Di Training

By Bert Carley

Published on Jun 6, 2023


DI Training - Chapter 8

The following story is fiction and involves sexually explicit interracial erotic events between males. I really thought this story was complete after chapter 7, but... enough of you have responded asking for more, so here we go guys with chapter 8 making its way to print. Hope you enjoy. If you are offended by smut material or are too young to be reading material of this nature, live where it is not allowed, do not read the story. Make sure you protect yourself from disease in the real world by always using protection. Practice Safe Sex!

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Comments and suggestions can be sent to the author. bert_carley@yahoo.com By the way, the old email address of bertcarley@goldrush.com I used for years on many of the older stories I still have posted on Nifty created between the years 2003 and 2008 is no longer active or functional. Those stories can all be found on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section and alphabetically searching for my name Bert Carley.

Chapter 7 ended with the following:

Tyrone led me back to his room. By this time, I realized my head was cloudy, hazy, and I was somewhat confused, and it was a bit difficult to understand Tyrone as he asked.

"How are you feeling now PVT Chase now that the Valium pills have had time to kick in and make you one happy camper? The man here is going to mold you into a submissive Cracker Assed Bottom, hungry for BBC just like your redheaded roommate Colin has learned to accept. You are special Chase, and I have big plans for the two of us far beyond what the DI can even contemplate in his devious mind! You are my Bitch now White Boy!" _____________________________________

Chapter 8 - "DI Training"

"Tyrone, you obviously gave me a Hallucinogenic yesterday at the pool party without telling me how it would fuck up my head like it did for hours. Now you tell me you have slipped me Valium along with the Ecstasy and Calais the DI insisted I take starting Friday night. So, no wonder I am developing these brain clouds, getting unnaturally quite hazy mentally, and feeling more and more confused today. But I have news for you. I will not be a Bitch for you or any man, white or black. I've always been an Alpha Top, and that is what I will remain."

The next thing I realized Tyrone had me pulled up tight against his massive chest smiling down into my eyes as he whispered, "We will see about that Blonde."

He then placed his big thick lips to mine again and continued kissing me. He had never done this before with me and I can deny that he was a fantastic kisser. His thick lips then pulled from mine as he smiled down into my vacant eyes and continued his conversation.

"See, already you're beginning to enjoy these Nigger Lips on your sweet Pinks. Soon you will be begging for these same lips massaging your Pink Rosebud, the entryway to your Coochie Button. A few weeks on Valium and you will settle right down, accept, then love, crave and love having your Coochie Button massaged along with having your sensitive ass walls stroked with a Big Black Dick. You will quickly learn to enjoy your new life in service to the Black Brotherhood as the DI and I fine tune your Beautiful Coochie to perform at full potential."

"Jest you stay your pretty self now Blonde Girl. Just relax and Tyrone will have you loving this big Nigger making love to you!" He immediately switched on some unusual music on his radio and began dancing around me, that special we have all observed when a black guy is strutting his stuff to turn on their special someone. One article of his clothing after the other dropped to the floor as he stripped nude right before my eyes doing that sexy dance. Tyrone was an Ebony Muscled Beauty, a Masterpiece of living flesh in motion as he circled me gyrating to the beat of the music. I could not take my eyes off him as he did his thing, dancing and rubbing his strong pungent smelling sweaty body against me more and more in the overly heated room. The sweaty odor dripping off him acted instantly as an aphrodisiac on my drugged libido. I suddenly wanted to be touched by this Ebony Muscle God. I had no control over my reaction to his sexual stimuli, especially the strong pheromones that he was producing that clouded my brain.

"Come on now Girl dance with The Man." He had me in his arms now slowly dancing, as he striped me of my few remaining cloths. His hands were all over me, rubbing and fondling my every erogenous zone. There was no denying the fact that he had me in lust, as my cock was drooling precum. My eyes were glued to him as he used my own pre to lube my anus and finger fucked my Coochie Button until I was totally involved as he easily slipped the meat to me and I found myself being turned into a mindless receptacle enjoying his passionate anal rut. He edged me over and over, before he just could not hold back any longer and his Nigger dick flooded my oversensitive Coochie Walls with a powerful spray of his erupting juices that took me over the top as well. My cock unloaded like a fire hose filling his attentive palm with my ejaculate. Immediately that hand was feeding me my own juices, as I sucked it all down licking his palm and fingers dry and clean without any thought of protesting.

"You liked that Nigger dance Girl, I can tell! Just you rest your pretty face on my shoulder now girl and let Tyrone make you happy! There's more to come girl before this night has passed."

He lay me in his bed spooned up against my backside, his semi-hard still well planted within my moist Coochie, as we both dropped off into a moment of post climatic slumber. What seemed like only seconds later, I was awakened with Tyrone nibbling on my neck and shoulders as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear, as his Anaconda expanded and hardened rubbing out another mutually enjoyable climax for us both to enjoy. I felt warm and safe and loved nestled in his arms.

I found myself wanting to rejoice, as Tyrone pumped another load from my balls as he sprayed his massive warmth into my hungry bottom with powerful strokes that left me breathlessly milking his dick with my anal muscles. Over and over his massive intruder kept giving me a pleasure until my mind registered nothing but total bliss.

"That's my girl Blonde! Your Pussy beginning to like Nigger Dick Big Time. Moan for Daddy Girl and say, My White ass belongs to Tyrone's Big Black Dick."

Hell, my brain was in total lockdown, but my body was in a state of total submission to the pleasure of receiving this fantastic anal massage. I wanted to scream out my excitement, my pleasure, but my mouth was paralyzed like my brain had taken a sabbatical leave and was no longer connected to my voice. Not a single word could my lips form.

"That is alright Baby, Tyrone knows you are enjoying this dance without interference from the ole brain. You'll get real use to free-wheeling in neutral soon enough as your Coochie learns to crave these new and exciting feelings your experiencing tonight on a heavy dose of Valium and the Ecstasy and Calais pills are still keeping your libido spiked."

"See how good you feel now dancing with Tyrone? Just imagine how good your bottom is going to be feeling in a few more weeks after dancing around on this Big Nigger Dick as you learn to milk black dick with your pussy muscles and expand your anal talents while your brain is freewheeling and at rest. You are going to be just like your Redheaded Roomie SP-4 Colin, hungry for any BBC that wants a bit of White Coochie. You will quickly earn another little Black Ace of Spade Tattoo placed along your neckline where it is quite visible for all to see, a visual invitation announcing to all the Black Brothers that you are hot for BBC. As Pretty as you are Pvt Chase, you will be the 'Belle of the Ball' and be in hot demand, possibly a real cash cow if the DI decides to put you in full service. Rank has its privileges and his military rank certainly makes him our boss. Now, would you not agree it's best to just keep the DI happy during your tour of duty under his command?"

"I know! Still speechless my love! You will get your voice back soon enough girl. Not to worry, so just enjoy another dance with Tyrone; we need to get you all loosened up before morning as DI Jackson requested I do tonight. Oh yes, it is the DI that ordered me to start you on a double dose of Valium to see if we could get you up to speed in record time by increasing your intake of Valium. Seems he wants to speed up the training cycle and totally suppress any resistance to his changing one's sexual orientation. You Blonde are his Test Subject! I suggest you do not want to disappoint him, so do not be nodding off now Blonde when I am talking to you! You do not want to get on the DI's shit list and feel the wrath of any of his harsh punishments. Just accept what comes down the pike, and you will be rewarded."

I like to get feedback from readers. Let me know if you enjoyed this story. My creative juices seem to be flowing again finally after being stuck in the house avoiding contact with the Coronavirus. My other stories can be accessed by going to 'The Prolific Author's Section' on the Nifty Archives and searching for my name, Bert Carley. bert_carley@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 9

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