Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on May 13, 2005


DAY 386

When I awoke, with the sun streaming through the opening of the tent, I soon realised that the object that I was clinging to was not Don but a rolled up blanket which was, of course, no substitute for warm flesh. Don had left a note which I read whilst I stroked my erection.

Essentially, it was a list of instructions after an explanation for his absence. There had been a surge in the magnetite indicator so Don had left in search of the source. He had extended the force field to include the shower and my standing place -- so after I had showered and then dismantled the cubicle, I was to place it in the buggy, prepare a simple breakfast and finally stand on my spot to await his return. A P.S., indicated he would explain the details on his return.

With the tasks complete, I was half an hour standing naked on my spot before he came into view. The suns were not very warm at this time of day as I watched Don trudge from out of a cave on the far side of a lake. He was loaded with equipment so he walked slowly but it was not long before I realised he had decided to wear just boots and a hat. As he neared, I used a hand control to disengage the force field.

He dumped his bag and equipment near to where I stood and after I had gained a full erection, he stroked my cock gently before yanking back the tight foreskin to squeeze the pink cockhead. Then, Don ordered me to kneel and holding the base of his semi-erect cock in his hand indicated that I should take it into my mouth which, happily, I did, letting the thick cut head rest at the back of my throat. As Don began his explanation I sucked- slowly, at first, which stimulated the long cock to full size making me gag slightly before I adjusted my breathing.

Don explained that he had discovered a very pure lode of magnetite at the back of the cave- instinctively he indicated the cave's direction with his hand but I was not in a position to turn. If, as he believed, it was a significant quantity and excellent quality, after samples were back at Jupiter possibly we could have sufficient ore for many years to come. As a consequence he had altered our timings for the day. First, we would eat, then second pack the buggy and drive to the cave in order to mine and finally wait in the cave until the heat had subsided before returning to Jupiter.

Don withdrew his erect cock from my mouth leaving it dangling before my lips. By now, being aware of some of Don's wish list, I used, without being told, my lips, tongue and teeth on his wet reddening head whilst he continued with his orders.

I was to place all the other equipment in the buggy whilst he took down the tent- then he would choose our clothing for the return to Jupiter- although I knew I had to remain naked until I was told otherwise- and then he added that he had not forgotten his talk which would now occur in the cave. Finally, he explained that we would stop, just short of Jupiter, for me to be correctly dressed and at that point we could judge how far the others were from the ship. After he had concluded, he asked me if I understood my duties to which, after reluctantly releasing his cockhead, I replied `Yes Sir!'- at which point he yanked me upwards and with a sharp slap on my rear ordered me to breakfast.

After I had eaten and undertaken my tasks, I went outside to wait for Don who was undertaking a buggy check. Once complete, he drove near to where I stood and, on his command, I climbed aboard. Don had chosen just to wear surfie shorts leaving his chest bare. As we drove, he announced that a spot for William Robinson to stand and display, was an excellent idea and that there would be plenty of opportunity to use the practice in the future. The journey was short- passing the lake on our right then across a sandy ridgeway before reaching the cave -- into which Don backed the buggy. The cave, although having a wide entrance, twisted and narrowed inside thus the buggy was only able to be driven in a short distance. Don unloaded the drill and boxes as I walked to the cave's entrance to admire the view.

The place where we had set up the tent was hidden from our view by the cave wall although our swimming lake was partially visible. Immediately outside the cave, going slightly upwards from left to right, was the sandy ridgeway- beyond this a steep drop and beyond that were the salt flats we had skirted yesterday. In the distance were the plateaux and hills in which Jupiter was hidden and to their left the woods and land in which the others had decided to explore. The sky was a clear pale blue but the whole landscape shimmered in the increasing heat.

Don came up behind me pressing his body into my back then wrapping his arms around locked me into a tight embrace before pressing his cock onto my bare flesh. His fingers toyed with my nipples which made me squeal and squirm before he groped and crushed my, by now, very hard and throbbing cock between his large hands. After he yanked down and crushed my balls, he turned me embraced me then gestured to the back of the cave. I knew he wanted to mine the magnetite but he had heightened my desire for another opening to be explored. As if reading my thoughts, Don mentioned that after our labour there would be time for his sex related talk followed by sex.

The lode was very wide and ran from top to bottom at the back of the cave- it did vary in thickness but there was no escaping the quantity and importance of the glittering ore. Magnetite is difficult to extract because of its hard structure so Don chose the diamond drill which unfortunately is both noisy and dust forming. Hence, we wore masks across our face but after the first piece was removed I was sent to sit in the buggy as Don continued. It was only during a break between drilling that I heard the noise -- fearing Don would not hear, I shrieked loudly and just I was about to go to him, a very dusty Don appeared at my side. Immediately, he placed a strong force field across the cave entrance which reduced the noise; then, quickly, we pulled the buggy a few feet further into the cave before Don ordered me to hide in the back of the cave with instructions not to appear until he told me to return. Eventually, I did as I was told but not without a degree of reluctance which caused Don to shout at me even louder.

After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes, Don yelled and ordered me to return although even through the force field the noise had increased. Don had his back to me and as I quickly gained his side his arm came to rest on my shoulder as we watched the stampede of animals passing the cave entrance. Without the force field their hooves would have forced large quantities of sand and dust into the cave which would have been no good for all its occupants especially the buggy. The beasts were running fast and hard - with both purpose and direction. They were taller than deer but ran as fast- chunkier than a horse but with the air of a camel. They were tan in colour with some variation -- their distinctive features being their extremities- a thick elongated horned head with huge nostrils and four thick sturdy cloven feet which had clearly developed to aid swift movement- as in this flight. What was startling was their number, for although they were only passing the cave two or three abreast, it was nearly half an hour before the stragglers ended the herd's passing.

Don was slowly edging towards the cave's entrance when he pulled himself into the wall. I had no hesitation in diving behind the buggy as the spacecraft passed. Their total was probably diminished by viewing from the cave entrance as I guessed more were flying overhead. When I peered from behind the buggy, Don was now lying face down looking into the sky; there were basically three types of craft- firstly, a large bulky ship which seemed designed for transport; secondly, a long but wide ship equally as slow as the transports and finally a small ship which darted across the sky in an apparent disregard for direction.

The craft disappeared and Don gingerly crawled towards the cave entrance. He motioned for me to disconnect the force field and then he ventured out. Don was absent for no more than two minutes and when he returned he ordered me to find binoculars and the yellow sleeping sheets. He pulled off his surfies and replaced them with a long sleeping shirt and a hat. I passed him the equipment and he indicated he would scout. Once more he ordered me to the back of the cave, telling me to ensure that the force field was on before I did so. As he reached the entrance he turned to ensure that this time I did as I was ordered, stating that later he would punish me for failing, earlier, to do as I was told. As I settled at the back of the cave, I had every indication from early encounters with my father to realise what Don intended to do to me.

After ten minutes, I heard Don shouting for me. I released the force field and he entered. I was to follow him- staying naked- but with a sleeping sheet wrapped around me and with a hat on. Outside he re-energised the field and I followed him along the sandy ridge which was covered with hoof prints. The prints climbed upwards and then disappeared over a gap in the hill crest but Don and I diverged from the path and went on all fours to scramble up the right hand side of the crest to a place where it had weathered. Don pulled my sheet and hat from me and lay the sheet on the ridge- Then, I was forced face down on to the hot sand and ordered to shuffle forwards until I could see over the crest- as I lay still Don I realised had pulled up his shirt for when he lay on me it was flesh on flesh. He wedged his fully erect cock between my cheeks and, with this weight on me, my front moulded into the loose but sharp sand. I was looking down into the bowl shaped valley as Don wriggled on top of me before he wrapped the sheets around our heads.

Before us lay a deep wide large bowl of a valley across which snaked a shallow river. The sides were steep but unlike the areas we had crossed there was lush vegetation by the water's edge. Running at approximately right angles to the river was a sandy path along which the herd was still running- they were aiming for a ford crossing after which their path veered left taking them parallel with the river and then southwards out of the valley. At the ford lay the hunters.

The ships, except for a few transports, were by the steep valley side beyond the river. At the ford animals were being slaughtered or captured as the herd fought their way southwards.

Then Don handed me the binoculars to see more closely what was happening.

It was not possible to see how alien the hunters were as all were encased in clothing -- but they were ordered as the completed their task. As the herd galloped down the valley the catch had not reduced the herd by significant numbers even though both live and slaughtered flesh filled ten transports.

Eventually, the hunters returned to their respective ships and after a short period of calm the transports flew northwards whilst the remaining craft veered south. Don suggested that they were unlikely therefore to be in Jupiter's vicinity -- well at least in the immediacy- but he stated we would remain on the crest for a short time. He must have known his weight was causing me discomfort even though I knew it was not part of the punishment.

Eventually, Don was satisfied that the ships were not returning and after releasing the pressure on me ordered me to stand. We walked back to the cave unclothed, with full erections, but additionally my skin was red, sore and encrusted with sand grains. Once inside the cave, Don ordered me to stand facing the cave wall with my hands clasped behind my head. I could hear him re-energise the force field and settle the equipment in the buggy.

Finally, I was ordered to turn to view a seated naked Don.

Next: Chapter 11

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