
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 1, 2000


Devotion Chapter Twenty-Nine: Back Here

Disclaimer: I don't know *NSYNC. This doesn't imply anything about their sexuality. Blah blah blah! Oh, and I got the title from BBMak's "Back Here" (wow!) so if you want a taste of what's to come, listen to the song before you read this. As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oh, and you can thank Dara Lynn and Ice for this being so late. ^_~

"Justin, I'm sorry that I made you go home early, but I'd really like it if we could talk," JC said apologetically to the nineteen year-old standing beside him, as he opened the door to their hotel room. "It's no problem, Josh. Working things out with you is much more important then some party," Justin replied sincerely. Sighing, JC continued, "I know, it's just that we won. Twice! You should really be out there celebrating." "Tell you what," Justin said, watching as JC took off his coat and laid it across a chair in the kitchen. "Why don't we just do some celebrating of our own?" JC smiled at the younger man. "Go get the room service menu, would you? Order a bottle of champagne and anything else you feel like having." Justin smiled slyly and headed over to the phone with the menu. "Yes, I'd like to order something for room 703. Okay, I'd like a bottle of champagne, and a can of whipped cream. Oh, do you have chocolate syrup? Great! Hmm, well if they come with it- would you hold on a second?" Justin placed a hand over the mouth of the phone and called, "You like strawberries, don't you, Josh?" before turning back to the conversation he was having over the phone and saying, "Sure, that'd be great. In like fifteen minutes? Yes, that'd be fine. Yep, 703. Thanks." With that, the blonde hung up. JC was staring at him, eyes wide, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. "Uh, um," he mumbled, unable to think of anything to say to the nineteen year-old before him. Suddenly Justin began laughing. "I'm just kidding, Josh. I didn't even dial the number! But seriously, is there anything you want? `Cause otherwise I think I'm just gonna order the champagne." /Well, I want you,/ the brunette thought to himself. Aloud, he answered, "Naw, just champagne will be fine." This time Justin actually dialed the number. After he was finished, he turned to JC and said, "I was right. They said fifteen minutes. That gives us enough time to change into something a little more comfortable." He then winked at the brunette suggestively. Taking off his shirt and promptly throwing it at the younger man, JC scolded, "Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, Just." Justin smiled. "Your shirt smells nice," he commented, holding the gray tank top in his hands. "Um, I can't imagine how. I danced in that one," JC said skeptically. "Oh, but I like the way you smell when you're all sweaty," Justin claimed, looking at JC hungrily. JC swallowed. Maybe he shouldn't have come home with Justin. He was going to have a hard time not caving in to the younger man's advances. "Hmm," Justin began again. "We only have fifteen minutes until the champagne gets here. We'll want it when it's still cold, so maybe we should get in the shower together. We both need to get cleaned up, and it'll save time. And water!" /Don't do it!/ JC told himself. /There's no way you'll be able to stay in control if you do!/ "Uh, um, are you sure that's a good idea?" the twenty-four year-old asked nervously. "Of course!" Justin replied, dragging JC towards the bathroom. "It's not like we've never seen each other naked before." /He's got a point,/ the brunette thought with a sigh, as he let Justin pull him into the bathroom. Justin quickly began to get undressed. Once he was only in his boxer-briefs, he turned to JC, whose nervous hands were making it difficult for the twenty-four year-old to undo his belt. "Here," Justin said softly, placing his hands over JC's. "Let me help you." "Thanks," JC mumbled, trying not to look at his best friend's bare chest. Now that they were both standing in only their underwear, Justin giggled a little. "I'm not going to do anything, Josh. We just need to rinse off, that's all." JC smiled. Of course Justin wasn't going to try anything. He'd never been with a man before, at least not that JC knew of, and Justin told him basically everything. "I'm sorry, Curly. I was just being silly," JC said, slipping off his boxers. /Don't stare!/ Justin told himself, watching as JC walked over to the shower and turned on the water. /Oh, but what a fine-Justin!!!/ he scolded himself, forcing his eyes away from JC's back side. JC turned back to him after feeling the water. "It's cold," he informed his bandmate. With a smile he added, "But I think that's just what we need." "I like your shirts so much better then mine, Josh," Justin said lazily, watching as the brunette pulled on a pair of pajama pants. "You want to borrow one or something?" JC laughed, throwing on a wife beater. "Maybe it's just because it's you who's wearing them," the nineteen year-old continued, ignoring JC's question. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Justin exclaimed, but JC held up his hand. "No, I'm already up. You just wait there," he commanded the younger man. "I'll gladly wait here on your nice comfy bed," Justin giggled. Rolling his eyes, JC opened the door to find a bucket of ice with champagne in it, along with two nice glasses. Picking the entire thing up, the brunette headed back into the room, closing the door with his foot. After he placed the bucket in-between the two beds, JC joined Justin, who was sitting on JC's bed, which he seemed to like better then his own. "Watch out," JC warned as he opened the bottle of champagne over the bucket. It didn't foam *too* much, but the twenty-four year-old still had to wipe himself off afterwards. Justin took the bottle while JC picked up the glasses. After the blonde poured some champagne into the glasses, he accepted a glass before handing the bottle back to his bandmate, who replaced it in the bucket. "Here's to *NSYNC winning two awards tonight," JC toasted, lifting his glass. "Here's to us," Justin whispered, smiling at the brunette. "and our love, which I know will be everlasting." "Amen to that," JC replied quietly, looking down into his glass. With that, the two clinked their glasses together before each taking a sip. "Mmm," Justin murmured. "That's good stuff. Not too sweet, but still really good." "You know what, Justin?" JC suddenly said, bringing the blonde's attention away from his drink. "I've been thinking a lot about what you said in the limo earlier." /Oh, no,/ Justin thought uneasily. /Is he talking about when I made a total ass out of myself? I was sort of hoping we could avoid that topic./ "You're right, Justin. We'll never know if we don't try, right?" the twenty-four year-old continued. Justin's eyes lit up, despite his efforts not to get his hopes up. "I mean, I love you more then anything, and you've proven time and time again that you feel the same way. I guess my fear of losing you has just been holding us back. I mean, I'd die without you, Just. You're my entire world, the air I breath, my lifeline. But, I think that Britney is right. We're soul mates, Just. I know I may be moving sort of fast, but-" Justin cut off the older man, who had begun to babble. "Josh, I love you more then anything else in the world. I was willing to lose Britney over you, and I'd gladly give up *NSYNC, too. I'll be the happiest person alive if I can only have your love." "You already have it, Just," JC whispered. Suddenly, Justin sat up straight and demanded, "Give me your drink, Josh." Looking at the teen quizzically, the brunette did as he was told. Justin took JC's glass an his own and set them aside on the nightstand next to JC's bed. "Now," the blonde said with a smile, getting comfy again. "Where were you? Ah, yes, I think you were about to kiss me." Laughing lightly, JC said, "You are just too cute sometimes, Just." That said, the twenty-four year-old gently pulled the blonde to him. Justin quickly wrapped his arms around JC's neck. "I love you, Josh," he whispered. "I love you, too, Justin." After gently kissing the younger man on the lips, JC whispered, "Just, will you let me be your boyfriend?" Smiling ecstatically, the nineteen year-old giggled back, "If I can be yours." "Oh, Just," JC breathed, rolling over so he was holding the blonde against his chest. "You don't know how long I've waited for this. I can't believe we're together." "Josh?" Justin murmured sleepily. "Nothing's gonna change between us, right?" "Of course not," the twenty-four year-old reassured the younger man. "It'll be exactly the same as before." "Just a lot more kissing," Justin added, lifting his head to place a small kiss on his new boyfriend's lips. "Yes," JC agreed, turning on his side. In-between kisses, he whispered, "A *lot* more kissing." Justin giggled before snuggling up against the brunette. "I'm tired, Josh," he complained sleepily. "I'm so sorry, but I was up early today, and..." Justin trailed off as a yawn over took him. Smiling at the younger man, JC whispered, "I know you were, sweetie. Why don't we just go to sleep? I'll hit the lights." After JC settled back down under the covers with his boyfriend, Justin mumbled, "I love you, Josh. I get to say that a lot more now, too, right?" Smiling as he pulled the blonde closer to him, JC agreed, "Yes, we both do. `Cause I love you, too, Curly." With that, the brunette gave Justin one final kiss before closing his eyes and gently drifting to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, they finally got together! I hope you liked it! I know it took a while, but it was worth the wait. Right? Um, or not...=P -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 30

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