Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Feb 3, 2004


Diary of a Teenage Slave 6

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further,


After the dog finished with me, we both cleaned ourselves and I dried and I put the belt back on, and went up to the kitchen to make coffee. At exactly eight AM I took a tray with two cups of coffee, sugar, cream and spoons to my Masters bedroom. As I approached I heard voices mumbling, and when I reached his open door, I stood in the doorway waiting for permission to enter. My Master had his back to me, as he was sitting astride the guest, facing the headboard, and moving up and down as guests cock slid in and out of him. The guest Master saw me and motion to my Master towards me, and he turned and told me to put the tray on the bedside table and to lie on the floor by the side of the bed. I did as I was told and lay there listening to there sexual activities and talk. Shortly after Major came in and lay down beside me on the rug, and waited with me. Once finished, my Master asked that I get a small towel, dampen it in warm water and clean them both.

As I was wiping the Master guest's cock, I felt a sharp pain stab in my own and both of the Masters laughed. When I finished with my Master's ass, they both got up and went to shower, leaving me with instructions to remove the sheets on the bed to the laundry room, and after to start making breakfast consisting of, ham, pancakes with maple syrup and orange juice.

As they chatted over the meal, Major and I were allowed to eat pancakes out of my bowl together, as we had the meal last night. Shortly after they were done, the guest Master leashed Major and they left, and as I cleared the dishes and cleaned, my Master went to shower and dress. Apparently it was the weekend as he came down in casual clothes and sat in the living room reading the paper.

I went about my chores, and after finishing in the kitchen, took the sheets from the washer and put then in the drier. I then went to Masters bedroom, wiped down the rubber sheet on the mattress, and then turned the mattress and replaced the rubber sheet and fresh linen from the linen closet. I entered his bathroom and removed the wet soiled towels and replaced them with fresh, scrubbed the shower, cleaned the toilet and the sink. I took the towels to the laundry room and along with mine from the basement, started them washing. Having done all this I returned to the living room where my Master told me to go to the garden in back and bring in some fresh flowers. As I stepped outside, I realized that I hadn't really been outside at all for any length of time. Although I was aware of my nakedness, it had become routine and it did not bother me nor was I concerned that anyone could see me. I just went about following my Masters orders and picking flowers. Once done I took them inside, put them in a vase with water, and placed them as I had been instructed.

Having finished my assigned chores, I went and lay at my Masters feet awaiting further orders. He continued reading the paper for a time, then setting it aside looked at me and began speaking.

"You have proven to be trainable, and your obedience is acceptable for the time you have been under my control, and your performance with others has also been good." He paused then continued. "We have now reached a point where I will offer you the last chance to leave and return to your old life. After today you will no longer have any choice, and your commitment to me is final and irrevocable! I however, shall always have the right to either discard you, or sell you to another Master"

He totally scared me when he said this, but I remained silent as he went on, not as yet having permission to speak.

"If you remain a true and loyal slave, and serve me and service me and whom ever else I choose, there will be no reason for me to do either of those. Do not make your decision rashly, this is not a game, nor is it a joke. What you are doing is committing yourself completely to me and my control of your life." He again paused, and then went on, "For my part I will provide for you, care for you and see no harm comes to you, other then what I may necessarily have to apply! Now your take time, but give me your final answer, there will be no going back after you do! Do you wish to stay and serve me as my Slave? You may now speak." He finished.

As I looked up at him, tears starting to form in my eyes, I thought about my life before I had come here, and what I had become and where I was headed. My life now had purpose and direction, and there wasn't the slightest doubt in my head what I wanted, and I simply said, "Yes Sir, I do."

"Very well" he said, "I will then show you these papers, the first of which gives me legal guardianship of you for the purpose of school, medical necessity, and the straight communities curiosity. It is signed, witnessed, notarized, and perfectly legal. The second paper I am showing you, is a certificate of ownership, and merely says that I own you and have all rights to you. This of course is legal only within the society of M.A.S, which is of course binding on me and you, as well and all members of that group. I shall explain the groups name and purpose in a moment, but for now, we both have to sign this agreement to make it official,"

He then handed me the paper and a pen and showed me where to sign and I wrote my name, then he wrote his. I was now officially a slave owned by him, and I couldn't have been happier.

" M.A.S. is", he continued, pronouncing it like "moss", "as you might imagine, the Master And Slave society to which I, and now you, belong. It is dedicated to the concept of Masters owning slaves and their training and control. You have met two other members, the Doctor and my friend from last night, and soon you will meet a lot more. The masters have meetings, which I alone attend, and then once a month, there is a gathering, a party if you will, of the Masters and their slaves, which we both can attend. You will be allowed to attend as long as you are not in confinement or sick. The Masters socialize and are free to sample the slaves of other Masters, so that by simply being in attendance signifies a slaves Master has given his consent for his slave to be used in manner another Master may choose. The slaves are there simply to entertain and be used, and are never, never allowed to interact, either verbally or physically. A slave caught talking too or touching another slave in any way without permission is subject to a severe caning, not just by his own Master, but, by the Master of the other slave as well. Slaves also serve food and drink, to be provided by the host Master and delivered by his slave. No slave is allowed outside the training room, except for the slave of the host, who serves as runner for getting any supplies needed. Masters, on the other hand are allow anywhere, but any activity between them and a slave must take place in the training room.' He stopped here for a moment and I thought he might be finished, but then he continued, " The reason I am telling you this and will continue to instruct you on all this, is that it is my honor to host the gathering, and it shall be this next Saturday. We have a lot of preparation ahead of us and as I shall be working all week, it will be your responsibility to carry out my demands efficiently and quickly. "

It seems odd, but I never gave a thought to rather my Master held a job or not, but now it does make sense that he would, although the thought of him not being here saddened me greatly.

So, there is much cleaning, shopping and I have made lists of things for you to accomplish during my absence tomorrow, they are on the cork board in the kitchen, When I return each day, I shall inspect what you have done and post new list for the next day. On thursday evening we shall go to the supermarket and wine store and get supplies." Do you understand all that I have told you?" he asked.

"Yes Sir," I quickly answered.

"Good, now I wish you to bathe me, and I will instruct you this one time on how to draw my bath for me." He then stood and left the room and I quickly followed.

Once in the bedroom, he directed me to remove his clothing, which I was more than happy to do. A chill ran thru me as I once again was honored to see his magnificent member, and even soft, it looked beautiful, and my mouth watered. Once he was naked, he told me to remove my belt, which had not been locked, and the collar around my neck. When I pulled the collar off it felt very strange to be without it, but my neck was sore and a bit red from it's chaffing. He proceeded to the bathroom where he instructed me on the correct temperature of the water he desired, the right oil and bath salt, and their amount to add to the water.

Once everything was to his satisfaction, and the tub three quarters full, he slipped into the fragrant water, told me to sit on the floor and wait, and lay back and closed his eyes. I sat silently by, afraid my very breathing would disturb his solitude, until at last he sat up and told me to begin bathing him.

I washed his hair with the shampoo he selected and then using a large sponge, began to wash his body. This was the first time I had been given the honor to touch him in such a way, and without the erection control belt on, the effect on me was predictable. Try as I could, I couldn't prevent my cock from rising and throbbing with a need for attention. In all the time I had been here, I had not been allowed to orgasm, and that need was very strong in me at that moment.

As I rinsed my Masters hair and upper body, I stood from my kneeling position, and as the soap and shampoo cleared, he opened his eyes to see my cock standing straight up and hard. I expected a sharp blow to my groin as his hand came toward me, but instead he wrapped his fingers around it and pull me toward him. I arched my back and as my groin moved to him, he opened his mouth, and his lips caressed the head, and his tongue probed my pee hole. It was totally incomprehensive to me that this was happening, but I just did as he wanted. He began to move on me, sliding his lips over my shaft, slowly and sensitively, and as I had not had release in sometime, I was on the edge of letting my juices go. He pulled away a second, and told me I had permission to cum, and then went back to working his mouth on me. I don't know if he had denied me permission, it I cud have stopped, but right after he did, I shot a huge load into his mouth and throat. I pumped again and again, and he never lost a drop, but swallowed it all.

When I was dry and beginning to shrink, he let it fall from his lips and because I must have had a strange look on my face, said, "I shall enjoy the sweet taste of you from time to time when it suits me. And I shall expect you to provide it on request." He continued. "While I may enjoy the product, this also serves to tell me if you are experiencing orgasms without permission by the amount of your production. Now I want you to stand in the tub, facing away from me, and bend over and place your hands on the opposite wall."

I did as he asked and he soon had a finger, then fingers, in my "boy pussy", as he called it, and was stretching me. His cock came against me and I felt him pushing it into me. I pressed back and opened my self up to receive him. His movements this time were less hurried and not so rough as he had been the first time in the basement. But the mere size of him brought me pain, which seem to make my own cock start to grow again. As he moved, I alternately squeezed him inside me and pushed back against him to help him obtain maximum penetration. I don't know what amount of his member he managed to drive into me, but I am sure it wasn't the whole length, though it felt like it to me. It seemed to me that he used me for a very long time, until his movements became hurried then jerky and finally he drove deep into me and released his sperm. I felt it filling me and he was slapping me hard on the ass with each explosion, until finally it was emptied and he just yanked back out of me.

"Turn around and get to your knees and clean me Boy!" he spoke harshly, and fearing I had done something wrong, I quickly did as ordered. I licked and cleaned his shaft and then the head, sucking the very last drop from it, and "drying" it with my tongue. He cock was slowly softening, and when I last I finished, it lay limply against my lower lip.

He grabbed the back of my head saying, "Do NOT let any piss fall into my bath."

And with that the piss began to flow, knowing I could not hold it all in my mouth without losing some, I opened my throat as best I could and let it run down. As the salty, warm fluid flowed across my tongue and down my throat, what should have been maybe a degrading and humiliating thing to do, only served to excite me, and I had to use a lot of control to keep from getting a full erection.

When I finished serving my Master as a urinal, I was then ordered to finish his bathe by bathing his lower body. Once that was done, he step from the tub and told me to dry him, after which he went and dressed leaving me to clean the bath room, and replace the wet towels.

As I went about my duties, I was more content than ever before in my life, maybe I wasn't loved, but I did fell needed, and best of all owned.

Comments welcome Send to lcane19@Yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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