
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Oct 24, 2000


Devotion Chapter Twenty-Five: Mother Dearest

Disclaimer: Sorry this is so late! I just had such a hard time writing it, and I don't even know why! I had ideas, but they just weren't coming out! Anyway, it's finally here, and I hope it was worth the wait! Oh yeah, and I don't know *NSYNC

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Hello? Hello?" Justin called frantically into the phone, having been jolted awake from his light sleep. "Mr. Justin Chasez, this is your seven AM wake-up call, have a nice day!" A friendly voice informed the muddled teen. "Thanks," Justin managed to mumble, before he hung up the phone. He glanced at his best friend, who had rolled away some time during the night, and who had, somehow, not heard the phone. Then again, Justin *was* sleeping right next to the damned thing. "Justin... Chasez," the blonde repeated to himself, his eyes still on the older man, watching as his well-toned chest rose and fell with each breath the twenty-four year-old took. Stretching, Justin pushed himself out of bed. "You know," he smiled happily to himself. "If you've got to get up early, that is *definitely* the way to do it. Justin Chasez," he repeated, walking into the bathroom to get ready to head to the airport. Yawning, JC sat up in bed. Looking around for Justin, he was momentarily concerned when he didn't see the teen. Then everything started coming back to him, as he woke up. "Oh, that's right," he said to the empty room. "He should be at the airport picking up his *date.*" JC spat the last word, as if that would change the fact that Justin was involved with someone else. Sighing, the twenty-four year-old got out of bed and headed into the kitchen, where he saw a bowl and spoon in the sink. There was also a note lying on the table. Smiling, JC walked over and picked it up. "`Josh,'" he read. "`I should be on my way home by the time you read this, I know there's no way you'll be up before nine. Thanks for getting the wake-up call, I had completely forgotten! Oh, and did you have them call me `Justin Chasez' on purpose? That sure woke me up! I'll be back soon, and thanks a thousand times for the cereal. You're amazing. -Justin.'" Despite the fact that he was alone, JC began to blush. "Justin... Chasez?" he repeated, as his best friend had done earlier. "Oh," he softly exclaimed as the phone call the night before came back to him. "So when they asked for my last name... I can't believe I did that." Shaking his head, JC made his way into the bathroom to take a shower. He figured he might as well appear presentable to Justin's date when she arrived, since she was obviously someone the younger man cared for a great deal. "Coming!" JC called, as he walked out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his waist. As he went to answer the door, he hoped that it wasn't Justin and his date yet, as the twenty-four year-old hadn't had time to get dressed, let alone make himself presentable. "Hey, Jace," Lance said as the brunette opened the door. "Hey, Scoop," JC replied, greeting his fellow bandmate. "C'mon in." "Thanks," Lance smiled, entering the room. "I hope you don't mind that I came over early, but we're all going to meet in here again when the stylists come back and bring our stuff." "No problem. Joey still in the shower?" JC casually inquired, not wanting to pry too much into what happened between the two. "Yeah," Lance replied sadly. Sighing, JC gently placed a hand on his friend's shoulders. "You all right, Scoop? I don't really know what's going on between you and Joey, but if you need to talk to anyone, you know I'm here for you, right?" Lance smiled ruefully. "Don't worry about me, JC. Nothing happened that wasn't going to sooner or later. I wanted commitment, Joey's not ready yet. We decided to just back off for a bit. Joey already met someone- a girl from the club last night that he's taking as his date tonight." "What about you?" JC asked softly. Sighing, the blonde replied. "I saw one of artists that's signed on to FreeLance at the club, and I asked her. She's really nice, a friend of mine, so it's exactly what I need for tonight." "Good," JC said with a smile. "I'm glad. Who is she, just out of curiosity. Anyone I know?" "Yeah," Lance replied. "You met her once I think. Her name's Meredith Edwards." "Huh," the brunette mused. "Sounds familiar." "Say," Lance said, hoping to change the subject. "Where's Justin?" JC turned away and walked over to the dresser. "He's picking up his date," the twenty-four year-old finally replied, his voice emotionless. "Oh, right," Lance mumbled. "Sorry, I'd forgotten." He hadn't meant to bring up that subject with his bandmate. Forcing a laugh, JC said lightly, "Nothing to be sorry about, Scoop. He should be back soon, actually." "Then you'd better get dressed," Lance advised, walking to the door. "I'll go get Joey and Chris and tell them to meet over here in about five minutes. That'll give you enough time, right?" "Yep," JC smiled, picking out some clothing. "Thanks, Scoop. See you in a few!" "Later," the blonde called, walking out the door. Everyone but Justin was now gathered in JC's room, dressed in sweats, awaiting their stylists' arrival. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. As Chris, who was walking by, opened it, he heard Justin saying, "...and I still don't have a key since Lance is afraid that one day JC and I will just decide to sleep through a photo shoot." The nineteen year-old's comment was followed by the sound of a woman laughing, and Chris opened the door wider to let the two in. Justin walked in first, carrying a single duffel bag. Following him was a small woman in a blouse and khakis, whose tanned body was topped by a mop of blonde curly hair. "Lynn!" Chris exclaimed, pulling the older woman into a hug. "I didn't know you were Justin's date." "Well," Mrs. Timberlake replied, smiling warmly. "JC already had a ticket, so he didn't really know who to ask." Chris, Lance, Joey, and Lynn all laughed, but Justin blushed. "Mom!" he whined. "Sorry, sweetie," the blonde apologized, but she was still smiling. JC, who had been in the bathroom, walked out saying, "So who was at the door?" "Hi, Joshua," Lynn said, waving to the twenty-four year-old. "Lynn!" he exclaimed, walking over to Mrs. Timberlake and her son. He pulled the older woman into a hug as he greeted, "How are you? I haven't seen you in ages! What are you doing here?" "She's my date, dumbass," Justin laughed, punching the brunette playfully in the arm. Relief flooded over Joshua Chasez as he realized that Justin *wasn't* involved with someone seriously. Releasing the woman in his arms, he turned and pulled her son to him. Immediately, Justin slid his arms around the older man's neck. "Miss me?" Justin teased, smiling happily at JC. "You know it!" the twenty-four year-old replied, smiling as well. Lynn raised her eyebrow at the two young men. The other three people in the room did as well. Laughing Chris teased, "You two haven't seen each other in... what? Two hours?" "Hey, leave us alone!" Justin commanded. As JC pulled away, keeping one arm around the younger man's waist, Justin added, "I think you're just jealous, Chris." Rolling his eyes, the oldest member of *NSYNC replied sarcastically, "Oh, right, I'm jealous of you and *JC.* Honestly, Justin, think about what you're saying there." "Hmm, good point," Justin joked. "Hey!" JC protested. "I'm just kidding," the nineteen year-old assured his best friend. JC wasn't convinced. Pouting, he whined, "You don't wuv me!" Justin laughed, and was going to respond, when his mother cut him off. "Joshua Scott!" She scolded. "How can you doubt my boy's love for you? All he did was talk about you on the way over here. I haven't seen him in a month, and all I hear is `Josh this' and `JC that.' He's got it bad." Turning to the nineteen year-old in question, she added, "Britney was right." "What?! Geeze, could this get any worse?" the blonde muttered. "I'm afraid your mom's gonna hurt me," JC whispered to the nineteen year-old. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" Giggling, Justin whispered back, "I love you, Josh." "I love you, too, Curly." "Justin!" "Huh?" Justin replied, looking around, trying to find Chris. "What did you say, Chris?" "Listen to your mom when she's talking to you!" He chided the youngest member of *NSYNC. "You can flirt with JC later!" Blushing brightly, Justin turned back to Lynn. "Sorry, Mom. You say something?" "Never mind, sweetie," Mrs. Timberlake replied, a small smile on her lips. "You go back to sweet talking Joshua. I'm sure he'll come around." "MOM!" "Sorry, won't happen again. Lance? Do you mind if I make a phone call in your room? I need to let my husband know I made it in okay." "Sure," Lance replied, eager to help. "Go ahead. Here's the key," he said, handing a copy of his room key to the older woman. "It's Joey's copy so feel free to break and/or lose it." "What?!" Joey laughed. "Damn, I never should've given that to you!" "I know what you mean," JC muttered, glaring at Lance, who was smiling smugly. "I even have a key to Chris' room," he smugly stated. "What? Since when?" the twenty-eight year-old questioned. "Since we got here," Lance explained. "Justin got two copies for the room, but I just never gave him one of them. Then it became your room." Lynn, who hadn't left yet, turned to face the group. "When was Justin by himself? He and Joshua always share." Sighing in exasperation, Justin said, "We got in a fight, and Josh didn't want to stay with me." "Hey!" JC exclaimed. "That's not fair! You didn't want to be around me, either." "What?" This time it was Justin's turn to yell. Turning to face the older man, the blonde folded his arms across his chest as he retorted, "I asked you to be my roommate but you said that you'd room with anyone *except* me." Looking away, JC mumbled, "Oh. Yeah. Forgot about that." "Joshua Scott Chasez!" Lynn scolded the twenty-four year-old. "I can't believe you said that to my baby!" "MOM!" Justin whined, before his best friend could defend himself. "I'm not your baby!" "Oh, that's right," Lance said seriously, trying to hide a grin. "You said you were JC's baby." Blushing a deep crimson, Justin muttered, "Shut-up." "Aw, did we embarrass JC's baby?" Joey teased. "Boys, be kind to my son while I'm on the phone," Lynn told the members of *NSYNC. "I don't want to come back in here and see him crying, understood?" "Yes, Mrs. Timberlake," Lance, Joey, and Chris answered in unison, each trying his best to look innocent. "I'll take care of him," JC promised, as Lynn rolled her eyes at the other three. Smiling, the blonde replied, "I'm sure you will, Joshua," as she walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, Justin threw his arms around JC's neck, burying his head in the brunette's chest. "Why me?" he moaned, his voice muffled. Laughing lightly, JC gently stroked the younger man's back, his arms coming to encircle the blonde's slim waist. "Sweetie," he whispered, leaning down to rest his cheek against Justin's. "I know you were up late, and that you had to get up early. We've probably got a bit until the stylists arrive. Do you want to take a nap? I could get everyone out of here." Looking up, Justin smiled. "You're too good to me, Josh." JC simply returned the younger man's smile before leaning down to gently kiss the blonde's cheek. He was going to say something, but Chris stepped in. "So, if you two are done groping each other, can we talk about when everyone's date is coming, and when the stylists are going to arrive. Oh, and when are we leaving?" The twenty-eight year-old asked. "Actually, since Justin's date is here, he's going to take a nap. I'll fill him in on the rest of the stuff. Is it possible for us to conduct the meeting in a different room?" JC replied. "No, it's okay," Justin said quickly. "I'd rather have you stay here with me." Smiling, JC walked with his best friend over to his bed. "Mind if I sit with you?" "Josh," the nineteen year-old giggled. "It's your bed. But of course I want you to sit with me. You're much better to cuddle with then any of these pillows." "He's more fun, too," Chris joked. JC glared at him, but Justin smiled. "He is," the blonde agreed. As Justin and JC got settled on the bed, Joey went to sit down on the other. "Say," the New Yorker remarked. "This bed's still made." Justin, who was laying in-between JC's legs, his head resting on the older man's thigh, mumbled something unintelligible in response. JC simply leaned back against the headboard and let out a sigh. Deciding to drop the subject, Lance said, "So, it's eleven now and the stylists shouldn't be here until three. My date's coming around four, and I know that Joey's is coming around five, right?" Joey nodded, so the Mississippian continued. "Justin's date is already here, so that leaves us with JC and Chris. What's going on with your dates?" Absently running a hand through Justin's curls, and consequently sending the teen off to dream land, JC replied softly, "Bobbie shouldn't be here until after four." "And Dani's not coming until five," Chris informed the group. "Wow," Lance commented. "We have a lot more time then I anticipated. I think I'm going to make like Justin here and take a nap." "Yeah," Joey agreed. "I could use one, too." Chris nodded. "I was out *waaaay* too late last night. But," he added, turning to JC. "What about Lynn?" "We have an extra bed in here," JC replied. Laughing, Chris teased, "Where? In the bathroom?" "Ha, ha," JC said sarcastically. "Justin and I-" JC paused, and after a moment, he continued. "You know what? It's none of your business. Right now, Justin is sleeping in my lap, so neither of us can move. That leaves the other bed open for Lynn if she's tired after her trip. Excuse me for being considerate." "I also excuse you for being defensive," Chris laughed. "I can tell you had a long night," the twenty-eight year-old added, motioning to the blonde in his bandmate's lap. "We watched a movie, it went late," JC hissed, willing himself to stay in control, so as to not wake up Justin. "Now would you kindly all *leave* before I have to get up and wake Justin?" "We're going, we're going!" Joey said, laughing along with Chris. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, Jace, we'll be out of your face in a moment. We just wanted to give Lynn enough time to finish her call." Looking down, JC replied softly, "I'm sorry. I just- well, things have been a little hectic lately. I'm really sorry for being such a jerk." Watching as JC gently stroked Justin's cheek, Lance smiled sadly. "It's fine, JC. We don't mind. We all get a little testy sometimes," he said sympathetically. "But don't worry, we'll be going now. Lynn will probably be over in a couple minutes, so I'll give her my key." "No," Chris cut in. "You know what? I'm gonna hang out with Lance and Joey. Lynn can stay in my room." Looking up to meet the twenty-eight year-old's smile, JC whispered, "Thanks, Chris. I owe you one." "Think nothing of it," Chris replied. With that, he, Lance, and Joey headed back over to their room to relax for a few hours. JC lifted Justin gently and scooted down next to the younger man so that he could nap as well. In his sleep, Justin rolled up against the brunette and wrapped his arms around his neck, his head coming to gently rest against the older man's chest. JC smiled contentedly and pulled the blonde closer, placing a whisper of a kiss against the nineteen year-old's soft lips, before drifting off to sleep himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I hope you liked it! At least it was a little longer then usual! I'll try to be faster with chapter twenty-six. Oh, and feel free to send me feedback! I love it! Thanks to those who do, you all make me very happy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 26

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