
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Sep 25, 2000


Devotion Chapter Seven: Dinner and a Movie

Disclaimer:First off, thanks to anyone who's reading this, and especially to those who've been sending me feedback. I know the story's been going a little slow, but, um bear with me. Please? Anyway, hopefully you've been enjoying yourself. What? Oh, this was supposed to be a disclaimer. Right. Sorry, forgot about that. Um, don't read this if you're a homophobe, but then why are you in Nifty anyway? Uh...*NSYNC may or may not be gay. Wow, if you're still here, you deserve some sort of medal! Love ya! -Angel1313 ^_^

"Food's here!" Lance announced, closing the door behind him. "Yay!" Justin exclaimed excitedly. "Ice cream!" He got up from his spot on the floor in-between JC's legs. JC turned off the TV and pushed himself off of the couch, following his younger bandmate to where Lance was standing. "Just remember that you're sharing that," he sternly told the blonde. "Oh, I wouldn't forget that," Justin giggled. Then he realized what he had said and he stuttered, "Um, be-because I know th-that you'd kill me if I didn't." Lance snickered. Did they think that he didn't know? He'd just have to help them decided to tell him about their relationship. "He wouldn't kill you, Curly, and you know it. Why would you really not forget?" Justin turned red. "I-" he began, but he was cut off by his best friend. "Would you leave Justin alone, Lance?" the brunette hissed, his eyes narrow and glinting dangerously. Lance swallowed loudly. He hadn't been expecting that kind of a reaction from the usually calm Joshua Chasez, but JC had been full of surprises tonight. "Uh," Lance began, but this time it was Justin who interrupted. "Yo, Scoop would you put down the tray so I can get my ice cream before it melts?" the youngest member of *NSYNC requested calmly. However, the rapid tapping of his foot gave away his impatience. Chuckling, Lance complied, muttering, "I'm going, I'm going." Justin rubbed his hands together and reached for the large ice cream sundae that he had been craving. Before he could get to it, JC intervened. "Don't you mean `*our* ice cream?'" He asked the teen. Justin smiled up at him happily. "Oh, yes. Our ice cream. That's what I meant." He then took a swipe at the sundae JC was holding. JC laughed. "Justin," he scolded. "If you do that, then you'll get it all over me!" "I'd still eat it," Justin protested. "I'm sure you would," Lance mumbled, but after his last comment of that nature, he didn't share his opinion with the other two. "You would, wouldn't you?" JC asked the younger man, his question, unlike Lance's, completely innocent. Justin smiled back. "You know it!" he replied, before grabbing JC's arm and dragging him towards the couch. "C'mon, the movie's about to start!" JC allowed himself to be lead to the couch. Lance followed, bringing his grilled-cheese sandwich with him. Before sitting down on the large armchair next to the couch JC and Justin were occupying, Lance flipped the lights off. As the movie began, JC whispered loudly, "Damn! I forgot to get another spoon." Moving to get up, the brunette was stopped by Justin's hand, which grabbed the older man's arm. "Josh," he commanded. "Sit." JC complied, and Justin explained, "We can just use the same spoon. You don't mind, do you?" he added quickly. JC smiled at him. "Not at all." Lance rolled his eyes. If these two were trying to hide their relationship from him, they weren't doing a very good job of it. Casually placing an arm around Justin's shoulders, JC handed the younger man their spoon. With his other hand, he held the yet-to-be-touched sundae. Justin cuddled up closer to his friend before taking a small scoop of the ice cream. "You want the first bite, Josh?" he asked somewhat shyly. JC smiled down at him. "Naw, you can have it," he offered. "Thanks!" Justin exclaimed before gobbling down the small bite. "You're so cute, Just," JC whispered, leaning in to kiss Justin gently on the cheek. Justin blushed deeply. "Would you two keep it down?" Lance requested from the other side of the couch. His legs were dangling over the arm of the plush chair he was sitting in. "Sorry," JC and Justin whispered back in unison. They turned to each other and giggled. "Shh!!!" "Sorry," Justin repeated before turning back to JC. "Your turn," he told the older man, lifting a bite to his lips. Closing his mouth around the spoon, JC murmured, "Mmm." Justin began to blush again. He couldn't believe that he had just fed JC some ice cream. The nineteen year-old couldn't help himself; he started to giggle giddily. "What?" JC asked, amusement dancing in his deep blue eyes. "I can't believe I'm feeding you, Josh," Justin explained, his giggling still unconfined. "Would you two kindly *be quiet*?!" Lance snarled. He was trying to watch the movie, after all. Not everyone had someone to cuddle with. "Maybe I should be the one with the spoon, Just," JC suggested. "You keep getting us in trouble." "But I *like* feeding you!" the blonde protested. Realizing what he had just said, Justin quickly averted his eyes from JC's. "I like it too," JC admitted, his voice soft and tender. Justin shyly turned back to him, the spoon raised. JC accepted the ice cream without a word. They continued to share the sundae, until it was gone, staring into each other's eyes the entire time. JC set down the now-empty glass on the coffee table in front of the couch he and Justin were sharing just as Lance turned on the lights. "So," the Mississippian drawled, turning to his bandmates. "What'd you guys think of the movie?" "Umm," Justin stalled, trying to remember something other than JC's glowing blue eyes. "It was all right," JC commented, also trying to think of a point during the film when he wasn't gazing at his friend. "The ice cream was good," Justin added weakly. Lance laughed. /Those two didn't see a minute of the movie, did they?/ he thought to himself, shaking his head at the two lovebirds. "Well," he said aloud, deciding to drop the subject. "It's eight-fifteen now, so we've still got about forty-five minutes until we have to meet Joey and Chris. Feel like doing anything?" "I've got to get cleaned up," JC informed the others, standing up to stretch. Shivering from the sudden lack of warmth, Justin wrapped his arms around himself and added, "Yeah; I gotta find something to wear and I need to fix my hair." "Hey, that rhymed," JC noted. "That's what I was going for," Justin joked back. "You guys are like two peas in a pod," Lance laughed. The two men he addressed just looked at him strangely before laughing at the southerner. "What?" he asked cluelessly. "You sound like my mom, Scoop," Justin explained. "Shut-up," Lance smiled back. Then he turned and made his way to the door. "Well, I'll leave you to get ready. Meet in my room at quarter to, okay?" The two other members of *NSYNC nodded their agreement. Just before he closed the door behind him, Lance turned around to face his friends, adding, "Oh, and we don't have much time, so if you're going to rinse off, it'd be better if you just took one shower together. See ya." With that, Lance quickly exited the room, shutting the door behind him. JC and Justin just stood in silence, staring at the door. Finally JC moved, picking up the sundae glass and bringing it into the kitchen. As he set it gently down in the sink, JC addressed his closest friend, who had sat back down on the couch. "If you want to take a shower, go ahead. I know we can both be quick; if you don't want to go first, I promise I'll only be five minutes," he offered. "No, it's fine, take all the time you want. I don't have enough time to dry my hair, anyway," Justin explained, not looking at the older man. JC sighed and walked over to take a seat next to the blonde on the couch. "Just," he spoke softly, taking the younger man's hand in his own. "Look, I'm really sorry about what Lance said. I can see that it clearly made you uncomfortable. He's been doing it all night, and I've been trying to stop him, but he just doesn't seem to get it. I'm sorry. I'll have a talk with him later." Kissing Justin's hand tenderly, JC apologized one last time before heading into the bathroom. Justin sat listening to the shower run for some time after JC left him. Thinking of how clearly JC didn't want to even consider the two of them together, the nineteen year-old took a deep, shuddering breath, willing himself not to cry. Seeing as how JC was the openly gay one, Justin didn't think that there could be another explanation as to why Lance's comments were making the older man so uncomfortable. He had seen how the brunette had tensed up when Lance had suggested that they share a shower. Justin sighed sadly before getting up to search for something decent to wear for the night to come, which promised to be cold and lonely.

I hope you enjoied that! I know it was sort of short, but I needed them to do something before going to the club.That's when the fun will really begin! Feel free to write me with suggestions, comments, anything, at Thanks for reading this!

Next: Chapter 8

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