Devon and I

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Sep 29, 1999


This is Part 2 to my Devon Sawa story. I hope you all like it.

I smiled, very self-conscious, and started to leave the theater, not looking at anyone. The cast of the Star Wars movies, past and present wanted to talk to me all of a sudden, but I was just so embarrassed. Devon, thankfully held them off long enough for me to get away. The crowd parted out of my way and he ran up behind me so we could leave together. I was surprised that he still wanted to be friends with a freak, but I didn't say anything. We got outside to the limo and got in.

When we sat down, Devon looked at me strangely. "How did you do that?"

"I-I don't know," I said, ready to cry.

"Hey, don't cry, Ryan," he said soothingly.

"It's just...I don't want to be a freak," I said, breaking down.

"You're not a freak," he told me. "I think it's cool," he said in an awed voice.

His words didn't really have an impact on me and I kept crying. I'd been the object of constant ridicule before and I sure as hell didn't want to go through that again. Unthinking, I just kept crying and covering my face with my hands, so he wouldn't see it happen, even though he knew.

He reached over and pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder for a while. After about ten minutes, I realized that he was holding me, and I pulled back and smiled, embarrassed again. "I'm sorry, Dev."

He gave me a huge smile. "No sweat. We're here!" He opened the door like a doorman and helped me out. Just as I got out of the car, I saw a familiar face pass by.

"Amanda!" I called out to her.

She turned around, surprised, and her face lit into a huge smile when she saw me.

"Ryan," she exclaimed, "what are you doing here?!" She ran up and gave me a big hug.

Behind me, Devon frowned slightly-almost imperceptibly.

"I'm here to see the Star Wars gala," I told her. "This is my friend Devon," I introduced him to her. Her eyes widened.

"Do you know who that is?" she whispered to me.

"No. What's the problem?" I asked, confused.

"That's Devon Sawa!" she exclaimed, punching me lightly in the chest for my stupidity.

I turned and looked in shock. I KNEW he looked familiar!

He smiled, "Please don't do that. I just want to be friends, OK? No star-struck stuff, please?" he pleaded. He looked so cute doing that that I laughed and gave in.

Then I turned back to Amanda. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here, you goof," she told me laughing.

"I know that," I countered. "I just meant on this side of town. You live out in Hell's Kitchen."

"Yeah. I'm auditioning to be in the chorus of the next set of 'Jekyll and Hyde' this fall."

"OOOOH! I love that play!" I exclaimed excitedly. Then I frowned, "but I missed it," I added dejectedly.

"Oh. That's too bad. Still, you can always come again. Maybe you'll see me next time!" We laughed. "You're still singing, right?"

"Sure am," I replied cheerfully.

"Great! How about a duet really quick?"

I shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

We both warmed up really fast and I asked her, "What are we gonna sing?"

"Dangerous Game," she replied.

I smiled. I LOVE that song!

She started, "I feel your finger... cold on my shoulder... your chilling touch... as it runs down my spine... Watching your eyes... as they invade my soul... Forbidden pleasure...I'm afraid to make mine. At the touch of your hand, at the sound of your voice, at the moment your eyes meet mine... I am losing my mind, I am losing control...full of feelings I can't define."

I sang my part, "It's a sin with no name..."

She came in, "Like a hand in a flame..."

Me: "And our senses proclaim..."

Together: "It's a dangerous game!"

Me: "A darker dream... that has no ending... that's so unreal, you believe that it's true... a dance of death... out of a mystery tale... the frightened princess... doesn't know what to do... Will the ghosts go away?"

Her: "No..."

Me: "Will she will them to stay?"

Her: "No..."

Me: "Either way there's no way to win."

Devon stared at me in astonishment as my voice became a little deeper, darker, and my face began to shift and become mean and cruel.

She continued, "All I know is I'm lost...and I'm counting the cost... my emotions are in a spin...I don't know who's to blame..."

Me: "It's a crime and a shame..."

Her: "But it's true all the same..."

Together: "It's a dangerous game! No one speaks...not one word...but what words are in our eyes..."

Her: "Silence speaks..."

Me: "Silence speaks..."

Her: "Loud and clear..."

Me: "Loud and clear..."

Together: "All the words we don't want to hear... At the touch of your hand... at the sound of your the moment your eyes meet mine... I am losing my mind...I am losing control...fighting feelings I can't define!"

Her: "It's a sin with no name..."

Me: "No remorse and no shame. Fire! Fury! and Flame!"

Her: "Cause the Devils to blame..."

Me: "And the Angels proclaim... It's a dangerous game!"

Devon looked at us in shock and began to applaud us, as did a lot of the passerbys on the street. We laughed and gave each other another hug.

"That sounded great!" Devon exclaimed.

We looked at each other. "Yeah it did, didn't it?" I said. "You still have a beautiful voice," I added to her.

"You do too. I wish you were a member of the guild!"

I smiled shyly and looked at my watch. "What time did you say your audition was?"


"Then I need to let you go," I told her, giving her a peck on the cheek, "so break a leg, OK?"

"Sure. Thanks," and she headed off to her audition.

Devon and I headed into the hotel after I took a few mocking bows and he shoved me playfully. We laughed and went upstairs. As we rode the elevator, he pulled me close and gave me a hug. "That was awesome!"

I blushed and said, "Thanks, Dev. Especially coming from you."

He stepped back and eyed me curiously, "What do you mean by that?"

I got really afraid-afraid that I'd just hurt our friendship, afraid he might figure it out, afraid that I might hurt him. So I said, "You know, from an actor. From someone who frequently does this kind of stuff, it means so much more than from someone who's never had to sing or be onstage before."

His face smiled, but his eyes broke my heart. I had just hurt him. Then it hit me. He liked me! He had an attraction for me! God knows that I had one for him, too! "So, what did she mean by a member of the guild?" he asked awkwardly.

I smiled a bit. "Just like with you. You're a member of the screen actor's guild. I'd need to pay some dues and become part of the stage actor's guild. But I just can't afford it."

"That's too bad. You'd be a great actor," he told me with false enthusiasm. I wasn't so inept at acting myself that I couldn't notice it. Apparently I had really hurt him a lot. I needed to think, and as the doors opened, he turned and walked with a fake step back to the room. I followed him thinking very hard about him. I was staring at the back of his head and wondering what I should do when suddenly the buzzing sensation returned. Just as quickly, it was gone, but it left behind the sure knowledge that Devon was thinking of seeing me naked. -Hmm-I thought. -How to make this work?-

We walked into Devon's room and decided that after the excitement of the night, it might be best for us not to go out and go clubbing. So I said, "What about getting a movie for the night? We'll order room service, get comfortable and snuggle up to a good movie." I intentionally added the word "snuggle" and he perked up.

"That sounds like a great idea," he agreed excitedly. "I'll call room service. What do you want?" he inquired.

"I'm starved. How 'bout a steak?" He laughed and said, "how do you like it?"


"You savage!" I grinned at him and pictured myself shoving him playfully. To my surprise, he surged backwards as though I'd hurled him across the room.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed as he flew back onto the bed. "I'm sorry, man! I was just joking!"

I saw the fear in his face and heard it in his voice and it hurt me very deeply. I didn't want him to be afraid of me, too. "Devon, I'm-I'm so sorry. I-I just can't control it!" But then I remembered something that I'd read. It was a book about sorcery and how to control mental abilities when you become strong enough to develop them. "I need to leave." He opened his mouth to protest. "I'll be right back," I cut him off. "There' just something I need to get."

I ran out the door and headed to the nearest occult bookstore. Being New York and the type of store I was looking for, it was of course open and I found the book I had been looking for. I flipped through it a few times and saw a couple of really cool looking diagrams. There were a few other interesting things as well, so I picked them up, too. Then I ran back to the hotel. A couple of men tried to stop me, but I put a mental barrier around myself like one of the diagrams in the book had showed and basically just bowled them over. My head began throbbing halfway to the hotel and by the time I reached the doors, I was ready to black out. I lowered the barrier, and my head felt better, but I was still very lightheaded and walked in a daze to the elevator. When I got to our room, Devon answered my knock with a look of shock.

"You look awful!"

I didn't really think about what I was saying due to the lightheadedness, so I told him bluntly, "Look, cutie. I don't need to hear any more about it, please! If you want me to go cause I'm a freak, fine, but otherwise, please leave me alone."

"No, please don't leave!" He shouted. I stepped back, surprised. "I'm sorry," he added. "I just was surprised. What'd you get?" I showed him my purchases and he said, "Cool. By the way, our food's here. So did you want to order a movie?"

I smiled at his easygoing manner and began to feel better already. He started bringing the food into his room while I dialed the movie number in the TV. When the food was all brought in, he sat back on his bed, waiting to see what movie I'd gotten.

I smiled and looked at his face when he realized that I'd chosen Casper!" His eyes widened and he looked at me and said, "Please, I said no star-struck stuff. Please!"

I laughed. "It's just that I've never seen it before," I protested innocently. He laughed. "Besides, I heard that it's good," I added.

"Oh, all right." We started eating, and I sped-read through the book while the movie was on. "How do you do that?" he asked at one point.

"Hmm?" I grunted, not looking up from my book.

"How can you eat, watch a movie and read at the same time?"

"Oh," I replied. "I just can. I mean, I use my hands for the food, my ears for the movie, and my eyes for the book. It works out pretty well."

"Besides, I'm learning a lot." I showed him the diagrams and methods of concentration in the book.

"Really? That stuff works?"

"Sure, watch." I lifted my hand and the red candle that I'd bought lifted off the ground and started spinning.

"Cool!" He exclaimed.

"That's not all," I told him smugly. I spun the candle and lifted the remote control and started to spin that in the air too, creating a whirling design of interlocking movement between the two small objects.

"Whooa!" he cried out, surprised. I sped up the spin for a laugh and then very gently lowered them back down to the floor.

Then, on an impulse, I gave him a mental caress-like a kiss on his mind. He shivered. "What was that?" he asked, his voice quivering with lust.

"Um, nothing," I said, embarrassed.

"C'mon. Do it again," he asked.

"Well," I hesitated.

"C'mon, man," he pleaded.

"All right." This time, the caress was the sensation he would feel with me sucking on his nipples. He moaned and lay back on the bed.

I stopped then. A thought just occurred to me. "Devon," I asked, "what are you doing tomorrow?"

He looked confused but answered, "I've got a couple of PR meetings, but those'll only be for the middle of the day. I'm free tomorrow night."

Tears filled my eyes at the mention of tomorrow night. "What's wrong, Ry?" He asked, concerned.

"It's nothing," I answered, wiping my tears away.

"Don't give me that shit!" He snapped. "What's wrong?"

"Well, it's just that tomorrow's my last night, remember. We need to split up and go home after that. And I don't want to do that!" I got mad and suddenly, the candle's wick burst into flame.

He stared. "Whoa."

I glanced at the candle, annoyed, and with a single thought snuffed the flame and snapped it in two.

He glanced at it. "I see," he said. "So that's what's bothering you."

I shoved him back onto the bed again, not hard, but with enough force to rock the bed. I was beginning to get dizzy. I jumped up onto the bed. My mind was throbbing from trying to do too much too quickly, so I wasn't thinking too clearly.

"Devon," I said fuzzily, "I want you."

He gasped and pulled me into a kiss. "I want you too," he told me in a whisper.

We kissed fiercely. My tongue probed his and we wrestled for a while. I broke the kiss and pulled his shirt off. Then I started licking and sucking his nipples. He moaned and writhed on the bed. I smiled at him and kissed my way down his chest to his stomach. As I kissed his abs, I unbuckled his belt and lowered his boxers. His 6" cock sprang out and curved back in towards his belly. The large head gleamed with precum and looked amazing. I sat back in awe. He smiled impishly and turned slightly onto his side. I opened my mouth in shock.

"You look just like a picture that I have seen of you," I stammered. "Wow. It IS real!"

He pulled me into a kiss. "Not fair. You've seen me several times. I wanna see you," he said as his hand rubbed up and down my hard member. I readily agreed and in under 5 seconds, we were sitting together on the bed naked and horny. I went down on his curved cock and started to suck as hard as I possibly could. I licked up his sweet precum and stuck my tongue in his slit, looking for more. He moaned and thrust up into my mouth trying to get more of him in me. I started to gag, and began to move up and down, sucking as hard as possible. I savored the taste. It was by far the most savory cock I'd ever seen, nonetheless sucked. I began to massage his balls as I moved up and down, first quickly, then slowly.

Before too long, his balls pulled up into their sack a little bit. "I'm- gonna," he cried. I pulled back a little so that his cum shot into my mouth. It was so good! I smiled as I licked it down and felt its warmth flow down my throat. I cleaned off every drop and kept his warm dick in my mouth until it went limp.

"Aah," he moaned. "Wow. That was great." He told me, sounding exhausted.

"Thank you," I said, with a smile.

He reached across and wrapped his hand around my member. He began to rub up and down and then he smiled. "Let me return the favor."

He pushed me back onto the bed and unbuttoned my shirt. He also kissed my chest and sucked on my nipples. Then he kissed his way down to my belt and undid it, too. He slowly opened my pants and pulled them and my boxers off in one smooth movement. I sprang out and nearly hit him in the face.

"God, it's beautiful," he whispered. He smiled and I smiled back and leaned my head back. He moved forward gently and licked the underside from base to tip. I moaned deeply and my both of my heads throbbed.

I felt the sensation of wind rippling through my hair, and Devon's warm mouth engulfing my whole length. Be was blowing me like a pro, and the bed spun faster and faster in the air as I came closer and closer to climax. "Oh, GOD, Devon, I'm-gonna..." I screamed as I blew my load down his waiting mouth and all the lights in the block went out...

I woke up the next morning before the sun rose. Devon was lying next to me, his naked body pressing against mine. I smiled and sighed contentedly. Then I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. I didn't even feel him leave a couple of hours later, but I felt the lack of his presence and woke up only 15 minutes afterwards. I knew he'd be gone, so I worked on improving my mental abilities. I went through the book backwards and forwards as well as the others that I bought. I made a few alterations in the way I focused and could move everything in the entire suite without much effort. Then I began to change myself. I made myself a little bit thicker. But basically, I loosened my ligaments so that I had twice as much flexibility and tightened my muscle tension so that I was quite a bit stronger. I also gave myself the ability to learn more quickly-if I focused. Then I added a little touch that made these changes permanent. I knew that I wanted to study martial arts again, and this time, I wanted to be better than just average.

Then, I thought of Devon. I knew that I'd need to come to a decision about him. But thinking of him made me really sad and I started to sing a slow song that came into my mind:

"You were once my one were all that were once a friend and lover...then my world was shattered... Wishing you were somehow here again...wishing you were somehow near...sometimes it seemed...if I just dreamed...somehow you would be here! Wishing I could hear your voice again...knowing that I never would...thinking of you won't help me to do...all that you dreamed I could..."

I looked around the room at all the porcelain figurines and smiled sardonically.

"Passing bells and sculpted angels...cold and monumental...seem for you the wrong were warm and gentle. Wishing you were somehow here again...too many years...fighting back tears... why can't the past just die?"

I paused again and mentally altered my voice. I increased my range by three notes, smoothed out the tone and improved the timbre slightly. "Wishing you were somehow here again...knowing we must say good...bye...Try to forgive...teach me to live...give me the strength to try... No more memories... no more silent tears... no more gazing across the wasted me say...good...bye."

I smiled sadly. How was I going to forget about Devon? What was I going to do now?

**That's all for part 2. Sorry it's so short and sorry that it took so long. Jeff, Jason, Allen, Mano, and everyone else, thank you all for your support. I really appreciate it. I sincerely hope that this story doesn't disappoint any of you. As for everyone else, again, I love getting mail and I truly hope that you enjoy the story. Comments, questions, concerns? Please e- mail me and I'll do my best to answer them. Flames will be ignored, but well- worded criticism is, of course, appreciated.


Next: Chapter 3

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