Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on May 24, 2005



DAY 391

After Don and I had gone our separate ways, I guessed that he had more information about our guests than he had let on but he had only added that time would show me all. He had ordered me to shower and put on pink `whities' under my new purple coloured knitted suit which proved a clash of colours to say the least.

So, about an hour later, we were all sat before a laden table waiting for our guests. I noticed that everybody, but especially Judy, had made a concerted effort with their appearance and that there was a wide food selection that had been gleaned from hydroponics and the store. The noise from two craft sounded from over the hills and soon they were parked a short distance from Jupiter. From the side door of each craft came a pilot who together then walked towards the table.

The two males introduced themselves as representatives of The Federation of The Eight Worlds- their race being Sho-Na. They were as Don had described, bipedal but though they closely resembled humans there were subtle differences. For a start, whilst we have red pigment, there's is blue/green and they have clear horizontal grooves across the ridge of their nose- then, their black hair is cropped to the nape of the neck from where it hangs in short tresses. No doubt some internal arrangements are also different but from their necks downwards they were clad in jet black fabric embellished at the collar and waist with deep blue jewels. The others in our group were no doubt as curious as to what lay beneath the black fabric as I was. The taller Sho-Na was named Heth and his colleague, Dimar. Once introductions were complete and gifts exchanged, we settled to eat.

During the conversations, Heth mentioned that their craft held other male occupants but custom dictated that they were not, as yet, able, due to age and development, to socialise with females. Courtesy demanded that no one questioned this but Don, as earlier, squeezed my thigh. Mom, in her domestic role, suggested that I could take them all food after I had finished eating and Heth immediately agreed. In a lull in the conversation, I noted that Dimar was now clearly concentrating all his time on Judy.

When we had finished the meal, Mom prepared two trays of food for me to deliver. As I carried the trays towards the craft, Heth walked with me, for a short distance, before requesting me to halt. He spoke quietly. He explained that in his craft was an A-Sho-Na called Ade who was undergoing a third stage rapid physical change which was one of the ways of their people and in Dimar's craft were twin Da-Sho-Na called Ty and Syr who were at the second stage of development. Seth expressed a wish that I stay and join in with their activities but although, from what he had learned from his talks with Don I would not find their attentions unwelcome, I could decline if I wished.

Puzzled but very intrigued I walked to Seth's craft. The side door lowered and I entered noting that the one occupant was not as tall as Dimar. Immediately, Ade came to my side, introduced himself and, then after taking the tray from me and placing it on a table, led me to stand before a small pile of cushions. Indicating that he would eat later, he stopped me `in my tracks' by announcing he would remove my clothes, and then examine me before enjoying my body. He regretted that he could not reciprocate as, during this period of time, he had to maintain lower cover at all times. I assumed this to be the thick bright blue brief he wore for after his announcements, he had pulled from himself the semi see-thru white shift which before had covered him from neck to foot. Its removal did give me opportunity to view his slim blue tinged body which, although devoid of nipples and navel, was similar to human form except for the ridges on the nose and those that trailed from below each armpit down each side to disappear under the blue brief. The front of the brief was bulging as though beneath the fabric was a protective cup- for I had long realised in humans, at least, that a large crotch bulge did not necessarily indicate a long and/or thick cock.

It took no time at all for Ade to remove my boots and suit leaving me in pink `whities' with neither colour nor design seeming to affect him. It became clear that he wanted to undertake a full examination for he required detailed answers to his questions concerning my mouth, ears and hair before he let his fingers settle on my nipples. Their raison d'etre was not that easy for me to explain as he seemed to take delight in making me squirm as he played with them. It was easier for me to comment on the reason for my navel but then I took the opportunity, for I was rock hard and tenting my whities, and in the probable vain hope of softening my cock, I asked Ade about his body grooves. The nasal grooves act as an alternative to nostril breathing especially in both very damp and very hot conditions whilst the side grooves are Sho-Na birth marks. He failed to expand on their function as his hands went to my whities and yanked then down to my ankles. He had ignored the fact that my cock had become entwined in the cotton due to its rigidity and when released it sprang upwards and slapped against my skin. My cock was hard and Ade stared at it. Ten minutes of intimate examination left me on the verge of climax but, then, he stopped to ask specific questions about the foreskin, ejaculation, masturbation and the reasons why at this stage of my development - compared to Sho-Na - it was so big. It transpires that Sho-Na penises do not lengthen until the physical changes of A-Sho-Na. Ade also was amazed that also a penis excreted water from the body for in Sho-Na water was turned anhydrous and excreted as a solid.

However, his amazement reached new heights when he fondled my scrotum and found two testicles. He spent a good ten minutes playing with them whilst he explained that they were born with one testicle which hung very low until A-Sho-Na, when it ascended and separated around a lengthened penis and once this action was complete it would release him from being A-Sho-Na.

Ade moved me forward and I stepped from my whities; then, he lay me face down on the cushions. He widened my legs, separated my cheeks and examined my hole. He wondered why I did not have two holes and I explained my hole's function. He questioned me on its sexual use and, embarrassed, I explained that it took male penises fairly easily. I gained from him that his excretion hole was short internally and that it had only this one function but with Sho-Na adult penises being quite flexible they could twist and bend to be fully contained within the sex hole. When I mentioned the nature of Don's cock, Ade was in disbelief before I assured him of my accuracy. His desire to view Don's cock became embedded in my mind.

Ade dressed me, lingering, for a time, on my genitals before allowing me to touch the outside of his blue briefs. They were very warm and he explained to me the physical conditions necessary for Sho-Na genital development.

As I was leaving he expressed a hope that we would meet again for then he could have full sex with me. I indicated that that was fine by me- then, as a half-hearted warning, he explained that if I was taking the Twins food that either I left them very quickly or I might find myself very very tired when eventually I left their craft.

Therefore with a degree of trepidation, I moved towards the second craft. Once I was inside, two naked twins took their food then pulled me to the floor. I was quite surprised that, then, they asked for permission to play with me but I was keen to let them so as soon as I nodded in agreement, they introduced themselves then began to strip me. One twin sat on my chest whilst the other removed my boots, suit and whities and as soon as I was fully exposed I was sucked and nipple pinched with limited opportunity to squirm. Eventually, I dry orgasmed after which one twin forced his small penis into my mouth whilst the other played with my balls before lifting my legs to stick his fingers into my hole. Whilst he was delving deeply, the other twin shot what tasted like water into my throat. They fell from me, rested, but after only a minute I was being sucked once more- I assumed it was the other twin- whilst the other thrust his small penis into my mouth. We came at about the same time -- then, they moved from me and sat together. I sat up feeling tired but their energy seemed undiminished. One twin lent forward and whilst he fondled my balls it gave me the opportunity to study them.

The twins were identical in every sense and except for their physical size - and their genitals- were smaller images of Ade. The scrotum hangs very low- and inside, at the bottom, a large round shape is clearly distinguishable; whilst, their small penis tube hangs, resting on the scrotum, and emerging from its flesh about an inch below its top. The penis tube erects to about two inches at which point it is also possible to look down it.

As my balls appeared to be of a major interest to them, I attempted to explain our body differences but I stopped when they told me they had heard and watched me with Ade- and, of course, he was watching and listening now. Then, with the twins apparently reenergised, my balls entered one of the twins' mouths whilst the other twin entered him from the rear and once climax was achieved, they changed places. Still they did not appear satisfied sexually, but they decided to dress me- leaving my balls hanging out until the last moment- before sending me on my way with the promise of a proper sex session the next time we all met; for they announced that their sex session would, of course, recommenced as soon as they closed the craft's door. I had lost the track of time as I trudged back to the food table.

Don was sitting alone and mischievously asked me if I had enjoyed myself. I slumped onto a seat next to him and in the dimming light he placed an arm around me. Don explained that Dimar was spending the night with Judy and they were not together for a talk; Penny and Doctor Smith had retired to their respective rooms, with the latter having earlier received a good seeing to by Heth- who according to Don seemed to enjoy sex with anything that moved- I shuddered at the thought of him fucking Doctor Smith. At the moment Mom and Dad were showing Heth around the ship but he ordered (fairly jokingly) that I should have enough energy for two more encounters. I grimaced but agreed to Don's order which also required me to return to our room, after we had said goodnight to Mom and Dad, to put on the clothes that Don had chosen and lain on our bed.

When Heth returned alone, I was sent to change though my return through the ship was fraught with concern that I may meet someone. Don's idea of suitable clothing consisted of a short semi see thru white slave skirt- similar to an old Roman look- which started just below the navel and ended just above my cock -- which with my balls -- would have been exposed if I had not been wearing a silver posing pouch. I realised that this ensemble was for mainly for effect and that I was unlikely to be wearing it during my final encounters

I stood in front of Heth who removed both the skirt and pouch leaving me naked and erect. In conversation with Don he discussed, in turn, the attributes and use of my mouth, nipples, navel, cock, foreskin, scrotum, balls, and hole. During their conversation, and in that order, each of my parts was rigorously examined. I had hoped that I was not required to masturbate but I was ordered by Don to do so whilst both he and Heth made various comments regarding the act and my performance. After I had climaxed Heth redressed me and I returned to sit next to Don.

Heth offered Don another chance to sell which he politely refused and it was not until after Heth had returned to his craft that Don explained that it was William Robinson that he had tried to purchase. I laughed when Don mentioned that he had not offered sufficient money but there was absolutely no way he'd ever let me go.

He decided to wait a while for our last encounter so he suggested I snuggle up to him but minus the silver posing pouch.

About an hour later, during which time I had dozed, Don replaced my pouch, and then with Don clad now in white t-shirt and silver surfies, we walked, and then waited outside the twins craft. I was hauled in by the naked occupants as Don clambered aboard and lay against the wall watching as I was stripped. Don was transfixed during a passage of play' in which my scrotum was constantly fondled, my balls received mouth to mouth resuscitation and my foreskin stretched. Then Ty bit at my nipples whist Syr sucked me to extract another dry orgasm- As I came I could seen Don's cock throbbing under his surfies with his fingers idly stroking as he watched me being as the twins called it sexed'.

As they appear to have endless energy, it was no surprise to me, but perhaps to Don, that next they turned their attention to him.

Ty enquired as to whether it was true that Don's penis was a particular length when hard, and once Don answered in the affirmative, Ty refused to believe it could be that long as all the Sho-Na never reached beyond six. This comment was obviously a preamble before a planned session with Don as they only had to look at Don's surfies to realise the true length of his erection- and yes, I thought, you will certainly have your hands (or mouths) full if you really have never seen one that length.

The twins settled on each side of Don and removed his tee. They were also faced, perhaps for the first time, with a flat mass of chest hair which made them coo before rubbing fingers and face into the soft matt before finding Don's large flat hidden nipples- which they, at first, teased with fingers before making Don yell and squirm as they applied sharp teeth. Their journey via the navel to Don's crotch ended in fingers tracing the outline of his erection which resulted in a low purring from each twin as they continually passed comments between themselves regarding its length.

They lowered the surfies slowly until the base of the hard cock was revealed along with the trimmed pubic stubble. I could see each twin's mouth open, either in awe or expectation, as they lowered the surfies to reach Don's cockhead before releasing the straining cock so it stood throbbing in the air.

One twin felt the contents of Don's hairless scrotum whilst the other gingerly at first stroked the thick cock shaft. Low inaudible comments passed between them as one squeezed Don's balls and the other tasted the pre-cum oozing from Don's red cock slit. Then all hell was let loose.

With Don groaning and squirming, and myself immediately regaining my erection, the twins seemed to devour his attributes; his erect cock- all of it - disappeared into one twin's mouth whilst the other forced both balls and scrotum into his -- they worked incessantly changing position and focusing at times on Don's nipples and mouth. Don endured the onslaught with pain and pleasure until they suddenly stopped and positioned themselves either side of Don's vertical and quivering cock. A moment of total silence was ended as Don yelled as his cum shot forth onto his body and then dripped down his shaft. A contest ensued to see which twin was able to lick up the most white fluid.

Don lay back and I moved to join him as the twins were still licking their lips. I felt content but exhausted as I contemplated that the evening's entertainment had drawn to a close- but the twins had other ideas; however, fortunately, the action involved them in anal activity which Don watched intently and closely especially as they decided to fuck each other right next to where we lay.

As we walked back from the craft, with Don in surfies and me in the pouch, I commented that if we were ever in a position to be with the Sho-Na on a daily basis that we would never get any work done- Don replied that we were likely to see alot more of them very soon and that he would explain why that was so once we were in bed.

I'm coming to the end of this first story- two chapters left I think- comments etc of course welcome- plus ideas for the next story- might be a while tho as I want to finish my sandy and bud ricks story


Next: Chapter 14

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