
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Oct 15, 2000


Devotion Chapter Twenty-One: Playing Dress-Up

Disclaimer:OH MY GOD!! I just got an e-mail from Terrie Patty, author of "Justin's Secret's," (which, if you've ever e-mailed me and told me my story was good, you know that I think that it's much better), and she said that she's going to continue it! That's awesome 'cause the last time she wrote was July! Bug Terrie to get it out soon, even though she promised it by the end of the month. Oh, and *NSYNC may or may not be gay. I honestly don't know. That said, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and feel free to e-mail me with your feedback. You know I love it! And to "the Bendables," I hope you're happy!! -Angel1313 ^_^

"Oh, wow, look at this coat!" Chris laughed, holding up a long black coat with a large fur collar. "It's got `Joey' written all over it." "Too small," Lance observed. "The only one of us who could fit into that is JC." "We brought it with him in mind," Nancy, a young woman with short black hair and smooth ebony skin informed the group. She and another woman, a young blonde with wide blue eyes, were the two stylists *NSYNC had hired. "We were actually planning on going for a more conservative look for you, Joey," the other woman, Sheri, told the New Yorker. "And that means that this," she paused to hold up a lock of Joey's fiery red hair, "has to go. After we pick out your outfits, Tearsa over there," Sheri gestured to a young Hispanic woman who stood standing with another stylist. "will cut your hair." "Justin, Chris, I think it's about time both of you got trims, too," Nancy cut in. "You think?" Justin questioned self-consciously. Turning to JC, who was currently playing with the black fur coat that had been selected for him, he asked, "What do you think, Josh?" "Well," the twenty-four year-old began, looking up at the blonde. "You *did* just get it cut for the Teen Choice Awards. I think it looks fine; it's more fun to run my hands through your curls if they're actually there." Justin smiled, greatly pleased with JC's comment. "In that case, I think I'm gonna skip the trim." Nancy nodded before turning to Chris, "What about you?" Before Chris could respond, Lance announced, "Chris is getting a hair-cut whether he wants one or not." "But I just got my hair cut for the Teen Choice Awards, too!" the twenty-eight year-old protested. Turning to JC, he asked, "Don't you want to run your hands through my hair, too?" "And get them all greasy?" JC teased. "Yeah right!" As Chris stuck his tongue out at the brunette, Lance argued, "Listen, Chris, I know you just got it cut, but face it: your hair grows faster than you tend to be able to keep up with. You *definently* need to at least get a trim." Sighing, Chris finally caved in. "Oh, all right. I guess I do need to get rid of some of it." Nodding, Sheri said, "Good, then it's settled. Tearsa will be dealing with Joey because, depending on how long he wants to keep it, we may be having to dye some of his hair. However, she can cut your hair right now if you don't mind waiting to pick out your clothing. It should be quick." "No problem," Chris replied, walking with Tearsa to the door. "Just," JC said, turning to the blonde. He now had the coat on. "What do you think of this? Is it too much?" Smiling at his best friend, who was looking at himself critically in the mirror, Justin replied, "I think you look great. It accentuates your beautiful face." JC laughed. "Yeah right. Thanks anyway, though, Curly." Justin walked over to the twenty-four year-old and stood just behind him. "Seriously, Josh. I think it looks wonderful. With all the black and the collar coming up so high, it draws attention to your face, which is *definently* a good thing. Besides, it covers you up enough that you can wear what we're performing in under it if you want." JC met Justin's eyes in the mirror. "Do you reallythink so?" "About you being able to wear your performing out fit under it?" Justin asked. Laughing, the brunette replied, "No, about me looking all right in it." Taking a step foreword and sliding an arm around the older man's lithe waist, Justin reassured the brunette. "Josh, you look amazing. You'd look amazing in anything. Plus," the nineteen year-old added, leaning his head against the fluffy collar of his bandmate's coat. "It makes a wonderful pillow, so if I get tired, I can just lean over and go to sleep!" "That's it," Lance teased from across the room where he was looking at a light blue outfit with one of the stylists. "You two aren't sitting next to each other." "Of course not," Joey interjected. "Won't their dates be between them?" "Britney has her own ticket," JC noted. "I'm not bringing Brit as my date," Justin informed his bandmates. Only JC looked surprised. "I'm bringing someone else." At this, *everyone* looked surprised. "Who?" JC prodded. "I'm not telling any of you, but you all know her already. She'll be here tomorrow before the VMAs, so don't worry," Justin informed his bandmates. "So she's flying in?" Lance deducted. "Yeah," Justin confirmed. "I'm going to pick her up at the airport at eight tomorrow morning." "Wow," JC commented, looking hurt. "She must be pretty special if you're getting up that early to do a job a taxi could just as easily handle." "Josh!" Justin chided, hitting the older man playfully. "How rude! If I was flying in would you pick me up?" JC smiled at the nineteen year-old. "Well, of course, but that's different." "How so?" Lance inquired. JC paused, trying to think of a plausible reason explaining why Justin was special. "Justin is, um, my best friend! Not just some girl I picked up." "Hey! I'm not bringing some random slut to the Awards! Watch what you say!" Justin snapped. "Sorry," the twenty-four year-old apologized quickly, walking hastily back over to the bed, where he deposited the coat. Clearing his throat, the brunette announced, "I think I need some fresh air. I'm going to take a quick stroll. The outfits we picked are great, thank you for coming out here." With that, he strode swiftly out of the room. "Wait!" Justin called, running after the older man. "Josh, where are you going?" "I just feel like getting out of here, nothing special," the twenty-four year-old answered from down the hall. "But I need you to help me pick out my outfit!" Justin whined, causing the brunette to pause. "You have better taste then me," the nineteen year-old claimed. "What if you don't like what I pick out?" JC smiled bitterly. "Shouldn't you be more concerned about what your date will think?" he spat, still not facing the younger man. Justin laughed quietly. "She'll be happy with whatever I pick." "Well, so will I," JC told the blonde, beginning to walk down the hallway once more. No longer being able to restrain himself, Justin took off after the brunette. As JC was about to enter the elevator, the nineteen year-old grabbed his arm and pulled the older man to him. "Josh," he breathed, loosening his grip on the brunette. "I don't want you to leave and still be angry with me." "I'm not-" JC began to argue, but the blonde shook his head. "No, I can tell that you're mad. I don't know what I did, but I don't want to part on a bad note." With that, Justin leaned foreword and kissed the older man gently on his lips. "Please don't be angry with me, Josh," Justin begged quietly as he pulled away. The nineteen year-old then abruptly turned away and rapidly made his way back to their hotel room. JC stood in front of the elevator for a moment more, watching the younger man leave, his hand coming up to gently touch his lips. Hearing a dinging sound behind him, the twenty-four year-old shook his head and turned to enter the elevator, trying to figure out what had just happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, what do you know? A kiss on the lips! Sorry, I couldn't resist! Poor Justy is so frustrated. Anyway, I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading ^_^

Next: Chapter 22

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