
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Oct 1, 2000


Devotion Chapter Twelve: Heart to Heart

Disclaimer: Thanks for bearing with me through the last chapter, and I'm sorry that this is out a day late! It's worth the wait, though. Honest! Oh, and I don't know *NSYNC or own them, or know about their sexuality or anything interesting like that. I do, however, own five of their CDs. Yep, I know...pathetic ^~ Anyway, enjoy and please send me feedback! -Angel1313 ^^

"Josh?" Justin called softly as he opened the door. There was a groan. "I'm over here," came the reply from the bed. Justin smiled sympathetically. "Here," he offered quietly, handing a couple aspirin to the older man. "I'll go get you some water." His arm thrown across his eyes, JC blindly reached his hand out to accept the medicine. Justin placed the pills in the brunette's hand before gently closing the older man's fingers around them. Despite his pounding headache, JC smiled. Justin was so caring, always being so gentle with him. A few moments later, the nineteen year-old returned to his best friend's bedside with a tall glass of water. Wordlessly, JC sat up and swallowed the pills, downing the entire drink in the process. Taking a seat next to his best friend on the edge of the bed, Justin patted the older man's leg consolingly, "I'm sure you'll feel better in a little bit," he offered. JC rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. This thing is massive. I've never gotten so drunk." Gently taking the older man's hand in his own, Justin began to play with his friend's elegant fingers, staring at them intently. "Josh," he whispered, still not looking at the brunette. "Why did you get so drunk last night?" JC sighed, finally tearing his gaze from the beautiful blonde before him. "I don't know, Curly. I just..." "Just..?" the nineteen year-old prompted when the older man's voice trailed off. "I've just been overwhelmed by a lot of stuff lately, and I guess it got to me," JC finally replied. "Stuff?" Justin repeated, looking up to meet the brunette's eyes. "What kind of stuff." "Just, can we drop this?" the older man pleaded. "I'm really not up to talking about it right now." Justin's eyes immediately filled with tears. Dropping the older man's hand, the nineteen year-old abruptly turned away from his best friend. "Just?" JC said, gently placing a hand on his bandmate's shoulder. "Just, what's wrong?" "What's wrong?!" the blonde shot back, anger and tears mixed on his face. "Josh, do you know how scared I was last night? Scared that you had alcohol poisoning, scared that you had choked, scared that..." Justin's voice trailed off as he began to sob. JC immediately pulled the younger man into an embrace. "I'm so sorry, Just. Please don't cry. I'm sorry," he whispered frantically. As Justin began to gain control of himself again, he pulled away from JC's strong arms. "It's all right, Josh. Sorry I got a little carried away there," he tried to laugh it off, but looking at the pained, guilty expression on the face of the person he loved most just made it too difficult to smile. "I didn't realize I'd done that to you," JC said regretfully. "I didn't realize how much my getting wasted would affect you." "Josh," Justin replied seriously. "Everything you do affects me." JC was slightly taken aback by the sincerity in his best friend's voice. "I-" he began, but the blonde stopped him. "Josh, there's something else that you did last night that's causing me much more pain," he paused and looked up into his best friends eyes. "because you don't remember it." /Oh god,/ JC thought frantically to himself. /What did I do?/ "Last night when I was tucking you in," Justin began. "You tucked me in?" JC interrupted. Justin blushed and nodded. "How sweet!" JC exclaimed, embarrassing the younger man further. "Anyway," the nineteen year-old continued, turning serious again. "I was about to go to bed when you grabbed my arm and asked me to stay with you." Justin's voice dropped to a weak whisper as he added, "You said that you needed me." JC blanched. He said what?! Suddenly he noticed how hurt Justin looked. He quickly pulled his bandmate into an embrace. "I do need you, Justin," he assured the younger man. "I need you, too, Josh," Justin whispered back. "I stayed with you last night, f-for me as much as for you," he added, looking pointedly at his feet. JC's hold on the younger man tightened. "Oh, Just," he breathed. "Thank you. I love you so much." Justin took in his breath sharply. /*What*?!/ a voice inside his head yelled. Feeling the body in his arms stiffen, JC began to get worried. "Just?" he called. "Just, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I didn't mean that in any way other than-" "I love you, too, Josh," Justin interrupted, looking directly into his best friend's blazing blue eyes. "I love you more than anything. More" JC's eyes began to fill with tears. "I know, Just," he whispered. "But I don't think you understand." "I don't think *you* do," Justin replied, gently wiping away the tears that were now making their way down his best friend's beautiful face. "I-I want to be with you, Josh. Always." JC studied the face of his bandmate in silence for a few moments. "Justin, you know how much I care about you, right? And that I would never doubt you, okay?" He began nervously. Justin nodded, still in the older man's embrace. "Well, I need to know *how* you feel about me. How do you see me?" Justin blushed and cast his eyes down before turning to face his best friend once more. "I see you as being the love of my life, Joshua," he replied, his voice quiet but unwavering. "I see you as my other half. I-" Justin was cut off as JC leaned foreword and gently pressed his lips against the younger man's own. The kiss was soft, questioning. Justin began to part his lips, inviting JC to explore, but the older man pulled back. Looking deep into his best friend's clear blue eyes, the brunette asked, "Is this what you want, Justin?" Justin's voice was husky as he replied, "Yes. More then anything." JC's face immediately lit up. "Really?" he asked in disbelief. Justin had to laugh a little. "Yes, Josh. Really." With that, JC gently placed his arms around his best friend's waist and pulled the younger man to him. Justin slid his arms around the brunette's neck as he looked up at the other man adoringly. He could feel his heart begin to beat faster as JC leaned down and brought their faces mere inches apart. And this time, he didn't kiss Justin on the nose. As their lips touched once more, there was a gasp, but it didn't come from either of the men involved in the act. From where he stood in the doorway, Joey watched his two bandmates, his mouth hanging open. His headache completely forgotten, the New Yorker slowly backed out of the room, leaving the door barely open, as Justin had left it. He then rushed back to his hotel room to tell Lance and Chris what he had seen. /I think I finally know what they were talking about,/ Joey thought, a small smile playing upon his features.

Well, there it is! They finally got together! Or, well, at least they kissed and told each other how they feel...Anyway, details aren't important! Feedback is ^_~ so feel free to write me at Until next time!

Next: Chapter 13

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