
By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Sep 30, 2000


Devotion Chapter Eleven: It All Makes Sense Now

Disclaimer: Wow, I'm glad that you've stuck with this story all the way to chapter eleven, assuming that you have. Anyway, I don't know *NSYNC. Probably never will. That means that I also don't know anything about their sexuality. That said, enjoy the chapter!

"Guys," Lance began, addressing the two other men in the room. "I think we need to have a little chat." "Is this about `certain' members of the band? You know, maybe the ones who aren't here right now?" One of the other members of *NSYNC questioned the blonde. "Yep," Lance responded. "You got it." "Would you two keep it down?" the third person whined. "I've got a *killer* hangover!" "You think *you've* got one?" the second man laughed. "Just wait `till the lovebirds get up! JC'll show you what a `killer hangover' is!" Lance turned serious again. "That's actually what I want to talk about, Chris," he said, turning to the older man. "The `lovebirds.'" "Oh, so you noticed, too?" Chris replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "What are you two talking about?" Joey asked, pouring a cup of coffee himself. "You mean you haven't noticed?" Chris questioned, wide eyed. "The way Justin's been a major jerk lately?" "To you, too?" Lance turned to the eldest member of *NSYNC in surprise. "But that's not what I wanted to talk about," he admitted. "The only time he's been rude to me is when I made that *cough* comment to JC the other day," Joey explained. "And I think he had good reason." "So do I," Chris laughed. "But do you remember last night? With the taxi? What was up with that?" "And he snapped at me twice last night," Lance tossed in. "Once when I offered to help him get JC out of the club, and once when I was told him that he could let JC sleep in." "We were both trying to help him," Chris fumed. "Why the hell did he get so upset?" "No," Joey interjected. "You were both trying to help JC." The three members of *NSYNC thought in silence for a moment before Lance spoke up, "That actually brings us back to what I wanted to talk about in the first place." As the blonde paused to collect his thoughts, the other two sat in silence. Lance continued, being extra careful with his wording, "Have either of you noticed anything...different...about the ...relationship...between Justin and JC?" "What do you mean?" Joey asked, oblivious. Chris' eyes lit up. "You mean you've seen it, too?" He asked anxiously. "Yeah," Lance replied seriously. He chuckled a bit as he added, "You should have seen them during the movie last night." "What do you mean?" This time both Joey and Chris were confused. "You know how Justin couldn't remember what movie we had seen?" Lance began. The other two nodded. "Well it wasn't because he had fallen asleep." "What?" Chris interrupted, but Lance held up his hand for silence. "I'm getting there," he laughed. "You see, Justin had wanted to have ice cream, but JC would only let him order it if they shared. Of course, Justin agreed." "That kid is so spoiled," Joey muttered, causing his two bandmates to laugh. "Anyway," Lance continued. "They ended up only having one spoon. It took them the entire movie to finish it because Justin was spoon-feeding JC the whole time. They were just sitting there, staring into each other's eyes, for like an hour," he finished. "Wow," Chris and Joey said in unison. "I know," Lance smirked. "But that's not all. When I first went in, they were spooning on the bed, fast asleep." "Aw," Joey cooed. "`Aw' my ass!" Chris exclaimed. "I can't believe they didn't tell us!" Lance nodded. "I know. I mean, I gave them every opportunity to while I was there. It was almost like they really *didn't* know what I was talking about. They must either be really good actors, or they've been doing this for a really long time." "I've seen tapes from their MMC days, and let me tell you, it's not their acting," Chris asserted. Joey laughed. "And let's not forget `Model Behavior,'" he added. "Guys," Lance began again, determined to have a serious discussion about their two other bandmates. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sighing, Lance went to answered it. "Yes?" He asked irritably as he opened the door. "Sorry to bother you, Scoop," It was Justin. He was still dressed in nothing but his pajama pants and a muscle tee. "But Josh just woke up and he won't let me open the drapes or anything until I get him some aspirin." Lance chuckled and let the nineteen year-old inside his and Joey's room. "We've got plenty, don't worry," Lance assured the other blonde, glancing at his roommate. "With Joey around, you just have to have it on hand." "I can't help it if I like to go out and have a good time," Joey defend himself. As Lance disappeared into the bathroom to get the aspirin, Justin called out, "Maximum strength, if you've got it!" Coming back into the main room holding a bottle of maximum strength aspirin, Lance smiled and replied, "What else?" Justin smiled and took the bottle from his friend. "Thanks, Scoop." He was about to leave when Chris, who had been silent the entire time asked, "How is JC anyway?" Justin smiled. "Just peachy. The first thing he asked me when he got up was if he fell out our seven-story window in his sleep." Joey chuckled, "It's his own fault for having that much to drink." Justin's smile wavered for a moment, but only Chris, who was studying the young blonde intently, noticed. "Well," the oldest member of *NSYNC said as Justin was walking out the door. "Tell Josh I hope he feels better!" Justin froze. His grip on the aspirin bottle tightened visibly. Without saying another word, he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "What the hell was that?!" Joey exclaimed, obviously offended. "Just what I thought," Chris replied, a satisfied smile on his face. "And what's that?" Joey pressed. "That he *is* a jerk?" "Nope," Chris answered, a little smirk on his face. "That he's jealous." "What?" Lance and Joey asked in unison. "Did you notice that he was fine until I called JC `Josh'?" the eldest member of the group questioned back. "Oh," Lance whispered as things began to fall into place. "So *that's* what set him off all those times." "Why would he get so upset over that?" Joey wondered aloud. "Think about it, Joe," Chris responded. "That's his special name for his best friend. How do you *think* he's gonna feel if someone else uses it?" "I guess that makes sense," Joey admitted, but he still looked slightly peeved about the whole slamming-the-door thing. "How did you come to that conclusion, anyway?" "Well," Chris smirked, obviously proud of himself for figuring it out. "When I offered to ride with them in the cab, I wasn't doing anything that meant that I was coming on to JC or something like that. In fact, I was making a joke about them. Anyway, after I called him `Joshy' or something like that, Justin tensed up." "That's great," Lance cut in, still intent on getting them back to the "lovebirds" topic. "but-" Joey cut him off. "So you mean that whole hissy-fit slamming the door thing he just threw was because you asked if `Josh' was okay?" "Yep," Chris nodded. "Wow, and I'd never really pegged Justin as the jealous type!" Joey exclaimed, laughing to his self. Suddenly he clutched his head in pain. "Damn," the New Yorker muttered. "That coffee sure wore off quick...I think I'm going to have to go get that aspirin back." Lance nodded. "Actually, you will have to. That's our last bottle." Chris whistled. "Wow. Already?" "Hey," Joey laughed. "We *do* use it for other things then hangovers, you know." Chris snorted. "Like what?" "Uh..." Joey drawled, trying to think up an example. "Well, we also use it when *you* get hung over," Lance supplied. Chris blushed, "Ah, um, forget I said anything." "Already done!" Joey exclaimed before grabbing his head again. "That's it," he moaned. "I'm getting that back right now." Lance and Chris laughed at their bandmate as he made his way out the door and down the hall to JC and Justin's room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, okay, I know it was short and uneventful. Bear with me! Next chapter we'll see JC and Justin, I promise! Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it!

Next: Chapter 12

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