Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Jan 25, 2004


Diary of a Teenage Slave - chapter 2

Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further

Training of a Teenage Slave

"What I am offering you, is the opportunity to be trained, by me, to be my slave!" He rather calmly said

Without any further thought, I knew this was something I had to try, and I asked, "When do we start?"

In a voice that was cold and quiet he replied, "We already have, and you will address me as Sir!"

End of chapter 1

It may seem that I was fast to agree to his proposal, but the truth is I didn't fully understand what was going on and my curiosity got the better of me. Remember I had been on the streets for a while, and "role playing" was not a new concept to me. I think I was assuming that in the morning I would be given my money and I would be out of there, leaving one more satisfied customer. How wrong I was!

"You will address me as Sir at all times, in private or in public, and while here at home, you may also use Master." he began. "You will use no other terms by which to call me, and that is why I have not given you my name, nor asked for yours! Using proper names between a slave and a Master can only lead to unwanted familiarity, and worse, a sense of equality. These and many other rules will be given to you over the next few weeks and months, and your are to abide by everyone I give you, failure to do so will lead to severe punishment. The one basic thing you need to learn and never forget is that you will do what I tell you, when I tell you, and exactly as I tell you. There will be no exceptions, no negotiations, no "coming to terms, and absolutely no questioning my orders! Do you understand these rules as I have stated them?"

" Yes, I am to do what you tell me, how you tell me, when you tell me, that's pretty clear!"


With lightening speed he lashed out with this small thin leather stick type thing, and struck me on my thigh. It looked much like one of those riding crops I have seen in horse racing movies and such, and it stung like hell! Before I could react, he put the stick thing under my chin and lifted it up and looked me right in the eyes.

He spoke calmly but firmly as he spoke, "You WILL remember to call me SIR at all times!"

I stood there, riveted to the floor, my fists clenched, tears forming in my eyes, trying very hard not to punch his lights out. My leg stung really bad, and I wanted so much to rub it, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"I am sorry Sir, I will remember from now on." I blurted out, even without thinking. Somehow the whole thing seemed right but I didn't understand what was happening with me, but I was willing to find out.

I will address you in any manner I choose," he continued as though nothing had happened. "But mostly I shall call you "Boy" or slave, and also pig, slut, cunt, faggot, pussy, and any other thing I can think of at the time. But for now, it is late, and I need to sleep."

He rose from the chair, and walked past me, and then stopped and turned around and beckoned me to follow. We walked into the foyer and as we past my clothes, I bent to pick them up.


He spoke as he lay the stick was across my ass, "I did not tell you to retrieve your clothing. You will not require that for several days, if at all."

With that he turned and went down this short hall, opened a door, and switched on a light. He then stepped down, not looking back at me, assuming now that I would just follow, which I did. We descended into the basement, looking much the same, as any I suppose, except it seemed not very big. I realized why very soon, at one end there was a walled off section, with just what looked like a steel door the only interruption in it's smooth surface. He walked straight to this door, took out a key, and unlocked it, and pulled it open. Now, I have to admit, I was getting a bit nervous.

Walking into that room and seeing what was in there, was the most intensely erotic experience I had ever felt from just a room. It was quite stark, and there was just one light in the middle of the ceiling. But it was what was in the room that fascinated me. There were chains with iron bracelets, hanging from the wall, a steel table maybe six feet by 3 feet wide with clamps at the sides and end, a straight back chair that seem to be bolted to the floor, and it also had clamps at the feet and sides. In one corner there was a small cot, much like what u see in prison movies, wit a very thin mattress and no covers at all. In the opposite corner was a toilet, and a shower, but with no walls or curtain. There were no windows the air apparently was piped in thru a vent high on the side wall. The floor was bare cement and cold to my feet, the only rug being one small one near the bed.

Sir stood watching me for a few minutes before he spoke, "Do you wish permission to use the facilities before sleeping?"

It took a minute for me before I realized he was asking if I had to go to the bathroom, I quickly said, "Yes Sir!"

"Then you may go now", he replied, and stood there as I walked over to the toilet, took hold of my cock and pissed. "In the future Boy, you will sit on the commode to do all your business!" He stated.

"Yes Sir", was my only reply as I shook the last drops off.

"Step over to this wall, and raise your hands above your head." He then gestured to the wall in front of him.

I did as he asked and he started fastening cuffs to each wrist, and then to each foot as he spread them wide apart. He then went to a hook on the wall and loosened the two chains attached to two pulleys above my head, and from there to the cuffs on my wrists, and pulled them. My arms stretched above my head, and my body was drawn into a X form, with my legs spread wide.

"This is not all that comfortable Sir, could you maybe loosen them a bit?"


Right across my groin this time twice, and my balls took the brunt of the blows. My reaction was to double up, but of course that was impossible, so I just gritted my teeth and tried to wait for the pain to subside.

He put his face right up to mine and raised his voice for the first time. "Your comfort is of no concern to me, you are in training and discomfort will be your way of life now. Also, you will never, NEVER, speak to me without permission!" With that he turned and left, turning off the light, closing the door, and submerging me into the blackest darkness I had ever known!

Almost worse then the darkness was the silence, it was so quiet I could hear myself breathing and my heart pounding. As the pain in my groin subsided, I began to think about my situation, what I had gotten myself into, and what if anything, I could do about it. One thing I could not understand was that the man was paying for sex with me, and had not partaken of what he was paying for, this was something new to me. The beating and the pain were not really bothering me, it wasn't my first time as I have stated, I was somewhat turned on by it in truth. After going over everything that had occurred up to then. I came to a decision. I was not going to give up on this just yet, I thought I had balls enough left to see just how far he would go, and yes, me too. What I didn't realize then was that the slave mentality was already beginning to grow inside me.

The rest of the night past in agonizing slowness, I wasn't aware if I was awake or asleep. Closing my eyes did nothing to change the darkness that I saw with them open. I am sure I fell asleep at some point, because my arms hurt from hanging on them, and the wrist cuffs were cutting into my wrists. I had no idea of what time it was, or if it was daylight or night, and there were no sounds of activity at all. When Sir opened the door and turned on the light, it was like a thousand needles were shoved into my eyes, and as hard as I tried, I could not hold them open. I heard him come toward me and felt him release the cuffs from my ankles, then lower the chains and take off the wrist cuffs.

"You may use the facilities if you need to, you have my permission", he spoke as though issuing a royal proclamation.

I went to take a step and suddenly my legs gave out under me and I pitched forward. I reached out to him, but he quickly step back and let me fall to the hard cement floor. As I crashed down, and lay there, in even more pain, it suddenly occurred to me that he had not even so much as touched me since I met him. Did he think me unclean?

"Well it is time you began crawling instead of walking anyway, you are not as yet worthy to be upright in my presence! You may now crawl over and do your business, while I get your breakfast." With that he left the room.

With shaky limbs and scraping my knees, I crawled over and pulled myself up onto the toilet. There didn't seem to be a place on my body that didn't ache, and even sitting was painful. As I was finishing he came back into the room carrying what looked suspiciously like a dog's dish. Finishing wiping, I flushed and slip back to the floor and crawled over to him and the bowl. I stared down into the bowl at what may or may not have been oatmeal.

"You may now eat" he said "but please hurry, I do not have time to pamper you. And remember you are not some animal, do not eat with your fingers!"

I lean down and tried my best to "lick up" what I could get with my tongue, while it was warm, it was very bland tasting. After a bit I just gave up and sat back and stared at the dish. Little did I realize then, that in the days to come I would become expert at eating this way, and even look forward to having some of this food.


The stick came down across my back this time as he berated me for wasting food. He then told me that perhaps I would feel more like eating it at dinner time! He then instructed me to stand again at the wall, and the cuffs were replaced and the chains tightened. Without a word of when, or even if he would be back, he turned off the light, closed the door, and left.

That day past even slower than the night before, my mind was the only thing that I could exercise and it was going a mile a minute. I thought a lot about food, all the things I had love to eat and their flavors seem so fresh on my tongue, But I also thought about my situation and the man who held my fate in his hands. At one point I nearly panicked thinking what if something happen to me, and no one knew I was down here. But slowly, and surprisingly, I began to think how I could please him and get him to let me sleep on the cot and bathe. Here again my thinking was slipping into the role of a slave.

That night when he arrived and released me from my chains, I slipped to the floor and crawled to the toilet without any prompting. The funny part about this was, I had no need to use the facilities, not having drank or eaten in a couple days. As I crawled back to the wall, he had left the room, and I was looking at the bowl he had left there this morning, and it's cold glutinous contents, when he returned. He sat another bowl down next to the first and I could see it contained water.

"You may eat now Boy." He told me, "That is if you like what I have provided for you, Do you?"

"Yes Sir, I am very grateful for what you have given me." I said to him as I lean down into the cold oatmeal, pushing my face deep in the dish and lapping up it as fast as I could.

"Well, I see we are learning some manners and some obedience, this is progress and I think you deserve a reward!" He smiled and said.

Something in me seemed to be happy that I had pleased him and brought this small happiness to him. After finishing the water, and eating the entire contents of the bowl, he told me to crawl over to the cot. The prospect of sleeping on the cot over came all the pain I felt as I swiftly obeyed his command. However, once there I was not told to get on the cot, but rather the rug at the side, and an cuff was attached to my ankle, the other end bolted to the wall.

"You may sleep here, on this rug tonight, but do not attempt to get on the cot. If you do I will hang you on the wall for a month." He threatened.

After hanging for a full night and day, this little rug felt like a feather bed to me and I gratefully replied, "Thank you Sir!"

He sat there on the chair, and lectured me for a long while, I don't know how long, I had lost all conception of time now. He told me what was expected of me, my duties, and my rewards and of course my punishment. He gave me rule after rule and condition after condition, and I tried hard to follow, but my mind seem to be going in and out, until finally he stood, and without any further word, turned off the light and close the door, and once again the darkness engulfed me!

End of Chapter 2

Your comments are very welcome, good or bad. Due to a mistake on my part the address in part 1 is wrong, and because the storage of that address is limited, please now send comments to lcane19(at)yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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