Devils Threesome

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Apr 19, 2023


==Chapter 2==

When we left off, Tai was in soaked boxers, erect, sweat glistening and jogging along an unfamiliar neighborhood.


Tai pissed again when his arms cramped. Everything he'd held scattered across the road.

He squatted down – piss shooting up his chest like a gentle hose - and watched his biceps expand by another inch or more, then his forearms proportionally. His arms were pretty huge now. Not to the level of a bodybuilder but almost big enough to match his lower body.

He went on all fours, drooling without a care, and tried to pick his things up again while a strolling family changed the side of the road to avoid him.

His keys and most of his money had fallen into a drain. He could see it through the street grate, laying in filthy water. A parked car's tire was atop the street grate.

"Fuck no. Shit, fucking hell," Tai said while regaining control of his vascular arms. His voice was trembling, almost squeaky. "You demonic fucker. You cock sucking magical asshole."

Slowly his money sank down the drain. He grabbed the grate with his improved arms and pulled. Nothing. Even his adrenaline-laden, demon muscles were not getting the grate loose with a car on top.

"Fuck. Fucking fuck shit fuck shit."

He had to keep going. If he memorized the location he could come back later.

With only a few cards in hand, he arrived at the correct street. He needed house number 20. The one next to him was number 100.

Tai jogged, always pissing a little to keep the pain from getting distracting. His tented boxers were too soaked to keep his dick in place and piss sprayed from his tip with every step, wildly flinging the liquid left and right.

He didn't even notice it anymore. If people saw a glistening, nearly naked muscle Asian with mohawk constantly spraying from his boner, they'd at least leave him alone. He couldn't be fucked to care anymore, he was beyond mad.

His pecs and abs cramped up at the same time and he had to slow down. It was like having the world's worst stiches.

Nearly toppling over, Tai was forced to stand still as his heaving chest expanded fiber by fiber to pop just a bit more, nipples pushed down and out a little.

Looking past his now fairly voluminous pecs, he saw himself develop a cut eight pack. Not quite a stage-ready level of eight pack, but more than a suggestion of bumps. For a second he allowed himself to be thrilled.

Then he needed to keep running.

After only a few steps his back cramped. It brought him to a standstill as dull aches radiated from his core into every other part of his body.

Tai felt his shoulders getting pushed apart as his back broadened. The eight pack now looked almost too narrow, but maybe that was just his perspective.

He walked, breathing through the weird pain until finally he could run again.

His boxer shorts dissolved and fell off him, running along with the sweat.

Tai held both fists in front of his dick as he gain speed.

Now wearing only sneakers, the glistening, mohawk'd muscle boy made it past number 40 before cramps stopped him again. He pissed up his arms and chest as it started but reached back with his right hand to feel his slick glutes.

The growth was disproportionate, he was getting the torso of a lean fitness model but the ass of a massive bodybuilder.

How big was it? Tai could have sworn it felt twice as big as his original one.

He walked quickly but didn't dare to run – he knew legs were next.

At number 30 Tai sank to the ground behind a car and watched his cramping quads expand by another 3 inches of width. They looked stupidly huge. He could no longer bring his feet together. The calves grew to match - lean diamond shapes flaring out under his knees.

There was a street level window with black curtains, letting him see his full, nude reflection.

His lower half was ridiculous on his frame, quad muscles quaking with every step as he walked toward his mirror image. Fuck, he was an hourglass pointing at its own center - right at his shiny erection.

Tai turned and... He had an ass that would have made every gay's mouth water. His body wasn't pointing at the dick - it was two yield signs pointing at his ass.

The young man shook his head and covered his crotch again, ready to jog on.

"Uh, the fuck?" someone said behind Tai.

The nude, glistening demon vessel whipped around. A slim, tall, blond guy in a blue polo shirt had gotten out of the car right behind Tai.

The stranger stared with shock, then confusion, then recognition. "Taisuke?"

Tai's eyes widened. "Oh fuck. Hi, Kellan. It's Kellan right?"

The blond guy brushed the fringe from his eyes. "Yeah. Haven't seen you since track running. What was that? Sophomore year?"

"I think so..." Tai said and made sure his hands were pressed together over his crotch. His boner was hidden behind the right arm. He couldn't hide the nudity but he could hide the erection.

He was not interested in catching up with an old buddy. He also didn't want to drool, so he spat to the side.

"I'll just uh," Tai started, nodding at the road ahead, "keep nude jogging. Just, um, got a good sweat going."

"Yeah, I can see you kept up with the workouts, bro," Kellan said, giving Tai a long once over with an amused expression.

"Right, see ya."

Tai simply turned and jogged off the moment his crotch was aimed away from Kellan.

He could barely keep up the tempo through the rising piss pain but he needed to get out of sight first.


Kellan was glad that the bodybuilding pervert jogged off. Normally he liked reconnecting with college buddies but Tai had obviously turned into a self-obsessed douche.

Maybe Kellan was a little jealous of that body – and the attitude. The confidence to jog in the nude probably came naturally to someone so muscled.

Watching the buff jock's backside, Kellan sneered at the over-trained lower body. Tai hadn't seemed like such a meathead back then.

Kellan dropped back into his car and drove home. It sure was the right weather to go running in one's birthday suit. He felt a little hot himself, now that he thought about it.


Finally at number 20, Tai was confused. There was no "number 0" on the doorbell panel.

He looked left and right, to make sure nobody was about to cross his path, raised his right knee and pissed down his monster leg before hiding his boner again.

He had let the piss pain get bad enough that the hard ray of liquid was once again a shiver inducing piss-gasm.

At the building's side was a basement entrance. Maybe this was his destination?

Tai knocked.

"It's open."

The dimly lit place was... a tattoo and piercing studio? It was sparsely furnished without the typical displays and wall designs. But the machinery was unmistakable. Not exactly the place to turn to for occult aid. And not fitting for the neighborhood.

The man rising behind a desk was fit but average, in business casual attire, dirty blond. He didn't have any visible body mods.

"Ah, Thane's demon kid," he said. "Lay?"

"Uh, yeah?" Tai said and felt drool spill from his mouth. "Name's Tai."

The man gave Tai an amused once over and beckoned him in. Something about that smile was creepy.

"I'm Mike. Sit down."

Tai took a seat on the black leather recliner. He felt even more naked when his body touched the seat but the material was nicely cool on his sweaty skin. He kept his crotch covered.

To distract himself from the odd sensation of sitting on a much bigger ass than ever before, Tai looked around.

Beside him was a tray with several silver hoops with tiny engravings. He tried to study them to turn his attention from the rising piss pain.

"So I've been told," Mike said, "you need protection from a demon king takeover. Like, a lot of protection."

Tai tried to swallow in vain and said, "Yeah, pretty much," while drool ran down the bottom of his chin. "Thane said you can fix this."

"I can put a stop to the transformation. Like plugging the holes where demonic energy enters. Or exits. The flow is actually quite complicated but you don't look like you're up for the lecture." Mike waved dismissively.

"Okay," Tai said. "Just do it then."

"Right. Here are the finest guardian sigils you can put on your body."

Tai had feared this option since the moment he had walked in and now it seemed like, yes, he was getting a piercing. Multiple even. He would have been sweating anyway, if the demon wouldn't have taken care of that. Tai almost slid off the leather chair from the moisture but his ass' weight helped keep him in place.

Mike put on gloves and rubbed disinfectant on Tai's nose. The nose? Wait, was he getting...

Tai hadn't even seen the needle. The sudden stabbing pain through his sensitive septum made him piss straight up his eight pack.

The man chuckled as Tai tried to cover his crotch and to keep the piss from spraying past his pecs.

"Hold still," Mike said. "I'm putting the sigil in. ...Aaaand we're done with- Wow, it healed instantly. You're really far in the possession process. This is a powerful fellow. Don't worry, I know you're not dangerous yet."

Tai would become dangerous? He had to keep fighting. Even if it meant getting pierced.

"Anyway," the man continued, "You're protected on this chakra. Let me sense where else the intrusion... Ah, your breath."

Mike pried open the boy's mouth with gloved hands, wiping the drool that flowed forth, and prepared the next stab.

Tai pissed again, forcing his erection down his legs to keep the piss off the man as his lower lip was pierced. He got a thin snake bite hoop in the left corner.

The boy felt the region with his tongue. It was already healed. No residual discomfort.

The man moved on to the right corner.

Tai closed his eyes and tried to hold it together. He was winning a battle here. He'd walk away with a badass style and a rocking body. This was almost over.

"Ow," Tai made as the piercer scraped his lip, but the cut healed instantly. "Okay... wow, thanks, I guess. ...There's more?"

Mike just grinned creepily and flicked Tai's nipple.

The immensely horny muscle boy jolted. He had been erect for over half an hour. Each piss stream felt like sexual stimulation.

"Wait," Tai said. "Do we have to do the nipples, too?"

"We need to protect your heart. It's a common ingress point."


Tai leaned back and tried to clench so he didn't piss. The needle's pain only lasted for a second. As soon as the sigil hoop was in, he felt no discomfort beside the metal itself since he simply wasn't used to it.

The other nipple followed.

Tai looked down on himself. With his pecs grown considerably, his nipples were pointed down a little bit, making the rings less obvious to him.

He reached for them. The lightest tug made him suck in breath at the sexual charge.

Mike shoved Tai's dick aside with one hand and wiped his navel.

"Gut protection," the piercer said and stuck his needle in, followed by the hoop. At least this ring was decently small and not obscene. It could have looked normal on somebody else's skin. Tai wasn't happy about it. A belly button ring wasn't exactly badass. Maybe he now looked muscular enough to pull it off.

Then the man grabbed the hard, throbbing dick.

"W-wait... Ah, fuck."

Tai ended up with a frenulum piercing – a hoop through the skin that connected his shaft to his dickhead. The stimulation almost brought him close to orgasm – he was getting hornier.

But the stab also broke his focus. He pissed up to his pecs in a wide arc at the pain of the needle. His seat was now wetter from piss than sweat. He was drenched in the nearly clear, warm liquid.

At last, Mike took the gloves off.

"We're done."

"Finally," Tai said, letting drool run from his snakebites as he calmed his breath before sitting up.

"You should notice the effects already. Your eleventh toe is calming down."

Mike was right. Tai's boner was turning into a mere semi hard-on. Warm tingles rose and ebbed around the piercings.

Tai relaxed – not so much he'd unclench, but enough to sink into the slippery seat as far as his glutes would let him.

The piercer typed into his computer. "That's 45 per piercing and 80 for each sigil. That times seven, plus a 200 dollar fee for working on Saturday and 200 for having to clean up your... accidents."

Tai tried to swallow out of habit only to cough and spray himself with drool. He looked at the cards in his hand. His heart was right back to racing.

"That's... 1285, so..." the man said, hitting the enter key. "Let's make that a neat thirteen hundred dollar for you, himbo."

Tai took a deep breath. "Okay, seriously, I'm not even sure..."

Mike just waved him forward. Tai's feet were on the ground before he even realized he was getting up. He walked to the piercer's desk, failing to formulate his thoughts.

The now even punkier muscle punk used his card at the terminal. His account contained around 400 dollar. He'd have to use his savings account.

He emptied his regular account first, then accessed his emergency funds.

The shiny, drooling young man mentally subtracted the sum from his savings. He'd end up with a mere 2150 dollar left if his math checked out.

Mike nodded with a grin as the transaction went through. Bastard.

"And these rings will keep me from getting possessed?" Tai asked, already turning to leave. He hated this place.

"Yeah. Well... how do I put this into idiot terms? The generative conduits of your..."


"Okay, super-idiot terms for you, piss-for-brains. I've plugged the tap. But the bath still needs to be drained. Ask Thane."

"I don't have my phone. Can I message from your PC or use your phone for a second?"

The man opened an app on his phone and held it out. "You can text him, but it'll cost you."

"Fine," Tai said and took the phone.

Tai: Hey, it's Tai here. I'm full of sigils. Mike told me I need more work done.

Thane: Have the sweating and pissing stopped?

Tai: Not one bit

Thane: Then you need to get to the following address to stop the intrusion.

Thane sent a location ten stations away. A mall.

Tai asked what to expect there. He didn't want any more surprises.

Thane: My boss will be there by the time you show up. He's got heavier equipment but nothing permanent. You need to keep going under all circumstances.

Tai: Got it

Thane: Good luck

Tai: Thanks

Tai handed the phone back. Mike counted messages. "Let's see, ten messages in the conversation, 100 dollar per message. That'll be 1000 dollar."

"You're kidding!" Tai said and stepped back as he couldn't hold the piss anymore. His semi hard-on went into hose-mode. Tai leaned forward and pressed the pulsing rod to his thick thighs to direct the stream straight down.

Drool ran from his lips and dripped into the puddle that sprayed onto his calves.

"Aaaand 200 more for cleanup. 1200 dollar, or I'm calling Thane's boss and tell him you don't need help."

"Fuck. Fucking shit. Man, you're an asshole."

The piercer only grinned and entered the price into his terminal.

Tai payed the money, leaving him with 950 dollar to his name if he had calculated correctly.

He turned to leave but...

"Hey boy, going out in the nude? Sure about that?"

"Uh," Tai made. He had gotten strangely used to being exposed, but Mike was right. There was no way he'd make it to the mall naked without getting the police on his case.

Tai bounced on the spot, already feeling piss pain rise again. "Do you have any clothes I could take?"

Mike grinned. "Have a guess."

Tai sighed. "How much?"

The man grinned wider. "1000."

"Holy shit. I don't even have that much anymore."

"Fine, I'll go down. 951. Final offer."

Tai had a perverse feeling that this occult helper somehow knew exactly how much money Tai had to offer. Was that possible?

"Hesitating, Lay? Is that a no?"

"It's Tai and... Shit... Fine."

Tai paid, overdrawing his account for a single dollar – which would get him a substantial fee.

Mike vanished into a backroom and emerged with a white tank top, a white jockstrap and light gray jeans.

Tai slipped into the jockstrap and the tank. The sensation of fabric brushing over his nipples almost sent him over the edge of orgasm. Maybe he would have cummed right there if he had still been erect.

The jeans didn't fit. Tai could just about pull them over his knees but there was no way to fit his thighs, let alone his monster ass.

The tank top hung well over his crotch. If he tucked his semi boner into the hem of the jockstrap instead of letting it tent the pouch, he could hide it under the shirt.

He left the pants behind and walked out without a goodbye, immediately spitting a mouthful of drool on the ground.

How embarrassing for our little himbo to run into someone he knew. At least he didn't embarrass himself too much. Surely that won't change.

And could this meeting be of consequence?

Next: Chapter 3

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