
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Mar 23, 2001


Devotion Chapter Forty: "Eruption"

disclaimer: Fiction

notes: Well, here it is! I'm really nervous about this chapter, I usually don't write about anything close to this. So... I'd really appreciate feedback. I need to know if I should never try to write like this again... But I do hope you like it. You'll have a week to mull over it before the next chapter is sent out. (I plan on/hope to write it while I'm away. I still know how to use a pen and paper! ^~) Anyway, I hope you enjoy! -Angel ^^

Chapter Forty: "Eruption" Justin forced himself to pull back from the kiss. It had been slow, gentle, chaste; it had been a manifestation of his relationship with JC. It had been perfect. Justin opened his eyes to find JC staring at him. There was something different about the older man; he was looking at Justin with and intensity that the nineteen year-old had never seen before. A single moment passed during which neither man moved. Slowly, JC leaned in close, brushing his lips against the younger man's. Not pulling back, the brunet darted out his tongue, gently tracing Justin's delicate, pink lips. Replacing his tongue with his own lips, JC finally claimed Justin's mouth in a kiss. A fiery, passionate kiss unlike any other kiss they'd shared with each other. Justin tried to take it all in: the feeling of JC's lips against his own, of JC's tongue in his mouth, of JC's hands in underneath his shirt. He felt JC push him back onto the bed, felt his own hands snaking up JC's arms to get tangled in the brunet's silky hair. Justin was burning up inside at all the sensations he was experiencing at once. JC slid his hands further up his companion's shirt. Justin gasped as he felt one of JC's hands graze over his nipples. Further tangling his hands into the brunet's hair, a low moan escaped the young man's lips. "Josh..." JC was too busy placing a trail of kisses along Justin's neck to respond. Justin was having a great deal of difficulty controlling himself. "Josh, I love you," he whispered, closing his eyes in pleasure. JC paused for a moment, to look at the face of his companion. "I love you, too, baby." Justin opened his eyes and met the older man's gaze. They both smiled, and JC leaned in close and kissed Justin again. And again. And again. Without thinking about what he was doing, JC began to pull Justin's sweater off of the younger man. Justin happily complied, and he was soon wearing only a white undershirt, which was quickly removed as well. Then JC's shirt came off. Justin was breathing heavily. Everything was so surreal: JC standing before him in just a pair of loose, low-cut pants; JC's hands at his belt, tugging to get it off; his own hands at JC's waist, pulling the brunet closer. Justin hardly knew what was going on before he realized that his pants were being undone. His head was filled with feelings of passion and lust, and he could hardly form one coherent thought that didn't have to do with JC and his sexy body. Suddenly, though, Justin heard something that wasn't heavy breathing or the sound of a zipper being undone. It was familiar, but Justin couldn't seem to place it. His mind was still filled with visions of JC, who was currently toying with the waistband of the blonde's boxers. Then JC was pulling back. The brunet quickly grabbed his sweater and threw it on, not even checking to see if it was on the right way. Justin sat up slowly, wondering what was going on. "Get some clothing on!" JC hissed, sounding urgent. Justin wondered what he did wrong, feeling terribly lost and rejected. /I guess he realized what he was doing,/ the teen thought sadly. /And who he was with./ Almost mechanically, Justin gathered his clothing and put it back on. He turned to apologize to JC for not having better self-control, only to find that JC wasn't there. Then he heard the door open. "Hi, Joey," JC greeted cheerfully. A little *too* cheerfully, but his nerves were high-strung, and it was the best the twenty-four year-old could do. "Damn, did you take long enough to answer the door?" Joey teased. "What, were you asleep or something? You hair looks like it had a rendezvous with a weed-wacker!" JC laughed, but Justin blushed. He *had* gone a little over-board with JC's hair, but he couldn't help it. The strands were just so thick and silky. JC's hair was beautiful. /Like everything else about him,/ Justin thought with a sigh, gazing at the brunet longingly. "Oh, Justin, you're still here. Great," Joey said, as JC opened the door wider to let him in. "I was just going to invite you two to a movie over in Scoop's room. It's, uh, I think it's 313, but-" Joey paused, scratching his head a moment. "Well, it's one door down from yours, anyway." "From mine or Justin's?" JC asked. "Where's Justin's room?" Joey asked in turn. "Across from mine," JC replied. "Well then, uh-" Joey began, getting confused. "Just show us where it is!" JC laughed. Joey laughed too, walking back into the hall. "So you're going to join us then?" JC glanced back into his room at Justin, who was still sitting on his bed. "Yeah, we'd love to." Justin immediately got up. Turning back to Joey, JC frowned. As he walked into the hallway, however, the brunet pasted a smile onto his face. "So, what are we going to watch?" Joey smiled without turning around. "Nightmare on Elm Street." Hearing Justin gasp, Joey laughed. "C'mon, Curly, it'll be fun. You can cuddle up with your precious Joshy." Justin narrowed his eyes. "Don't call him that," he growled. JC raised his eyebrows in surprise. Joey just continued to laugh. "Yeah, whatever," the New Yorker said, knocking on Lance's door. "Yeah, I was right. It's 313. So that puts JC in 311, Justin in 312, and Chris in 310," he noted to himself. Just then, Lance opened the door. "Sorry, Joe. Chris ate all the popcorn." "Noooo!" Joey yelled, charging past the Mississippian into the room. Chris was trying to hide under the bed. "I'm gonna kill you, Kirkpatrick!!" Lance laughed, and JC and Justin looked at each other in confusion. Their gazes locked, and their heads began to drift towards each other. JC's eyes widened in realization, and he blushed, looking away quickly. Justin sighed and cast his eyes to the floor. Lance turned to close the door and found JC and Justin looking at their feet, Justin with an expression of sadness, JC with one of shame. /What the hell?/ the Mississippian thought in frustration. /They're not at it *again,* are they? I thought they were gonna make up!/ Lance sighed as his day became even longer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Afterword: Short but... sweet? I wonder... Well, regardless, this is the last installment for a week because I'll be off in the Florida Keys. Yay! ^_^ Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, I know it was probably bad, but give me a break! Josh and Just are *just* starting their physical relationship. I'm not good at writing this stuff yet! >.< Oh, and feedback is *always* appreciated (hint,hint) Thanks, Angel ^_^

Next: Chapter 41

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