Di Training

By Bert Carley

Published on Oct 15, 2019


DI Training - Chapter 5

The following story is fiction and involves sexually explicit interracial erotic events between males. I really thought this story was complete after chapter 2, but... So, here we go again guys with chapter 5 finally making its way to print. Hope you enjoy. If you are offended by smut material or are too young to be reading material of this nature, or live where it is not allowed, do not read the story. Make sure you protect yourself from disease in the real world by always using protection.

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Comments and suggestions can be sent to the author. bert_carley@yahoo.com By the way, the old email address of bertcarley@goldrush.com I used for years on many of the older stories I still have posted on Nifty created between the years 2003 and 2008 is no longer active or functional. Those stories can all be found on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section and alphabetically searching for my name Bert Carley.

Chapter 4 ended with the following:

I awoke to the sound of the DI's voice talking softly with Sgt Long. Tyrone and Darius were no where to be seen, obviously long gone now, having fulfilled their assignment as ordered by the DI and Long. I was still horny and could not for the life of me understand why my newfound pussy was still pulsating and throbbing at just the site of the DI's huge dick now flaccid and dangling down over his meaty ball sacks. Something in my brain just suddenly clicked and the next thing I found myself on my knees and my hungry mouth sucking down the DI's meaty cock.

"That's my girl Blonde. Suck Blackie and get him hard again, dripping with precum and he's sure to pleasure your Coochie one more time before daybreak and we start another day of training. You're going to make into a great white pussy whore sooner than I really expected Chase with both Tyrone and Darius working your ass into a hungry Coochie every night in the showers. You'll be earning your first black spade tattoo quickly girl."

Chapter 5

DI Jackson and SSgt Long kept Sp4 Carter and I spooned in bed with them as we all tried to catch a few winks until the early morning sun began to shine in through the East windows as daybreak arrived and Saturday began. Although I would have just rather continued to lay in bed somewhat smothered in the DI's strong arms and strong scent and skipped breakfast this morning, it was to the mess hall for the four of us at the insistence of the dominant DI. He stated, "Breakfast is the most important meal each day," as he pulled me out of his bed and on to my feet and gave me a swift pop on the ass.

I was tired and sore after that long Friday night introduction to what I was sure to expect in my future as the DI's new classroom assistant during the day and his cum dump during the night whenever he chose. So far, I had few complaints as the morning started with Carter and I being ushered down to the showers and sexually ravaged again right in front of the two other young troopers that happened to be present in at this early hour, the beginning of the weekend when they could have still been sleeping in.

I received another massive anal injection while shoved up against the tiled shower by the DI, as the sexy redhead Carter performed fellatio on SSgt Long. We were soon dressed and being paraded into the mess hall and intimately touched enough for anyone observing to realize that we were the property of DI Jackson and SSgt Long. Yes, I was embarrassed and concerned, but tried to remain calm as Carter had advised me earlier that this display of ownership was part of the black man's ritual to display their ownership once they successfully Sodomized a targeted Whitey like us, and I should expect to be regularly fondled in public from now on, not only by him, but other Blacks once I had the destinctive Black Spade tattoo visible. It was unbelievable to me as that very ritual did begin immediately as we entered the mess hall for all to view. I felt like all eyes were upon the DI's hands on my ass guiding me toward the gathering of coffee and then food on our breakfast trays as we made our way slowly through the chow line.

The DI lifted my head up with two of his fingers under my chin from the slight body slump I had taken to somewhat hide my face from our audience. The DI quickly looked down into my eyes smiling as he boldly stated, "Smile Big and just look Beautiful as you are girl, as no one is going to make an issue of my expanding relationship with you now you carrying my sperm Blonde; just ignore any stares, whispers or remarks from the peanut gallery," as he pushed me along the food line with one hand again rubbing up and down over my shoulders and back, and his face in my blond hair sniffing his latest prize.

He soon spotted 1st Sgt Blake sitting in the officer's section with the tattered looking Lt Jansen sandwiched between Captain Bruski and the 1st Sgt. The 1st Sgt quickly caught the DI's attention and motioned for us to come sit with them. The next thing I realized we were sitting at that linen covered officer's table in the officer's section that was normally restricted to officer's use only. I know felt less embarrassed as I sat talking with Carter eating quietly trying to hear what was being said.

The 1st Sgt, the Captain, the DI and SSgt Long were soon all in deep conversation as they ate, talking about what seemed to be of a sexual nature and obviously very amusing to them, as much laughter was being shared as they talked low and somewhat secretively. I was sitting too far away to catch most of their conversation, but I did notice that the Captain kept popping Lt Jansen on the wrists and forearms with his leather officer's crop every time Jansen would lift his hands from below the tabletop to take another drink from his coffee cup. I quickly realized the lieutenant must be jacking on the captain's big Polish sausage and the 1st Sgt's huge ebony Anaconda under the long white linen tablecloth as they continued their verbal exchanges in private.

What I did gather from what I could hear was that the Captain's wife and children had left to spend the weekend with her parents in Seattle and the Captain was organizing a pool party that was to start later in the day at his off post home in nearby Tillicum, WA., a small community adjacent to Ft Lewis where many of the married military personnel resided with their families.

Before we departed from breakfast, I heard the DI and Long clearly been invited to the Captain's pool party and told to be sure to bring Carter and Chase along with them to provide some additional new eye candy and made part of the usual entertainment for all to enjoy.

Once back in the DI and Long's bedroom, the DI handed me a key as he ordered me to move all my belongings from my cubicle located in the large main barracks room to the private room next door to him where it had been recently vacated and now empty. He handed another key to Carter and told him to move out of the room he currently shared with another SP-4 and in to share the room with me so he and Long would have better access to us now that we would both be receiving constant supervision and regular beef injections.

Carter and I made quick work of the move by exchanging the empty wall and foot lockers with our full and organized lockers. In twenty minutes, we had the move completed and had set the alarm clock and were sound asleep and resting our tired bodies in our new private room until we were to meet the DI and Long for lunch at noon in the mess hall.

Much to Carter and my surprise, we had no sooner dropped off to sleep than there was a knock and tapping on our door. We both ignored it until I recognized Tyrone's voice as he said,

"Wake up you two Bitches, fresh juicy dick has arrived to keep your pussies stretched and horny for more. DI's orders! We know you're in their Red and Blonde. Open-Up Pretty Ladies! Nigger Dick has arrived and ready to rock and roll."

I looked over at Carter that was eyeing me, and silently lipped, "OH FUCK," followed with a verbal, "So much for our beauty sleep darling!" Carter just smiled and blew me a kiss as he rose from his bed and answered the door. There stood Tyrone and Darius, both handsome as ever, each in but a loose-fitting pair of near white sweatpants, no shirts, and their Running Shoes. They had obviously been out jogging and rivers of sweat were running down over their ebony muscles and getting soaked up in the cotton material of their sweats. Though quite tired yet, how could anyone resist the young chocolate delights?

As Carter closed and bolted the door the two ebony beauties each pulled a few pills from a pocket followed by a small flask from another pocket. Neither Carter nor I fought them as they placed the pills in our mouths and then handed us the flasks and told us to drink it all down with the pills. Tyrone and Darius then immediately began a routine of physical exercises that could not be ignored for even an instant as they kicked off their runners and loosened the drawstring on their sweats and let them drop to the floor to be kicked aside and join the discarded runners.

As their exercises quickened, Carter and I were pulled into their folds and soon were also drenched in their strong sweaty scent and being lifted up high over their heads and held there for a count and then placed back down on our feet to regain our own equilibrium. Soon they each had Carter and I dripping wet with their sweaty body sweat as the each rubbed their dripping dicks up and down within the folds of our bubbled buns. Fuck that felt good! I suddenly realized I was trying to capture Tyrone's dickhead with my anus each time it traveled up and down over my rapidly dilating pucker-puss. Next thing I knew Tyrone was balls deep into me and all without any additional lube other than his dripping cock snot and the perspiration running down off him into the crack of my ass. Oh, what a heavenly rush this gave me. I was floating on a cloud of emotional lust!

I could not hold back my emotions and screamed, "Oh Yea! Fuck Me Tyrone!" Well that he did indeed, as he had me blasting off hands-free multiple times with that Big Black Juicy Dick slapping against my balls like what seemed forever, as Darius was delivering a very similar juicy injection to my red-headed new roommate Carter. Did those two young Niggers leave after dropping a couple of cum loads into us? Hell No! They crawled up in our beds with us, placed our faces in their wet armpits to lick, suck and inhale their strong pit juices as we all slept until the DI pounded on the wall that adjoined his room and gave the order for us all to shower and prepare for lunch.

The six of us hit the showers and then made our way down through the chow line again where they discussed the fact that they were obligated and had to attend the pool party they had been invited to at the Company Commander's home that afternoon. All I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and give my body a rest, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Damn it was only Saturday, so had a day and a half yet to get used like a white fuck cushion. Thank god for the pharmaceuticals in my system, ran through my mind as we headed back upstairs to our rooms to get further instructions from Sgt Long and DI/MSgt Jackson what the afternoon held in store for us yet today.

I like to get feedback from you readers. Let me know if you are enjoying this story and give me the incentive to maybe start another chapter if you think the story still has the potential to keep your minds involved and your juices boiling. If not, maybe a new story is in order. My other stories can be accessed by going to 'The Prolific Author's Section' on the Nifty Archives and searching for my name alphabetically, as Bert Carley.


Next: Chapter 6

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