Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on Oct 9, 2003



DAY 383

Don and I shared his bed again- at last, and in a leisurely manner. He's really waiting though to deal with me outside( as he constantly reminds me),.- and today, he added that he had persuaded dad to let everyone have recreation time when we find a suitable planet ; to be honest dad and mom so look forward to time alone that I imagine that mom was responsible for dad agreeing so readily. It'll just be a case of ensuring that Don and I are away from the others but my recent experiment might help-but I haven't mentioned it yet. Don thought swimming and climbing would be best but as he keeps saying there are other things to see to first!!

I've had no more hassle from Dr Smith but just alot more attention from Don; and he's careful that we've been alone when he's being attentive; but bed is best.


We have landed on a planet which will allow, hopefully, recreation time- Whilst the computer scans the planet, it has given me the opportunity to show off my experiments including the one that works. They all think that that one is fine- all except Dr Smith, who finds it an intrusion of his privacy. Essentially each of us gets a receiver and a flat disc. The disc picks up signals from the receivers and then shows people's general location on the flat of the disc- to a radius of fifty miles. Happily, you can't tell how close you are to someone when people are at the same location-say side by side. Dad thought it would be very useful and I got embarrassed when dad went on about me.

At dinner we got the all clear from dad concerning recreation time tomorrow. Apparently, there are no intelligent species although there is an abundance of wildlife so we've to be armed. Mom and dad are going to the coast; Judy and Penny are hiking into a forest and surprisingly Doctor Smith said he'd accompany them -- at least, I hoped it would mean that he'd keep his receiver on and make no attempt to visit Don and me.

Don announced that I'd asked to be taken rock climbing (this was news to me!}, so he asked for the buggy as we'd need to travel to the hills-(later I found out that the area also had lakes). Robbie was to remain and guard Jupiter although dad intended to seal the ship from the outside.

Later, I met Don in his room where he gave out instructions- firstly I was to wear my old silver suit-which although he knew I'd have difficulty putting on, he insisted I wear- plus under that a clean but tight pair of white briefs. He added that he would bring everything else.

We were to leave at dawn - before the others were likely to stir. Then to my disappointment, he told me to sleep in my own bed tonight; but to compensate, he added that he had agreed with dad that we didn't have to return till the following day. I was hopeful that he'd change his mind about me leaving, but by now, I knew it was pointless to cross him, so I went to my room.

DAY 385

I was awake before dawn-I couldn't get back to sleep-so quietly I got ready. Finding my briefest tightest whities was no prob, although I had to stretch them round the leg openings so they wouldn't chafe my thighs. The waistband hung real low only about an inch above my dick.

The suit is another thing altogether- I've outgrown it so I'd not worn it for about a year- it's the one I was wearing when Jupiter set out and although I had intended to give it to mom I never got round to it. First of all there's the gap between my ankles and leg cuffs, showing I've grown an inch or two-that can be covered by the socks and boots though.

Second, on the legs is okay but it's totally clingy-but finally I had to be acrobatic to get it on. I got my back and arms covered, first by stretching the material and then pushing down my arms into the narrow sleeves. However, this action pulled at the material under my crotch causing my butt to separate and leave material wedged between my cheeks. I could feel the material tight on my back but the situation there was nothing compared to the problems I faced with the front of the suit. I could not fasten the zip, my bare chest was exposed right to my crotch where my dick and nuts under their white cotton cover were at right angles to my body (having a really hard boner didn't help). My whities had to be forced down one side giving an obvious bulge. Then, I tried to zip up. Eventually, I had to make a crab position on the floor, breathe really deep and yank up the zip. After three attempts, I succeeded but I was sure red in the face. Using the mirror, the silver suit looked like a second skin but I was kinda ok with the result. My cheeks were really prominent though-sorta separated and round-and my crotch was held at front with my boner laid flat and clearly outlined- the suit pinched in most places but actually it felt nice.

I left my zipper open a little but not as far as my nips. Remembering Don's order of arriving only as I was now dressed, I went to the hold to wait for him but he was already there preparing the buggy.

He'd also a change to his clothes. He wore silver trousers which were tight and, clearly under them whities- cos as he was bent over the buggy's bonnet you couldn't miss the outline. There was a wide metallic belt round his waist and above that a mesh army green tee that hung loose. He turned and beckoned me and as I stood in front of him, he fixed a metallic belt to my waist which further tightened my suit.

I replied to his question by answering that I had had trouble getting into the suit. Then he began circling me; studying me in what he called a William Inspection which ended with him focusing on my rear. He complimented me on the shape of my cheeks -- as he held them firmly in his hands. Then he squeezed the flesh and I knew I was now red in the face and rock hard in the dick department. When finally he faced me, he clasped my shoulders with his hands and peered downwards. However, it gave me a chance to look at him and I realised that whilst he was in whities, he must take his long dick out of them cos there it was- nice and hard- down his left trouser leg. I guessed he must yank it out through the front opening as he'd never be able to use the leg opening.

Whilst still looking at my lower body, he smiled as he commented that he was glad to see I'd dressed as had been requested and that at least for the moment the suit would keep me firmly in my place. Then, when, he looked me in the eye, he whispered that he hoped I was totally prepared for the day. Naturally, I knew what he meant in every sense, although what Don intended to do with me was a source of both mild apprehension and total anticipation. From his previous hints and ideas, I guessed being permanently naked for him was the least he'd expect of me. Not really knowing what answer could totally satisfy him {my desire to follow his orders makes me horny -- I can tell you), I just said that I would do whatever he wanted. Don ruffled my hair (again); then, speaking quietly, he told me that as a consequence of my reply, he could, and would, make me do whatever he thought suitable. Lastly, he indicated it was time to leave, so, as a firm gesture, he slapped my rear to encourage me to climb into the buggy.

It wasn't a long journey --about an hour- but I was glad that we weren't walking. I sat quietly and during the journey didn't say much. There's plenty of wildlife-particularly birds- but we did not see anything bigger than a deer, so Don guessed that any predators were well hidden, or nocturnal, which means we must remain alert. We climbed steadily, as the hills came into view, and with the trees thinning rapidly, bare rock and scrub vegetation became the dominant features. Eventually, Don drove the buggy onto an uneven plateau pitted with small round lakes. He has decided this to be a perfect campsite being well protected --by the hills to the rear, small lakes to each side; leaving ,to the front, bare rock, which, trails downslope- ending at a small wood.

Don insisted we first erect the tent. There's a high central pole from which wires radiate and these are fixed to ground pegs. The awning reaches the ground in a circle and inside there's one large room with a space for the buggy. Whilst Don was assembling the outside shower area, I got ready the bed. From the top of the central pole to an outside ring is a force field, which, now fortunately, goes to the ground. I still recall last years farce when we all woke up covered in insect bites as the force field hadn't reached the ground. Yours truly, who sleeps naked, had bites everywhere (and I mean everywhere} but dad came to the rescue administering the lotion rather than mom or heaven forbid Dr Smith. Beyond the protective field, Don has placed the large creature detectors which light up when animal (or humans) come near. The force field is charged with a low electric current to ward off smaller and notably crawling or flying, insects so, besides, our protection it'll protect the equipment when we're say swimming and give peace of mind when we're asleep on the bed.

After Don had checked that the all the equipment was functioning (happily through using my disc, we were able to see that everyone else, including Dr Smith, were far away) , he brought from the tent a low stool and made me sit on it. He ordered me to wait until he returned. When Don returned he had reduced the amount of fabric covering his body. The boots remained but his manly legs were bare; as were his arms He wore tight belted silver shorts, which were not just tight but also brief as basically they had minimal leg material- meaning that his rigid dick was held, under the clinging material, to his left side. The top had been replaced by a similar garment but now without sleeves; with wider mesh and a deep v at the front over which his dark chest hairs were nicely visible. To add to the effect, the top did not reach the shorts, so in the gap was taut stomach muscle covered in soft dark hair which also made a thicker line from the hollow navel down to the tight shining shorts

Don ordered me to stand allowing him to use the stool. His legs were spread, allowing his thick squashed dick to bulge. He ordered me to attention and I stood with hands at my sides. Don remained silent which allowed further study of his masculine body. His hair is short in the air force way and he needed a shave- the short dark stubble adds to his many attractions and I do want to feel it rub against my skin. I could see into the v of his top- into the forest of hair pressed against his skin; his broad chest had stretched the top and, with the mesh wider, the large brown nipple circles were exposed, leaving his pointed nipples rigid and inviting.

His dick, though erect, was held firm by the silvery material and I couldn't help but notice the moist patch of pre-cum on his shorts; the juice must have soaked his whities and then oozed into the shiny shorts. His legs are firm and muscular and covered in a fine down which contrasts nicely with his chest.

Eventually, Don stood and towered above me. I looked up and our eyes locked. He remained silent for another minute or so, then looking directly into my eyes he told me that an initial inspection would be followed by the stripping of William Robinson.

Next: Chapter 5

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