Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Jan 26, 2004


Diary of a Teenage Slave - 3

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further

Doctor Master

When next he arrived and released me from my chains, I slipped to the floor and crawled to the toilet without any prompting. The funny part about this was, I had no need to use the facilities, not having drank or eaten since before I arrived here. As I crawled back to the wall, he had left the room, and I was looking at the bowl he had left there this morning, and it's cold glutinous contents, when he returned. He sat another bowl down next to the first and I could see it contained water.

"You may eat now Boy." He told me, "That is if you like what I have provided for you, Do you?"

"Yes Sir, I am very grateful for what you have given me." I said to him as I lean down into the cold oatmeal, pushing my face deep in the dish and lapping up it as fast as I could.

"Well, I see we are learning some manners and some obedience, this is progress and I think you deserve a reward!" He smiled and said.

Something in me seemed to be happy that I had pleased him and brought this small pleasure to him. After finishing the water, and eating the entire contents of the bowl, he told me to crawl over to the cot. The prospect of sleeping on the cot over came all the pain I felt as I swiftly obeyed his command. However, once there I was not told to get on the cot, but rather the rug at the side, and a cuff was attached to my ankle, the other end of which was bolted to the wall.

"You may sleep here, on this rug tonight, but do not attempt to get on the cot. If you do I will hang you on the wall for a month." He threatened.

After hanging for what I thought was a full night and day, this little rug felt like a feather bed to me and I gratefully replied, "Thank you Sir!"

He sat there on the chair, and lectured me for a long while, I don't know how long because I had lost all conception of time now. He told me what was expected of me, my duties, my rewards and of course my punishment. He gave me rule after rule and condition after condition, and I tried hard to follow, but my mind seem to be going in and out, until finally he stood, and without any further word, turned off the light and close the door, and once again the darkness engulfed me!

The next time he arrived, he unchained my ankle from the wall and asked me if I had lain on the bed, I assured him I had not. To which he said that the very worst thing a slave can do, is to lie to his Master, and did I want to change my answer? I said "No Sir,"

He then lifted the mattress, and there, lying between it and the springs, was a sheet of glass, pristine and unbroken. He said nothing, but I was sure I saw him smile.

"Today," he began, "we are having a visitor, a friend of mine, another Master, who is also a Doctor, and he will give you an exam." "But first you must be made presentable," he went on, "you may stand and walk over to the bathroom area." "I will be back presently with what you need, just stand and wait for me." He said as he left the room.

I held onto the wall as I struggled to stand, and to my surprise, the pain in my legs was nearly gone, and I was able to walk. Standing there waiting, it began to sink in what he had just said, another Master, and a Doctor? How many were there? What would they do to me? Well he wasn't going to turn me into no Eunuch! Now why did I think of that?

What happened in the next hour may have embarrassed me at one time, but I think I was quickly reaching the place where I didn't care. He started by giving me an enema, cleaning me out with several injections of some fluid from a small bottle. The stream that came out of me at first was a bit cloudy, but by the fourth rinse out, was completely clear. I was then directed to stand under the shower nozzle, and was wetted down, before being instructed to turn the water off. I was handed a bar of very coarse soap and told to lather up from head to toe, and including my hair. Once totally covered in lather, I was handed a razor and told to shave the hair from my body, all of it except my head. Neither the hair under my arms, nor that around my cock, was very thick and it all was soon lying in the drain. He took the razor from me, and told me to bend over facing away from him. He spread my ass cheeks and I felt the razor sliding down my crack, and around my rectum, but he said no hair appeared on the razor. That seem to please him. Finally I was handed a very coarse long handled brush and told to scrub my entire body. When it seemed I wasn't pressing hard enough, he would press it to my skin and say "Harder!" When it was done to his satisfaction, he took the brush and had me turn around, and he scrub my back till it felt raw, and also was very thorough all over and in my ass. Finally he told me to turn on the water and rinse good, and he retrieved a towel from the box of things he had brought, and when I was rinsed and the water off, he had me dry myself.

He had me sit on the edge of the steel table and he clamped my hands down by the side. He placed a blindfold over my eyes, and instructed me that under no circumstances was I to attempt to look at the Dr. I was to obey him just as though it was himself who was talking to me. He then said he would be back with the Dr., and he left the room. I sat there for what seemed hours, until I finally heard them talking and coming down the stairs!

A voice that I didn't recognize commented, "So this is your new boy, he's a bit young isn't he?" His voice and his footsteps coming closer as he spoke.

"Yes, but I have had success before with younger ones, you remember James don't you?" Sir answered.

"Of course, and what happened to him in no way was the fault of your training, nor his youth." The Doctor said quietly. "But let me exam the boy and see what we have. He looks to be in good health, though small and undernourished. I assume you are proceeding with the beginner's diet, so his size is of no importance right now. Plenty of time to build him up later." "How long has he been in training?" he asked.

"I have had him just over week." I heard the Doctor answer.

A week? A WEEK? Those words exploded in my head like a bomb. That couldn't be could it? Had I lost all that time without being aware? Was it that long since I was picked up from the street that night? Was I going crazy?

Without further discussion the Doctor proceeded with the exam, starting with listening to my heart and lungs. He prodded and poked each orifice of my body that was available to him as I sat there. He lifted one side of the blindfold at a time and shone a light in my eye, which prevented me from seeing him at all. He took my pulse, blood pressure, and drew blood from my arm, twice. He spread my fingers and toes and examined between them, as well as inside my mouth, ears and nose. He then released me from the cuffs and instructed me to stand, which I did without comment. He spread my legs out and began to examine my genitals, squeezing my balls, and turning my cock this way and that and having me cough. I must have reacted to his touch, as the next thing I felt was a sharp rap across my cock, which apparently was lifting its pretty little head. The blow was painful, but not unbearable and not on my balls, so I was able to stand still.

"I am sorry Doctor" I heard Sir say, "We have not begun his erection control training as yet, but I thought with the diet and the drugs, this would not happen."

Drugs? I had been drugged? Was that why I had no concept of time? I am not a stranger to social drugs, no street kid is, but nothing I had ever taken caused me to lose a whole week. What kind of drug does that?

"Not to worry," the Doctor said, "It is not unusual or unexpected. I assume he has not been sexually active since coming here?"

"While that is true." Sir replied, "I am still embarrassed and I apologize for his behavior."

I was then told to turn around and the Doctor thumped on my back a few times with his knuckle, and felt my shoulders and back muscles. He then told me to get back up on the table on my hands and knees, and as I did I heard what sounded like a rubber glove being put on. I felt his hands on my ass, and then a rubber cover finger pushed firmly into my rectum. He twisted it around and deeper as he commented on how small my entrance was for a boy from the streets. He allowed as how I would give many years of pleasure to my Master. When he removed his finger, he said I appeared to be in good health, but would know more when the blood work came back. I thought at this point the exam was all over, and basically it was, but the Doctor had one more "exam" in mind.

"Get off the table, turn around and kneel down Boy", I was instructed by the doctor.

As I knelt on the hard cold cement, my knees painful from the crawling, I should have known what was coming, but even a zipper being lowered did not even dawn on me. When told to open my mouth wide, I was still thinking tongue depressor. So when this very large cock was shoved in my mouth, I reacted by pulling away, and for that received and very sharp blow to my back with the stick. Now I have no aversion to sucking cock, it was my business after all, it was just the surprised that made me pull back. But after the blow on my back, and an extreme warning from Sir, I eagerly opened my mouth and began servicing the Doctor.

He grabbed me by the hair and began to roughly shove his cock in as deep as he could and then pull back some before ramming it in again. I was struggling to breath and to swallow and to give a decent performance to please him. But I think he was angry, or maybe it was just his way, but what he was doing was in fact raping my mouth and throat. Not sure how long this went on, but I tried my best to give him what he wanted. Apparently it couldn't have been to bad, because he suddenly rammed his cock deep in my throat and it exploded with cum. I tried hard to swallow, but there was too much and my throat was full of cock, and some cum escaped my mouth and trickled down my chin.

I heard Sir's sudden intake of his breath as the Doctor said "Oh dear!" and pulled back his cock enough for me to swallow, suck out the last of it, and clean him. I felt a sudden dread and braced for the blow from the stick I thought was coming, but no such blow fell, at least not then.

Kneeling there, not seeing what was happening, I had only my ears to tell me what they were doing. I heard them whispering and this time heard the zipper, and then their voices trailing off as they left the room. I stayed as I was, not having been given any instructions, and not anxious to displease Sir.

It wasn't long before I heard him come back, and as he ripped the blindfold off me, he said, "Do you have any idea how much you have embarrassed me?" He then pushed my head down so that I was looking directly at the floor beneath me, and continued, "Do you see the seed that you spat out? The seed of a great and generous Master? He is the owner of three slaves who you are not even worthy to drink their piss. They have each and everyone serviced me, and each time with courtesy and respect. You have embarrassed me and shamed yourself and now you must suffer the consequences! First you will clean up the Doctors spilled seed and swallow it, even though you don't deserve such an honor."

I bent quickly to the task, licking up the cum from the cement floor until the floor was only wet from my tongue. Once I was finished, Sir commanded me to stand and lay over the edge of the table. He pulled my hands high over my head and fasten them into the wrist restraints. My ass was now hanging half on top and half over the edge of the table, and just where he wanted. He walked across the room, and soon came back with a long thin cane like piece of something that looked like bamboo. I was about to get my first caning, though certainly not my last! Without another word he stood to the side of me and with a wide arcing swing, brought the cane down upon my exposed ass. He skillfully repeated this swing again and again and again. I was made to count out loud each time he whipped me, and to say Sir after every count. After each blow I counted, and he berated me and called me all manner of name and told me how worthless I was, and how he should just sell me now. Soon the pain was just a blur and as weird as it sounds, I began to enjoy it and found it erotic. Often part of the blow would land on the back of my ball sack and I would jump, which seem to stir him on and renew his determination. Somewhere about the fifteenth blow I felt what I thought was bugs crawling on my ass, but I realized much later that this must have been blood running down my behind. He quit after caning me 37 times, maybe because his arm was tired, or maybe for another reason, because the next thing I felt, was his cock on my ass.

He guided his cock to my hole and pressed against it hard, the only lube was maybe a little blood that had seeped there. He grabbed me by the hips and with a big lunge drove his cock into me until his body slammed against mine. For all the time before this I had wondered why he hadn't used me and pleasured himself with my body, but this was not what I expected. This was not sex, this was anger, frustration, cruelty and rape! He slammed into me again and again, grunting and pulling on me and trying to rip me apart it seemed. Locked onto the table like I was, all I could do was to try and lie there until he was spent, and perhaps give him some pleasure in what he was doing. As it turned out it didn't last all that long, as he plunged deep inside me and let loose a huge stream of cum that seem to fill me completely. He spasm several times jerking each time against me, until he seemed to collapse, and his cock slipped from my body. He said nothing, but just pulled up his pants, hurriedly left the room, closing the door, but leaving the light lit.

I lay there for a long time, thinking he would be back, but he did not return, and I began to go over what had happened, and why I was afraid he would come back and throw me back out onto the streets.

My whole life had been a waste of time, I was worthless from the day I was born, as my Dad so often reminded me, and never it got any better. I had no one who cared about me, just a few friends from the street, and they had probably forgotten me already and were happily sharing my customers. I owned nothing of value, just a few clothes that seem useless now. So what value did I hold for anyone? Only it seemed for the man who had just beaten me, he somehow had wanted me, had seen something in me that he felt worth training and owning. My only fear now is that I have done something to destroy that in him and he will discard me also. My pride, if I had any, is gone, and my spirit is broken, my only way of life now, is to serve and please my Master.

And a slave is born.

End of chapter 3

Comments, good or bad, are welcome, send to Lcane@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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