Di Training

By Bert Carley

Published on May 15, 2019


DI Training - Chapter 1

The following story is fiction and involves sexually explicit interracial erotic events between males. If you are offended by such material or are too young to be reading material of this nature, live where it is not allowed, do not read the story. In the world of this story, the characters do not always use condoms or practice safe sex. Make sure you protect yourself from disease in the real world by always using protection. This story is copyrighted, and the author must approve duplicating or posting the content on any additional internet sites or archives other than The Nifty Archives.

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"You, Pvt Chase... front and center on the mats," the DI shouted.

I had purposely stood near the very back of our classroom this day barely paying attention to his instructions or listening to his deep Bass voice go on and on now for the third consecutive day about the importance of exercising regularly for staying healthy and buff throughout ones' lifetime. I obviously was bored and not paying much attention to his dialog and therefore didn't respond to his initial command directed directly at me until one of my classmates nudged me nodding a heads-up gesture toward our big black and muscled drill instructor standing at the front of the class. Almost immediately I heard his dominant voice bellow out at me a second time...

"Yea, you Casper... you Blonde... I'm talking to you Pvt Chase... Come forward onto the mat, as you're my partner for today's classroom demonstrations... Yea, all about taking down any opponent. Yea, that be You today Pretty Boy... Come now and learn from the Master!"

I was naturally upset at being called Blonde, even worse, called Casper in front of the entire class as he just did. So somewhat unconsciencly I must have hesitated and responded slowly to his second command. As I slowly sauntered forward up front facing him on the gym mats as instructed, he just stood firm looking down at me for what seemed like an eternity, obviously seeing a streak of defiance surface that I was projecting through my slow response to what I considered his racist remarks.

He then suddenly stepped forward rather quickly right into my personal space. One of his huge hands instantly reached out and grabbed me by my blond locks. The next thing I knew, my face was pulled forward and thrust back and forth in the sweat that gathered and pooled on his pecs and upper shirtless torso. My head instantly filled with the unfamiliar smell of a black man, a very strong and pungent scent that his body emitted. My face and portions of my upper torso were glazed with this wetness. My face and chest now were immersed with his scent and I reeked of this strong odor.

Instantly, his powerful arms spun me around until he had me facing my classmates. He hoisted me up almost effortlessly with just one of his powerful arms, his huge fingers firmly attached to the beltline of my Army fatigues until my boots left the floor. He held me like that, effortlessly suspended in midair in that helpless position, using just that one powerful bulging bicep for the entire class to observe.

He proceeded to rigorously shake me up and down until the crotch of my boxer shorts and fatigue trousers were pressed up trying to gain entry inside my anus. My bunghole was being stretched and beginning to fold within itself and aching. He had me helplessly and successfully locked securely in a tight anal Weggie. I was obviously red in the face with embarrassment, a captive and desperately trying to wiggle free from this painful imprisonment. Making matters even worse, I could feel what had to be his huge boner pressed up firmly and rubbing into the crack of my ass making steady jabs against my spread open and rapidly collapsing rosebud. Layers of clothing only separated a skin to skin contact for an entry point for his total anal penetration possible. He stood proud and erect in his action, obviously flaunting his powerful Alpha masculinity and demanding to have it recognized by me and my fellow classmates.

He eventually set me back down on my feet on the mats still facing my classmates. He released his hand from my beltline and popped me across the ass cheeks hard with the palm of his hand and immediately stepped aside just enough where the whole class could see that his huge tackle was clearly displayed in his tented fatigues. After adjusting his package, the huge truncheon began to gradually soften a bit and work its way down along the inseam of his fatigues complementing his pendulous sack of large gonads.

I stood in total embarrassment trying to work my own boxers and fatigues back down, free from, and out and away from my now very sore and throbbing stretched bunghole. Of course, I was embarrassed and humiliated, a total mental and physical wreck by then, but I suddenly realized mine were not the only eyes still firmly affixed to that massive tackle displayed in our DI's crotch. I had never seen a package quite that large before and it just kind of caught me by surprise, well off my normal center indeed. I was barely able to cope with the humiliation I was now feeling standing there in total shock, when he bellowed out again, this time to the entire class...

"That should be a lesson to Pvt Chase and even the rest of you troupers to pay attention in my classes. I don't take kindly to being ignored, so don't you ever ignore me, my instructions or be hesitating when I call any of you forward to assist," is all he said as he lifted, squeezed and readjusted his package one more time before pulling me back into his arms. More of his strong scented sweaty pheromones spread over my smooth chest and upper torso. He looked down into my eyes and gave me a big smile and a wink as he ruffled my blond locks with his long black fingers and then immediately went right back into his planned demonstration like nothing significant had transpired between us. It did seem to me that he kept me wrapped in his powerful clutches longer than necessary most of the time to emphasize each-and-every point he wanted this class to master.

I was definitely attentive after that experience, as he tossed me around and wrestled me down on to the mats over and over like I was a feather pillow, always holding me pinned against his sweaty muscled mass over me until I just gave into him and allowed him full reign over me physically.

I soon realized that day our drill instructor (DI) had clearly used me to demonstrate to the entire class that he was the dominant Alpha male in attendance, and he wasn't to be ignored or messed with, his word and actions were not to ever be questioned. It also became obvious to everyone that he was an exhibitionist and liked to flaunt his massive muscles and display his huge tackle which was always clearly outlined and on display for all to see flopping around loosely under his tailored army fatigues and dress uniforms.

Standing in his 6'8" muscled body compared to my 6'2" slim California Surfer's build, there wasn't much I could do but follow his lead and just try to keep up with him and keep my mouth shut so-as-to not set him off on me again as before in front of the entire class. I decided right there and then that I would not be challenging our DI's word or actions from that day forward.

As the days passed, I was happily relieved when our DI, Master Sergeant Jackson chose a different guy each day to assist him with his class demonstrations. I did take notice each new assistant was always a blond guy, slim with a swimmer's build like mine. However, within a week or two he was back regularly calling on me again each day to come forward and assist him. You better believe I never hesitated when he bellowed my name to step forward to assist him again and I paid close attention to his class instructions as well. You might say he had me well traumatized into submission. He had me jumping into action upon hearing his bellowed commands directed at me. It almost put me in a hypnotic trance needing to respond immediately to his bass voice.

Eventually he announced to my classmates that I would be his fulltime assistant, as he had big plans for me in the days to follow now that I had learned to follow his orders promptly and without resistance.

I soon began to realize that he seemed to be touching me on my private places more and more frequently during any physical demonstrations. In time, these actions tended to get my libido activated and made me a bit turned on and sexually excited. I wondered, was this all by sheer accident, or was he purposely doing this to me physically. Could I just be suffering from a possible overactive imagination, or was this big guy testing me trying to get me receptive to accepting getting touched by him like this more and more? These thoughts kept my mind in a constant turmoil for days. His touches were beginning to happen so frequently lately that I must confess, I began to welcome the physical stimulation he had to offer me while he used me as his assistant.

I obviously must have sent a non-verbal but positive message right back to him, because he was now regularly getting me emotionally responsive to his physical manipulations and the dominant actions now got my dick drooling regularly. I had to start wearing a jockstrap to keep myself intact. Even then it was hard to conceal the fact that I frequently was sporting a boner.

I knew it was wrong what I was feeling as he continued to touch me more, knowing full well what he was doing to my libido. I tried to reverse my reactions and calm my emotions, but I was helplessly becoming addicted to what was becoming a strong sexual attraction to him.

Even MSgt Jackson's strong masculine scent began to have a powerful effect on my turbulent libido when he would have me wrestled to the floor helplessly engulfed in his strong masculine pheromones. I couldn't clearly understand why I was feeling so helplessly drawn to this guy, especially since he was over ten years my senior, already in his mid to late 30's. I was constantly getting boned-up and dripping precum now when I was ordered around and touched by him. What was happening to me? Was I turning queer for this older masculine guy? Did the fact that he is a handsome, muscled and assertive black guy have anything to do with the feelings that were surfacing within me? An even bigger question loomed in my mind. Was, this big black guy queer for me as well, or was he just setting me up for a big embarrassment that could lead to my total humiliation as being proven Bi or Gay in front of the entire class? I was at a quandary as what to do at this point. I finally decided I had but one choice. I just had to try and maintain my sanity until the DI might show me his hand by taking this to the next level.

As I entered the hallway very late one night wrapped in just a terrycloth towel carrying my bathroom kit on my way to the showers, I noticed that the door was ajar enough to see into DI, MS Jackson's semi-private room. I slowed and took the liberty to peer into the room long enough to realize that he and Staff Sergeant Long, his roommate, were nude standing in the middle of the room and had a young white guy skewered on their dicks. The two Black NCO's were fucking him into total submissive bliss. SSgt Long was mounted in the guy's bubble ass, as MSgt Jackson clearly had his dick lodged down thrusting down the guy's throat. They obviously failed to secure the door properly, possibly by accident, or possibly left ajar on purpose expecting another. Anyway, the breeze coming down the hallway corridor had pushed the door slightly ajar, enough for me to gaze in to observe them in full swing tenderizing this much younger guy into a state of sexual ecstasy. He was softly moaning out his pleasures. I instantly was spellbound by the visual this was providing. I had popped a massive woody that was getting my immediate attention as it poked out through the divide in my terrycloth covering.

Suddenly another sudden blast of the cooler night air coming down the corridor pushed the door open full and the door banged against a metal wall locker just to the side of the doorway leaving me fully exposed in the doorway. Both NCO's at that moment instantly looked up to catch what made the loud noise. They both caught me in full view observing their lustful activity, cock in my hand vigorously stroking my meat enjoying the live interracial sex show they were providing without interruption.

All I heard and responded to immediately was that authoritative Bass voice of the DI that I was so familiar hearing daily, now capable of immediately putting me into a hypnotic state where I fall into immediate compliance with any and all his verbal orders and physical demands.

"What the FUCK Chase... Get your Cracker Ass Bubble Butt in here NOW BOY and secure that Mother Fucking door if you know what's good for you!"

I like to get feedback from you readers. Let me know if you are enjoying this story. If so, I will add another chapter or two so you can test the waters further. I can be reached at the following email address: bert_carley@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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