Diary of Nick

By moc.loa@87zihWhtaM

Published on Oct 1, 1999


The normal disclaimers apply. All characters in this story are over 18. This story is based on real people but (unfortunately) not real events. No people's names have been changed.

If you are under the legal age where you live to read erotica or pornographic material, stop here.

First let me introduce myself and set the story up. I'm a senior at a large public state university majoring in mathematics education. Nick is a senior in English education. Since we're both in the same program, Nick and I have some classes together.

The first time I saw Nick was in the first day of my Ed Psych discussion class last spring. He introduced himself to the class and my gaydar just went off the screen. I decided that Nick was gay and that I wanted him.

One day in my ed psych discussion I came out, as it fit in with the discussion we were having. The next class we had together, a big lecture, Nick came up to me and said "Hi," pretty much right out of the blue and while I was talking to someone else. Oh man, did that make my WEEK!! I spent the rest of the semester trying to talk to him whenever I got the chance and doing little things to let him know how I felt, like bring overheads to class on a day that he was part of a group presentation and needed to rest his voice.

I should mention that he needed to rest his voice because that weekend he was starring in the school musical. He spends a lot of time topless. =) I brought my binoculars to the play.

Anyway, the year came to an end. Our classes (math and English) were doing something together and when it was over I grabbed him aside and asked him if he had meant anything when he said "hello" to me and he said (oh break my heart) that he wasn't interested.

Summer came and summer went.

We started school again in the fall and I see him at least once a week in a different Ed Psych lecture. He says hi to me when he sees me (and I go out of my way to see him!) which is really cool. A lot of guys wouldn't be so cool with someone that had hit on them. A lot of the time that we're in classes together I find my eyes on him much more often than on the material being presented. Everything about him I find so damn sexy, even things that I don't like as much on other people. I noticed that he has just a little bit of chest hair. Immediately that became sexy to me.

I suppose that this would be a good time to describe him. Nick is about 5'8, short light brown hair, blue eyes, nicely built but not too much, and EXTREMELY gorgeous.

Well, the lecture two weeks ago was a little different. Nick, not realizing that it was going to be so cold outside, was only wearing jeans and a thin white tee shirt. Man, was it hard to concentrate on anything else that day. The shirt did a great job outling his strong pecs, flat abs, and nice arms. He commented on how cold he was and I offered to lend him my jacket for the short walk to our next class. Since the next class was 2 minutes away and we had 15 minutes to get there, we walked around a little to warm up. (It would have been too easy to just walk to the building where the next class is.) We walked around the building to a nice little quiet area. He sat down and I followed suit, sitting across from him and just drinking him in with my eyes.

He looked over at me and noticed that I was just staring at his gorgeous body. "I've been wondering," he said, "how did you know you were gay?"

Wondering where he was going with this, I carefully chose my words. "Well," I said softly, "I realized that there wasn't anything cooler to me than staring deeply into another man's eyes and feeling a special connection."

"I think I know the feeling," he half whispered, and leaned over to kiss me on the lips.

"Mmmm," I moaned, and pulled back long enough to tell him how long I'd been wanting to do that.

"I know. Thank you for being so out and helping me realize who I am," Nick said.

"Thank me later," I whispered, going back for another kiss.

Our tongues exploring each other's mouths, I put my hands around his strong back and started to hug him and explore his strong body. I pulled my jacket off of him and moved my arms to his chest, exploring his smooth abs and strong chest. I reached my arms under his shirt and started to explore him in more detail, taking all his little chest hairs in my hands, twirling my fingers around his nipples, and loving every second of it.

He moved his hands from where they had been cupping my face while we were kissing and slid them down my chest, past my stomach, and slipped them in the waistband of my jeans where he started massaging my already erect cock. I moaned again and, taking the cue, pulled away long enough to take his shirt off and then slid my hands down his sides and over his waists and thighs, pausing to run them inside his thighs for just a moment, to give him a taste of things to come.

I kissed my way down his chest, pausing to lick and suck each nipple. I grabbed his snap in my mouth and pulled it apart. Then I looked up at him, smiled, and grabbed his zipper in my mouth. I pulled his fly open and pulled his pants off with my hands. We lied down and turned around so that we were cock to mouth, and in the process kicked off all remaining items of clothing.

Taking his dick in my hand, I started kissing around the inside of his thighs and up around his balls, taking each one into my mouth and sucking it and twirling it around in my mouth. He looked down at me and smiled the most awesome smile before opening his mouth and swallowing my whole cock. I looked up at him for a second, asking him if he was sure that he had never done this before. He smiled back (at least he smiled as much as possible with a full mouth).

I went back to kissing and licking all around his cock and balls, using my hand to cover what I couldn't get in my mouth. Nick licked and sucked all around my cock, going down and up and down and up while I jacked him off with my hand and sucked as hard as I could on the few inches that I could take in.

I felt myself getting close to cumming so I started sucking Nick even harder. His cockhead started to swell up in my mouth and his balls started to draw a little closer to his body so I started to suck for all I'm worth. We both came at the same time. I had the most thunderous long lasting orgasm I've ever experienced in 21 years of life. After we took a few minutes to come down from our orgasms, we kissed again. I gave him back his cum that I still had some of in my mouth and he gave me back some of mine.

Looking at my watch, I realized that we had missed the first 30 minutes of class. Even though it's a three hour class for both of us, Nick and I agreed that we had better things to do. We held hands as we walked to the bus stop (why do I have to live so far off campus?) and went to my apartment where I helped Nick to warm up some more. That week my roommate was evicted so Nick moved into the open bedroom, although we really don't need two rooms for the two of us. We never sleep apart. =)

This was my first attempt at gay erotica. If you like it and would maybe like to hear more about me and Nick or any other stories, email me and let me know!

Thanks! Mike mathwhiz78@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2: Helping Nick Realize

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