Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Feb 9, 2004


Diary of a Teenage Slave8-Final

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further,

The Party

As we finished with the preparations for the party, Master went to clean up and told me to start dinner. When he returned I was just serving him, but before he sat down, he held up this silvery shiny object and showed it to me. It was a tag, and on it was engraved "Property of:" and my Masters name and address. He attached it to a ring on my collar and told me that now if I wandered off, people would know where I belonged. I was so very happy to belong to him, but I quickly hid my pride and began dishing out his meal.

When he finished he said I could scrape the leftovers into my bowl and eat, after which I was to do the dishes and clean the kitchen. He went into the living room and I heard the TV go on, as he settled into his chair.

My bowl was soon empty as I quickly lapped up every morsel, and then jumped up and cleared, rinsed and put the dishes in the washer. I cleaned the kitchen and wiped the floor down, and was about to go to the living room, when I remembered the sheets. Taking them out of the washer, I put them in the dryer, set it and went to sit at my Masters feet.

After some time I went and got the sheets out folded them, and went up and put them in the closet, then returned to sit on the floor. Soon he rose and shutting off the tv, said he was going to bed, and as I started to follow him, he told me I was sleeping in the training room again tonight. He then instructed me that when I woke I was to clean myself out real good, shower and tidy up and then bring him his coffee at eight.

I slept restlessly again that night, my ass was not so sore, but I was excited and curious about what would happen the next day. I awoke early and gave myself a long and thorough enema, showered good, brush my teeth and cleaned up the bathroom. I made Master's coffee and tidied up the living room till it was almost eight, then took him his coffee. He was awake and waiting as I knocked and entered, I put the tray on the table and was told what he wanted for breakfast. Apparently there was to be no repeat of yesterday's enjoyment in the bed, so I went to the kitchen and started his breakfast. My Master came down after a while, wearing what I guess you would call a toga, which came to his knees and opened on the side.

The rest of the morning was spent making snacks and sandwiches, and being given behavioral instructions for the party. Basically I was to do whatever any Master told me, and perform in the same manner as I would for him. I was also to keep the ice buckets full, as well as the slave's bowls with the dry dog food, and re supply the snacks when low. They would all be arriving between 12:30 and 1:00 PM, and I was to open the door for each, and not to talk, nor make eye contact with Masters or slaves.

They started arriving at precisely 12:30, I opened the door for them and My Master greeted each of the other Masters each of whom were attired in a toga also, he then showed them downstairs. They were of different ages, both Masters and slaves, from what I could see, and most of the slaves looked older than me. There were a couple of them that looked maybe two years older, but most looked between twenty-five and fifty. There were about twenty Masters and half again as many slaves, some Masters having brought two or three, and each slave was being lead by a leash attached to his collar similar to mine! The last to arrive was a Master leading two small slaves I would judge to be maybe twelve years old. But the amazing thing about them was, they were exactly alike, twins in every respect. They, like all the other slaves, were naked and had a collar around their neck. At precisely one PM, my Master ordered me to close the door, lock it. He then attached my leash and led me down to the training room.

As we entered the room, the Masters were standing around talking and drinking. The slaves were standing all around the edge of the room, their leash attached to the ring screws Master and I had screwed into the walls. My Master led me over to the side and hooked my leash up to a ring also.

The members then stood facing the man I knew as the Doctor, as he began to speak. Apparently he was the leader or president of the society. He ran the meeting like a parliamentary proceeding, and talked of old news, treasury reports, and the building of a new crib to keep more slaves in at the "camp". I found out in the months to come that the camp was a area in the mountains where everyone spent their summers or at least their vacations. He concluded the business portion, and turned the meeting over to another Master who he said would conduct the auction.

The auctioneer announced that there were two slaves to be auctioned off this month and asked that the first be brought forward. One of the Masters went over to the side and unhooked a slave who appeared to be the oldest in the whole bunch. He led the slave to the auctioneer and handed him the end of his leash. The auctioneer then had the slave turn this way and that as he told of the slaves abilities to cook and clean and garden, and ended by saying that he had a few good years in him. He then opened the bidding, and no one spoke, it was totally silent, no one wanted this old slave. Finally the slaves Master came and took the leash and led the slave back to be hooked up. My Master told me later that when a slave is put up for sale and no one bids, then his owner has the option of continuing his service, or abandoning him on the street somewhere.

When the next slave was brought forward to be sold, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was one of the young twins! I was shocked that the man would choose to separate the two, but I was in for an even bigger shock. As the Master handed over the leash, the auctioneer started talking about all the virtues of the young slave. He turned him this way and that, bent him over, had him spread his ass cheeks, even had him stroke himself hard so they could see his cock erect. He opened his mouth and talked about his fine set of teeth, and how strong he was and how he would give years of service and pleasure to any Master. It was like watching a cattle auction. Then came the shocker, at least for me it was, I guess most others in the room already knew! The Master of the slave for sale and the twin slave, was their Father! The auctioneer spoke of how they all knew what fine offspring the Master had and how they were trained from the day they were born. So here was a man, not only splitting up two brothers, twins in fact, but they were both his sons! Somehow this really was a turn on for me. I found out some time later that one of the boys slightly older than me, was another son/ brother that his father bred, trained and sold. The bidding was fast and went on for sometime, but when it was over the new owner took possession of his young slave!

The meeting then ended, and the party began. All the slaves were released from their leashes, and were available for any Master to sample, with the exception of the newly sold slave and the one nobody bid on. They were taken outside and spent the rest of the party out of sight. It seems no one could use the new slave till his Master had and the old one was soon to be banished.

What occurred in the following hours was the most amazing, erotic, totally sexual debauchery I had ever imagined or fantasized about! Every form of sexual activity known to me, and more, took place in that room that day. It was the most exciting and stimulating time I had ever known, and I look forward to these parties for all the time I was with my Master.

Upon being released from my hook, I was almost immediately grabbed by what looked like, the youngest Master in attendance, he was maybe twenty-five. I was bent over, and bracing myself against the wall, felt him shove his cock in my ass, and start fucking me. This is how it was the whole time, no preliminaries, no talk, no asking my Master for permission, just selection of a slave and taking what he wanted. I was thrilled!

After the first Master finished, another took his place immediately, mounted me and fucked till he came. After being used by four or five of them, I was told I should hose myself out as the cum was running from my ass like a small stream, down my legs and on to the floor. As I approached the hose area, another slave was hosing myself out and as he finished, started to hand me the hose. But he must have suddenly remembered our instructions and he quickly dropped the hose and turned away. I picked up the hose and rinsed myself out several times, and hosed my ass and legs, I hurried to returned to the activities.

I would like to say that I was the most popular slave in the room but that honor belong to the young twin slave. However, I was the most sought after for my cum, as he apparently did not have the ability to produce any as yet. At one point I heard one of the Masters ask my Master what my cum was like, and he replied with just one word.

"Sweet" was all he said, but that was enough.

Not having cum in a long time or even having an erection, I was called on that day to produce almost continually, and I was happy to comply. Often there were two Masters waiting as I stroked my hard cock, and when it erupted like a Texas oil well, they were all over it sampling all they could get. Not a lot of them sucked me to completion, but some did, and seemed to enjoy the results.

While I did follow my Masters instructions in not looking any Master in the eye, and keeping my head down at all times, there was no way I could not see what was occurring around me. Two Masters might be talking in what look like a small conversation, and kneeling in front of each with their bobbing heads under their toga, would be two slaves. Slaves were being fucked in every imaginable position, up against the wall, laying half on a table, legs up, on all fours on the floor being taken from behind. The grunting and moaning was enough to get a guy off without even anyone touching his cock.

In between all the fun I was having, I also was keeping the ice buckets filled and the snacks supplied, and the bowls of dry dog food for the slaves. Apparently all this activity made the slaves hungry, as the bowls seem to be empty a lot. I know I ate two bowls full myself that day. Each time I went upstairs to get anything, I was aware of Masters sitting, talking, and smoking. The aroma of pot was strong, I recognized that immediately, and I tried to inhale as much as I could of the second hand smoke.

If there were other drugs available, I was not aware of them, that is unless you consider poppers a drug, they were there for everyone. If the Masters were doing any drugs, I think their drug of choice was Viagra!

At one point I was on my hands and knees being used by one of the older Masters from behind, and waiting for something to happen. As I looked to my right, toward what I called the hammock, I saw there was a slave laying down in it and he was holding the front chains with his hands. His legs were somehow fastened to the back chains, and his ass hung out, open and spread. I wondered what was going on, when it suddenly dawned on me, and I watched fascinated and I must say, excited. They were about to fist him of course, I had heard of this, but never seen it done. While two Masters at his head, dick slapped him, fed him their cock and held a vial of poppers to his nose, the Master at the other end began to insert his hand into the slaves ass. At first it was just a couple fingers, then all four, then his thumb, and finally his whole hand disappeared into the slaves hole. Then as I watched fascinated, it went in up to his wrist, and then the wrist went inside. About this time, I received a sharp blow on my back, and was told to pay attention to my work.

There were sounds of slaves being beaten and spanked almost continuously, and I myself was spanked before being fucked three times. I was also cuffed to the chains and received blows to my cock and balls with a kind of soft cloth whip, and then sucked. I did not see any serious beatings, there was no reason for them, all the slaves were on their best behavior so as to take part in all the activity.

My Master came up to me, told me to follow, and led me to where we had placed the tub. By this time I was aware what it was being used for, and as one slave stepped out of the tub, I stepped in and lay down in the tepid pool of piss. I was given a pair of goggles as my eyes were the only off limits target, and as I lay there, different Masters stepped up and pissed on me. The smell of piss for me has always been a real turn on, and as I lay there, my cock rose to the occasion and gave them a target to shoot at. Although I was order to keep my mouth open, only a couple of the Masters had aim good enough to fill mine.

As my turn in the tub ended, I went and showered and hosed myself once again. As I stood there rinsing, I saw a Master insert the hose in a slave's ass and turn it on for a short time. When he removed it, the slave went a short ways, turned and bending over, shot a stream out of his ass that fell a bout a foot short of another slave squatting as a target I guess. Because he had missed, the shooter was ordered to take the place of the target, and I was grabbed to be the next shooter. As the Master inserted the hose and turned it on, I thought my insides would burst, until he turned it off, and I walked to the target area. I turned, bent over, aimed, squeezed, pushed and shot out a stream from my ass. As I looked between my legs, I saw it arch up,span across the space between us and hit the slave smack in the face. A small cheer when up and the Master claimed I was a natural, which I guess is a good thing.

The day turned into night, and some Masters would go upstairs, and return later, but more and more went up and did not return, the party was ending! As more Masters left the room, the slaves were leashed to their hooks again, and finally there were just slaves left in the room. Later the Masters came down, one or two at a time, retrieved their slave or slaves, and left. Finally there was just me.

I was sitting there reliving the day, when my Master came down and with him was his friend and Major. He unhooked me and I was told that I could clean up in the morning, then they closed the door, locked it and left. I knew what was expected of me, so I pulled the rug over and got down on all fours, and shortly was being used like the bitch I was!

I was with my Master for over two years, and they were very happy years for me. But because of an unforgivable mistake I made, I was banished from him. He removed my collar, gave me the clothes I came to him in, now shortened, drove me to the city, left me on the street, and I never saw him again.

For all of you that read every installment, I thank you. For all those who wrote me and gave me suggestions or encouragement, I thank you. For all of you who are, or one day will be a slave like I was, I envy you.

Thank you Lcane19@yahoo.com

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