Diary of a Teenage Slave

By LCane19

Published on Jan 22, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between males. The characters do not represent any real persons. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further

Diary Of A Teenage Slave - part 1

Comments welcome send to Lcane19(at)yahoo.com

I don't believe that anyone sets out to be a slave, I know I didn't. To most people it would seem to be abnormal and immoral, and just plain wrong. But those of us, who live our lives as someone's slave, are drawn to the life for whatever reason and would not want to live any other way. Most of you reading this will be disgusted and appalled by what I write here and what I have done and still do. Some others, may will be intrigued and some even "turned on" by what I write, to those, I dedicate this story.

There are countless shrinks and head Doctors who can supply you with reasons why a person would end up a slave, and I leave that strictly to them. As for myself, yes, I was abused as a child and Yes, my parents did divorce, and yes, the only real attention that I got from them was when they were beating on me. Maybe this was part of why, I don't know, but I do know that I began to get "turned on" when they spanked my bare bottom, as was their method. I don't remember when I first noticed this, but I knew well before either one of them. When my Father found out what a "physical reaction", I was having to his spanking; he called me a sick little pervert, and never spanked my bare bottom again. He must have told my Mom, because she stopped also. That is not to say the beatings stopped, they just changed their procedure. I was now required to stand, fully dressed, and receive my punishment with a leather strap. I wonder if they ever realized that this did nothing to cool my "excitement"?

Mine is a typical tale of an abusive, alcoholic father, and a neglectful, self absorb Mother. Fortunately God must have realized his mistake, and stopped them from procreating after just one child, me! At fourteen, when he was no longer in the picture, and she had just given up and simply didn't care, I found my way to the streets. I had heard enough and seen enough on tv and in the movies, that I knew how the streets worked and what happened there. I started by hitchhiking my way into the city, and on more than one occasion, was picked up by a man looking for something, something I was more than willing to provide. By the time I was 15 I was a regular on Grover Street, the street where "hustlers" strutted their "wares"! I had already been arrested once for Soliciting, and sent to juvie hall, from which I quickly escaped. Those places are rough on a gay kid, but if your straight, well let's just say you will be "bent" before you come out! You may think that they would have hunted me down, but the truth is, the system is way over worked, and it is very easy for a kid to just fall through the crack. Anyway, it was about this time that I first met my "Master"! Of course he wasn't my master at that time, he was just another John, looking for a boy. Least that's what I thought at the time, I found out much later that he was actually auditioning potential slaves.

At this point I believe it might be appropriate to explain exactly what a slave and a Master are, and what their relationship is and how it works. Is it about sex? To be sure, but that is not the over riding factor, and can even play a very small role in their relationship. What it IS about is Obedience and Control, unquestionable obedience of the slave to his Master, and complete control of the Master over the slave. The slave gives complete control of his very being to his master, obeys him without question and lives just to serve and please him, with no thought to his own comfort, safety, or happiness. Happiness for a slave is a totally satisfied Master. While I have never been in the role of a Master, I believe the factors for him are, dominance, control, and loyalty. A Master demands complete loyalty from his slave, and is continually testing him for that. He uses such "tools" as degrading him, humiliating him, denial, confinement, bondage, and of course, physical punishment. The slave for his part, welcomes these, and even seeks their administration, for him, these are a form of love. A Master who coddles, and cuddles, and treats his slave with kindness and consideration, is not a true Master, and has no chance of holding on to a true slave. Love of this type is foreign to a real slave and plays no part in his life. For the true slave, abuse, both physical and mental, is the only form of love he seeks. This concept is totally unacceptable and unnatural to anyone but a true slave, but to him it is the only kind he wants, needs or knows. And so, back to me, and my story, starting the night I first met my Master.

On Grover Street I was one of the most popular "boys" for two reasons. No, not because I was the best looking, and the "hottest", but because I was the youngest, and had a reputation for being willing to do most anything. As anyone knows who has worked the streets, there are a lot of johns out there, with a lot of unusual sexual appetites. I was quite popular with these guys, and had a pretty steady clientele. The night my master came cruising down the street, it was pretty obvious from the git go that it was me in which he was interested. After several passes, he pulled up to the curb in front of me, and I walk to his car as he lowered the window. Our conversation to begin with was typical, me trying to make sure he wasn't a cop, or a psycho killer or something, and him asking for sex without appearing too. He finally offered to drive around the block so that we could "get to know each other", which is John speak for "settle on a price"! Once around the block turned into 3 or 4 times around, as he asked me questions and told me what he had in mind. Looking at him you would never think he was into domination and Mastering, he was not exactly an imposing physical specimen. He wasn't big, in fact more on the below average build, and he had a slight feminine look to him. This probably was the most deceiving thing about his whole appearance. But once he spoke, and it was in low careful tones, you knew this was a man who was use to being in charge. From the very beginning I felt drawn to him, and wanted to please him and not cross him in any way. When he finally made his offer, it was for me to go with him to his home, and there to spend the night. He said sex may or may not be involved, but that he wish to get to know me and if things worked out, offer me a proposition that could change my life. Now I have heard a lot of bullshit from Johns, but I never had a doubt that this man meant everything he said, and I quickly agreed to go with him.

It would be nice to tell you that this man lived in a mansion and was filthy rich, it would be nice, but it would be a lie. The house he drove me too, was what you might call a typical family home, split level and a garage. It was isolated, but still looked like a "tract" house, I learned later that this was a bit deceiving. We spoke very little on the ride to his place, and once there, he just got out and invited me to follow. As we entered, he stopped me just inside the door, and told me to please remove all my clothes, everything. I thought this a bit unusual, I mean I was barely inside the door, but for whatever reason, I complied without question. I was instructed to fold my clothes neatly and lay them on the chair by the door, which I also did. Now the man had spoken very little, and there was no mention at all about any kind of domination or role playing, and yet I was sure that was exactly where we were headed.

He summoned me to follow him into the living room, where he took a seat on a high back chair at the end of the room. I went to sit on the couch and he stopped me and told me to come stand before him, which I did. He told me to stand at ease, and began what turned out for me to be, a life changing speech.

"First of all", he began. "I want you to know I do not present any threat to you, and you will come to no harm from my hand. What I propose, if it is mutually satisfactory, is to offer you at permanent position in my home, where you will enjoy all it's comforts and the safety of my protection. I will provide everything you need, physically and financially. You will no longer need to work the streets and run the risks to your safety that you now do. A lot of things would need to be worked out, but I would "suggest" that you would return to your schooling and get your education." (This didn't sound exactly like a "suggestion to me!) "Now I have paid for your services for the night," he continued, "but if at anytime you wish to terminate this appointment, and return to the city and your friends, I will be happy to drive you. Before I go into the specifics, have you any questions thus far?"

Looking at him for a minute, I finally said, "I guess I am wondering what exactly is in this for you, are you asking me to be your "boy toy"?'

"No", he began, "that is not what I am proposing, although you will be available to me to satisfy my sexual needs whenever I choose. What I am suggesting goes far beyond that." "What I am offering you, is the opportunity to be trained, by me, to be my slave!" He rather calmly said.

Did he just say he wanted me to be his slave, I wondered as I stood there, neither of us saying anything. A thousand thoughts raced thru my head as I stood there, one of which concerned getting dressed and out of there. But still, there was something, something intriguing about him, about this ridiculous suggestion, and I didn't move, nor speak.

"Well, by your physical reaction, I see this does hold some interest for you." He stated, staring at my semi hard cock!

Without any further thought, I knew this was something I had to try, and I asked, "When do we start?"

In a voice that was cold and quiet he replied, "We already have, and you will address me as Sir!"

End of chapter 1

Next: Chapter 2

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