Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further,

For me there is nothing more beautiful than a mans erection, big, small, thick, thin, black, white or yellow, it is truly for me, God's gift to man. I love the taste, the smell, the power of them, the feel of sliding my lips up and down the shaft and feeling the swollen muscles and pulsating veins. Or running my tongue all around the head of it, under the ridge, up to the slit that ejects life itself, and push my way in there. Seeking always the sweet stringy sap that is pre-cum and for me is like eating dessert before the main meal. I love the feel of its strength as it glides across my tongue and I open my throat and engulf it till my face and nose are buried in pubic hair. I love the vibrations and spasms of the cock's owner on my lips, as he goes into orgasm, and then the feeling of his juice spouting into my mouth and throat. I feel it slipping down my throat and then withdraw enough to have it fully deposited in my mouth where I roll it around on my tongue, savoring it till it to enters my throat and my body. Siphoning off each delicious drop, I then try to keep it excited and hard, but all to often it shrinks and withdraws from me and my reward is over!

Rewards and Punishment

As I lowered my head to my Masters beautiful member, he grips it at the hilt and begins slapping me across the face with it, and it became a game for me to try and capture it with my eager mouth. Suddenly all this had a very growing and painful experience on me, as pain suddenly shot thru my cock. I had forgotten about the erection control I was wearing, but apparently my Master hadn't. I felt the sting of the stick on my back as Master laid it hard across me,

"Now maybe you see why I had fitted you with such a device", he stated, "when servicing me or anyone, it is about them and their pleasure, and never yours! This is one of many painful lessons you must learn, now proceed!"

Once again I lower my head to his waiting cock, and this time there was no playing around. I began by licking the drop of pre-cum that had formed at the slit in the head, and all around the ridge. I then licked down his shaft and onto his balls that hung beneath, and were resting on the seat itself. Unable to use my hands, I captured his cock between my lips and his stomach, and slid them up till I could open my mouth and receive him. He gave me neither compliments not criticism, but leaned back and rested his head against the back, and let me do the thing I do best and love so much.

Deep throating was something I had learned early in my life, and had become quite good at, but there was no way I was going to take this monster to the hilt. I did try my best to take as much as I could and surprised myself how much that was, but still there seem to be more left, "unswallowed" than I had deep in my throat and mouth. I began moving on it, sliding. slipping, gripping with my lips and playing with my tongue, as I bobbed up an down in his lap. I was lost in my joy of my task and time was meaningless as I enjoyed this reward my Master had given me. I was almost unprepared for his orgasm, but I felt him thru my lips and tongue, clinch and jerk, and he began to move against me in a hurried bounce. What seemed to me to be an ocean of cum, hit me in the back of my throat, and slid down inside me, as gush after gush erupted from him. As the flow eased, I slid him back onto my tongue so that I might savor the taste and the feel of it there. I continued to suck on the head and draw every last drop from him, and as he began to recede. I clung to him with my mouth suction until he pushed me harshly and I fell away onto the floor, and waited for his reprimand.

After a time he looked down on me and said, "You may be worth the trouble of training after all. You are quite good at that and I suppose it is because of practice, but for whatever reason you excel, you have given me pleasure, and that is what a Master expects from his slave!"

My heart soared with these words and for having pleased my Master and for being allowed this wonderful reward. He then asked me to stand and he removed the lock and my belt device, He instructed me to go back down, remove the butt plug, clean it and return with it to him for further instructions. Funny but I had grown so use to the plug, that I nearly forgot it was in me, though as I walked down the stairs, I felt it moving inside me.

Once back up in my Master's presence, he took the plug and put it aside and told me to again strap on the chastity belt with erection control device but without the butt plug. Once done he took me on a tour of my new home, and instructed me as to how he wanted it maintained and where the cleaning supplies were. When we entered his bedroom, he told me that unless otherwise told, I was to sleep on the rug at the side of his bed. He said I would be allowed in his bed only when servicing him or one of the other Masters. As the tour finished in his bedroom, he told me he was going to take a short nap and that I should go down to the Training room, clean it paying particular attention to the hair in the drain and any cum that may be on the floor. Once done there he ordered me to clean the living room and remove all the dishes to the kitchen, wash them and any others in there. I was to scrub the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, and wax it the same way. When he awoke, he told me, he would give me the menu for dinner, as we are having a guest, and I could then get started on that. He was assuming I could cook, which I could somewhat, but it didn't matter as he guided me in every step of the meal preparation.

I did as directed as diligently as I possibly could and had everything done before he awoke. I wasn't sure what I should do, so I just crawled into his bedroom and lay on the rug and waited for him to wake. As I lay there, I wondered whom our guest could be and what it would hold in store for me. In my wildest imagination, I would never have guessed.

When my Master awoke, he inspected all that I had done, and after several criticism said I had done satisfactorily for a first time. I was to learn in time, that this was high praise, at least as high as I would ever get. We then began preparations for dinner. With him sitting sipping wine and directing my efforts. He told me while I was working, that tonight's guest was a very good friend of his, and a fellow Master, and that I was to be on my best behavior or else! He had no need to explain what "or else" meant. While I was allowed to be off the leash, the belt and collar would remain in place, and I was to keep my head down, and to only speak when spoken too.

While my Master showered and changed, I prepared the table in the dinning room for the two masters, and opened two bottles of his favorite wine to breathe, as instructed. When he returned he inspected this and tasted the wine and nodded his approval. Just then the doorbell rang, and I hurried to the door and pulled it wide as my Master stepped forward to greet the guest. Keeping my head lowered, it was still in my vision to see them hug and kiss rather passionately. My Master invited him in then and ask about something I didn't catch, but to which the guest replied something about in the car and later. They chatted as they entered the living room and I closed the door. My Master neither introduced me to the guest, not acknowledged me in any way, until he turned and told me to check on dinner.

As I went about putting the finishing touches on their dinner, I wondered exactly what Master and his guest's relationship was, could I be feeling a bit jealous? That is not at all what a slave should do, as the Master owns the slave, never the other way around. I put it out of my mind and when everything was ready, I took the first course to the dinning room and then went and told them that it was served, making sure to keep my head lowered and to say Sir to both.

They chatted and laughed as they ate, and seem not to even notice I was in the room. Guest had not spoken to me, or acknowledged my existence at all, and if he looked at me at all I was unaware. I cleared their dishes and served each course as I had been instructed earlier, and stood silently by as they ate each. Neither of them desired coffee or tea, so they finished and took their wine to the living room, while I cleared, cleaned, and loaded the washer.

Having finished, I padded softly back into the living room for instructions, and my Master inquired if I was done, to which I told him I was, He then looked at his guest and said something about it being time for the entertainment. He then told me to come stand in front of him and as I did the guest rose and left the room, I heard the front door open and close. As I stood by my Master, he removed the lock on my belt and told me to go down to the training room and remove the belt and move my rug to the center of the room and wait. As I was descending the steps, I heard the guest return and he seemed to be speaking to someone, I assumed it was my Master. Having removed the belt, placed it on the table, I pulled the rug to the center of the room and waited.

As I stood facing the stairs, my Master came down first and behind him was a huge dog and then the guest holding the dog's leash.

"This is Major, my friends German Shepard, and he wishes you to be his bitch!" he spoke "You will accommodate him and provide entertainment for me and our guest." He continued. "Now get on your hands and knees and give us a good show!"

Did he really want me to let this monster of a dog fuck me? Ok, I have heard of this, and yes maybe I was curious, but to do it for real? But as all this was going through my mind, I sank to the floor and assumed the position as I had been ordered.

Guest released the dog, and he came straight to me and began sniffing and poking me in my ass with his nose. I stared at the floor and tried not to pull away, and after being told to spread my knees farther apart, I felt the dogs tongue on me. I had been rimmed by guys before which is the servicing of your ass with their tongue, but this was nothing like that. His tongue was rough and slid from the back of my ball sack to the lips of my hole. Just when I thought that this might be the entertainment they were thinking of, the dog mounted me.

He suddenly pounced on my back, his forelegs on my shoulders, and I felt the point of something jabbing me in the ass. As I was just thinking he would need help in finding his target, he did, and with a big lunge, entered me. There was no smooth, slow start to his actions, once inside me he began humping me as hard and as fast as he could. I braced myself on the floor and he held me with his front legs, scratching my shoulders as he did. He pounded away, and as I glanced at my Master, they were watching all this, drinking their wine and fondling each other. But my attention was brought back to this canine breeding me, real fast, when suddenly I felt something against my hole that was bigger than his cock. He kept banging away, and in seconds, whatever it was, was inside me, and growing. I then realized what it was, his knot! I was being tied to him and was truly his bitch. I had not felt pain like this since my first time, as it sealed my entry, and he began to cum. He pumped into me again and again as he continued to hump me and I felt like my ass would explode. Soon his humping stopped, but not the pressure I felt inside me, and I waited for him to withdraw and ease this pain. I was in for a longer wait than I thought for this to happen however.

"If you just relax, and let nature take it's course, the knot will shrink and he will withdraw in time" This from the guest, who having spoken, turned and ascended the stairs.

My Master then said, "When you are free, you may clean yourself, use the toilet, and clean the rug and floor. You and Major shall remain here tonight and in the morning bring two coffees to my room at eight." Having said this, he pointed to a clock on the table, and followed his friend, closing the door as he left.

The dog seem to want to dismount me but being as we were joined at my ass, he only could swing around and lie ass to ass behind me, which was even more painful. After what seemed like an eternity, the knot shrunk enough to come out as the dog pulled away, making a slight pop as it came out of my ass. What felt like quarts of dog cum soon followed, running down my ass and legs. The dog, being done with me, then went over to the side of the room and began to clean himself with his tongue. I also cleaned myself, but I used an enema, the toilet, and the shower. At first when I stood, my legs were very shaky, but return to normal as I stood beneath the water. Surprisingly, I did not feel to bad at all, my ass was sore for sure, but not nearly as painful as when I was tied to the dog. As I stood there, I began to think about what had just happened, and decided it wasn't so bad, and I couldn't decide, if this was a punishment or a reward.

When I finished cleaning me, the rug and the floor, I curled up on the rug to sleep, and shortly the dog came over and lay beside me. I slept well and was woken by Major, poking me in the ass with his nose, and as the fog cleared from my brain, I realized what he wanted. I assumed the position and before long he was humping his bitch and tying to me again. This time it totally felt like a reward.

Enjoy your comments, send to lcane19@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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