Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Feb 6, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further,

Getting Ready for the Party

The next week was a busy one in getting prepared for the party. While my Master was at work I had a complete list of assignments to accomplish, both inside and outside the house. I was again wearing my erection control belt, including the butt plug, which was inserted every morning and removed when my master arrived home from work. Every morning I had a new list from which to work, and the first three days lists ended by him telling me to have his bath drawn, and his favorite drink ready, the minute he arrived home. The bath scene was almost always the same as the first, except I was slower in cumming, and I was getting much better at swallowing his urine. On Thursday however there were no instructions for drawing the bath, but he just wrote we would be going shopping for supplies.

When he arrived home, he told me to come upstairs with him and get the clothes I was to wear, it hadn't dawned on me that I had to wear clothes, or more like it, that I cud. In his room, he brought out my old clothes that I was wearing when I arrive, took the jeans and cut them off at the crotch, and then cut the tee shirt off midway down. He threw them to me and changed his clothes from the trousers and dress shirt, to jeans and a polo shirt. I started to put on the short tee shirt, but he smacked me along side the head and reminded me I did not wear clothes in the house. I said I was sorry and followed him down the stairs. He hadn't said anything about the belt, the plug, or the collar, and so I knew I was to wear them.

Outside I put on the tee shirt and it came about midway between my nipples and my belly button. When I put on what were now shorts, they hung loosely on me, as I had lost weight and my body had changed. They were so short that if I had not the belt on holding my cock, it would have been dangling out. As it was my balls were visible when I move and the leg of the short opened. The belt strap around my waist, and the one going down my ass and stomach, could clearly be seen. Somehow all this didn't bother me in the least, I actually felt more covered then I had in weeks, and truthfully was not enjoying that at all.

"Get your dog fucked ass in the car you fucking faggot, and stop admiring yourself" my Master yelled from the car.

I hurried to get in the car, as I knew when he spoke this way, I was displeasing him and I would pay for it later. I folded myself onto the floor on the passenger side of the car and before I got the door closed we were moving. As he drove he spoke to me about being out in the "straight community", and how I was to conduct myself.

I was under no circumstances, to speak to anyone, I was to keep my head down and never look anyone in the eye. If someone spoke to me, I was to ignore them and if they persisted, he would take care of them. I would push the cart, staying behind him and to his right, I would help bag the groceries and load them back in the cart and take them to the car and put them in the trunk. Once they were loaded, I was to stand by the car while he went into the liquor store, and then come help when he came out. He asked if I understood and I told him I did, being sure to add Sir.

The market was maybe ten minutes away, and when we arrived, my Master got out and told me to do the same. As we walked into the market I saw there were a lot of cars in the lot and people coming and going from there. As ordered, I kept my head down, but I even then I could see and feel people looking at me, at us. I must have had some small bit of pride left in me as I felt slightly embarrassed.

"Mind your duties here you piece of pig shit", my Master said softly "Get a cart and follow me like you were told."

Only one incident occurred as we completed our shopping, and that was when a can slipped out of my Masters hand and he told me to pick it up. When I bent down to retrieve the can, the plug in my ass moved and must have rubbed against my prostrate. My cock started to react and suddenly there was the pain again, and as I stood, I flinched. My Master turned to me quickly, and I looked at him and he frowned and I could see he was really mad. But he just turned away and continued shopping. We checked out at the cashier, and I loaded the stuff in a cart and took them to the car. He hadn't said a word to me, but unlocked the trunk and I stored it all away. He then got in the car and drove away!

I stood there not knowing what to do, but just started walking across the lot following the car. People were watching I knew, but I wasn't caring anymore, I just wanted my Master to let me go with him.

He stopped the car about a hundred yards over, and as I approached, he got out and grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head against the car.

"You're a whore and a slut", he said, "All you think about is your cock and letting it get hard and cum. Don't you boy?"

"No sir, I am sorry Sir" I quickly answered

"What? You calling me a liar Boy?" he spoke right into my face

"No Sir, your right sir, I am a whore and a slut" I cried "All I do think about is my cock sir, but I will do better Sir, please Sir, let me show you I can do better!"

"Best you do boy, or I will sell your ass in a New York minute, if I can find anyone who wanted a piece of shit like you!" he spat into my face "Now stand here till I call you"

"Yes Sir", I said meekly "Thank you Sir,"

He walked across to the liquor store and I stood by the car and waited, kept my head down and my eyes shut. After a long time I heard him call me. Just saying, "Boy, come here!" and I ran to him. We stored the bottles in the trunk with the food, and the car was starting to roll as I folded myself under the front dash. Almost immediately Master started yelling at me and calling me filthy names and I felt so ashamed for my behavior. He told me I had embarrassed him, shamed him and proven I did not know how to conduct myself out in the world. He said I was born to be a slave and that I would always be a slave, but that I was only worthy to be a slave of another slave, and not a Master.

He went on like this for a very long time, and finally stopping the car, he told me to get out. As I crawled from the car, he ordered me to remove the clothes he so generously let me wear. I quickly took off the shirt and the shorts and laid them on the front seat. He told me to walk home, closed the door and drove off. I looked quickly around and realized I did not know where we were or how to get home from here. I ran after the car, each stride I made moving the plug around inside me, but this time I had no reaction. The neighborhood he put me out into was sparse and there were few cars, but those that came by slowed and stared and one even asked if I wanted a ride. After I didn't answer him for a while, he sped up and drove away, calling me a freak and a druggie. Coming into a more secluded area, I spotted Master's car and house, I quickly ran up the drive. Master was standing on the steps and told me to bring in everything from the trunk and not to forget the clothes on the front seat.

After bringing everything in, he instructed me where to store everything, and come to the living room when finished. I quickly did as I was told, trying to please him with my speed and efficiency. Once finished I hurried to him and knelt before his chair, humbling myself at his feet.

"Normally," he began, "You would receive a caning for what you did tonight, but you're a lucky boy as the party is Saturday and I want you able to please the other Masters. So instead, you shall receive your punishment with a strap, and stay in the training room tonight!"

He rose and went quickly down the stairs and I followed, and was soon bent over the table, locked in the restraints. He said I was to receive ten applications of the strap and I was to count every one. As he raised his arm to bring the strap down on me, I realized the belt was still around me, and the plug was still in my ass. As each stroke fell, it drove the plug into me, and I screamed out the count!

"One Sir!" then "Two Sir" I counted, each time after the strap fell.

As I counted number ten, he stopped, put the strap away, and released me from the table. My ass burned and my prostrate was bruised I am sure, but as sincerely as I could I said, "Thank you Sir!"

Master gave me instructions for the morning. I could remove the belt and clean myself inside and out, and bring his coffee to him at eight. He told me he was not working and that we would be preparing the training room for the party. Closing the door, he left, and I stood and stretched, carefully walked over to my rug and lay down.

Sleeping little because every time I lay on my back, my ass screamed at me in pain. So I was awake early and removed my belt and the plug, and gave myself a long enjoyable enema, and then showered. I then reinserted the plug very gently as my ass was tender to the touch. Going up to the kitchen, I put on masters coffee, and cleaned the dishes he had left as he must have eaten after he came back upstairs from punishing me. This reminded me that I also had not eaten, and when I looked to my bowl on the floor by the stove, I noticed it contained something. I got down on all fours and looked at it and sniffed it's contents. I smiled to myself because I thought that as mad as my Master was, he still took the time to open a can of my dog food and put it out for me. I dove right in and soon was licking the bowl clean, and then lap some water from my other bowl.

At precisely Eight AM I carried the tray with coffee and the fixings up to his room, gently knocked and was told to enter. My Master was laying back on the bed, on top the covers and he was naked and was massaging his erect cock.

"Set that on the night stand and take off the belt and the plug and put them on this other table" He ordered.

When done he instructed me to get on the bed, and lay on my back, as I did he rolled over and lifting my legs, brought himself up to my ass, and guided his cock into me. He then took something from the table and put it under my nose, telling me to inhale, I felt very relaxed and he slid deep inside me. I had used poppers before, but this was the first time with Master, and they worked perfectly. As he begun pounding my ass, I was painfully reminded of the beating I had been given the night before. My legs were high over my head and with each hard thrust, he slammed against me and the pain shot through me. But as is the case with me now, the pain only added to the pleasure I felt as he continued to drive his rock hard cock into my ass. I reached up and grabbed my legs and held on as his body slammed against mine again and again. The bed shook and he began to sweat and he called me names, occasionally slapping my ass.

"This what you want you fucking slut pig whore?" he yelled. "This what your boy pussy wanted? Huh? It want my big cock in your filthy little pussy and my balls slapping against your ass?"

No answer was required, he could tell that I was enjoying his cock and I squeezed him inside me each time he slammed it deep. This fucking lasted longer than any he had given me so far, and I had begun to think, and hope, that it was going to last forever. But then me pushed down on my legs, slammed against me, and unloaded inside me a huge orgasm. He pumped it in me over and over, and I didn't know if I could hold it all, but just as fast as it had started, he was done. He ripped his cock from my ass real fast and hard, so hard I thought he pulled out my insides also. He then quickly reached for the butt plug and pushed it deep inside me, and rolling over, he ordered me to clean him. I quickly dropped my legs and rolling over moved my face to his crotch and licked the cum, and everything else from him till he was clean. Getting up he told me to change the bedding, but first to put my belt back on, and take the sheets down and wash them.

As I was bending to retrieve the belt, he came behind me and slapped me hard on the ass with his hand.

"I know you are a dogs bitch" he yelled, "but I am not! Your breath smells like a dog shit in your mouth! Don't ever come to me again after eating, without first brushing your teeth."

"Yes Master, I am sorry Master, I shall not forget again!" I meekly said.

As he left to shower, I strapped on the belt, stripped the bed, got new linen from the closet, and remade the bed. While doing all this I could feel my Master's cum leaking past the butt plug, as tight as it was, it still got by. So every once in a while I stopped and wiped it from my leg and licked it from my hand. My ass and thighs were wet with it at first, but it dried after a while, when it cease to leak any more. I thought I could still feel some inside me and it made me happy to know that my Master's seed had been planted there.

Hurrying downstairs and after filling the washer, I ran down to the training room and brushed my teeth thoroughly, rinsed with some mouthwash my Master had provided, and returned to the kitchen as my Master arrived there. He told me what to make for breakfast and read the paper as I went about doing so. When he had all he wanted, he told me to scrape the rest in my bowl, eat, then clean the kitchen, and join him in the training room as we had lots to do. Scraping the food left on his plate into my bowl, I got down and quickly ate the remains of his breakfast, cleaned his dishes as well as my bowl and went quickly to the basement.

We spent the whole day cleaning and working in the training room. We screwed in these metal rings all around the room at various heights, and some in the ceiling. We brought in, from the other part of the basement, a metal tub about two feet wide and six feet long. He had me attach a half inch diameter hose to the water faucet, then hang several straps and belts around the room. The cane was locked away, as he told me no Master can cane another Master's boy. I put out four dogs bowls and filled them with dry food, I assumed that Major must be coming to the party also, and perhaps more dogs too. We brought in this hammock type thing and hung it from the hooks in the ceiling, I was curious as to its purpose, but dare not ask. We set up two tables, in addition to the restraining one already there, and put the liquor that Master had purchased on one of them. On the other smaller one, was placed all kinds of lube and a box of rubber gloves.

All the while we were doing this, my Master did not offer one word of what all these items and equipment were to be used for. But as we finished and I looked around, I had the feeling that this was going to be one hell of a party and one I was going to enjoy.

Comments are welcome, send to Lcane19@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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