was sorry that he caught me like that. I stood up as he grabbed my dick with his right hand. At first he just held it, then he slowly jacked my dick sliding the rubber back and forth over my rising dick. I said 'I don't want to shoot; I'm saying myself for my friend. We have a date tonight. I want to be hot for him and only him. He looked at me but he continued to jack me off. His very large hand almost covered my little dick. I couldn't move. If he wanted, he could do what ever he wanted to me. He was a large man, tall and heavy. He said 'do me and I will not tell anyone about you. I will not tell anyone that I saw you back here playing with your very small little boy dick. He opened his pants and I saw the biggest dick I have ever seen in my life. It was at least 9 to 10 inches long and better than 3 inches wide. The sack hung down at least 5 inches below his dick. The skin was cut showing the largest head I have ever seen. If I was forced to do this guy, I hoped he wasn't any larger than that. He could rim my mouth out or break my jaws. I said I wanted to suck more dicks in my life, I didn't mean this way. I hope he doesn't force me to do anything that I didn't want to do. He also didn't have any underpants on and I knew why. He was too large. A dick like this one couldn't be in any holder. I did what was expected of me, I grabbed his dick with my right little hand. My hand didn't go completely around this giant dick. Two hands would almost fit around this dick. I started to stroke his manhood back and forth, back and forth with my hand. I thought if I could jack him off, I would not half to suck him off. He said that I was going to place his member in my mouth. I said I couldn't; it's too large. He said that all I had to do was to get the head in. He knew that he was large for the whole thing to fit in. He said that he knows of one person that could take his size, and that wasn't by mouth. He was standing outside the curtain with his pants down around his ankles and his dick sticking into the dressing room where I was on my knees before this gigantic of a man. I said 'would you suck me off awarded and he said no, but he would jack me off if I wanted. All I wanted was to hurry and get this dirty deed done. If I was to suck this giant off, then I will try to enjoy it. I still wanted to be with George tonight. I placed my mouth on his dick. I was only able to get the head of his dick in my mouth and nothing else. I started to suck but I couldn't get any movement with my mouth. I took my right hand and started to slide it up and down his large staff as I continue to suck on his head. My dick was also hard and I touch it with my left hand. He wanted both of my hands on his dick and I brought my left hand up to help jack his dick off into my waiting mouth. If you could believe this, I felt his dick get even larger as I knew he was almost ready to shoot. His head was back as he was moaning now. He was making loud noises as I continued to suck his head. I didn't want to suck any of his fluid down to my stomach. All at once, my mouth became full of fluid. It didn't taste anything like mime. It was so much that I couldn't hold any of it. It went everywhere, down my to my stomach, out my nose, and out of my mouth. There was so much of it that I couldn't control it. He grabbed my head and held it there until he stopped coming. I had sucked this large man off and the amount of liquid I got, he must have not come for a long time. He pulled his dick out of my mouth and jacked off next with his large hands. When I saw what he was doing I placed my hand on his dick and jacked him off. Still he had a lot of fluid in his balls. A large pile of fluid lay on the floor after the second time I jacked him off. His dick was still large and I couldn't believe that I had sucked this giant off. I was forced to do it, but I wasn't forced to jack him off awarded. My dick was still in its rubber tube and my dick had leaked fluid out of its pee hole. I got up and stood there watching this man jacking his dick making it cum again. I asked him how long has it been since he came and he said over one year. No wonder he had that much. I told him that I usually do 4 or 5 times a day. As I looked down the pathway toward the store, George was watching me. He said that he called the police. I told the giant to hurry and leave the store as I was going to do the same. I got dress and told George that I would meet him outside. I thought about seeing this man again, but he was gone before I could ask him his telephone number. I quickly got outside as the police cruisers pulled up. After I got into my car, I found Dickey very soft lying inside its rubber home. I still had the rubber on and liquid lay all around the head of my dick. I didn't remove it and waited until I was home to let my dick escaped. I had this man taste in my mouth and on my face. My skins smell as if I fell in a pool of seaman. It was everywhere. I pulled out my handkerchief and washed off my face and hands. His sent was everywhere. My dick was still hard and the fluid made it feel great sliding inside its rubber tube.

By this time George had came out of the store. After honking my horn, he came over to my window. He asked if I still wanted to go out and I told him yes except I didn't know how I would be after what had happen. He said OK. He rides the bus and I offered to take him home to get ready for tonight's date. He said that he could wear what he had on and wondered if I needed help myself. I quickly drove over to my condo. I needed a shower. I needed to get clean up.

After inside I said that I wanted to get a bath and change my clothes. George offered to help me get clean up and I thought about the rubber I was wearing. Maybe he would like to see it. I went into the bathroom and got took my clothes off. George wanted to help me, but I was able to do it myself. He was standing in the open door. I turned to show him the rubber I was wearing and I explained that I was going to tease him while he worked. I started to remove the rubber and George placed his hands on my dick and slowly pulled it off of my dick with a snap. It reminded me the time I had done the same with the rubber I was wearing in that restroom. With the rubber in his hands, he slowly rolled the fluid back and forth between his index and thumb fingers. I reached for the rubber but he took it to his mouth and sucked on it. That's what I was going to do. I'm still standing there with no clothes on and he was fully dress. He said, get into the shower and I will wash you off. Pulling the curtains over, I turn the shower on to get completely wet. Before I could get the soap, George had turned the shower back off and pulled the curtains back open. George had rolled his sleeves up, but he was still dress and I was wet all over standing in the shower. He grabbed the washcloth and soap and started to wash me off. He started at my shoulder and across my chess down to my belly and down to my legs and feet. At this time my dick was as hard as it ever gets. He then took the soap into his hands and after making lather, washes my mid section including my backside, dick, and bag of balls, with his hands. I still having seen this man naked. His dick was still in its hiding place and I could tell it was hard. I let him do what ever he wanted to do to me, after all, I still wanted him. I was sorry that I got caught playing with my self by that giant of a man. He told me that he would make me forget what had happen at the mall. I said that I never did see a dick that large in my life. George told me to forget what had happen, that he would take care of me. I then knew that I would let George do what ever he wanted. I was still the only one here without any clothes on. George led me into the bedroom by holding my dick and placed me under the covers. The room was cool and was getting dark as the sun was going down. He was glad that I waited for him outside the mall. I said I wish that had not happen. I wanted the choice to be mine, if I were to do some like that again. George told me to relax and to enjoy myself. The giant enjoyed me and now I was going to enjoy what was going to happen next. George started to rub my chest and down across my belly down to my legs. I said that he was still dress and he said that's OK. George said that he wanted me to enjoy this. Yesterday, it was George's turn; today, it was my turn. He told me to forget that giant of a dick. George slowly rubbed the hair at the bottom on my staff. He was careful to only brush my dick and balls. He got on the bed on his knees between my legs as he slowly touches my dick with his mouth. He blew hot air on my dick as it moved up and down by its self. He asked if I had climax last night and I said yes, several times. He asked if I sucked someone else off beside him yesterday and I said yes. He said, 'do you want to suck me off tonight, and I said yes. He asking all of these questions and my dick was waiting on his next move. My dick was hot and moving up and down by itself. He slid my dick into his mouth moving the skin back as he slid his mouth down my shaft. Up and down he slowly moved the foreskin by his mouth. Up and down he slowly jacked off my dick off with his mouth. This was the best hand job, given by a mouth, I had ever received. He didn't miss a beat. He knew what he wanted to do and my dick knew what it liked. He didn't slow, or speeded up the movement of his mouth on my dick. I could feel my toes tingling as my hot fluid started up my legs. He continued to suck and gently jack my dick off with his mouth. I said you were driving me crazy. Where did he learn to do something like that? He didn't answer me for his mouth and still doing the hand job. My fluid was now to my knees and dick was getting harder and larger as each of his strokes was moving up and down. When the fluid reached my balls, he gentle rolled them in his right hand back and forth. My dick started to come in his mouth but he continued to slowly suck me off. I laid my hand on his head to show him I wanted to come more. He continued to suck after the first waved of juice hit the back of his mouth. His eyes were closed and he continued to suck me dry. Again I felt a load moving up the long trip from the base of my balls to the tip of my staff. His eyes were still closed as I shot a second time. I removed my hand from his head as he continued to suck me off again. I wanted him to stop. I wanted to play with him too. I could suck on him also, but he continued on with his attach on my dick. I don't think I was ever jacked off, or should I say sucked off that smoothly before in my life. It was like I was connected to a milking machine farmer's use to pump cows dry of milk. My dick shot a third and a forth time. I was trying to get out of this man grip. I couldn't move as he pin me down by his hands and mouth. That beautiful mouth. That mouth was sucking me dry the fifth time and if I let him would try to suck me off a sixth. I had no more to give and I told him so. I wanted him to stop jacking my dick off with that beautiful mouth. What had I to do to get him to stop? After a few more time of jacking me off, he slow down and just moved his mouth vary slowly on my dick. It felt great and I let go of his hair to let him continue his attack on my dick. He slowly sucks up and down very slowly after that, my dick started to go soft. His eyes were still closed as he removed his mouth from my little dick. He had taken my large dick, large for me, and reduced it to its normal soft state. This is the state that I usually start to play to get it large again. I knew I was done for the night. I hoped my dick would become hard again; someday it would, but not tonight and I wasn't to sure about tomorrow either.

He lay down on my legs and didn't say anything for a while. He was panting, as I was, I still could not move away from this man. He slowly got up and said, 'was that good enough. 'Do I want any more? 'Do you like it. I was mad and I told him so. I don't have any left. I don't know if I would ever get hard again. He said that I would but he wanted to show me how much he wanted me. If I would like, he would leave now. He would take care of me and maybe later tonight, he would suck me off again. I ask him if I could come again, and he said yes. He reached at my dick and after pinching it on the under side, I got hard again. I ask 'How did you do that. He said that he knows secrets and my dick would not go soft for over an hour or so. I could not cum again until tomorrow at lease but my dick would stay hard for a long time. He drank every drop of my liquid and he enjoyed it. I asked how could I service you, I could not do what you jest did to me. I could not suck you off that many times. After what happen at the mull, I don't think I could do that tonight. My dick was still hard and it appeared that it would stay hard all night. It felt stranded. He slowly got up and undressed. His dick was standing straight out between his legs. He got beside me on the bed and lay down beside me. I slowly reached for his dick and stroked it a few times. I was right; it was bigger than my dick. He turned placing his head by my mid section and I intern was looking at his dick. He again started to suck on my balls and I jumped up. He said that he was going to gently love me as only a man could love a man. He didn't mean how a man loves women but as only a man could only sexually love another man. He said that I could do what ever I wanted to him, if I wanted to do. I didn't want to do anything at that second. I lay back down and he continued to suck on my balls. He slowly stuck my dick back into his mouth and slowly, gently; very slowly suck on my dick as he slowly rolled both of my balls back and forth with his hands. It was a great feeling as I was being played with. This man knows how to suck men off. My dick felt as if I could cum again and again but I didn't. I just kept the feeling. My dick was super hard as he gently sucks the feeling back into my dick. I could fall to asleep with the dark young man sucking on me. I could mot shoot liquid anymore because he already had that, I just had the feeling and only the feeling, and it continued and continued and continued. I felt myself falling to sleep and I felt the sexual feeling of continuing coming rolling out in waves from my perfect little dick. What ever George was doing, I was in heaven. I was going to cum a hundred times tonight. I would take care of George tomorrow if he wanted, right now my dick was shooting stars and explosion and I was in heaven. Oh what a life, what a great life.

The next morning when I awoke the room was bright and sunny. I was still lying on my back in the same spot on the bed with my arms sticking straight out from my body. My dick was just lying there small, its normal size, and against my bag full of small nuts. After what happen to me yesterday, I didn't know what or how I would have awakened. George was not with me; in fact the bed was not mess up beside me. No one but me had slept in the bed last night. I quickly got up to find George and he was not in my condo. I began to worry that he took something, but every thing appears to be in its place. I ran back to find my clothes hung up. It appeared that George wasn't even there. But I know he was. He had given me the something I always wanted. I felt good and cleaned. My dick was no longer sore and I believe it appeared longer. I bet I could jack off if I wanted to, I felt that good. After meeting Harvey and George, I would not jack off again unless I really get horny. I called George and woke him up. He said he left early in the morn and caught a cab home. I told him that I thought he was going to stay all night because I had some unfinished business with him. I still owed him for that great blowjob I got last night. He just laugh. He said he knows secret stuff about man's pleasure. I told him to tell me how to do it and I will use it on him, again he laugh. I thought about Harvey and wondered if George would like to meet him. I said I had another friend like us and he was very gentle like me. I asked if George wanted to come over this after noon and he said that he did. George was off today and tomorrow. I said I would call him back later and pick him up. I then called Harvey. He was home and I could hear his wife in the background. I told Harvey that I met someone else and asked if he wanted to get together this afternoon. He did, he said he had to get out of the house and would see me a 3:00pm. I called George back and told him I would see him at 2:30pm. The next problem was how to get the two of them together. I planned a naked party that everyone had to be naked. Since I was still naked from last night, I though it be a natural. I picked George up at 2:35pm. He was waiting out be the curb. On the way home, I told him about the naked party I was having. George wasn't sure but I told him it would be all right. I also reached over and felt his dick through his shorts. In fact, his dick was hanging out at the cuff. Boy, did I ever get excited. We reached the condo and as we were going up, I saw my next-door neighbor. She wanted to know what I was doing this afternoon, but after I tnroduced her to George, she didn't say anything. She now knows that I am gay.

I quickly got out of my shorts and walked back into the living room to be with George. After much cloths pulling, George finally took off his clothes. George's dick was much larger than Harvey, and mine in fact my dick looked like a little kids in comparison. I laugh about that but I wished I had one his size. George said that his exicerise would make dicks grow, over the long run. I answered the door when Harvey arrived. He was surprise that we didn't have any clothes on. After a lot of pleading, Harvey took his clothes off and threw them on the couch. We all grabbed each other's dick and at one point I had each of them in my hands as I started to slowly jack both of them off at the same time. We ended up in the bedroom with the big overhead light on shinning on all of our bodies. I didn't know what was going to happen so I started to talk to George. He said that he was taught the old secret ways of the Indians where the young men pleased the old wiser priests. They were taught how to relax the priests and give them long life. These secrets were pass from father to son over the ages. Since George didn't have any children yet, he only showed his special friends. The mouth and hands do it all. That what he did to me last night. Harvey didn't know what to say and I suggested that George do it to him. I assured that I would take care of George after it was completed. I told Harvey to lay back and enjoy the free blowjob. Harvey laid back and pulled the pillow up under his head to watch both George and I. Harvey dick was already hard and moving up and down all by its self. His sack was again toughing the same bed. George got up on the bed and locked Harvey legs in the same move that he placed on me last night. He played with his balls for a little bit with his hands. He said that he liked Harvey balls better than mine because there were more of them and his dick were larger than mine which would give him more power when he comes. I just laugh, but again I wish I were like them. He slowly took his dick in his mouth and started to suck on his dick very slowly. Since Harvey dick was cut, George just slid his mouth up and down that great poll. Harvey dick jumped to its large size. His dick was rolling back and forth as he was feeling the same feeling that I had felt the night before. I held Harvey hand as the assault continued. Up and down George's mouth went. Up and down. George's eyes were again closed. I could see Harvey's dick when his mouth was at the tiptop of Harvey tower. My own dick was also hard but I made sure I didn't touch or grabbed it. I think Harvey had come twice before and was working on the third time. I reached over and slid my hands on Harvey stomach and chess rubbing his nibbles. I could see George's dick swinging back and forth as he was sucking on Harvey dick. Harvey was screaming softly as he came the forth time. George continued the sucking as he had done to me before. Harvey was saying, stop, quit, I couldn't do it again. I have none left. I'm sure the girl next door could hear us, but I didn't care. I reached down and took George's dick in my hand as I set on the floor beside him. I rolled my head over under him and place that large dark meat in my mouth. I was sucking him off as he was sucking Harvey off. I think Harvey must be on he fifth time now for the amount of noise he was making. I will get to see Harvey dick in the small state, not his normal hardness. I had George's dark meat deep, deep in my mouth. I was trying to take it all but I'm sure I can't. Up and down I was on his dick and I could taste some of the 'Pre-cum. OH they were going to be great. My dick was still untouched by no one hands or mouth, but that was OK. I wanted everyone to enjoy himself. Harvey was hitting at George now and cussing me as George continued the sucking. George was going much slower now so I got to complete my blowjob when George gets done. My mouth was full of George, as I continued to suck and jack him off. George finally stops his up and down movement with Harvey but still sucking on his dick. I intern could feel George's juices starting to shoot out of his dick and into my mouth. I wanted it all, every drop. George gets up and looks and smiled at me. Harvey can't move but I can tell that he is mad, like I was. I told Harvey that everything would be OK that George can get your manhood back again just as he had done with me. My dick still wasn't touched. George's does the second part on Harvey, sucking him off until he was fast asleep, like I was. George's dick was sticking straight out after I had sucked him off but as he stood there, I kneeled before him to do it again. I took this large dick and rolled my mouth all around it. There are times I wish I had no teeth for I'm sure I could really give a good blowjob to my friend. Up and down I sucked and I knew he was coming a second time, then a third time, and finally a forth time. He had not shot his load since he was sucked off yesterday. He left himself side back to the floor with my mouth still on his super hard large dark dick. We all just lay there. Harvey was sleeping on the bed with his dick in its soft state. George was resting on the floor and I still had George's dick in my mouth as I lay on top of him. George told me to get on the bed so he can apply the ritual to me. I quickly got on the bed, beside Harvey, and waited on George to make me relaxed.

George quickly started to rub my balls through its skin-covered sack. I spread my legs giving as much room as he needs. The top of my tower was wet with Pre-com because of every thing that had gone on during the last few minutes. He dropped his mouth down and then over the tip as he took my dick. He had the head at this time, using his tongue, he wash off the liquid that was my Pre-com. George then started his slow up and down sucking motion on my dick. Again it felt great, even greater knowing that this was just the start and I know what to expect. I didn't fight him this time. My dick is yours George, do whatever you like, just keep those lips and mouth moving. All night if you like. What ever it takes, I will try to do the same to you. Keep those volcanos erupting as many as Dickey can do. I quickly felt the first eruption come and go. My body was shaking now. There's goes the second and the third quickly rolled by. I don't know how long it took. I could be lying their 15 minutes or an hour, I didn't know. Again the sucking was slow, soft, and gentle, and his fingers were rolling my balls making my dick even harder. My foreskin was being stretch up and down over the tip and all the way down as far as it would go. His mouth had form the perfect O. George knew what he was doing. After I felt the forth, I knew I had no other liquid to give. I didn't care. George, suck my insides out if you wish. I could not wait for the next and the next, as the pleasure begins to roll by, one after another. My body was shaking; I could feel it; I had no control. Where one pleasure stops, the next one starts. They were continued now rolling along. Now I was feeling nothing but pure pleasure as my dick continued to erupt again and again and again. By this time I was feeling nothing but pure pleasure. I could still see George, through half open eyes, sucking on my little dick as I felt the sixth, or was that the seventh. I don't care how many there are. No, it couldn't be. A guy could never be sucked off seven times in a row, or could he. George said that he knew the secret. I slowly reached over and grabbed Harvey spent dick. I held it in my hands as George continued his sucking and mouth job he had started on my dick. Harvey was asleep now, as I would shortly be, but I continued to hold his soft dick in my hands. When we wake up I had Harvey all to my self. I was going to love him like a woman would love her child. And George, I believe after this, both Harvey and I will do what ever he wants. Was that the eight times, who cares, I had nothing but pure pleasure rolling from deep in my sole. One long point of pleasure was being racked by the continuing volcano eruptions at the top of my little dick again and again and again. I knew that I would be sleeping for a long time after this. I hope George would not stop until I was fast asleep. Ok, that was a gooooooooood one, better then the last, or was it. How do you know where ones stops and the next starts. George, I don't care if you suck every drop out of me through that small hole at the top of my little dick. I don't care if you turn little dick inside out. Just keep on doing it. Just don't stop. All George. Go George Gooooooooooo 27/27

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