Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on May 19, 2005



DAY 387

Everything is getting back to normal- except perhaps in our area. My old room is now where I work and I've used the storage space for what Don calls my normal clothes. There's access between our two rooms but although I've kept my bed we only use Don's bed. I really hope there will be no real emergency as that means someone could rush in and find me naked or in bed with Don. If it's Dad it'll be ok but I don't think any of the others would be `happy'- Don said that Doctor Smith's always been trying to see me naked but that I'm never to let him succeed- suits me too!

Also it's very peaceful at the moment with everybody having enjoyed their break- we're certainly happy and Mom's got a cool glow too. Judy seems ok but I don't think Penny has quite grasped any sexual opportunity at the moment but you can never tell with her.

DAY 388

We've decided to stay a few more days on this planet as Don and Dad want to analyse the magnetite, Judy wants to study more of the flora and, of course, yours truly has plenty of studying. I've been moving between my work area and the labs so I am pretty busy and I've kept to orders, out of trouble and away from Doctor Smith.

I've a new range of clothes which although I've not really been using, as Don likes me naked indoors and we have not travelled anywhere together, I have tried a few pieces on for him; mainly they're silver, silk or see thru mesh material in a variety of styles and colours including lots of pink which for some reason I can't fathom, Don loves!! I've also got new sets of `whities'- except they're loads of different colours -- including pink!! There's pouches, jocks and some stuff that emphasises or exhibits my cock instead of covering or hiding it- anyhow, Don says there will be every chance to use it all eventually and if I grow out of any piece then either I can wear it tight or it can be made in a larger size- so that's ok then!! And of course he'll be designing new stuff too- great!!

When I was studying in my room, unexpectedly Don came in, ordered me to strip him- no problem there- and then he hauled me off to bed. After I had emptied him of his juices in our normal manner, he snuggled into my back and reached to play with my foreskin- it does bring me to a dry orgasm but it takes time; although on this occasion he said the other reason for getting me in bed was to talk.

Firstly, to state that later he, with Dad, was going to mine additional magnetite and --no- I couldn't go for three reasons; one- Dad wanted to search for other minerals and possibly precious stones- and, of course, I knew he was the geologist -- second, that he and I couldn't do what we wanted (in reality what Don ordered!!) and I couldn't wear my regulation uniform (that meant naked) and third- he had a project for me here. Don wants me- with the robot's help- to design and fix a two way system initially for our use- so we can see and talk to each other, and also know where the other is- to be a hand held device that would clip onto our belt or slide inside a pocket. Jokingly, I asked Don if he wanted it to microwave food as well -but he just yanked my foreskin and squashed my balls, making me howl, whilst he laughed at my joke.

I said that it was feasible but each of us would need a secret frequency so it would allow only us to make contact. I was still designing in my mind when Don tweaked my nipples to bring me to attention. If they worked (I was insulted!!), Don added that I was to make several variations so that everyone could use them.

Second, Don wanted to ask my opinion concerning a subject that he had discussed with Dad- but naturally I wasn't to mention it until Dad had spoken to Mom and, then, brought up the topic at one of our meetings. As Jupiter was large, Don had asked if Dad had thought about taking on other crew -- not for the sake of it though but just if the opportunity arose-especially as any new member would be joining our search for Earth.

Don explained that he was thinking about the others- and inpart their sexual needs. He mentioned that obviously Mom and Dad were together and they were even discussing having another child- gross was my only suggestion- but I realised that it was ok. But Don made me understand the ongoing problems- Judy had expected Don to bed her and there was no escaping where Doctor Smith's eyes had wandered- and I knew where his hands would like to wander still (given half an opportunity)- and as for Penny she may have her own desires especially in the future- not that I had any thoughts concerning them- but Don believed, at least, for the moment she needed a companion. I mentioned at this point that if he had not accidentally ridden over her monkey animal in the buggy then Penny would at present have at least a pet. For the next ten minutes William Robinson was at the mercy of Major Don West as he had to suffer a vicious tickling attack.

Fortunately- and to my relief- Don resumed his foreskin twisting session as the talk continued. I said that I believed them to be good ideas but Don added that all the crew would have to agree to each new member before he, she or it was allowed on board.

Finally, Don reminded me about his desire to fuck me and the need for me to make up my mind; for he would relinquish me if I wanted him to (he must be mad if he thinks that I'd let him) but I said he would have an answer when he returned from mining. I don't know why I am still really worried about Don's cock being inserted in me- but I am!! Don mentioned that there would be little time when they returned as we'd probably be moving on (and possibly in hibernation) and that in his absence I must keep up my anal lubrication stretching exercises even, if he was going to miss out on entering my hole.

Just as Don finished talking, I shuddered into dry orgasm then Don pulled me into him.

DAY 391

Don and Dad are returning this afternoon -- thankfully. We've been checking them on my monitor so they're ok but I miss Don and not just for the sex- and it's not comfortable sleeping on your own just as you're just getting used to someone's warm body. There have been no problems- Doctor Smith has been paying attention to Judy- which is weird and gross- and I've not noticed any weight gain on Mom. As well, I've completed the task Don set me and they work fine- and I enlisted Penny and Robbie in their trial.

Late in the afternoon Don and Dad returned, and I could see the buggy was laden. Dad ordered the robot to take the boxes to the lab whilst we were to have a family chat after they'd showered. I was clothed until we got to our room and then I stripped for Don whose attentions to my body had not diminished in thoroughness during his absence. We showered together and when I was clinging to him, and as he finished his hair, I mentioned that I wanted him to fuck me. (I have no choice in this matter despite my apprehension). He kissed me and I knew our bonding would be finalised -- then he announced that my loss of virginity would take place tomorrow as something else was to occur this evening. Intrigued but unable to extract from Don what he had meant by this, I tried further by giving extra special attention to his cockhead but all I got from him was a deep laugh, appreciation of my action and, finally, a quick slap to my rear.

Later, we sat round the table waiting for Dad to start the meeting -- eventually he began by announcing two results of their expedition. They had been able to mine additional magnetite plus silver and some gemstones- although as yet they were not easy to identify- however, the reason for this success was partly due to receiving help.

We listened attentively as Don explained that they had received a visit -- cordial and productive- from the occupants of one of the small ships that we had all seen earlier. There was no time, at present, to discuss their nature but we would understand more when our guests arrived this evening for a meal. Mom made a kind of swallowing cum grunting noise at this point with Dad going a bit red but not quite the depth of colour he went when Penny asked the sex of the dining guests and on being pressed mentioned two male adults and their young companions.

Immediately, the forthcoming dinner- and the impending guests- stimulated both Judy and Penny further when Dad had to mention that they were all male bipeds and although they were not human differences appeared to minimal. Doctor Smith made no comment but I could tell from the movement of his tongue on his lips that he had plans. However, I wondered if the pinch I received from Don on my thigh might leave all three disappointed -- then Don whispered that I must go to our room after the meeting and then, when he entered, about ten minutes later, I saluted him.

Next: Chapter 13

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