
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Mar 4, 2001


Devotion Chapter Thirty-Three: Felled In a Moment

Disclaimer: I do not know anything about *NSYNC, and that includes their sexuality. I just have an opinion, which I am entitled to, and I write cheesy fanfiction. ^_~

IMPORTANT: This is late. REALLY late, but it is for my dear, dear friend Johana. Jo, I hope you like this, I know it's a really late birthday present, but I wanted it to be good. Thank you for encouraging me to write more in "Devotion." Without you, I probably would never have gotten back into *NSYNC. Thank you. You're amazing ^^ Now that that's been said... when's the next chapter of "Mysteries Unspoken going to be out?" =P Love, Angel ^^

Chapter Thirty-Three: Felled In a Moment "Lance, are you ready to go?" Joey called into the closed bathroom door. "Just a minute," came the reply, muffled by a the noise of a hairdryer. "Seriously, you take more time to get ready then JC," Joey muttered, leaning against the wall next to the door. Just then, the door opened. "I take more time then JC?" Lance repeated, stepping into view. Looking him over, Joey smiled. "It's worth it, though." Lance rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Joey, you've got to stop making comments like that." Immediately, the older man's face fell. "Lance, I'm sorry - I didn't mean that sexually in any way. I wasn't thinking about sex at all, in fact, when I said you looked good. I was just saying that you looked good. Which, of course, you do, so-" "Joey," Lance interrupted, laughing. "I meant the comment about JC. You know how sensitive Justin is about that kind of stuff." Joey, who was now blushing profusely, nodded his head in agreement. "Uh, yeah. I'll work on that." Lance continued to laugh as he grabbed his coat and headed for the door. Joey was quick to follow. As the two were making their way down the hall to the elevator they were stopped by a familiar voice. "Hey, Scoop! Joey! You two wouldn't be headed out clubbing with out your buddy Chris, now would you?" Joey sighed inwardly, but pasted on a smile when he turned to face the twenty-eight year-old. "Chris," he called. "what's up? I thought you were going to go to bed early tonight and do your packing in the wee hours of the morning." "Well, I had too much energy, so I did all my packing already. I'm still too jacked to get any sleep, though. So I was just going to go out all by myself when I saw you two making your way towards the elevators decked out in your finest. What's the occasion?" Chris replied. "You think Joey needs an occasion to go clubbing?" Lance laughed, coming to stand beside the New Yorker. Laughing himself, Chris said, "Yeah, it was a stupid thing to ask, wasn't it?" "So, Chris, would you like to join us?" Joey heard the words coming out of his mouth before he could do anything about it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lance glance at him, and immediately Joey knew he had made a mistake. He could only hope that Chris had caught the look and would take a hint. Unfortunately for the twenty-three year-old, Chris missed the warning look from Lance. "Sure, we can save money on the cab." Joey laughed uneasily. "Yeah, so... let's get going." Chris gave him a curious look before shrugging and throwing his arms around his two bandmates' shoulders. "Yes, let's." As they entered the elevator, Lance's teeth remained clenched in a fake smile. "Yo, Joey, I think that girl over there is checking you out," Chris said, nodding towards a young woman in a pair of tight red pants and a glittery black tube top. Her long, shimmering, raven hair spilled over her sculpted shoulders. "Naw, she's probably been checking out Lance or something," Joey protested. Lance feigned disinterest. Chris' eyebrows raised in surprise. /Joey?/ he though. /Pretending that a beautiful woman isn't checking him out? Something must be up./ It took another moment before Chris realized that Joey had been watching Lance, not the woman, the entire time since he mentioned that she was watching the New Yorker. /Ooh.../ Chris smiled. If that was the road Joey wanted to go down, then he would help him there, too. "So, Joe, Scoop, you two gonna dance, or what? I mean, if that babe's not checking you out, then I think I'm going to go introduce myself." Lance laughed. "He, Joey said she wasn't checking *him* out, not that she was checking *you* out." "Go make yourself useful, Scoop," Chris said with a mock-scowl on his face. Brightening again, he added, "and take Joey with you. Seriously. I don't want to see you two here when I'm bringing that girl back to the table. Oh, and don't bother looking for me at closing time." Joey laughed. "Yeah, by then Lance'll be too drunk to remember you, and I'm not gonna help him out!" Chris shoved at the brunet playfully before getting up and heading over to the young woman who had been eyeing Joey. Lance got up as well. "I think Chris is trying to set us up." Joey immediately looked up, alarmed by what Lance was implying. "Lance, I swear, I didn't invite Chris so he could try to get us together. I just-" Putting the New Yorker's fears to rest, Lance laughed. "I know, Joey. I'm just saying that I think he's trying to get us alone." Joey smiled. "So, seeing as we *are* alone-" "-Except for the eighty other people in the club," Lance put in. Ignoring him, Joey continued, "-why don't we hit the dance floor? And I'm hungry, so I was thinking that we could hit that doughnut place we saw on the way over. What do you say?" Lance smiled and grabbed the older man's arm. Dragging him towards the dance floor, he replied, "I'd say that's just fine. Now, enough talking, let's get going!" Joey grinned and allowed himself to be taken to the center of the noisy club. The two members of *NSYNC easily got lost in the crowd and were able to enjoy dancing with each other without fear of being seen dancing together. Joey's grin widened. Maybe this night could be salvaged after all. Lance turned to find his companion smiling at him. "So, would you like to dance, Joey?" Joey's grin widened, if that was possible. "I'd love to, Scoop." Oh, yes, this night was *definitely* salvageable.

Afterword: Well, did you like it? Yes, it was short, and yes, it was all Lance and Joey, but that just means that JC and Justin will be in the next one no matter what. (Besides, it was for Johana, and she likes Lance and Joey! ^~) Oh, and please, please send me feedback. It's been a while since I've written in this story and I need to know if I'm totally ruining it. Ah, it feels good to be back... and this time I mean that! -Angel ^^

Next: Chapter 34

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