Devins Story

By Stanley the Swinger

Published on Feb 26, 2002


Sorry it took so long to get this chapter up. There is some action in this one, per the requests of my email fans. Again the usual disclaimer about being old enough and legally allowed, and not offended by two guys getting it on is here. Email me at

"I want to have sex with a guy."

Cameron and Seth both looked at me, and I couldn't beleive the words that had just come out of my mouth. Here I was, at a dance club, talking to the guy whose heart I had broken months earlier when I wasn't able to come to terms with the fact that I liked men, and his soulmate boyfriend he had met right after.

It was strange how neither of them seemed bitter at all to me about what had happened. I guess because my actions had opened the door for them to meet and fall in love, they must have figured it was fate. This must be why they were so willing to help me try and come to terms with my sexuality, for the sake of myself, and for my girlfriend Sarah, who I didn't want to hurt by continuing to live a lie.

"Ok, then, I'll set it up." Seth said. He had told me that If I wanted to find out whether or not I would like being with a man, the only way to do it would be to sleep with a guy. Actually experience it. And that he knew a guy who loved having sex with straight guys who were confused, but he had to hear me say I wanted to do it first.

"No turning back now." Cameron said as he smiled.

"Nope" I said, happy that I wasn't backing down. Seth took us over to the bar and walked me up to a guy wearing a bowling shirt with a leopard print collar, and slightly slicked hair, with a neat trim goatee and sideburns. He was kind of trim, like he worked out but didn't lift weights. He didn't look like someone I would have pegged as gay if I saw him on the street. Seth introduced me to him.

"Matt, I'd like you to meet Devin, Devin, this is Matt."

"Nice to meet you Devin." Matt said with a warm smile.

"Hi" was all I could say with the nerves.

"Devin needs help figuring out an.. issue he has, and I thought you might be just the man to help him work it out, if you know what I mean" Seth said. I started to feel like he was buying me a prostitute or something. Matt looked me over and smiled a bit.

"I think I can manage that." Matt said.

"Well I've got to go play my second set, you two have fun" Seth said as he began to walk away.

"Not so fast silly" Cameron said as he took him by the arm and the two shared a quick kiss as they walked towards the stage again. I still wasn't quite over seeing them kiss. Not so much because they were two guys, but because I remember being kissed by Cameron myself.

"So Devin, got a bit of a math dillema?" Matt asked me.

"Math dillema?"

"well you know x and y can make 2, but you're curious as to whether not y and y can too?"

"Oh, yeah" I kinda laughed to myself at the codes being used.

"Buy me a drink." Matt said. I nodded and waved the bartender over. Matt ordered a smirnoff ice and I paid for it. "ok Devin, I'm going to go to the mens room and wait in the stall at the end, near the wall. In a couple minutes, I want you to join me, ok?"


He smiled and walked away, I watched him go into the bathroom, and I looked around the room, wondering what was going to happen in that stall. I looked down at my watch and counted the seconds going by. Finally I looked up and saw Cameron across the room motioning for me to just go ahead and go to the Men's room. I walked into the bathroom, and there was a guy and a girl making out against the wall and two guys at the urinals, I found my way to the last stall, and opened the door. Inside Matt was waiting for me.

"ok Devin, we're going to take this nice and slow, ok?" I nodded. "first I'm just going to get you used to being touched by me" he said as he reached out and started to caress my arm with his. "Now, I'm going to get you used to being kissed" and he lifted my arm, placing a kiss on my palm, and slowly working his lips up my arms. "Now, I'm going to press your body against mine" he said as he pulled me close to him, "and now I'm going to stop talking, and let my movements tell the story." I could feel one of his hands rubbing along my back and before I knew it, I was doing the same to him.

The next thing I knew, he was kissing my neck. Slowly he moved his mouth up to my ear, which he nibbled on slighlty, I pushed him away a bit and then felt myself kiss the side of his neck as he had done to me. Finally I started to forget that this was a guy and began to act like I did when I made out with Sarah. I began feeling up his thigh, when finally he kissed me on my lips. Without hesitation, I kissed him back, slightly opening my lips this time, and passing my tounge into his mouth. By this time I realized he had me pressed up against the wall and the toilet, and I was starting to wrap my legs around him. I could feel himself growing in his pants, and it made me get hard even faster.

His hands unbuttoned my pants and started working their way into my boxers. I couldn't beleive the feeling of his strong, masculine hands rubbing my cock. I could feel a bit of precum beginning to find its way out, and slowly Matt raised one of his hands to his face and licked it off of his finger, then placed that finger into my mouth and began to move it in and out, and I started to suck on it. I felt his other hand begin to work its way back and one of his fingers slowly enter my ass slighlty before leaving the area.

Thats when he began to change his attack. He lowered me onto the toilet, and began to unbutton the bottom of his shirt, enticing me to begin kissing his abs, which I did without delay. I saw him to start undoing his fly, and then I realized what he was intending for me to do. I wanted to protest, but I was too caught up in the passion of the moment. He pulled his cock out of his breifs, right in my face, and then bent forward, kissing the top of my head before whispering "it'll be ok, just take it slow."

I gulped quickly, and then decided I had to see for myself, and slowly I begain to put my mouth around Matt's dick. It hardened a bit more once it was in my mouth, and I tried to remember what it seemed like Sarah was doing whenever she'd suck mine. I rubbed my tounge around the shaft as I began to move my wet lips up and down it. I tounged the bottom of the head furiously as it begain to pulsate a little. I tasted a bit of precum as I moved my tounge along the tip. I moved in again and felt the head press against my cheek. finally, I just moved my lips all the way down the shaft till I felt the thing press against the back of my throat, then I heard Matt say "I'm coming" and out of fear, I quickly pulled my head back. Matt seemed to expect this, as he already had a wad of toilet paper ready to squirt into. I moved off the toilet and matt tossed his wad into the water, flushing it. then he turned and saw that my face had grown kind of white when I realized what I had just done.

"Congratulations" Matt said with a grin. "you just sucked your first cock."

"Wow, so I DO like sex with guys" I said, a little worried about what I had just learned."

"oh my friend" Matt said, rubbing my crotch with his hand "this was just a warmup, the real action begins when we go back to my place... So now you have to decide again, You can leave it with a blowjob, or you can go for the whole nine yards.."

I didn' even have to think. I couldn't deny that I liked what had happened and that I wanted more. "What are we waiting around here for?" I said, before giving Matt another kiss, and opening the stall door for him to lead the way. I had a feeling this night wasn't ending any time soon.

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