Devon and I

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Sep 19, 1999


This story is a work of FICTION. It does not mean that the sexuality of anyone mentioned is in question. If you are underage and reading this, KUDOS to you. If this material offends you, go to hell.

I was in New York, going to see a couple of sights. I love NYC and go there as often as I can to see the shows. My name is Ryan, I'm 5'11" tall, 135 lbs. with blond hair and green eyes, and I dream of someday being an actor on Broadway. I love to act and sing, but I still can't dance. In order to help me with my balance, I took gymnastics and martial arts for many years in order to get my black belt-barely. But I never was great in either. I was only mediocre and my balance wasn't really helped that much after all. Still, it was fun. (Oops, you really shouldn't let me go off on a tangent like this, or I'll never get done.)

Anyway, it was going to be a great weekend. Tonight, I was going to see one of my favorite plays, "Jekyll and Hyde," and three days later, I was going to a sneak preview of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" with a bunch of musicians and movie stars! I had a friend who worked for Universal Studios who managed to snag me a ticket. I couldn't believe he pulled it off and, not thinking, I kissed him soundly on the lips. He looked so surprised and then he blushed. I was chuckling at the memory of his face when I saw a guy running across the street. A taxi didn't seem to see him and was going to hit him if I didn't do anything. I took a deep breath and pushed off behind me, sprinting as fast as I possibly could to reach him in time.

About five feet from him, I jumped to tackle him to the side. With a loud "Oof!" he landed on the other side of the cab. I, however, was not quite so lucky, and I got nicked by the car and was sent flying headfirst into the side of the MTV studios.

"Ow! Shit!" I screamed as I landed with a thud and hit my head, hard, on the sidewalk. Everything went dark for a minute and then I heard, "Are you all right? Hey man, are you OK?" I groaned and opened my eyes. There, staring at me was a beautiful face looking kind of worried. "Hello? Are you OK?" he was asking me over and over again. I groaned and blinked a few times to clear my vision and saw the bluest eyes staring at me. I smiled at him, embarrassed, and said, "Sure, I'm fine," in an unintelligible slurred voice. Then I blacked out.

I awoke to find myself in a hospital bed, wearing only the flimsy covering of hospital pajamas and definitely feeling a draft. My room was OK, as far as hospital rooms go, but the constant beeping of the heart monitor made my head hurt. Besides that, I had a strange buzzing sensation in the back of my head. So, I was naturally a little short-tempered when the nurse came in to see how I was doing. She was a slightly heavy woman in her mid-forties with red hair pulled back and a round face.

"Well, young man," she started.

"Ryan," I cut her off irritably.

"Ryan," she amended sweetly. "You've had a severe concussion, but the X- rays all indicate that you'll be perfectly all right in a couple of days."

"Great," I said, "but it doesn't help me with missing my favorite show, does it?"

"No, I'm afraid not," she answered me, beginning to get irritated.

I waved with my left hand at the drip going into my right arm. "What's this?"

"Painkiller," she told me.

"It's not working," I complained. "I still have a weird buzzing in the back of my head."

She frowned. "You have some strange brain activity in the cerebellum- that's in the back of your brain," she informed me.

"I know where the cerebellum is," I snapped. "Get on with it!"

"Fine," she huffed, "we believe that it's just the result of your severe concussion and should go away, but if you still feel it in a couple of days, go to the hospital right away."

"Fuckin' wonderful," I mentioned sarcastically. "That's where I am now."

Angry now, she added, "That's where you have been for the past two days!" As I stared at her in shock, she finished. "You have a visitor. Do you want to see him?"

"Sure," I said weakly. "Whatever." My mind was still trying to grasp the fact that I'd been out for two full days! This was not good, as my hotel room was only for two more days after the accident occurred!

The door opened, and the guy who I had saved walked in. He looked like he was a little sore, but was otherwise OK. He looked familiar, too, but I just couldn't place him. He pulled a chair next to my bed and said, "So I hear you're getting out tomorrow, huh?"

I smiled weakly, sick that I'd miss everything I came to NYC for. "Yeah, I guess so."

He held out his hand, "By the way, I'm the guy you saved from that maniac taxi. I'm Devon."

I reached out and grabbed his hand in a handshake that was as firm as I could make it, considering I'd been asleep for two days. The minute we first made contact, the buzzing in my brain exploded into a rush that sounded in my ears like wind blowing against me. It was electrifying, and every hair on my body stood on end. I shut my eyes against the pain, and only opened them again when I heard Devon gasp. He was feeling the same thing that I was since his hair was standing on its end, too, and his eyes were wide.

Then, the feeling stopped. Our hair settled down, and the buzzing returned, a little weaker than before. "Whoa, man, I'm sorry." I stammered, stunned by what had just happened.

He smiled a stunning smile at me. I KNEW he looked familiar, but I just couldn't place it. "Don't worry about it," he assured me, tentatively touching the metal bedpost to see if static electricity flew. It didn't. "It was actually kind of cool."

"I'm still sorry," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, too," he mentioned.

I looked at him confused. "What're you sorry about?"

He flushed a little bit. "If I had been paying attention, you wouldn't have gotten hurt trying to save me and missed your show."

"How'd you know I was going to the show?" I asked curiously.

"I checked your wallet to find some ID after you passed out and found the ticket to the play in it." I stiffened when he told me, thinking about the pictures of some of my ex-boyfriends I had in there. He saw my reaction and added hastily, "I didn't take anything. I found your hotel key though. Today, I just called the hotel and told them what happened. They said that they were terribly sorry and would refund you for the room, but they had already rented it out to someone today, so they had to get rid of your stuff."

I sighed. "Another complication," I muttered.

"It's OK," he assured me. "I've got plenty of stuff, and from the looks of you, we might fit pretty well. Here, try these on." He handed me a pair of boxers, gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I slid wiggled under the covers and put them on. The boxers fit like a glove, as did the pants. The shirt was a little tight, and he laughed, embarrassed. "I forgot: I like to wear my t- shirts a little tight."

I smiled at him. "That's OK. I don't wear shirts if I can help it," I told him. "They're so uncomfortable." He laughed. "Thanks a lot, Devon. I appreciate it," I told him sincerely.

"Don't mention it," he said, laughing again.

At that moment, the bitch (I mean nurse) came back in and said, "Sir, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave. We need to run a few tests."

"Sure," he agreed, rising from the chair. "I'll catch you later," he told me.

"What?" I asked, but he was already gone.

"Now, get those clothes off and get back into that robe," the nurse ordered me.

"Leave me alone," I retorted.

"Look, kid," she snapped, "if you want to get out of here tomorrow, you'd better do as I say. Now get out of those clothes this instant!"

I shot her a look that would kill and angrily shouted, "What the hell's the matter with you? I was actually feeling normal again. You know, what you're SUPPOSED to want your patients to feel like. And you come in here and screw it up!" My anger built unreasonably but uncontrollably. The buzzing in my head became a throbbing, and the rushing sound came forward again. "So leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed. That very second, all the glass in the room-the light bulbs, windows, mirrors, vases and glasses-shattered, sending shards flying everywhere.

She looked very scared and ran out of the room as I passed out on the bed. The doctors apparently ran the tests they wanted on me while I was asleep and while I was gone, the glass had been cleared up. I woke up again a couple of hours later, feeling very tired, but the throbbing in my head was nearly gone. I looked around the room in shock at what happened earlier and went to sleep.

The next morning, a different nurse came in. If I were straight, or even bi, I would have cum in my bed just looking at her. She was about 20, 5'7" and had golden blond hair that shone with youth and vigor. Her blue eyes sparkled and she had a smile on her face. Even with my preferences, my eyes were automatically drawn to her chest, where two bulging breasts strained against her nurses' uniform. -Sometimes, it would have been easier to be straight- I thought. She came in with a wheelchair and with a perpetual smile asked, "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine now," I answered, anxious to leave.

"That's great! Let's get you out of here," said a familiar voice. To my surprise, Devon walked in behind the nurse. Damn, he looked great. He had a black pair of nylon jumpers and a VERY tight white t-shirt. I tried very hard not to drool in front of him. "Ready to go?" he asked.

I glanced down at my hospital clothing.

"Oh yeah," he laughed. "I'll wait outside."

The nurse was looking at me appreciatively. "Well," she said, "at least one person should stay to help him if he needs it, or at least make sure he doesn't hurt himself." Then she flushed, realizing she may have said too much. Devon looked at her curiously then winked at me. I groaned mentally.

"Devon, would you mind staying instead?" I asked. "No offense," I added to the nurse, "but I'd feel more comfortable with it being a friend instead of a gorgeous woman like you."

She smiled. "That's so sweet." Then she turned to Devon. "I'll be outside if you need me."

Devon nodded and when she shut the door, came to help me out of bed. He grabbed the clothes he gave me yesterday and handed them to me. "Where're my clothes?" I asked him.

"I took them back to my hotel to have them washed. Hope you don't mind." Apparently this young man was used to making decisions in life, so I didn't mind too much. I knew I'd get them back.

"OK. No problem," I said as I slipped the boxers on under the robe. Then I turned around and asked him to untie all the knots in the back. He did, and I shucked it off like it burned me or something. "I've never liked wearing those damn things," I told him, responding to his amused look. Then I unsteadily put my foot onto the cold floor and stood up. My muscles were weak, but it only took me a minute to get used to my body being on my feet again.

I turned around to face Devon, and he hissed quietly, looking at me. I thought he thought that I was about to fall, so I raised a hand telling him I'm OK. With his help, I slid the pants on and eventually managed to get the shirt on. I pulled on my shoes and said, "I can't believe I need help getting dressed."

He smiled gently. "The doctors told me the weakness will be gone by this afternoon, if you work them gently this morning."

"Dev," I paused. "Can I call you Dev?"

"Please," he pleaded.

"OK, Dev. Why have the doctors told you so much? I really don't even know you."

"I-kind of, uh, said I was your brother."

"And they believed you?" I asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah. I mean, look at us."

I looked at him more closely. I have a thinner face and my eyes are green, but our bodies are really quite close. The main difference is I have better abs and he has better pecs.

"I see what you mean."

"So, let's go," he said cheerfully, wheeling the chair over towards me. Resigned, I sat down and let him push me out to the front doors of the hospital. First, we stopped at registration.

"Signing out a patient, sir?" The receptionist asked.

"Sure am," Devon replied cheerfully.

"Then please sign here, Mr.-Sawa," she said, reading his name off the paper. "Thanks a lot, and I hope you're feeling better," she said to me.

"I am, thanks." I waved to her and Devon wheeled me out. At the front doors, a limo was waiting for us. "How long are you going to be in New York for, Ryan?" he asked me during the ride to the hotel.

"I was planning on staying through tonight, but I wish I could stay a little longer to catch up on the two days I missed. But I don't have enough money to get another hotel room in New York," I added mournfully. "So I guess I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"You don't need to do that, you know. I've got a hotel suite booked for a couple more days and you can stay with me."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't want to impose!"

"Look, man. You saved my life. It's not going to be an imposition. I insist!"

"Great! I really appreciate that! Where're you staying?" I asked, feeling better than I had in days.

"The Mariott Marquis," he replied and abruptly remembered something. "Oh, shit!" he exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Dev?" I asked, suddenly worried that some problem or other had occurred.

"I just remembered, I have to go to this big, gala premier tonight! Are you OK to stay in the hotel? I mean, I'd love for you to come with me, but I can't get you an extra ticket and seating's limited."

"I can manage," I told him disappointed. "But out of curiosity, where are you going?"

"To the preview of Star Wars," he told me excitedly. "I can't wait! I love Star Wars!"

"Really? That's awesome!" I exclaimed. "I have a ticket, so we can go see it together! But I need to get my stuff, first." I told him. "I have a surprise in store."

"We can manage," he told me. "We'll stop by your hotel and get your things first and go to the Mariott, Kay?"

"I really can't thank you enough, Dev!"

"My pleasure."

There weren't any problems at my hotel, and Dev and I lugged my suitcase and backpack to the limo. The chauffeur took them from us and put them in the trunk. Then we were off to the Mariott. I found out that Devon is a Star Wars nut like me, so we spent almost the entire trip talking about our favorite Star Wars moments. It seemed like we'd only been talking for a minute, but soon we were at the Mariott, so we got out and went upstairs. We stopped on the third floor so Dev could get me an extra key to his room, and then we rode the elevator to the thirty-ninth floor.

When Devon opened his door, I was nearly in shock. I expected an opulent room, but this had a small dining room, a huge bathroom and two bedrooms. Both bedrooms were right next to each other and separated only by a quarter of a wall. Devon already had his stuff on the right side of the room, so I took the left bedroom. I looked in the bathroom and couldn't believe the size of the bathtub. It was huge!

As I put my suitcase down, I flopped back onto the bed with a sigh. "Hey, it's already late, you know. It's like 1:00." Devon told me with a laugh. "I'll order some room service and then we need to get ready."

"Oh, all right," I groaned. He giggled. "So who's going to shower first?"

"You go ahead," he offered. "That way, you can start getting ready earlier and take it easy."

"OK," I moaned, lifting myself off the bed, "you've convinced me." I pushed myself off the bed and slowly walked over to the bathroom that sat between the front of the two bedrooms. I involuntarily groaned in pain once I got to its door.

"Ryan," he called out, "just in case you do need something, leave the door unlocked, will you?"

"Uh, sure, Dev. But I'm fine," I told him.

"I know. I just want to be sure," he assured me.

"Whatever," I told him as I opened the door. I shut the door and locked it, but then remembered what he said and unlocked it. Devon, hearing the door unlock, smiled slyly. I turned on the water to let it heat up and stripped down. Then I remembered that I had to ask Devon something real quick, so I grabbed a towel. I was way too tired to bend down to get those clothes. I opened the door and leaned out. "Dev," I called out.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"Do you mind if I borrow a bit of your shampoo? I haven't unpacked mine yet."

"No, go ahead. Thanks for asking, though."

"You're my host. I owe you that at the very least," I reminded him.

"You're breaking my heart. Now get in that shower!" he commanded. I smiled and saluted at him before stepping back into the shower.

The hot water felt great on my tired muscles, and I felt a renewed life enter them. I sighed, feeling the heat enter me and rejuvenate me. I felt life returning to me, but at the same time, the buzzing in my head came back again, but although it was insistent, it wasn't painful.

I washed the weariness from my fine-toned body and realized that I'd need to exercise a little bit the next day in order to get back into shape. Once I finished the shower, I turned off the water and dried off. Then I wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom and went to my room to get dressed. As I walked out, I heard a whistle, and there was Devon leering at me.

"Feeling better, now?" he asked impishly.

I laughed at his joke. "Yeah, actually. That shampoo is great! It brought me back from the dead!"

He laughed too. "It does that to me, too!" He informed me. "By the way, the food will be here in a couple of minutes."

"OK," I replied, rifling through my bag to find a pair of black silk boxers. Devon looked at me funny. "Hey," I replied, feigning a hurt voice, "I thought this is going to be a formal event!"

"It is," he told me. "I just..." he blushed.

"You just what?" I asked slyly. He blushed deeper and opened his mouth to say something when the food arrived at the door. He answered it with relief as I put on my boxers and a pair of black slacks. I wrapped the towel around my hair and helped Dev transfer the food from the cart to the table in the dining area.

Devon tipped the busboy a $20 and the kid, smiling a huge smile, thanked him and left. Then the two of us began to scarf food down. I was so engrossed in eating that it actually took me a couple of minutes to realize that Devon was only wearing a pair of black soccer shorts. I eyed his beautiful body-his hairless chest and his small, light brown nipples. -Dammit, this guy is so hot!- I thought. I lowered my eyes quickly so that Devon couldn't see me checking him out.

We inhaled the food, and I started to clean up somewhat and turned to Devon, "You'd better get in that shower now."

He looked at his watch and exclaimed, "Holy Shit!"


"We're gonna be late if we don't hurry!"

"Shit! Get your ass in and out of that shower so I can brush my hair and teeth!" I ordered him, anxiously.

"No time," he told me calmly. "You'll need to do it while I'm in the shower."

"Fine. Let's get moving!"

Without a hint of embarrassment, Devon dropped his shorts and this time I DID stare. His piece was gorgeous and was just hanging limp. His hairless balls were pulled up by the cold and I caught a flash of a brown triangle of pubes as he ran off to get in the shower. The minute his back was turned, I drew in a shuddering breath and gasped. It had taken all of my willpower not to cum in my shorts! -These are going to be an interesting couple of days- I thought.

Still, I did control myself, and I went into the bathroom after I'd figured he'd gotten in the shower to brush my hair back and brush my teeth. Ironically, I wore my hair back in a ponytail similar to Ewan McGregor's in Phantom Menace, but I didn't intend on the look.

I put on my white shirt and black socks. I put on black shiny shoes and a black sport coat. I also pulled out a bow tie and tied that. On my belt, I pulled out my Darth Maul two-sided lightsaber and a shiny, black hooded robe. I slid in some cat-eye contacts and was ready for the party.

Devon, coming out of the shower in a towel caught me by surprise, and I could clearly see his package outlined by the towel. I clenched my teeth and tried to stay calm. I couldn't let him know that I was gay; I didn't want to ruin our budding friendship. He looked at me, surprised, and said, "Wow, man. You really did have a surprise."

I reached into my bag and pulled out another lightsaber-a blue one this time. "Want one?" I asked impishly.

"Oh, yeah" He replied enthusiastically, "you know it." I pulled out the green lightsaber and said, "You know anyone else who may want this one for the night?" I asked Devon.

"Let's see who's there, shall we?"


He quickly got into his tux, which made him look soooo sexy and we got into the limo to go to the theater.

We arrived and I was surprised how many people cheered my friend's name. Most of them looked at me strangely, but I didn't mind. A reporter stopped us and asked, "So, Devon, who's your friend?"

He smiled and replied, "This is Ryan. He saved me from a runaway taxi a couple of days ago and imagine my surprise when I found out that he had a ticket to this thing. So of course, I invited him to come with me in my limo."

"I see," the reporter said, turning to me. "You realize that you just won the thanks of millions of teenage girls, right?"

I smiled, embarrassed. "I guess so," I mumbled. I looked down, and Devon smiled at my nervousness.

"You're embarrassing him," he told the reporter.

She smiled and turned to welcome the Baskstreet Boys to the theater. Devon looked back and saw them. He waved, and they waved back. Then he looked at me more closely. "You know, Ryan, you look a little like Nick Carter."

"Who?" I asked blankly.

"One of those guys," he told me, pointing with his thumb behind him.

I looked back and saw Nick Carter. "Yeah, I guess so. Sort of."

"Well, don't worry. You're really better looking than he is," he told me confidently. "After all, you also look like me!"

I laughed at his joke and we walked into the theater. I thought -What was that all about? Was he trying to make a pass at me?-

The movie was amazing. While true, the story itself wasn't all that great, the choreography of the lightsaber battles made me nearly orgasmic. I LOVED them! Darth Maul soon became my favorite character of all time, and I was very pleased with Ewan McGregor's skill with the lightsaber.

While waiting afterwards, I noticed the actors of the movies were there: Jake Lloyd, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, and all the others. Ray Park was there too, and I had a great idea.

"Devon, I'll need to see that lightsaber," I told him.

He handed it to me, confused and I flipped him the green one instead. I carefully approached Ray Park and asked him, "Mr. Park?"

He looked at me, "Yes?"

"I was wondering, you know..." I pulled the black cloak out of the way to show the lightsaber strapped to my belt.

"Not right now, kid," he told me wearily.

"I understand," I said, a little disappointedly. "I just figured with the wait to leave..." I trailed off, then sighed. "But it's all right."

I flipped the other lightsaber in my hand and he called out, "Hey kid, I'll give you a shot."

I flashed him a smile. "Just to let you know, I remember your choreography, so don't try anything with me. Now, do you want the katana or the bo?"

He smiled. "I'll take the bo. It's my specialty."

I drew the double bladed lightsaber and tossed it to him. In the same motion, I drew the blue lightsaber I took from Devon and stepped into an en garde position.

Park smiled again and flipped his lightsaber around so that both ends flared out. We sparred for a little while, and I actually managed to do rather well. He blocked every single one of my attacks, but I block or jumped all of his, so we were fairly even. But then, he stopped underestimating my ability and quickly began to use his full ability. Then I was hard pressed, and for no reason, I began to feel a lot of pressure in my head as I tried not to lose. I don't really know why, because I knew when I started that I wouldn't win, but it still happened. I thrust outward and he caught my blade with his and flung it away. His second blade came in at my ankles. I did a quick back flip and unconsciously, held out my hand to my flying lightsaber. To my surprise, as much as everyone watching, it flew right back into my hand and I charged him. He was surprised, but his defense was too good and soon he had me beaten. I turned of the plastic toy, and shook his hand. "Great match, Mr. Park."

"Call me Ray, kid," he told me with a huge smile. "You've definitely earned it."

"Thanks, Ray. I'm Ryan and thanks for the match. I really appreciate it. You're very good!"

"You're really pretty good, too, Ryan," he told me. "That trick with the lightsaber was great. Did you have it hooked to a black string?"

"Uh, yeah. I figured you'd disarm me pretty quickly, so I had a trick ready."

"Very smart," he complimented me. "Very smart. Maybe we can work together sometime."

I smiled, pleased. "I would be honored." I turned to walk away, but he called out, "You forgot this!" and tossed the lightsaber towards me. It went way over my head and was about to plink Devon in the head. Still unthinking, I held out my hand again, and in midair the toy stopped and flew straight back to my hand.

Everyone turned and stared at me...

That's all for the part 1 of Devon Sawa and I. I hope you all like it. As with my N'Sync-new life story, any comments or questions, please e-mail me at Flames will be ignored. Thanks again to those who've supported me so far.

Next: Chapter 2

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