Diary of William Robinson

By liam jessop

Published on Sep 22, 2003



This story is pure fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the actors/actresses true sexuality or personal knowlege about their private lives.This is fiction based on the characters of the Irving Allen show and not related to the actors /actresses playing the fictional characters.The show is the copyright and trademark of the Irving Allen company.

Comments,reviews and suggestions welcome via e-mail.

I am happy for my e-mail address to appear-I would prefer the story to be in the male/male section under celebrity but if you want to putit in others aswell -e.g--science fiction,then i'll leave that to you. I do intend to make it several chapters long.

hope it's o.k., thanks for your help.

DAY 392

I'm sure it's not always easy being part of a group in space. I'm sure this is true when the numbers are small--say seven. Robbie can talk and, although he's got good circuits, he's still largely metal, glass and plastic.What happens also if your'e say mainly family?- your mom and dad plus two sisters.Other than them there's a fawning older guy who's supposed to be some kind of doctor and a guy who's been mooned over by your older sister.What real fun's a guy gonna have when he's bright but he can do more than jerk-that is until he gets propositioned but he's not sure if it's totally for real --well diary, you know it ain't one of the family --so Will's Diary you check back over the last few weeks and then try and tell me I shouldn't go all the way- cos I got hell of a boner down below.

DAY 366

It's probably just that we're over a year out from Earth that's making us tetchy. We're also travelling in space that's basically empty so it's boring so please can we have something exciting to do as all we've got at the moment is routine - it's normally o.k.- I suppose. The game of not being alone with Dr Smith helps keep me on my toes- but hey-some of his phrases leave little to the imagination as he's gotta way with words that kinda makes me cringe. He keeps touching me --not down there --but it's like he wants to control me and he always saying stuff against mom and dad-but I'm not having any of that so if he's not cottoned on to my wariness, he sure will get the message as I've just added a programme to the robot.

There was hell of a row after dinner.Dr Smith scuttled of to his room and Penny did a runner as well. Judy cried all the time during the meal and I did kinda wonder why she wasn't sitting next to Don. For once Don was quiet and thinking about it now it was only me and Dr Smith who jabbered on. He is quite knowledgeable but when he told me yet again that he was good with his hands-in a whisper so the others couldn't hear (well above Judy crying you couldn't hear much anyway), I went over to a computer console and pretended to work.I was keen to know what had been happening but after the row Don left and when mom and dad took Judy back to her room, I came here to write my diary. All I'd learned from her wailing was that something wasn't fair- so tomorrow will be a good day to sidle up to Dr Smith to see what he knows and,more importantly, to try out the robot's new programme.

DAY 367

We landed on a small moon today- -Judy,Penny and mom stayed on board --whilst Don and dad set up the water processing equipment .When this was working, I announced I was taking a walk- slowly of course- as I knew Dr Smith would follow.Dad had sent the robot to look for some magnetite but Robbie was near enough for my plan to work.

I had dressed carefully -- silver suit with clean briefs(nice and tight so they showed when I bent over)-and as it was warm from the nearby gas giant ,I left my zipper open as far as my navel( so that when I leaned forward the waistband of my briefs came into view).

I waited against a large boulder until I heard the familiar"HELLO WILLIAM" then I leaned forward and tried to smile. I learned from Doctor Smith that any romance between Judy and Don was ended but he did let slip that he didn't think it would have worked anyway.

He wouldn't elaborate further but he believed Judy would recover-then he started fawning and as he put a hand on my shoulder he cast his eyes downwards.

I pressed the button hidden in my cuff and all hell was let loose.The siren announced Robbie well before he came into view then when he stood in front of Dr Smith, with his arms flying about in their usual manner, his light show went into overdrive. However, the finale came as Robbie screeched repeatedly-DANGER WILL ROBINSON --DANGER WILL ROBINSON.

Surprisingly Dr Smith appeared nonplussed and eventually smirked-I moved away and zipped my suit as Don and dad arrived.The incident was brushed off lightly but I noticed that dad looked at Don in what seemed to be understanding.

We've now got enough water but there was little magnetite so the search continues.

At dinner we were informed of the room changes that mom had instigated. I'm still here but I've got Don next to me and not Dr Smith who's as far from me as he could be --right next to mom and dad.

DAY 368

It's much quieter with Don next to me.I hate to think how Dr Smith made those noises .However ,as he's no longer next door he can just try and upset mom and dad's sleep- if he dare!

This morning Don came to see if I was okay and ask if he'd kept me awake.I was still in bed which was fortunate as I tend not to wear much when I'm in my room. I mentioned the noises Dr Smith used to make. He said he understood then told me to come into his room if he was keeping me awake.I said that I would but he also added that I'd be welcome in there at any time. It was only after he'd gone that I realised that Don had such a great chest.

DAY 370

I've been catching up on my studies. Dr Smith has helped- and there's been no more "Danger Will Robinson"- Though I'm sure he's just binding his time.

We're passing through a series of electro-magnetic storms and it's a shaky ride. The last one was a humdinger and its affected Jupiter's hull so we gotta find a place to land to depolarise.

I forgot to mention that I've called the robot Robbie-it's kinda Robbie and Robot together. Dr Smith thinks it's sentimental and he keeps calling Robbie --Tinny or worse-but the others think it's fine.


There was an emergency during the night. Robbie sounded the alarm-and we all rushed to flight control to lend a hand. Jupiter was caught in an ion storm and had been pulled off course with the guidance instruments being affected. It took about an hour to reset them and even then Don said that the retros were unaligned.

Dr Smith wasn't much use --he kept up his tirade of being doomed- whilst Penny made coffee. Judy worked well with Don and I was glad there seemed to be no animosity between them.

Dr Smith retired quickly-he swanned off in his paisley dressing gown, wishing us all well and making claims about how he saved the day yet again. Mom and dad were in their sleep suits, the padding making them look fat-my sisters were a little less heavily dressed but still clad head to foot. I can't imagine how they sleep dressed like that with Jupiter having air conditioning in the bedrooms.

Don had on the white thermal leggings used on cold planets and I'd grabbed my black surf shorts. As we went our separate ways Don asked if I'd help him check the alignments.

The valves for the retros are side by side so we took positions ready to synchronise their realignment. Don's valve came forward fine but mine would not move. He moved behind me, then after he placed his hands over mine I nestled my rear in his crotch.

It is fortunate that my surf shorts are black as my dick was on full throttle. Don said it could be the fluid conduit so we separated --well he released me --cos I was quite comfortable. Then, I followed Don down the corridor.

He opened the ceiling lock and brought down the ladder. After he'd climbed, his lower half remained in view. Fortunately, I just controlled my wow but I was still left with an open mouth. Don's got this long dick-I do mean long-real long-just snaking down his leggings. It couldn't have been that hard either as it moved as he worked. He brought me from my stupor when he sent me for some fluid.

When I returned he'd climbed down. I tried not to look between his legs, and I was relieved when he asked me to add the fluid to the conduit valve. I was ready to pour when I felt Don's hands on my legs-grasping them firmly above my knees. He called up to see if I'd found the valve and explained that he'd hold me steady- then, after I'd assured him that it was okay,he slid his hands further up my legs - far enough upwards so that as he moved them he twisted his left hand around my leg so that he could lay his fingers across my nuts .I took my time to fill the valve but eventually I said that I'd finished so he withdrew his hands allowing me to descend. He returned the ladder and closed the hatch ,but only when I was following him back did I cotton on to the fact that when his hand was resting on my nuts he would have realised that I had a boner as he'd not be able to feel anything dangling although I wasn't aware he knew mine hung so far down when soft.

The retros engaged properly and he shut them down. We walked back in silence but when we arrived he thanked me for helping him out- I'm sure that comment made me blush. I couldn't help being drawn to his crotch and although I could see that his dick was not now as thick, the length remained the same. Before we turned in, he told me that he now knew why Dr Smith had made so much noise and that in the morning he'd show me the reason why.

In bed my fantasies were in overdrive -with the jerk that sent me to sleep thrilling, even if I couldn't lubricate using my juices.

DAY 373

Dad came and woke me up this morning. He told me that as I`d been working hard lately he'd let me sleep past breakfast. I don't think he really meant it that way-the working hard bit I mean- but I was still interested in Don explaining to me about Dr Smith's noises. Dad carried on by saying that he'd needed a talk with me anyhow so as he was here now was as good a time as any. It got a bit weird as for the first time I can ever remember dad got all his words sorta mixed and it only confused me. The gist seemed to be that it was ok and that it wasn't a problem and that he understood and that it was ok (again) and I could talk if wanted to and that it was ok(once more). There was more but it seemed to me like another language so I told him that I was ok with it all so when he said he was happy I suggested I get up and get some breakfast.

I had to study today and in the evening I played chess with Robbie-with Dr Smith nearby seemingly engrossed in a book. Before we turned in dad and Don announced that a binary solar system was nearby and that some of the planets had a breathable atmosphere-so we are going to land on the innermost planet early in the morning.

I'm writing this in bed-well I'd only got this far-when I heard Don shout to me. The call hadn't come from beyond my door but from behind my bed! I knelt up and peered over the pillows. I could see Don who had been able to remove a panel half way up the wall. He was at least bare chested. I quickly pulled on my briefs as I sleep naked. He said that the noise I'd been hearing had most likely been Dr Smith loosening a panel. He didn't comment as to why that would be but it wasn't too difficult for me to think of at least one good reason. Then I climbed down from the bed and walked over to peer into Don's room.

He asked if I thought I'd be able to get through the opening as he didn't see how Dr Smith could ever have made it. I thought it'd be easy and as it was Don who asked me I couldn't refuse ;so I raised myself until I was half way through and then I had planned to push forward, roll and turn over on the floor. Unfortunately, the front panel of my briefs caught on the uneven lower edge and as I slid over it there was a ripping sound. Further, the back of my briefs slipped down exposing my cheeks. I tumbled forward ok but all I could think about was exposing myself. I managed to adjust my briefs and cover both front and rear but whereas the back was ok once I'd pulled them up, I had to hold the pieces at the front together or my dick would have been swinging freely. Don just laughed and ruffled my hair- once again I knew I was blushing.

Don helped me stand and I noticed he wore identical style briefs -although his were in one piece.

I could see he'd had to lay his dick sideways cos there was no way he could have it pointing down and- hey- no way it could be vertical-well, it could have been but he'd have been showing most of it.

He showed me the loose panel and thought it likely that most of the noise had been Dr Smith working it from the wall-Don thought he'd been observing me but as he had moved I no longer needed to worry. He asked if I wanted the panel replaced and too quickly I said no and that I`d like it as it was. Don seemed pleased-mind you, I wasn't exactly unhappy!

I decided to return to my room and reached for the opening. Don moved to assist with his hands which he lay on my cheeks to give me lift. My briefs now parted at the front and I felt my hardening dick squashed against the metal. As I was pushed it seemed trapped but it moved slowly until released as I fell forward onto the floor. During this ungainly journey my briefs shredded further leaving me naked as I fell. When Don peered in I covered my hard dick with their remains --Don laughed but not at my appearance but at my clumsiness.

After he leant through the opening he suggested I get a good night's sleep cos if I did not object he had arranged for the two of us to explore the planet in the buggy. I told him that I'd be happy with that arrangement so I wished him goodnight .I clambered into bed and the jerk I desperately need will have to be done quietly by rubbing myself slowly against the sheet.


Next: Chapter 2

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