Diamond Run

By Christ Sol

Published on Mar 2, 2001


"Diamond Run" Christ Sol

Disclaimer: Slash fiction. Adult themes and language. Not for the sissys.

Fan mail to webtrash@unpunk.com

Chapter 1

"Blue Summit's fuckin packed again!"

I cursed and stepped out of my bindings, picked up my board and tossing it under my arm. Ryan rolled his eyes from over the thermos of coffee.

"Fuckit man, let's drive to Perisher." "It's a four hour drive man, we spent half this season on the road as it is." "Unless you wanna take the groomed kiddy runs, we'll spend the week in the cabin if we stay here." "What about the black run?" "Closed. Avalanche." "FUCK! Pack yer stuff, we're going to Perisher."

Ryan shrugged the dusty powder off his arms and shoulders. Ryan was my first and only love, but we called it quits last year. Headin' in different directions n'all that. I watched him as he rubbed his red nose, jammed his goggles down his pocket, ran a gloved finger over the edge of his K2 Sattelite.

"That snowboard's got rougher edges than you, Ry." "Yeah." He looked forlornly down. He was losing speed on all the good runs thanks to a rock he had 'discoevered' that morning. "Tell ya what, when we book in somewhere at Jindabyne, I'll find a tuning room and fix 'er up." "Ya rock, Scout. Let's go."

In case ya hadn't noticed, name's Scout, and this is what I live for. Beer, dudes, good ol' fashioned punk rock and cliff-to-cliff powder under a cloudless bluebird sky. Out here in 'boarding country, ya stop existing and start living.

Decking up the old XF panel van with overpriced petrol and day-old sandwiches, we fitted the tyre chains and roared off down the Northern Highway for Jindabyne, and a better park.

There's nothing quite as beautiful as sitting on the bonnet of yer van, watching the sun set over Jindy with yer best mate and a bottle of Peach Shnapps. The sugary liquid coating my throat, I smiled for the first time that day.

"Ya ever think about givin' it another go Scout?"

I turned and looked into Ryan's brown eyes, framed by knotty blond dreadlocks. Even in the half-light of dusk, he was still beautiful.

"Every day man. But we gotta move on." "I know. Things are pretty cool though. Yer a top bloke and I still love ya ---" "But we're mates now. I know what ya mean. It's different, but the same."

A few quiet moments passed and Ryan scooted closer, wrapping an arm round my shoulders.

I grinned and glanced sideways, cuddling in close to my ex-boyfriend.

Feeling his gentle breath on my neck, I slipped my arm down his waist and began to rub his thigh absently.Ry breathed a little heavier, and I turned to kiss him. We closed our eyes and lost ourselves in eachother's arms, mouths and souls connected, my hands roaming over his lithe body, up under his jacket and shirt, feeling his flat stomach, nipple ring, scar down his upper arm. He kissed down my jawline and neck, his hand reaching out for mine, guiding it to his cock.

(I could get so used to this again) (I know. I love you man.) (I love you too Ry)

He was rock hard, my appraising hand running up and down the inside of his thigh through his thermals and cordates. His mouth grew more insistent, a hot breath plunging into my ear, sending warm shivers down my spine. I moaned and writhed against him, and our lips met again.

I grabbed at his hands and pulled back, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes.

He knew what I wanted. That all I wanted was to be in his arms forever. A single crystalline tear formed in the corner of my eye and he wrapped me deep into his arms as I cried silently, supporting my full weight, and darkness set in and, in the distance, the full moon silhouetted the Black Diamond Run of Mount Perisher.

Next: Chapter 2

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