
By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Jul 30, 2001



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a girl and an old woman. If this type of content offends you, or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Please E-mail me at janmay699@icqmail.com if you have suggestions for future chapters.

Diana Chapter 2

The Head Mistress



December in South Africa is the beginning of summer for us. So it was a warm day in January that I was coming down the stars from the third floor down to the first floor. It was on a Tuesday. I was talking to one of my friends carrying my books and notebook in my folded arms in front of me with them resting against my waist. So I could not see the steps below me. As luck would have it I stumbled and fell down the steps.

I was not hurt much. All I did was sprain an ankle. But a teacher insisted that I be escorted to the nurse's office to be looked after. So a couple of my friends helped me limp to the nurse's office. They left me in her care and ran to get to their next class. The nurse insisted that I get up on the examining table. My ankle was throbbing and the pain was all I was thinking about. She put an icepack on the side of my foot and told me to hold it in place.

I had to put the heel of my foot on the edge of the table to do so. The nurse made a call to inform my teacher that I was in her office. Then she sat down to write a report about what happened. I hardly noticed that she was looking at my crotch. As usual I had on a pair of nice silk thong underpants on. But I had other things on my mind.

I sat there for about 45 minutes and the swelling did go down. The nurse wrapped my ankle with an Ace bandage and I went to my next class. I did so without thinking about anything else. The day passed normally. Before the last class was over a student aid entered the classroom and handed a note to the teacher. The teacher looked up in my direction and put the note on her desk.

At the end of the class the teacher asked me to see her after class. So I stood in front of her desk as the class filed out of the room and headed home.

The teacher handed me the note. It said that I was to report to the office of the Head Mistress after the last class. I put the note in the book on top of my books and headed to the main administrative office with some trepidation. I didn't know why I would need to see her over a sprained ankle.

I entered the secretary's office and handed her the note. The secretary was an attractive woman in her twenties with her blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun on the back of her head. She was dressed in a summer weight business suit in a steel gray color. Her pumps matched the color of the suit. She looked up at me smiled as she looked at the note. She used her phone to ring the inner office and said Mum Ms Stroller is here to see you as you requested. She listened to what were obviously some instructions. Then she hung up the phone and told me to be seated.

I sat there on the old polished hardwood bench facing the secretary. She went back to her work typing something. When she was finished she printed out what ever she had been typing. Then she shut down her computer and turned out the desk light. Gathered up her purse and the printout and a legal envelope. She stood up and told me to follow her. She knocked on the office door and waited.

A strong voice came through the door and said enter.

The secretary opened the door and motioned for me to enter in front of her. I walked to the center of the large old desk and stood in front of it about arm's length from the edge.

The secretary walked to the side of the desk and placed the letter with the envelope paper clipped to it in the in-coming basket on the side of the desk. She picked up the stack of correspondence from the out-going basket. Then to my amazement she kissed the Head Mistress on the cheek as she excused herself and told her that she would be going home now.

The head Mistress barely looked up as she told her goodnight. I heard the door close behind me and heard the outer office door open and close. I knew that I better not say anything until she said something.

She looked at several pages of correspondence. Then she picked up a sheet of paper. Looking at it first then she looked up at me. My name is Ms Velma Holland I am the head Mistress of this school and to all of the staff I am known as Ms Velma. I thought I should introduce myself seeing this is the first time you have visited my office. Diana I see that you hurt your ankle.

Yes Mamma, It was only a slight sprain.

She cleared her throat. I knew I had spoken out of turn. I did not call you in for that. I see by the nurse's report that you see fit not to use the uniform undergarment the school requires.

She told me to show her what I had on.

I figured there was no need to hide what I had on. So I lifted the Navy Blue skirt. My bikini thong was white and dipped low in front. If I did not shave myself closely all the time my pubic hair would have been visible. She told me to turn around. I did a slow turn to the right stopping when I was facing her again. The material did not cover either cheek of my ass.

She told me that she could expel me for my uniform violation. But was prepared to be generous this one time.

I thanked her.

But she went on I think you need some punishment so that you learn not to violate the dress code. Do you think that would be agreeable with you?

I assured her that a spanking was preferable to being dismissed from school.

When she stood up I got my first look at her up close. She is an impressive woman. She is obviously a descendant of the Dutch Boar's that were the first European settlers in South Africa. She is a large blonde woman about 50 to 55 years old. She was dressed in a gray business suit with black pumps, with substantial heels. The breast pocket had the school crest on it.

She told me to lean forward and hold the desk. Her arms had been at her sides so I had not noticed the ridding coup. She lifted my skirt up and tossed it over my back. She made the comment that it was not necessary to pull my panties down. These do not cover you enough to inhibit the blows.

She laid her left hand on my back and gave me ten very painful blows on my ass. I was shifting my weight from one leg to the other with each blow. When she dropped my skirt letting me know that it was over. I stood there with both hands under my skirt rubbing the cheeks of my ass. Tears were running down my cheeks.

Ms Velma told me that until I could be trusted to not to violate the dress code again I was to report to her office every day after school. Then she excused me.

I gathered up my books and went to my homeroom looking for Ms Williams. She was still there grading papers. I took her by the hand and pulled her into the hall and into the janitor's closet. When I closed the door behind us I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her on the mouth. I drove my tongue into her mouth demanding her to kiss me back as passionately. When we broke the kiss, she asked what brought that on.

I told her what the head Mistress had just done to me as punishment for not having regulation bloomers on. I told her I was horny that I can't stand it. I had to find you and make love to you.

Ms Williams sat me on the edge of the porcelain sink. She knelt in front of me and pulled my panties aside and started sucking on my clitoris. She licked my cunt until I climaxed. Then we reversed places and I sucked her off.

When we rearranged our clothes and left the janitor's closet. We were just closing the door when I saw Ms Velma. I was shocked to be seen leaving a closet with my teacher. Would she suspect what we had just done?

I was on pins and needles the next day wondering if she would ask me about what she had seen. After the last class I went to the office of the head mistress as requested. The secretary gave me a warm smile and told me to go right in.

I went in and stood in front of Ms Velma's desk and waited for her to acknowledge my presence.

She finally looked up at me and said to show her my bloomers. I lifted the front of my skirt and showed her my blue bloomers.

Ms Velma stood up and came around the desk. She asked me what I was doing coming out of the janitor's closet with Ms William's?

I was for a loss to explain why we were in there. I tried to say we were putting back some cleaning fluid.

She told me that it was not wise to lie to her. I stood outside and heard what you were doing.

I stood there and started to cry.

Ms Velma stood behind me and hugged me to her big bosom. I felt warm against her body. Then I felt her cup both my breasts in her hands. I didn't know what to do. It felt nice and she was turning me on.

There was a knock on the door. Ms Velma asked what is it. The secretary said she had today's correspondence ready.

Ms Velma returned to her chair and told her to enter. She came in and exchanged papers in the in and out baskets. Said her goodnight and left after the quick peck on the cheek.

Ms Velma excused me and I left behind the secretary. I called Ms Williams that night and told her what happened. She said she thought Ms Velma was having an affair with the secretary.

The next day I decides to be bold and put on the sexist thong I owned. I was virtually dripping all day waiting for the confrontation with the Head Mistress.

The time came and I was forced to wait this time until the secretary was ready to leave. She had me wait outside until she delivered her papers and came out with the outgoing mail.

This time Ms Velma waited until she heard the outer door close. Then she asked to see my bloomers. I lifted my skirt up to reveal what were black nylon bikini panties that were drawn so tightly over my flesh that they were all but invisible.

She smiled and said I see your back to flaunting school dress code again. She stood in front of me and told me to remove them. This calls for punishment again.

I hooked my thumbs under the waistband and pulled down. When I stood up I handed them to her. They were nothing but a little ball in her hand. She held them to her nose and inhaled the fragrance of my panties.

She told me to assume the position.

I leaned foreword and grabbed the edge of the desk. She lifted the skirt and lay it on my back. But rather than spanking me, she stroked the cheeks of my ass. It felt good. Then she knelt behind me and pried the cheeks open. Then I felt her breath on the valley and then she shocked me by licking me from the mound of my cunt up the valley to my tailbone. Then she pressed her face in the valley and stuck her tongue in my cunt at the same time her nose was pressed against my anus.

I was bucking my hips back and forth in my excitement. When I climaxed my knees buckled and I went to the floor. Ms Velma went around the desk and sat down in her leather chair. When I stood up she told me to come around the desk.

When I stood in front of her she lifted her skirt. She had no panties on at all. I knelt in front of her and she spread her legs widely. I put my face between her legs and kissed her on the wet lips. Her pubic hair was dark and thin. I was so busy sucking her and putting my tongue in her that what little hair she had was rubbing my nose. When she climaxed she put both hands on the back of my head. Holding me tightly against her until she calmed down. I left her office without my panties.

The next day I had on white ones as I entered the outer office. The secretary gave me a jealous look this day. She told me to wait. She went into the office after knocking. After a little while I heard Ms Velma's voice on the intercom. She told me to come in to her office.

I walked in and stood in front of the desk as usual. She told me to show her what I had on. I lifted my skirt and gave her a good view of my panties. I looked around and did not see the secretary anyplace. I figured the door in back of her was a bathroom and didn't figure she would be in there.

Ms Velma sat there looking at my panties a little while before asking what kind of punishment was called for?

I said that I was looking forward to the same punishment as yesterday.

Velma said Hmmm, and then she said that I should come around the desk.

When I was standing by her chair I saw that she did not have a skirt on. She was nude from the waist down. The secretary was under the desk sucking on her pussy with all the enthusiasm of a girl doing what she loved most.

She pushed her chair back away from the secretary. She looked up with a hurt expression on her face. When she told me to take over the duties the secretary was doing. I knelt between her legs and started licking her pussy.

Ms Velma told the secretary to do the same to me. So the secretary lifted my skirt and pulled my panties aside and put her nose in the crack as she licked my cunt. When Ms Velma was finished she told us we were excused.

I hope you enjoyed the story and want more. Please send your comments to janmay699@icqmail.com.

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