Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Jan 28, 2004


Diary of a Teenage Slave 4

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further

Service Begins

Lying there on that table, what must have been all day, I kept listening for Sir to come back, but I had fallen asleep when he finally did. The door opening woke me and I watched as he came slowly in and was carrying a black bag, which he set on the table above my head between my outstretched arms. He didn't say anything at this time, but took something out of the bag and went around behind me. I suddenly heard a hissing noise and then felt a cold spray on my ass, I assumed it was some kind of disinfectant. Having sprayed me thoroughly, he return to the bag and took out something else, which he held in front of my face, and which I recognized as a rather large butt plug. Not saying another word, he walked behind me again, and pushed the plug against my crack, probing for my butt hole. Once he had the plug centered, he forced it into me very quickly and painfully. I tried hard to force myself to push and thus easing the entry pain, but my body resisted and the pain was intense. Satisfied that it was fully inserted and not about to slip out, he came to the front of the table and released my hands from the restraints. He then told me to stand, which I did rather shakily, but was finally able to lock my knees and steady myself.

He came round to face me and looking me in the eye, asked, "Have you thought over what you have done to me? What a shameful and ungrateful pussy boy you are?"

"Yes Master, I am sorry for having shamed you." I replied

He then looked at me frowning, moved close and stared into my eyes and said, "I believe you are, but you still need to learn some humility, and tonight you will get your first lesson in that."

He seemed pleased by my calling him Master for the first time, and I think he saw in my eyes that my spirit was broken and I was his slave by choice now. But he still seemed determined to go through with this "lesson", and went behind me and retrieved something else from the bag. He came round again and held up what looked like a leather jock strap, and turned it round and described it for me.

"This is a combination chastity belt and erection control device, and will help to keep the plug in your ass from slipping out." he told me. "As to the erection control part, well I believe you will find out how that works soon enough!"

He then put it around my waist and between my legs and began to fasten the various straps. I felt the plug go into me further as he pulled on the thin strap between my legs. He then took my cock and proceeded to stuff it into this small tube, and then pulling it up and putting the waist belt thru the loop in the top. He then secured the waist belt and pulled it tight and fasten one metal loop over the other and inserted a small padlock thru them both and snapped it shut.

It all felt rather strange, and in a way very stimulating, which prove to be one of its purposes, because I started to get an erection. At first I just felt the same excitement as I always had when this occurred, but then things changed. I felt a severe pain in my cock, and it was like it was burning from the inside out, but was very short lived, as my cock immediately began to shrink back to it's shriveled normal condition, and the pain stopped.

"I see you have discovered the way the erection control device works," he laughed. "Well after a few times your cock will remember and behave until I give it permission to rise." This seemed to strike him as funny, and he laughed for the first time since I met him, it was an evil laugh.

Back he went to the bag and this time when he returned he was holding what looked like a short strap with some metal loops on it length. He placed this strap around my neck as a collar, buckled it and put another small padlock thru the loops and snapped it shut. Then he took a length of chain about three feet long, from his pocket, and snapped one end to another loop on the collar. I was now collared, on a leash standing there as he examined all this and stated he thought now we were ready to go!

"Come boy!" he said, and holding the other end of the leash, led me toward the stairs, and into a world I had never imagined.

He led me up the stairs and to the front door, I was surprised to see my clothing still there, still folded and laying right where I had left it so long ago it seems. While I was thinking that I would be putting this on before we left, he just opened the door and led me outside. It was extremely dark out and fortunately not cold, as I was nearly naked. It struck me funny that I had not the least concern of being out in view and appearing as I did. We walked to the car and he opened the front passenger side and told me to get inside. When I went to sit on the front seat, he yanked hard on the leash and brought me up short, and told me to get on the floor where I belonged. So I folded myself beneath the dash and settled in for a ride to where? I had no idea.

We traveled for some time I really have no idea how long, and the last part I felt we were on a major highway from the feel and the traffic noises. Presently he slowed and turned and slowed more and then stopped. He left the car and came round and opened my door. I unfolded myself and backed out of the car and stood next to him. I saw we were at a rest stop next to the highway, and it seemed mostly deserted although there were many cars and trucks parked in the lots in front. I had no idea what time it might be, but from the look of things, I thought probably after midnight.

Sir then started walking toward the restroom building and I quickly followed before the chain snapped my neck. We entered the men's room, and there were two men standing inside, one leaning against the wall and the other talking to him in low tones. They stared at us both as my Master led me to the last stall in a row of about five or six. He pushed back the door and told me to sit on the toilet, and when I did he withdrew a set of handcuffs from his pocket, and snapped one on my left wrist. He then reached behind me and I heard the snap of the other one, which I learned he had fastened to a pipe.

"You shall sit here till I return." He began, "do not speak to anyone, but you will service with your mouth, any man who is willing to put his cock in it, pig! Is this clear?"

In a tentative voice, I replied, "Yes Master, I understand." Which I wasn't to sure I did, but felt I had to obey for fear of getting caned again.

He then left and I sat there looking around and noticed this hole in the side of the stall toward the next stall. I knew what it was, of course, I had seen and even used, glory holes before. But it wasn't there the man came, but right into the stall in front of me, and smiling, lowered his zipper.

"Heard what your friend there said, and I am ready for some hot boy mouth, so open up and get to sucking!' he crudely told me.

He then pulled out his cock and stroked it till it was swollen and then aimed it at me, and I leaned forward and took it in and began to service him, the first of many that night. When he had pumped his full load down my throat, he left and the guy he was talking to came in and did the same. Word must have somehow spread, because after that it seemed there was a steady stream of guys standing at my stall, one after the other. They were all kinds and I think they were mostly truckers, though there were a couple guys in nice slacks also. Some of them pulled away at the last second and I had their cum on the outside rather than inside, and that seem to please them. One guy came in and his cock was quite limp and he shoved it in my mouth, and I started to excite him so I could service him, but he had something else in mind. As I began to suck, I felt the warm flow of liquid hit the back of my throat, and I jerked away and his cock flopped out and sprayed us both with piss. He reacted by slamming me on the side of my head and cursing me, he then grabbed his cock and sprayed me all over, to which I didn't resist. A couple guys then grabbed him and pulled him away and told him to take it easy, and he left.

The only time I felt the least bit of shame or embarrassment was when this man step into the stall, and then pulled a young boy maybe two years younger than me, in after him, and told him to watch and learn. Even then I was not embarrassed for me, but for the boy. As the boy watched, I serviced his father, and as the father watched, I serviced his son, all the while the Father was instructing the boy on technique and performance. Doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out what goes on in the cab of that truck.

I have no idea how many men I sucked that night, it was of no importance to me, I was just afraid that my Master was not coming back for me. I really got scared when I had just finished one guy and I looked up and there were two State Troopers standing there. I did not know what to do, that is until the first one started lowering his zipper, then I knew exactly what to do.

My Master appeared out of nowhere and he stood looking at me, and the mess that I had become. Covered in cum, piss and vomit, (I had twice) I was truly the pig he had called me. He reached in, being careful not to touch me, and unhooked the handcuff from the bar behind me. He then fastened the leash again, and led me from the room, but not to the car, but to the side where he instructed me to stand. He then took a hose from the side of the building and turning it on me, spraying me from head to foot again and again. The water was cold and the spray stung my whole aching body, but no shower I had ever had felt so good.

When he seemed satisfied I was sufficiently clean, he shut the water off and told me to shake and wipe myself as dry as I could. Then he took the leash again and led me back to the car amid whistles and remarks yelled from those standing around whom I had probably serviced.

On the ride back to what I now considered now my home, he didn't speak and I just lay as comfortable as I could, my mouth sore and my body aching and tired, As we arrived and he led me into the house, the sky was just beginning to lighten. He took me right down stairs and removed the leash, but left the collar and cock restraint in place. He closed the door and I went and lay down on my little rug and was soon asleep, content and happy in my world.

When next he opened the door he was carrying the box of bathing items, and seeing me sitting on my rug, told me it was time to bathe again.

"You will shower and scrub yourself good and wash your hair and shave your parts again," he said, "For now these items will stay down here and you will use them every morning to keep yourself clean. There is a tooth brush and paste in here also, you will use it often." "I shall be upstairs and when you are finished, report to me there, and don't dally!" He finished and left.

He said nothing about removing the collar and belt device, so I proceeded to shower with them in place as best I could, But the shaving of my balls and cock was not possible to complete, though I did shave around the device as best I could. I was not about to question my Master instructions.

I finished quickly and it felt so wonderful to finally brush my teeth and I linger over doing that longer then I should. Once dried I walked up the stairs and as I reached the top landing, the smell of bacon and toast hit me and my mouth began to salivate.

"Come here boy and sit at my feet so that we may go over more of your duties and what I will expect from my slave!" his voice said from the living room.

I entered to find him sitting in the same high back chair as the first night. As the light streamed in through the windows, it suddenly dawned on me that this was the first time I had seen daylight since I arrived. I went to him quickly and settled on the floor at his feet.

"I hope I do not have to punish you again as I did yesterday," he said, "I do not want to mark you up like I did again. But I will not hesitate if you embarrass me like that again. You will learn to satisfy me as well as my friends and without any such mistakes as happened. If not then I shall sell you to someone who is not so concerned about marking their slaves.!"

As he spoke he was eating off a plate of eggs bacon toast and fries, and occasionally gave me a scrap from his plate much like a dog, and like a dog I was very grateful. He soon set the plate down in front of me and said I may have what was left, and I quickly lapped up every last morsel.

After I had finished, he told me to remove the plate to the kitchen and to bring him back a cup of coffee, which I quickly hurried to do. When I returned he was sitting in the same place, but had nothing on below the waist, and his cock was standing straight. I looked at him in wonder, and knew now why when he fucked me the night before it had hurt so much, he was HUGE! For a guy not very big over all, his cock was the biggest I had ever seen, it must have been a good ten inches and thick. He took the coffee from me and told me he wished me to service him now, and to kneel between his legs and start. He then told me that he would let me know if he felt the least little bit of teeth on his cock, and to demonstrate he raised the ridding crop lying on the table next to him.

I sank to my knees and moved between his, but as I reached for this magnificent member, he smacked my wrist and said "No hands!" so I just opened my mouth and lowered my head. Before I could capture the prize I desired so much, he began to slap me across the face with it and I moved around, trying to capture it with my mouth.

I had been shown punishment, with pain and degradation, now I was about to learn how I was to be rewarded.

End of part 4

Comments welcome, I will answer all, send to lcane19@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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